// Copyright 2017, 2020 The Godror Authors // // // SPDX-License-Identifier: UPL-1.0 OR Apache-2.0 package godror import ( "database/sql/driver" "fmt" "io" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" errors "golang.org/x/xerrors" ) func TestParseConnString(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wantAt := ConnectionParams{ Username: "cc", Password: "c@c*1", SID: "", MaxLifeTime: DefaultMaxLifeTime, SessionTimeout: DefaultSessionTimeout, WaitTimeout: DefaultWaitTimeout, } wantDefault := ConnectionParams{ Username: "user", Password: "pass", SID: "sid", ConnClass: DefaultConnectionClass, MinSessions: DefaultPoolMinSessions, MaxSessions: DefaultPoolMaxSessions, PoolIncrement: DefaultPoolIncrement, MaxLifeTime: DefaultMaxLifeTime, SessionTimeout: DefaultSessionTimeout, WaitTimeout: DefaultWaitTimeout} wantXO := wantDefault wantXO.SID = "localhost/sid" wantHeterogeneous := wantXO wantHeterogeneous.HeterogeneousPool = true setP := func(s, p string) string { if i := strings.Index(s, ":SECRET-"); i >= 0 { if j := strings.Index(s[i:], "@"); j >= 0 { return s[:i+1] + p + s[i+j:] } } return s } for tName, tCase := range map[string]struct { In string Want ConnectionParams }{ "simple": {In: "user/pass@sid", Want: wantDefault}, "full": {In: "oracle://user:pass@sid/?poolMinSessions=3&poolMaxSessions=9&poolIncrement=3&connectionClass=POOLED&sysoper=1&sysdba=0&poolWaitTimeout=200ms&poolSessionMaxLifetime=4000s&poolSessionTimeout=2000s", Want: ConnectionParams{Username: "user", Password: "pass", SID: "sid", ConnClass: "POOLED", IsSysOper: true, MinSessions: 3, MaxSessions: 9, PoolIncrement: 3, WaitTimeout: 200 * time.Millisecond, MaxLifeTime: 4000 * time.Second, SessionTimeout: 2000 * time.Second}}, "@": { In: setP(wantAt.String(), wantAt.Password), Want: wantAt}, "xo": {In: "oracle://user:pass@localhost/sid", Want: wantXO}, "heterogeneous": {In: "oracle://user:pass@localhost/sid?heterogeneousPool=1", Want: wantHeterogeneous}, "ipv6": { In: "oracle://[::1]:12345/dbname", Want: ConnectionParams{ SID: "[::1]:12345/dbname", ConnClass: "GODROR", MinSessions: 1, MaxSessions: 1000, PoolIncrement: 1, WaitTimeout: 30 * time.Second, MaxLifeTime: 1 * time.Hour, SessionTimeout: 5 * time.Minute, }, }, "onInit": {In: "oracle://user:pass@sid/?poolMinSessions=3&poolMaxSessions=9&poolIncrement=3&connectionClass=POOLED&sysoper=1&sysdba=0&poolWaitTimeout=200ms&poolSessionMaxLifetime=4000s&poolSessionTimeout=2000s&onInit=a&onInit=b", Want: ConnectionParams{Username: "user", Password: "pass", SID: "sid", ConnClass: "POOLED", IsSysOper: true, MinSessions: 3, MaxSessions: 9, PoolIncrement: 3, WaitTimeout: 200 * time.Millisecond, MaxLifeTime: 4000 * time.Second, SessionTimeout: 2000 * time.Second, OnInit: []string{"a", "b"}, }}, } { t.Log(tCase.In) P, err := ParseConnString(tCase.In) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s: %v", tName, err) continue } if !reflect.DeepEqual(P, tCase.Want) { t.Errorf("%s: parse of %q got %#v, wanted %#v\n%s", tName, tCase.In, P, tCase.Want, cmp.Diff(tCase.Want, P)) continue } s := setP(P.String(), P.Password) Q, err := ParseConnString(s) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s: parseConnString %v", tName, err) continue } if !reflect.DeepEqual(P, Q) { t.Errorf("%s: params got %+v, wanted %+v\n%s", tName, P, Q, cmp.Diff(P, Q)) continue } if got := setP(Q.String(), Q.Password); s != got { t.Errorf("%s: paramString got %q, wanted %q", tName, got, s) } } } func TestMaybeBadConn(t *testing.T) { want := driver.ErrBadConn if got := maybeBadConn(errors.Errorf("bad: %w", want), nil); got != want { t.Errorf("got %v, wanted %v", got, want) } } func TestCalculateTZ(t *testing.T) { for _, tC := range []struct { dbTZ, timezone string off int err error }{ {dbTZ: "Europe/Budapest", timezone: "+01:00", off: 3600}, {dbTZ: "+01:00", off: +3600}, {off: 1800, err: io.EOF}, {timezone: "+00:30", off: 1800}, } { prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%q/%q", tC.dbTZ, tC.timezone) _, off, err := calculateTZ(tC.dbTZ, tC.timezone) t.Log(prefix, off, err) if (err == nil) != (tC.err == nil) { t.Errorf("ERR %s: wanted %v, got %v", prefix, tC.err, err) } else if err == nil && off != tC.off { t.Errorf("ERR %s: got %d, wanted %d.", prefix, off, tC.off) } } } func TestParseTZ(t *testing.T) { for k, v := range map[string]int{ "00:00": 0, "+00:00": 0, "-00:00": 0, "01:00": 3600, "+01:00": 3600, "-01:01": -3660, "+02:03": 7380, } { i, err := parseTZ(k) if err != nil { t.Fatal(errors.Errorf("%s: %w", k, err)) } if i != v { t.Errorf("%s. got %d, wanted %d.", k, i, v) } } }