// Copyright 2016 Michal Witkowski. All Rights Reserved. // See LICENSE for licensing terms. /* Package `metautils` provides convenience functions for dealing with gRPC metadata.MD objects inside Context handlers. While the upstream grpc-go package contains decent functionality (see https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/blob/master/Documentation/grpc-metadata.md) they are hard to use. The majority of functions center around the NiceMD, which is a convenience wrapper around metadata.MD. For example the following code allows you to easily extract incoming metadata (server handler) and put it into a new client context metadata. nmd := metautils.ExtractIncoming(serverCtx).Clone(":authorization", ":custom") clientCtx := nmd.Set("x-client-header", "2").Set("x-another", "3").ToOutgoing(ctx) */ package metautils