//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // This program is free software: you can modify it and/or redistribute it // under the terms of: // // (i) the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 or at your option, any // later version (http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl); and/or // // (ii) the Apache License v 2.0. (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn.c // Implementation of connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "dpiImpl.h" #include // forward declarations of internal functions only used in this file static int dpiConn__attachExternal(dpiConn *conn, void *externalHandle, dpiError *error); static int dpiConn__createStandalone(dpiConn *conn, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *password, uint32_t passwordLength, const char *connectString, uint32_t connectStringLength, const dpiCommonCreateParams *commonParams, const dpiConnCreateParams *createParams, dpiError *error); static int dpiConn__get(dpiConn *conn, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *password, uint32_t passwordLength, const char *connectString, uint32_t connectStringLength, dpiConnCreateParams *createParams, dpiPool *pool, dpiError *error); static int dpiConn__getHandles(dpiConn *conn, dpiError *error); static int dpiConn__getServerCharset(dpiConn *conn, dpiError *error); static int dpiConn__getSession(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t mode, const char *connectString, uint32_t connectStringLength, dpiConnCreateParams *params, void *authInfo, dpiError *error); static int dpiConn__setAttributesFromCreateParams(dpiConn *conn, void *handle, uint32_t handleType, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *password, uint32_t passwordLength, const dpiConnCreateParams *params, dpiError *error); static int dpiConn__setShardingKey(dpiConn *conn, void **shardingKey, void *handle, uint32_t handleType, uint32_t attribute, const char *action, dpiShardingKeyColumn *columns, uint8_t numColumns, dpiError *error); static int dpiConn__setShardingKeyValue(dpiConn *conn, void *shardingKey, dpiShardingKeyColumn *column, dpiError *error); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__attachExternal() [INTERNAL] // Attach to the server and session of an existing service context handle. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__attachExternal(dpiConn *conn, void *externalHandle, dpiError *error) { // mark connection as using an external handle so that no attempts are // made to close it conn->externalHandle = 1; // acquire handles from existing service context handle conn->handle = externalHandle; if (dpiConn__getHandles(conn, error) < 0) { conn->handle = NULL; return DPI_FAILURE; } return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__check() [INTERNAL] // Validate the connection handle and that it is still connected to the // database. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__check(dpiConn *conn, const char *fnName, dpiError *error) { if (dpiGen__startPublicFn(conn, DPI_HTYPE_CONN, fnName, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; return dpiConn__checkConnected(conn, error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__checkConnected() [INTERNAL] // Check to see if the connection is still open and raise an exception if it // is not. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn__checkConnected(dpiConn *conn, dpiError *error) { if (!conn->handle || conn->closing || (conn->pool && !conn->pool->handle)) return dpiError__set(error, "check connected", DPI_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED); return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__close() [INTERNAL] // Internal method used for closing the connection. Any transaction is rolled // back and any handles allocated are freed. For connections acquired from a // pool and that aren't marked as needed to be dropped, the last time used is // updated. This is called from dpiConn_close() where errors are expected to be // propagated and from dpiConn__free() where errors are ignored. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__close(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t mode, const char *tag, uint32_t tagLength, int propagateErrors, dpiError *error) { int status, txnInProgress; uint32_t serverStatus, i; time_t *lastTimeUsed; dpiObject *obj; dpiStmt *stmt; dpiLob *lob; // rollback any outstanding transaction, if one is in progress; drop the // session if any errors take place txnInProgress = 0; if (!conn->deadSession && !conn->externalHandle && conn->sessionHandle) { txnInProgress = 1; if (conn->env->versionInfo->versionNum >= 12) dpiOci__attrGet(conn->sessionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, &txnInProgress, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS, NULL, error); } if (txnInProgress && dpiOci__transRollback(conn, propagateErrors, error) < 0) conn->deadSession = 1; // close all objects; note that no references are retained by the // handle list (otherwise all objects would be left until an explicit // close of the connection was made) so a reference needs to be acquired // first, as otherwise the object may be freed while the close is being // performed! if (conn->objects && !conn->externalHandle) { for (i = 0; i < conn->objects->numSlots; i++) { obj = (dpiObject*) conn->objects->handles[i]; if (!obj) continue; if (conn->env->threaded) { dpiMutex__acquire(conn->env->mutex); status = dpiGen__checkHandle(obj, DPI_HTYPE_OBJECT, NULL, NULL); if (status == DPI_SUCCESS) obj->refCount += 1; dpiMutex__release(conn->env->mutex); if (status < 0) continue; } status = dpiObject__close(obj, propagateErrors, error); if (conn->env->threaded) dpiGen__setRefCount(obj, error, -1); if (status < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; } } // close all open statements; note that no references are retained by the // handle list (otherwise all statements would be left open until an // explicit close was made of either the statement or the connection) so // a reference needs to be acquired first, as otherwise the statement may // be freed while the close is being performed! if (conn->openStmts && !conn->externalHandle) { for (i = 0; i < conn->openStmts->numSlots; i++) { stmt = (dpiStmt*) conn->openStmts->handles[i]; if (!stmt) continue; if (conn->env->threaded) { dpiMutex__acquire(conn->env->mutex); status = dpiGen__checkHandle(stmt, DPI_HTYPE_STMT, NULL, NULL); if (status == DPI_SUCCESS) stmt->refCount += 1; dpiMutex__release(conn->env->mutex); if (status < 0) continue; } status = dpiStmt__close(stmt, NULL, 0, propagateErrors, error); if (conn->env->threaded) dpiGen__setRefCount(stmt, error, -1); if (status < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; } } // close all open LOBs; the same comments apply as for statements if (conn->openLobs && !conn->externalHandle) { for (i = 0; i < conn->openLobs->numSlots; i++) { lob = (dpiLob*) conn->openLobs->handles[i]; if (!lob) continue; if (conn->env->threaded) { dpiMutex__acquire(conn->env->mutex); status = dpiGen__checkHandle(lob, DPI_HTYPE_LOB, NULL, NULL); if (status == DPI_SUCCESS) lob->refCount += 1; dpiMutex__release(conn->env->mutex); if (status < 0) continue; } status = dpiLob__close(lob, propagateErrors, error); if (conn->env->threaded) dpiGen__setRefCount(lob, error, -1); if (status < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; } } // handle connections created with an external handle if (conn->externalHandle) { conn->sessionHandle = NULL; // handle standalone connections } else if (conn->standalone) { // end session and free session handle if (dpiOci__sessionEnd(conn, propagateErrors, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; dpiOci__handleFree(conn->sessionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SESSION); conn->sessionHandle = NULL; // detach from server and free server handle if (dpiOci__serverDetach(conn, propagateErrors, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; dpiOci__handleFree(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER); // free service context handle dpiOci__handleFree(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX); // handle pooled connections } else { // if session is to be dropped, mark it as a dead session if (mode & DPI_OCI_SESSRLS_DROPSESS) conn->deadSession = 1; // update last time used (if the session isn't going to be dropped) // clear last time used (if the session is going to be dropped) // do nothing, however, if not using a pool or the pool is being closed if (conn->sessionHandle && conn->pool && conn->pool->handle) { // get the pointer from the context associated with the session lastTimeUsed = NULL; if (dpiOci__contextGetValue(conn, DPI_CONTEXT_LAST_TIME_USED, (uint32_t) (sizeof(DPI_CONTEXT_LAST_TIME_USED) - 1), (void**) &lastTimeUsed, propagateErrors, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // if pointer available and session is going to be dropped, clear // memory in order to avoid memory leak in OCI if (lastTimeUsed && conn->deadSession) { dpiOci__contextSetValue(conn, DPI_CONTEXT_LAST_TIME_USED, (uint32_t) (sizeof(DPI_CONTEXT_LAST_TIME_USED) - 1), NULL, 0, error); dpiOci__memoryFree(conn, lastTimeUsed, error); lastTimeUsed = NULL; // otherwise, if the pointer is not available, allocate a new // pointer and set it } else if (!lastTimeUsed && !conn->deadSession) { if (dpiOci__memoryAlloc(conn, (void**) &lastTimeUsed, sizeof(time_t), propagateErrors, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (dpiOci__contextSetValue(conn, DPI_CONTEXT_LAST_TIME_USED, (uint32_t) (sizeof(DPI_CONTEXT_LAST_TIME_USED) - 1), lastTimeUsed, propagateErrors, error) < 0) { dpiOci__memoryFree(conn, lastTimeUsed, error); lastTimeUsed = NULL; } } // set last time used (used when acquiring a session to determine // if ping is required) if (lastTimeUsed) *lastTimeUsed = time(NULL); } // check server status; if not connected, ensure session is dropped if (conn->serverHandle) { if (dpiOci__attrGet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &serverStatus, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS, "get server status", error) < 0 || serverStatus != DPI_OCI_SERVER_NORMAL) conn->deadSession = 1; } // release session if (conn->deadSession) mode |= DPI_OCI_SESSRLS_DROPSESS; else if (dpiUtils__checkClientVersion(conn->env->versionInfo, 12, 2, NULL) == DPI_SUCCESS && (mode & DPI_MODE_CONN_CLOSE_RETAG) && tag && tagLength > 0) mode |= DPI_OCI_SESSRLS_MULTIPROPERTY_TAG; if (dpiOci__sessionRelease(conn, tag, tagLength, mode, propagateErrors, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; conn->sessionHandle = NULL; } conn->handle = NULL; conn->serverHandle = NULL; // destroy sharding and super sharding key descriptors, if applicable if (conn->shardingKey) { dpiOci__descriptorFree(conn->shardingKey, DPI_OCI_DTYPE_SHARDING_KEY); conn->shardingKey = NULL; } if (conn->superShardingKey) { dpiOci__descriptorFree(conn->superShardingKey, DPI_OCI_DTYPE_SHARDING_KEY); conn->superShardingKey = NULL; } return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__create() [PRIVATE] // Perform internal initialization of the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn__create(dpiConn *conn, const dpiContext *context, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *password, uint32_t passwordLength, const char *connectString, uint32_t connectStringLength, dpiPool *pool, const dpiCommonCreateParams *commonParams, dpiConnCreateParams *createParams, dpiError *error) { void *envHandle = NULL; // allocate handle lists for statements, LOBs and objects if (dpiHandleList__create(&conn->openStmts, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (dpiHandleList__create(&conn->openLobs, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (dpiHandleList__create(&conn->objects, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // if an external service context handle is provided, acquire the // environment handle from it; need a temporary environment handle in order // to do so if (createParams->externalHandle) { error->env = conn->env; if (dpiOci__envNlsCreate(&conn->env->handle, DPI_OCI_DEFAULT, 0, 0, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (dpiOci__handleAlloc(conn->env->handle, &error->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, "allocate temp OCI error", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (dpiOci__attrGet(createParams->externalHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, &envHandle, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_ENV, "get env handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; dpiOci__handleFree(conn->env->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_ENV); error->handle = NULL; conn->env->handle = NULL; } // initialize environment (for non-pooled connections) if (!pool && dpiEnv__init(conn->env, context, commonParams, envHandle, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // if a handle is specified, use it if (createParams->externalHandle) return dpiConn__attachExternal(conn, createParams->externalHandle, error); // connection class, sharding and the use of session pools require the use // of the OCISessionGet() method; all other cases use the OCISessionBegin() // method which is more capable if (pool || (createParams->connectionClass && createParams->connectionClassLength > 0) || createParams->shardingKeyColumns || createParams->superShardingKeyColumns) return dpiConn__get(conn, userName, userNameLength, password, passwordLength, connectString, connectStringLength, createParams, pool, error); return dpiConn__createStandalone(conn, userName, userNameLength, password, passwordLength, connectString, connectStringLength, commonParams, createParams, error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__createStandalone() [PRIVATE] // Create a standalone connection to the database using the parameters // specified. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__createStandalone(dpiConn *conn, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *password, uint32_t passwordLength, const char *connectString, uint32_t connectStringLength, const dpiCommonCreateParams *commonParams, const dpiConnCreateParams *createParams, dpiError *error) { uint32_t credentialType, authMode; // mark the connection as a standalone connection conn->standalone = 1; // allocate the server handle if (dpiOci__handleAlloc(conn->env->handle, &conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, "allocate server handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // attach to the server if (dpiOci__serverAttach(conn, connectString, connectStringLength, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // allocate the service context handle if (dpiOci__handleAlloc(conn->env->handle, &conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, "allocate service context handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // set attribute for server handle if (dpiOci__attrSet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, conn->serverHandle, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_SERVER, "set server handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // allocate the session handle if (dpiOci__handleAlloc(conn->env->handle, &conn->sessionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, "allocate session handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // driver name and edition are only relevant for standalone connections if (dpiUtils__setAttributesFromCommonCreateParams(conn->sessionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, commonParams, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // populate attributes on the session handle if (dpiConn__setAttributesFromCreateParams(conn, conn->sessionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, userName, userNameLength, password, passwordLength, createParams, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // set the session handle on the service context handle if (dpiOci__attrSet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, conn->sessionHandle, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_SESSION, "set session handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // if a new password is specified, change it (this also creates the session // so a call to OCISessionBegin() is not needed) if (createParams->newPassword && createParams->newPasswordLength > 0) { authMode = DPI_OCI_AUTH; if (createParams->authMode & DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSDBA) authMode |= DPI_OCI_CPW_SYSDBA; if (createParams->authMode & DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSOPER) authMode |= DPI_OCI_CPW_SYSOPER; if (createParams->authMode & DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSASM) authMode |= DPI_OCI_CPW_SYSASM; if (createParams->authMode & DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSBKP) authMode |= DPI_OCI_CPW_SYSBKP; if (createParams->authMode & DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSDGD) authMode |= DPI_OCI_CPW_SYSDGD; if (createParams->authMode & DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSKMT) authMode |= DPI_OCI_CPW_SYSKMT; return dpiOci__passwordChange(conn, userName, userNameLength, password, passwordLength, createParams->newPassword, createParams->newPasswordLength, authMode, error); } // begin the session credentialType = (createParams->externalAuth) ? DPI_OCI_CRED_EXT : DPI_OCI_CRED_RDBMS; authMode = createParams->authMode | DPI_OCI_STMT_CACHE; if (dpiOci__sessionBegin(conn, credentialType, authMode, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; return dpiConn__getServerCharset(conn, error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__free() [INTERNAL] // Free the memory and any resources associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void dpiConn__free(dpiConn *conn, dpiError *error) { if (conn->handle) dpiConn__close(conn, DPI_MODE_CONN_CLOSE_DEFAULT, NULL, 0, 0, error); if (conn->pool) { dpiGen__setRefCount(conn->pool, error, -1); conn->pool = NULL; conn->env = NULL; } if (conn->env) { dpiEnv__free(conn->env, error); conn->env = NULL; } if (conn->releaseString) { dpiUtils__freeMemory((void*) conn->releaseString); conn->releaseString = NULL; } if (conn->openStmts) { dpiHandleList__free(conn->openStmts); conn->openStmts = NULL; } if (conn->openLobs) { dpiHandleList__free(conn->openLobs); conn->openLobs = NULL; } if (conn->objects) { dpiHandleList__free(conn->objects); conn->objects = NULL; } dpiUtils__freeMemory(conn); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__get() [INTERNAL] // Create a connection to the database using the parameters specified. This // method uses the simplified OCI session creation protocol which is required // when using pools and session tagging. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__get(dpiConn *conn, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *password, uint32_t passwordLength, const char *connectString, uint32_t connectStringLength, dpiConnCreateParams *createParams, dpiPool *pool, dpiError *error) { int externalAuth, status; void *authInfo; uint32_t mode; // clear pointers if length is 0 if (userNameLength == 0) userName = NULL; if (passwordLength == 0) password = NULL; // set things up for the call to acquire a session if (pool) { dpiGen__setRefCount(pool, error, 1); conn->pool = pool; mode = DPI_OCI_SESSGET_SPOOL; externalAuth = pool->externalAuth; if (userName && pool->homogeneous) return dpiError__set(error, "check proxy", DPI_ERR_INVALID_PROXY); // if the userName is provided but no password is provided and external // authentication is not being used, proxy authentication is taking // place if (userName && !password && !externalAuth) mode |= DPI_OCI_SESSGET_CREDPROXY; if (createParams->matchAnyTag) mode |= DPI_OCI_SESSGET_SPOOL_MATCHANY; if (dpiUtils__checkClientVersion(conn->env->versionInfo, 12, 2, NULL) == DPI_SUCCESS && createParams->tag && createParams->tagLength > 0) mode |= DPI_OCI_SESSGET_MULTIPROPERTY_TAG; } else { mode = DPI_OCI_SESSGET_STMTCACHE; externalAuth = createParams->externalAuth; } if (createParams->authMode & DPI_MODE_AUTH_SYSDBA) mode |= DPI_OCI_SESSGET_SYSDBA; if (externalAuth) mode |= DPI_OCI_SESSGET_CREDEXT; // create authorization handle if (dpiOci__handleAlloc(conn->env->handle, &authInfo, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_AUTHINFO, "allocate authinfo handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // set attributes for create parameters if (dpiConn__setAttributesFromCreateParams(conn, authInfo, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_AUTHINFO, userName, userNameLength, password, passwordLength, createParams, error) < 0) { dpiOci__handleFree(authInfo, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_AUTHINFO); return DPI_FAILURE; } // get a session from the pool status = dpiConn__getSession(conn, mode, connectString, connectStringLength, createParams, authInfo, error); dpiOci__handleFree(authInfo, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_AUTHINFO); if (status < 0) return status; return dpiConn__getServerCharset(conn, error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__getAttributeText() [INTERNAL] // Get the value of the OCI attribute from a text string. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__getAttributeText(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t attribute, const char **value, uint32_t *valueLength, const char *fnName) { dpiError error; int status; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, fnName, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, value) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, valueLength) // determine pointer to pass (OCI uses different sizes) switch (attribute) { case DPI_OCI_ATTR_CURRENT_SCHEMA: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_LTXID: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_EDITION: status = dpiOci__attrGet(conn->sessionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, (void*) value, valueLength, attribute, "get session value", &error); break; case DPI_OCI_ATTR_INTERNAL_NAME: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME: status = dpiOci__attrGet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, (void*) value, valueLength, attribute, "get server value", &error); break; default: status = dpiError__set(&error, "get attribute text", DPI_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); break; } return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__getHandles() [INTERNAL] // Get the server and session handle from the service context handle. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__getHandles(dpiConn *conn, dpiError *error) { if (dpiOci__attrGet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (void*) &conn->sessionHandle, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_SESSION, "get session handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (dpiOci__attrGet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (void*) &conn->serverHandle, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_SERVER, "get server handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__getRawTDO() [INTERNAL] // Internal method used for ensuring that the RAW TDO has been cached on the //connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn__getRawTDO(dpiConn *conn, dpiError *error) { if (conn->rawTDO) return DPI_SUCCESS; return dpiOci__typeByName(conn, "SYS", 3, "RAW", 3, &conn->rawTDO, error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__getServerCharset() [INTERNAL] // Internal method used for retrieving the server character set. This is used // to determine if any conversion is required when transferring strings between // the client and the server. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__getServerCharset(dpiConn *conn, dpiError *error) { return dpiOci__attrGet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &conn->charsetId, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID, "get server charset id", error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__getServerVersion() [INTERNAL] // Internal method used for ensuring that the server version has been cached // on the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn__getServerVersion(dpiConn *conn, dpiError *error) { uint32_t serverRelease; char buffer[512]; // nothing to do if the server version has been determined earlier if (conn->releaseString) return DPI_SUCCESS; // get server version if (dpiOci__serverRelease(conn, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &serverRelease, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; conn->releaseStringLength = (uint32_t) strlen(buffer); if (dpiUtils__allocateMemory(1, conn->releaseStringLength, 0, "allocate release string", (void**) &conn->releaseString, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; strncpy( (char*) conn->releaseString, buffer, conn->releaseStringLength); conn->versionInfo.versionNum = (int)((serverRelease >> 24) & 0xFF); if (conn->versionInfo.versionNum >= 18) { conn->versionInfo.releaseNum = (int)((serverRelease >> 16) & 0xFF); conn->versionInfo.updateNum = (int)((serverRelease >> 12) & 0x0F); conn->versionInfo.portReleaseNum = (int)((serverRelease >> 4) & 0xFF); conn->versionInfo.portUpdateNum = (int)((serverRelease) & 0xF); } else { conn->versionInfo.releaseNum = (int)((serverRelease >> 20) & 0x0F); conn->versionInfo.updateNum = (int)((serverRelease >> 12) & 0xFF); conn->versionInfo.portReleaseNum = (int)((serverRelease >> 8) & 0x0F); conn->versionInfo.portUpdateNum = (int)((serverRelease) & 0xFF); } conn->versionInfo.fullVersionNum = (uint32_t) DPI_ORACLE_VERSION_TO_NUMBER(conn->versionInfo.versionNum, conn->versionInfo.releaseNum, conn->versionInfo.updateNum, conn->versionInfo.portReleaseNum, conn->versionInfo.portUpdateNum); return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__getSession() [INTERNAL] // Ping and loop until we get a good session. When a database instance goes // down, it can leave several bad connections that need to be flushed out // before a good connection can be acquired. If the connection is brand new // (ping time context value has not been set) there is no need to do a ping. // This also ensures that the loop cannot run forever! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__getSession(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t mode, const char *connectString, uint32_t connectStringLength, dpiConnCreateParams *params, void *authInfo, dpiError *error) { uint8_t savedBreakOnTimeout, breakOnTimeout; uint32_t savedTimeout; time_t *lastTimeUsed; while (1) { // acquire the new session params->outNewSession = 0; if (dpiOci__sessionGet(conn->env->handle, &conn->handle, authInfo, connectString, connectStringLength, params->tag, params->tagLength, ¶ms->outTag, ¶ms->outTagLength, ¶ms->outTagFound, mode, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // get session and server handles if (dpiConn__getHandles(conn, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // get last time used from session context lastTimeUsed = NULL; if (dpiOci__contextGetValue(conn, DPI_CONTEXT_LAST_TIME_USED, (uint32_t) (sizeof(DPI_CONTEXT_LAST_TIME_USED) - 1), (void**) &lastTimeUsed, 1, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // if value is not found, a new connection has been created and there // is no need to perform a ping; nor if we are creating a standalone // connection if (!lastTimeUsed || !conn->pool) { params->outNewSession = 1; break; } // if ping interval is negative or the ping interval (in seconds) // has not been exceeded yet, there is also no need to perform a ping if (conn->pool->pingInterval < 0 || *lastTimeUsed + conn->pool->pingInterval > time(NULL)) break; // ping needs to be done at this point; set parameters to ensure that // the ping does not take too long to complete; keep original values dpiOci__attrGet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &savedTimeout, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, NULL, error); dpiOci__attrSet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &conn->pool->pingTimeout, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, NULL, error); if (conn->env->versionInfo->versionNum >= 12) { dpiOci__attrGet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &savedBreakOnTimeout, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_BREAK_ON_NET_TIMEOUT, NULL, error); breakOnTimeout = 0; dpiOci__attrSet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &breakOnTimeout, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_BREAK_ON_NET_TIMEOUT, NULL, error); } // if ping is successful, the connection is valid and can be returned // restore original network parameters if (dpiOci__ping(conn, error) == 0) { dpiOci__attrSet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &savedTimeout, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, NULL, error); if (conn->env->versionInfo->versionNum >= 12) dpiOci__attrSet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, &savedBreakOnTimeout, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_BREAK_ON_NET_TIMEOUT, NULL, error); break; } // session is bad, need to release and drop it dpiOci__sessionRelease(conn, NULL, 0, DPI_OCI_SESSRLS_DROPSESS, 0, error); conn->handle = NULL; conn->serverHandle = NULL; conn->sessionHandle = NULL; conn->deadSession = 0; } return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__setAppContext() [INTERNAL] // Populate the session handle with the application context. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__setAppContext(void *handle, uint32_t handleType, const dpiConnCreateParams *params, dpiError *error) { void *listHandle, *entryHandle; dpiAppContext *entry; uint32_t i; // set the number of application context entries if (dpiOci__attrSet(handle, handleType, (void*) ¶ms->numAppContext, sizeof(params->numAppContext), DPI_OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_SIZE, "set app context size", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // get the application context list handle if (dpiOci__attrGet(handle, handleType, &listHandle, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_LIST, "get context list handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // set each application context entry for (i = 0; i < params->numAppContext; i++) { entry = ¶ms->appContext[i]; // retrieve the context element descriptor if (dpiOci__paramGet(listHandle, DPI_OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, &entryHandle, i + 1, "get context entry handle", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // set the namespace name if (dpiOci__attrSet(entryHandle, DPI_OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, (void*) entry->namespaceName, entry->namespaceNameLength, DPI_OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_NAME, "set namespace name", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // set the name if (dpiOci__attrSet(entryHandle, DPI_OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, (void*) entry->name, entry->nameLength, DPI_OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_ATTR, "set name", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // set the value if (dpiOci__attrSet(entryHandle, DPI_OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, (void*) entry->value, entry->valueLength, DPI_OCI_ATTR_APPCTX_VALUE, "set value", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; } return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__setAttributesFromCreateParams() [INTERNAL] // Populate the authorization info structure or session handle using the // create parameters specified. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__setAttributesFromCreateParams(dpiConn *conn, void *handle, uint32_t handleType, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *password, uint32_t passwordLength, const dpiConnCreateParams *params, dpiError *error) { uint32_t purity; // set credentials if (userName && userNameLength > 0 && dpiOci__attrSet(handle, handleType, (void*) userName, userNameLength, DPI_OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, "set user name", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (password && passwordLength > 0 && dpiOci__attrSet(handle, handleType, (void*) password, passwordLength, DPI_OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, "set password", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // set connection class and purity parameters if (params->connectionClass && params->connectionClassLength > 0 && dpiOci__attrSet(handle, handleType, (void*) params->connectionClass, params->connectionClassLength, DPI_OCI_ATTR_CONNECTION_CLASS, "set connection class", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (params->purity != DPI_OCI_ATTR_PURITY_DEFAULT) { purity = params->purity; if (dpiOci__attrSet(handle, handleType, &purity, sizeof(purity), DPI_OCI_ATTR_PURITY, "set purity", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; } // set sharding key and super sharding key parameters if (params->shardingKeyColumns && params->numShardingKeyColumns > 0) { if (dpiConn__setShardingKey(conn, &conn->shardingKey, handle, handleType, DPI_OCI_ATTR_SHARDING_KEY, "set sharding key", params->shardingKeyColumns, params->numShardingKeyColumns, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; } if (params->superShardingKeyColumns && params->numSuperShardingKeyColumns > 0) { if (params->numShardingKeyColumns == 0) return dpiError__set(error, "ensure sharding key", DPI_ERR_MISSING_SHARDING_KEY); if (dpiConn__setShardingKey(conn, &conn->superShardingKey, handle, handleType, DPI_OCI_ATTR_SUPER_SHARDING_KEY, "set super sharding key", params->superShardingKeyColumns, params->numSuperShardingKeyColumns, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; } // set application context, if applicable if (handleType == DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SESSION && params->numAppContext > 0) return dpiConn__setAppContext(handle, handleType, params, error); return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__setAttributeText() [INTERNAL] // Set the value of the OCI attribute from a text string. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__setAttributeText(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t attribute, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength, const char *fnName) { dpiError error; int status; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, fnName, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, value) // determine pointer to pass (OCI uses different sizes) switch (attribute) { case DPI_OCI_ATTR_ACTION: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_INFO: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_CURRENT_SCHEMA: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_EDITION: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_MODULE: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_DBOP: status = dpiOci__attrSet(conn->sessionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, (void*) value, valueLength, attribute, "set session value", &error); break; case DPI_OCI_ATTR_INTERNAL_NAME: case DPI_OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME: status = dpiOci__attrSet(conn->serverHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, (void*) value, valueLength, attribute, "set server value", &error); break; default: status = dpiError__set(&error, "set attribute text", DPI_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); break; } return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__setShardingKey() [INTERNAL] // Using the specified columns, create a sharding key and set it on the given // handle. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__setShardingKey(dpiConn *conn, void **shardingKey, void *handle, uint32_t handleType, uint32_t attribute, const char *action, dpiShardingKeyColumn *columns, uint8_t numColumns, dpiError *error) { uint8_t i; // this is only supported on 12.2 and higher clients if (dpiUtils__checkClientVersion(conn->env->versionInfo, 12, 2, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // create sharding key descriptor, if necessary if (dpiOci__descriptorAlloc(conn->env->handle, shardingKey, DPI_OCI_DTYPE_SHARDING_KEY, "allocate sharding key", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; // add each column to the sharding key for (i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) { if (dpiConn__setShardingKeyValue(conn, *shardingKey, &columns[i], error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; } // add the sharding key to the handle if (dpiOci__attrSet(handle, handleType, *shardingKey, 0, attribute, action, error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; return DPI_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn__setShardingKeyValue() [INTERNAL] // Using the specified columns, create a sharding key and set it on the given // handle. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int dpiConn__setShardingKeyValue(dpiConn *conn, void *shardingKey, dpiShardingKeyColumn *column, dpiError *error) { dpiShardingOciDate shardingDateValue; uint32_t colLen = 0, descType = 0; const dpiOracleType *oracleType; dpiOciNumber numberValue; int convertOk, status; dpiOciDate dateValue; void *col = NULL; uint16_t colType; oracleType = dpiOracleType__getFromNum(column->oracleTypeNum, error); if (!oracleType) return DPI_FAILURE; convertOk = 0; colType = oracleType->oracleType; switch (column->oracleTypeNum) { case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_VARCHAR: case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_CHAR: case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_RAW: if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_BYTES) { col = column->value.asBytes.ptr; colLen = column->value.asBytes.length; convertOk = 1; } break; case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_NUMBER: col = &numberValue; colLen = sizeof(numberValue); if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { if (dpiDataBuffer__toOracleNumberFromDouble(&column->value, error, &numberValue) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; convertOk = 1; } else if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_INT64) { if (dpiDataBuffer__toOracleNumberFromInteger(&column->value, error, &numberValue) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; convertOk = 1; } else if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_UINT64) { if (dpiDataBuffer__toOracleNumberFromUnsignedInteger( &column->value, error, &numberValue) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; convertOk = 1; } else if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_BYTES) { if (dpiDataBuffer__toOracleNumberFromText(&column->value, conn->env, error, &numberValue) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; convertOk = 1; } break; case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_DATE: if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) { if (dpiDataBuffer__toOracleDate(&column->value, &dateValue) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; convertOk = 1; } else if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { if (dpiDataBuffer__toOracleDateFromDouble(&column->value, conn->env, error, &dateValue) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; convertOk = 1; } // for sharding only, the type must be SQLT_DAT, which uses a // different format for storing the date values if (convertOk) { col = &shardingDateValue; colLen = sizeof(shardingDateValue); colType = DPI_SQLT_DAT; shardingDateValue.century = ((uint8_t) (dateValue.year / 100)) + 100; shardingDateValue.year = (dateValue.year % 100) + 100; shardingDateValue.month = dateValue.month; shardingDateValue.day = dateValue.day; shardingDateValue.hour = dateValue.hour + 1; shardingDateValue.minute = dateValue.minute + 1; shardingDateValue.second = dateValue.second + 1; } break; case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ: case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ: colLen = sizeof(void*); colType = DPI_SQLT_TIMESTAMP; if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) { descType = DPI_OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP; if (dpiOci__descriptorAlloc(conn->env->handle, &col, descType, "alloc timestamp", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (dpiDataBuffer__toOracleTimestamp(&column->value, conn->env, error, col, 0) < 0) { dpiOci__descriptorFree(col, descType); return DPI_FAILURE; } convertOk = 1; } else if (column->nativeTypeNum == DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { descType = DPI_OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ; if (dpiOci__descriptorAlloc(conn->env->handle, &col, descType, "alloc LTZ timestamp", error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; if (dpiDataBuffer__toOracleTimestampFromDouble(&column->value, conn->env, error, col) < 0) { dpiOci__descriptorFree(col, descType); return DPI_FAILURE; } convertOk = 1; } break; default: break; } if (!convertOk) return dpiError__set(error, "check type", DPI_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); status = dpiOci__shardingKeyColumnAdd(shardingKey, col, colLen, colType, error); if (descType) dpiOci__descriptorFree(col, descType); return status; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_addRef() [PUBLIC] // Add a reference to the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_addRef(dpiConn *conn) { return dpiGen__addRef(conn, DPI_HTYPE_CONN, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_beginDistribTrans() [PUBLIC] // Begin a distributed transaction. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_beginDistribTrans(dpiConn *conn, long formatId, const char *transactionId, uint32_t transactionIdLength, const char *branchId, uint32_t branchIdLength) { void *transactionHandle; dpiError error; dpiOciXID xid; int status; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, transactionId) DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, branchId) if (transactionIdLength > DPI_XA_MAXGTRIDSIZE) { dpiError__set(&error, "check size of transaction id", DPI_ERR_TRANS_ID_TOO_LARGE, transactionIdLength, DPI_XA_MAXGTRIDSIZE); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } if (branchIdLength > DPI_XA_MAXBQUALSIZE) { dpiError__set(&error, "check size of branch id", DPI_ERR_BRANCH_ID_TOO_LARGE, branchIdLength, DPI_XA_MAXBQUALSIZE); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // determine if a transaction handle was previously allocated if (dpiOci__attrGet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (void*) &transactionHandle, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_TRANS, "get transaction handle", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); // if one was not found, create one and associate it with the connection if (!transactionHandle) { // create new handle if (dpiOci__handleAlloc(conn->env->handle, &transactionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_TRANS, "create transaction handle", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); // associate the transaction with the connection if (dpiOci__attrSet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, transactionHandle, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_TRANS, "associate transaction", &error) < 0) { dpiOci__handleFree(transactionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_TRANS); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } } // set the XID for the transaction, if applicable if (formatId != -1) { xid.formatID = formatId; xid.gtrid_length = transactionIdLength; xid.bqual_length = branchIdLength; if (transactionIdLength > 0) strncpy(xid.data, transactionId, transactionIdLength); if (branchIdLength > 0) strncpy(&xid.data[transactionIdLength], branchId, branchIdLength); if (dpiOci__attrSet(transactionHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_TRANS, &xid, sizeof(dpiOciXID), DPI_OCI_ATTR_XID, "set XID", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // start the transaction status = dpiOci__transStart(conn, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_breakExecution() [PUBLIC] // Break (interrupt) the currently executing operation. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_breakExecution(dpiConn *conn) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); status = dpiOci__break(conn, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_changePassword() [PUBLIC] // Change the password for the specified user. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_changePassword(dpiConn *conn, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *oldPassword, uint32_t oldPasswordLength, const char *newPassword, uint32_t newPasswordLength) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, userName) DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, oldPassword) DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, newPassword) status = dpiOci__passwordChange(conn, userName, userNameLength, oldPassword, oldPasswordLength, newPassword, newPasswordLength, DPI_OCI_DEFAULT, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_close() [PUBLIC] // Close the connection and ensure it can no longer be used. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_close(dpiConn *conn, dpiConnCloseMode mode, const char *tag, uint32_t tagLength) { int propagateErrors = !(mode & DPI_MODE_CONN_CLOSE_DROP); dpiError error; int closing; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, tag) if (mode && !conn->pool) { dpiError__set(&error, "check in pool", DPI_ERR_CONN_NOT_IN_POOL); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } if (conn->externalHandle) { dpiError__set(&error, "check external", DPI_ERR_CONN_IS_EXTERNAL); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // determine whether connection is already being closed and if not, mark // connection as being closed; this MUST be done while holding the lock // (if in threaded mode) to avoid race conditions! if (conn->env->threaded) dpiMutex__acquire(conn->env->mutex); closing = conn->closing; conn->closing = 1; if (conn->env->threaded) dpiMutex__release(conn->env->mutex); // if connection is already being closed, raise an exception if (closing) { dpiError__set(&error, "check closing", DPI_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // if actual close fails, reset closing flag; again, this must be done // while holding the lock (if in threaded mode) in order to avoid race // conditions! if (dpiConn__close(conn, mode, tag, tagLength, propagateErrors, &error) < 0) { if (conn->env->threaded) dpiMutex__acquire(conn->env->mutex); conn->closing = 0; if (conn->env->threaded) dpiMutex__release(conn->env->mutex); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_commit() [PUBLIC] // Commit the transaction associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_commit(dpiConn *conn) { dpiError error; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiOci__transCommit(conn, conn->commitMode, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); conn->commitMode = DPI_OCI_DEFAULT; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_create() [PUBLIC] // Create a standalone connection to the database using the parameters // specified. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_create(const dpiContext *context, const char *userName, uint32_t userNameLength, const char *password, uint32_t passwordLength, const char *connectString, uint32_t connectStringLength, const dpiCommonCreateParams *commonParams, dpiConnCreateParams *createParams, dpiConn **conn) { dpiCommonCreateParams localCommonParams; dpiConnCreateParams localCreateParams; dpiConn *tempConn; dpiError error; int status; // validate parameters if (dpiGen__startPublicFn(context, DPI_HTYPE_CONTEXT, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(context, conn) DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(context, userName) DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(context, password) DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(context, connectString) // use default parameters if none provided if (!commonParams) { dpiContext__initCommonCreateParams(&localCommonParams); commonParams = &localCommonParams; } // size changed in 3.1; must use local variable until version 4 released if (!createParams || context->dpiMinorVersion < 1) { dpiContext__initConnCreateParams(&localCreateParams); if (createParams) memcpy(&localCreateParams, createParams, sizeof(dpiConnCreateParams__v30)); createParams = &localCreateParams; } // password must not be specified if external authentication is desired if (createParams->externalAuth && password && passwordLength > 0) { dpiError__set(&error, "verify no password with external auth", DPI_ERR_EXT_AUTH_WITH_CREDENTIALS); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // the username must be enclosed within [] if external authentication // with proxy is desired if (createParams->externalAuth && userName && userNameLength > 0 && (userName[0] != '[' || userName[userNameLength - 1] != ']')) { dpiError__set(&error, "verify proxy user name with external auth", DPI_ERR_EXT_AUTH_INVALID_PROXY); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error ); } // connectionClass and edition cannot be specified at the same time if (createParams->connectionClass && createParams->connectionClassLength > 0 && commonParams->edition && commonParams->editionLength > 0) { dpiError__set(&error, "check edition/conn class", DPI_ERR_NO_EDITION_WITH_CONN_CLASS); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // newPassword and edition cannot be specified at the same time if (createParams->newPassword && createParams->newPasswordLength > 0 && commonParams->edition && commonParams->editionLength > 0) { dpiError__set(&error, "check edition/new password", DPI_ERR_NO_EDITION_WITH_NEW_PASSWORD); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // handle case where pool is specified if (createParams->pool) { if (dpiGen__checkHandle(createParams->pool, DPI_HTYPE_POOL, "verify pool", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (!createParams->pool->handle) { dpiError__set(&error, "check pool", DPI_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } status = dpiPool__acquireConnection(createParams->pool, userName, userNameLength, password, passwordLength, createParams, conn, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, status, &error); } // create connection if (dpiGen__allocate(DPI_HTYPE_CONN, NULL, (void**) &tempConn, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiConn__create(tempConn, context, userName, userNameLength, password, passwordLength, connectString, connectStringLength, NULL, commonParams, createParams, &error) < 0) { dpiConn__free(tempConn, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } *conn = tempConn; dpiHandlePool__release(tempConn->env->errorHandles, &error.handle); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(context, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getSodaDb() [PUBLIC] // Create a new SODA collection with the given name and metadata. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getSodaDb(dpiConn *conn, dpiSodaDb **db) { dpiError error; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiUtils__checkClientVersion(conn->env->versionInfo, 18, 3, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiUtils__checkDatabaseVersion(conn, 18, 0, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiGen__allocate(DPI_HTYPE_SODA_DB, conn->env, (void**) db, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); dpiGen__setRefCount(conn, &error, 1); (*db)->conn = conn; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_deqObject() [PUBLIC] // Dequeue a message from the specified queue. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_deqObject(dpiConn *conn, const char *queueName, uint32_t queueNameLength, dpiDeqOptions *options, dpiMsgProps *props, dpiObject *payload, const char **msgId, uint32_t *msgIdLength) { dpiError error; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiGen__checkHandle(options, DPI_HTYPE_DEQ_OPTIONS, "verify options", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiGen__checkHandle(props, DPI_HTYPE_MSG_PROPS, "verify message properties", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiGen__checkHandle(payload, DPI_HTYPE_OBJECT, "verify payload", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, queueName) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, msgId) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, msgIdLength) // dequeue message if (dpiOci__aqDeq(conn, queueName, options->handle, props->handle, payload->type->tdo, &payload->instance, &payload->indicator, &props->msgIdRaw, &error) < 0) { if (error.buffer->code == 25228) { *msgId = NULL; *msgIdLength = 0; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } dpiMsgProps__extractMsgId(props, msgId, msgIdLength); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_enqObject() [PUBLIC] // Enqueue a message to the specified queue. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_enqObject(dpiConn *conn, const char *queueName, uint32_t queueNameLength, dpiEnqOptions *options, dpiMsgProps *props, dpiObject *payload, const char **msgId, uint32_t *msgIdLength) { dpiError error; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiGen__checkHandle(options, DPI_HTYPE_ENQ_OPTIONS, "verify options", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiGen__checkHandle(props, DPI_HTYPE_MSG_PROPS, "verify message properties", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiGen__checkHandle(payload, DPI_HTYPE_OBJECT, "verify payload", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, queueName) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, msgId) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, msgIdLength) // enqueue message if (dpiOci__aqEnq(conn, queueName, options->handle, props->handle, payload->type->tdo, &payload->instance, &payload->indicator, &props->msgIdRaw, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); dpiMsgProps__extractMsgId(props, msgId, msgIdLength); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getCallTimeout() [PUBLIC] // Return the call timeout (in milliseconds) used for round-trips to the // database. This is only valid in Oracle Client 18c and higher. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getCallTimeout(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t *value) { dpiError error; int status; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, value) if (dpiUtils__checkClientVersion(conn->env->versionInfo, 18, 1, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); // get call timeout status = dpiOci__attrGet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (void*) value, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_CALL_TIMEOUT, "get call timeout", &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getCurrentSchema() [PUBLIC] // Return the current schema associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getCurrentSchema(dpiConn *conn, const char **value, uint32_t *valueLength) { return dpiConn__getAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_CURRENT_SCHEMA, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getEdition() [PUBLIC] // Return the edition associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getEdition(dpiConn *conn, const char **value, uint32_t *valueLength) { return dpiConn__getAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_EDITION, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getEncodingInfo() [PUBLIC] // Get the encodings from the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getEncodingInfo(dpiConn *conn, dpiEncodingInfo *info) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); status = dpiEnv__getEncodingInfo(conn->env, info); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getExternalName() [PUBLIC] // Return the external name associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getExternalName(dpiConn *conn, const char **value, uint32_t *valueLength) { return dpiConn__getAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getHandle() [PUBLIC] // Get the OCI service context handle associated with the connection. This is // available in order to allow for extensions to the library using OCI // directly. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getHandle(dpiConn *conn, void **handle) { dpiError error; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, handle) *handle = conn->handle; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getInternalName() [PUBLIC] // Return the internal name associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getInternalName(dpiConn *conn, const char **value, uint32_t *valueLength) { return dpiConn__getAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_INTERNAL_NAME, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getLTXID() [PUBLIC] // Return the logical transaction id associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getLTXID(dpiConn *conn, const char **value, uint32_t *valueLength) { return dpiConn__getAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_LTXID, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getObjectType() [PUBLIC] // Look up an object type given its name and return it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getObjectType(dpiConn *conn, const char *name, uint32_t nameLength, dpiObjectType **objType) { void *describeHandle, *param, *tdo; int status, useTypeByFullName; dpiError error; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, name) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, objType) // allocate describe handle if (dpiOci__handleAlloc(conn->env->handle, &describeHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, "allocate describe handle", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); // Oracle Client 12.1 is capable of using OCITypeByFullName() but will // fail if accessing an Oracle 11.2 database useTypeByFullName = 1; if (conn->env->versionInfo->versionNum < 12) useTypeByFullName = 0; else if (dpiConn__getServerVersion(conn, &error) < 0) return DPI_FAILURE; else if (conn->versionInfo.versionNum < 12) useTypeByFullName = 0; // new API is supported so use it if (useTypeByFullName) { if (dpiOci__typeByFullName(conn, name, nameLength, &tdo, &error) < 0) { dpiOci__handleFree(describeHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } if (dpiOci__describeAny(conn, tdo, 0, DPI_OCI_OTYPE_PTR, describeHandle, &error) < 0) { dpiOci__handleFree(describeHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // use older API } else { if (dpiOci__describeAny(conn, (void*) name, nameLength, DPI_OCI_OTYPE_NAME, describeHandle, &error) < 0) { dpiOci__handleFree(describeHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } } // get the parameter handle if (dpiOci__attrGet(describeHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, ¶m, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_PARAM, "get param", &error) < 0) { dpiOci__handleFree(describeHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } // create object type status = dpiObjectType__allocate(conn, param, DPI_OCI_ATTR_NAME, objType, &error); dpiOci__handleFree(describeHandle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getServerVersion() [PUBLIC] // Get the server version string from the database. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getServerVersion(dpiConn *conn, const char **releaseString, uint32_t *releaseStringLength, dpiVersionInfo *versionInfo) { dpiError error; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, versionInfo) // get server version if (dpiConn__getServerVersion(conn, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (releaseString) *releaseString = conn->releaseString; if (releaseStringLength) *releaseStringLength = conn->releaseStringLength; memcpy(versionInfo, &conn->versionInfo, sizeof(dpiVersionInfo)); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_getStmtCacheSize() [PUBLIC] // Return the current size of the statement cache. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_getStmtCacheSize(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t *cacheSize) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, cacheSize) status = dpiOci__attrGet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, cacheSize, NULL, DPI_OCI_ATTR_STMTCACHESIZE, "get stmt cache size", &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_newDeqOptions() [PUBLIC] // Create a new dequeue options object and return it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_newDeqOptions(dpiConn *conn, dpiDeqOptions **options) { dpiDeqOptions *tempOptions; dpiError error; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, options) if (dpiGen__allocate(DPI_HTYPE_DEQ_OPTIONS, conn->env, (void**) &tempOptions, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiDeqOptions__create(tempOptions, conn, &error) < 0) { dpiDeqOptions__free(tempOptions, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } *options = tempOptions; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_newEnqOptions() [PUBLIC] // Create a new enqueue options object and return it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_newEnqOptions(dpiConn *conn, dpiEnqOptions **options) { dpiEnqOptions *tempOptions; dpiError error; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, options) if (dpiGen__allocate(DPI_HTYPE_ENQ_OPTIONS, conn->env, (void**) &tempOptions, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiEnqOptions__create(tempOptions, conn, &error) < 0) { dpiEnqOptions__free(tempOptions, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } *options = tempOptions; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_newTempLob() [PUBLIC] // Create a new temporary LOB and return it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_newTempLob(dpiConn *conn, dpiOracleTypeNum lobType, dpiLob **lob) { const dpiOracleType *type; dpiLob *tempLob; dpiError error; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, lob) switch (lobType) { case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_CLOB: case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_BLOB: case DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_NCLOB: type = dpiOracleType__getFromNum(lobType, &error); break; default: dpiError__set(&error, "check lob type", DPI_ERR_INVALID_ORACLE_TYPE, lobType); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } if (dpiLob__allocate(conn, type, &tempLob, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiOci__lobCreateTemporary(tempLob, &error) < 0) { dpiLob__free(tempLob, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } *lob = tempLob; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_newMsgProps() [PUBLIC] // Create a new message properties object and return it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_newMsgProps(dpiConn *conn, dpiMsgProps **props) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, props) status = dpiMsgProps__allocate(conn, props, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_newQueue() [PUBLIC] // Create a new AQ queue object and return it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_newQueue(dpiConn *conn, const char *name, uint32_t nameLength, dpiObjectType *payloadType, dpiQueue **queue) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, name) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, queue) status = dpiQueue__allocate(conn, name, nameLength, payloadType, queue, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_newVar() [PUBLIC] // Create a new variable and return it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_newVar(dpiConn *conn, dpiOracleTypeNum oracleTypeNum, dpiNativeTypeNum nativeTypeNum, uint32_t maxArraySize, uint32_t size, int sizeIsBytes, int isArray, dpiObjectType *objType, dpiVar **var, dpiData **data) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, var) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, data) status = dpiVar__allocate(conn, oracleTypeNum, nativeTypeNum, maxArraySize, size, sizeIsBytes, isArray, objType, var, data, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_ping() [PUBLIC] // Makes a round trip call to the server to confirm that the connection and // server are still active. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_ping(dpiConn *conn) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); status = dpiOci__ping(conn, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_prepareDistribTrans() [PUBLIC] // Prepare a distributed transaction for commit. A boolean is returned // indicating if a commit is actually needed as an attempt to perform a commit // when nothing is actually prepared results in ORA-24756 (transaction does not // exist). This is determined by the return value from OCITransPrepare() which // is OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO if there is no transaction requiring commit. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_prepareDistribTrans(dpiConn *conn, int *commitNeeded) { dpiError error; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, commitNeeded) if (dpiOci__transPrepare(conn, commitNeeded, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (*commitNeeded) conn->commitMode = DPI_OCI_TRANS_TWOPHASE; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_prepareStmt() [PUBLIC] // Create a new statement and return it after preparing the specified SQL. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_prepareStmt(dpiConn *conn, int scrollable, const char *sql, uint32_t sqlLength, const char *tag, uint32_t tagLength, dpiStmt **stmt) { dpiStmt *tempStmt; dpiError error; *stmt = NULL; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, sql) DPI_CHECK_PTR_AND_LENGTH(conn, tag) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, stmt) if (dpiStmt__allocate(conn, scrollable, &tempStmt, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiStmt__prepare(tempStmt, sql, sqlLength, tag, tagLength, &error) < 0) { dpiStmt__free(tempStmt, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } *stmt = tempStmt; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_release() [PUBLIC] // Release a reference to the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_release(dpiConn *conn) { return dpiGen__release(conn, DPI_HTYPE_CONN, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_rollback() [PUBLIC] // Rollback the transaction associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_rollback(dpiConn *conn) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); status = dpiOci__transRollback(conn, 1, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setAction() [PUBLIC] // Set the action associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setAction(dpiConn *conn, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength) { return dpiConn__setAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_ACTION, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setCallTimeout() [PUBLIC] // Set the call timeout (in milliseconds) used for round-trips to the // database. This is only valid in Oracle Client 18c and higher. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setCallTimeout(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t value) { dpiError error; int status; // validate parameters if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiUtils__checkClientVersion(conn->env->versionInfo, 18, 1, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); // set call timeout status = dpiOci__attrSet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, &value, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_CALL_TIMEOUT, "set call timeout", &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setClientIdentifier() [PUBLIC] // Set the client identifier associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setClientIdentifier(dpiConn *conn, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength) { return dpiConn__setAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setClientInfo() [PUBLIC] // Set the client info associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setClientInfo(dpiConn *conn, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength) { return dpiConn__setAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_INFO, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setCurrentSchema() [PUBLIC] // Set the current schema associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setCurrentSchema(dpiConn *conn, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength) { return dpiConn__setAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_CURRENT_SCHEMA, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setDbOp() [PUBLIC] // Set the database operation associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setDbOp(dpiConn *conn, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength) { return dpiConn__setAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_DBOP, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setExternalName() [PUBLIC] // Set the external name associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setExternalName(dpiConn *conn, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength) { return dpiConn__setAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setInternalName() [PUBLIC] // Set the internal name associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setInternalName(dpiConn *conn, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength) { return dpiConn__setAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_INTERNAL_NAME, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setModule() [PUBLIC] // Set the module associated with the connection. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setModule(dpiConn *conn, const char *value, uint32_t valueLength) { return dpiConn__setAttributeText(conn, DPI_OCI_ATTR_MODULE, value, valueLength, __func__); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_setStmtCacheSize() [PUBLIC] // Set the size of the statement cache. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_setStmtCacheSize(dpiConn *conn, uint32_t cacheSize) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); status = dpiOci__attrSet(conn->handle, DPI_OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, &cacheSize, 0, DPI_OCI_ATTR_STMTCACHESIZE, "set stmt cache size", &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_shutdownDatabase() [PUBLIC] // Shutdown the database. Note that this must be done in two phases except in // the situation where the instance is being aborted. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_shutdownDatabase(dpiConn *conn, dpiShutdownMode mode) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); status = dpiOci__dbShutdown(conn, mode, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_startupDatabase() [PUBLIC] // Startup the database. This is equivalent to "startup nomount" in SQL*Plus. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_startupDatabase(dpiConn *conn, dpiStartupMode mode) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); status = dpiOci__dbStartup(conn, mode, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, status, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_subscribe() [PUBLIC] // Subscribe to events in the database. A subscription is created and // returned. This replaces dpiConn_newSubscription(). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_subscribe(dpiConn *conn, dpiSubscrCreateParams *params, dpiSubscr **subscr) { dpiSubscr *tempSubscr; dpiError error; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, params) DPI_CHECK_PTR_NOT_NULL(conn, subscr) if (!conn->env->events) { dpiError__set(&error, "subscribe", DPI_ERR_EVENTS_MODE_REQUIRED); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } if (dpiGen__allocate(DPI_HTYPE_SUBSCR, conn->env, (void**) &tempSubscr, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiSubscr__create(tempSubscr, conn, params, &error) < 0) { dpiSubscr__free(tempSubscr, &error); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } *subscr = tempSubscr; return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dpiConn_unsubscribe() [PUBLIC] // Unsubscribe from events in the database. Once this call completes // successfully no further notifications will be sent. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int dpiConn_unsubscribe(dpiConn *conn, dpiSubscr *subscr) { dpiError error; int status; if (dpiConn__check(conn, __func__, &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (dpiGen__checkHandle(subscr, DPI_HTYPE_SUBSCR, "check subscription", &error) < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(conn, DPI_FAILURE, &error); if (subscr->registered) { dpiMutex__acquire(subscr->mutex); status = dpiOci__subscriptionUnRegister(conn, subscr, &error); if (status == DPI_SUCCESS) subscr->registered = 0; dpiMutex__release(subscr->mutex); if (status < 0) return dpiGen__endPublicFn(subscr, DPI_FAILURE, &error); } dpiGen__setRefCount(subscr, &error, -1); return dpiGen__endPublicFn(subscr, DPI_SUCCESS, &error); }