package fargo // MIT Licensed (see - Copyright (c) 2013 Hudl <@Hudl> import ( "math/rand" "testing" . "" ) func instancePredicateFrom(t *testing.T, opts ...InstanceQueryOption) func(*Instance) bool { var mergedOptions instanceQueryOptions for _, o := range opts { if err := o(&mergedOptions); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } if pred := mergedOptions.predicate; pred != nil { return pred } t.Fatal("no predicate available") panic("unreachable") } type countingSource struct { callCount uint seed int64 } func (s *countingSource) Int63() int64 { s.callCount++ return s.seed } func (s *countingSource) Seed(seed int64) { s.seed = seed } func (s *countingSource) Reset() { s.callCount = 0 } func TestInstanceQueryOptions(t *testing.T) { Convey("A status predicate", t, func() { Convey("mandates a nonempty status", func() { var opts instanceQueryOptions err := WithStatus("")(&opts) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) So(opts.predicate, ShouldBeNil) }) matchesStatus := func(pred func(*Instance) bool, status StatusType) bool { return pred(&Instance{Status: status}) } Convey("matches a single status", func() { var opts instanceQueryOptions desiredStatus := UNKNOWN err := WithStatus(desiredStatus)(&opts) So(err, ShouldBeNil) pred := opts.predicate So(pred, ShouldNotBeNil) So(matchesStatus(pred, desiredStatus), ShouldBeTrue) for _, status := range []StatusType{UP, DOWN, STARTING, OUTOFSERVICE} { So(status, ShouldNotEqual, desiredStatus) So(matchesStatus(pred, status), ShouldBeFalse) } }) Convey("matches a set of states", func() { var opts instanceQueryOptions desiredStates := []StatusType{DOWN, OUTOFSERVICE} for _, status := range desiredStates { err := WithStatus(status)(&opts) So(err, ShouldBeNil) } pred := opts.predicate So(pred, ShouldNotBeNil) for _, status := range desiredStates { So(matchesStatus(pred, status), ShouldBeTrue) } for _, status := range []StatusType{UP, STARTING, UNKNOWN} { So(desiredStates, ShouldNotContain, status) So(matchesStatus(pred, status), ShouldBeFalse) } }) }) Convey("A shuffling directive", t, func() { Convey("using the global Rand instance", func() { var opts instanceQueryOptions err := Shuffled(&opts) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(opts.intn, ShouldNotBeNil) So(opts.intn(1), ShouldEqual, 0) }) Convey("using a specific Rand instance", func() { source := countingSource{} var opts instanceQueryOptions err := ShuffledWith(rand.New(&source))(&opts) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(opts.intn, ShouldNotBeNil) So(source.callCount, ShouldEqual, 0) So(opts.intn(2), ShouldEqual, 0) So(source.callCount, ShouldEqual, 1) }) }) } func TestFilterInstancesInApps(t *testing.T) { Convey("A predicate should preserve only those instances", t, func() { Convey("with status UP", func() { areUp := instancePredicateFrom(t, ThatAreUp) Convey("from an empty set of applications", func() { So(filterInstancesInApps(nil, areUp), ShouldBeEmpty) }) Convey("from a single application with no instances", func() { So(filterInstancesInApps([]*Application{ &Application{}, }, areUp), ShouldBeEmpty) }) Convey("from a single application with one DOWN instance", func() { So(filterInstancesInApps([]*Application{ &Application{ Instances: []*Instance{&Instance{Status: DOWN}}, }, }, areUp), ShouldBeEmpty) }) Convey("from a single application with one UP instance", func() { instance := &Instance{Status: UP} filtered := filterInstancesInApps([]*Application{ &Application{ Instances: []*Instance{instance}, }, }, areUp) So(filtered, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(filtered, ShouldContain, instance) }) Convey("from a single application with multiple instances", func() { upInstance := &Instance{Status: UP} justHasUpInstance := func(instances ...*Instance) { filtered := filterInstancesInApps([]*Application{ &Application{ Instances: instances, }, }, areUp) So(filtered, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(filtered, ShouldContain, upInstance) } downInstance := &Instance{Status: DOWN} Convey("with UP instance first", func() { justHasUpInstance(upInstance, downInstance) }) Convey("with UP instance last", func() { justHasUpInstance(downInstance, upInstance) }) Convey("with multiple UP instances", func() { secondUpInstance := &Instance{Status: UP} thirdUpInstance := &Instance{Status: UP} filtered := filterInstancesInApps([]*Application{ &Application{ Instances: []*Instance{upInstance, downInstance, secondUpInstance, thirdUpInstance, &Instance{Status: OUTOFSERVICE}}, }, }, areUp) So(filtered, ShouldHaveLength, 3) So(filtered, ShouldContain, upInstance) So(filtered, ShouldContain, secondUpInstance) So(filtered, ShouldContain, thirdUpInstance) }) }) Convey("from multiple applications", func() { firstUpInstance := &Instance{Status: UP} secondUpInstance := &Instance{Status: UP} filtered := filterInstancesInApps([]*Application{ &Application{ Instances: []*Instance{firstUpInstance, &Instance{Status: OUTOFSERVICE}}, }, &Application{}, &Application{ Instances: []*Instance{&Instance{Status: DOWN}, secondUpInstance}, }, &Application{ Instances: []*Instance{&Instance{Status: UNKNOWN}}, }, }, areUp) So(filtered, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(filtered, ShouldContain, firstUpInstance) So(filtered, ShouldContain, secondUpInstance) }) }) Convey("with status matching any of those designated", func() { upInstance := &Instance{Status: UP} downInstance := &Instance{Status: DOWN} startingInstance := &Instance{Status: STARTING} outOfServiceInstance := &Instance{Status: OUTOFSERVICE} pred := instancePredicateFrom(t, WithStatus(DOWN), WithStatus(OUTOFSERVICE)) Convey("from a single application", func() { Convey("with no matching instances", func() { So(filterInstancesInApps([]*Application{ &Application{ Instances: []*Instance{upInstance, startingInstance}, }, }, pred), ShouldBeEmpty) }) Convey("with two matching instances", func() { filtered := filterInstancesInApps([]*Application{ &Application{ Instances: []*Instance{upInstance, downInstance, startingInstance, outOfServiceInstance}, }, }, pred) So(filtered, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(filtered, ShouldContain, downInstance) So(filtered, ShouldContain, outOfServiceInstance) }) }) }) }) } // Preclude compiler optimization eliding the filter procedure. var filterBenchmarkResult []*Instance type filterInstancesFunc func([]*Instance, func(*Instance) bool) []*Instance func benchmarkFilterInstancesFunc(b *testing.B, f filterInstancesFunc) { retainAll := func(*Instance) bool { return true } dropAll := func(*Instance) bool { return false } thatAreUp := func(instance *Instance) bool { return instance.Status == UP } type runLengthByStatus struct { Up, Down, Starting, OutOfService, Unknown int } synthesizeInstances := func(rls ...runLengthByStatus) []*Instance { var instances []*Instance push := func(status StatusType, n int) { if n <= 0 { return } instance := &Instance{Status: status} for i := 0; ; { instances = append(instances, instance) i++ if i == n { break } } } for _, rl := range rls { push(UP, rl.Up) push(DOWN, rl.Down) push(STARTING, rl.Starting) push(OUTOFSERVICE, rl.OutOfService) push(UNKNOWN, rl.OutOfService) } return instances } filter := func(n int, f filterInstancesFunc, instances []*Instance, pred func(*Instance) bool) { var result []*Instance for i := 0; i != n; i++ { result = f(instances, pred) } filterBenchmarkResult = result } benchAllNoneAndUp := func(b *testing.B, instances []*Instance) { b.Run("all", func(b *testing.B) { filter(b.N, f, instances, retainAll) }) b.Run("none", func(b *testing.B) { filter(b.N, f, instances, dropAll) }) b.Run("up", func(b *testing.B) { filter(b.N, f, instances, thatAreUp) }) } b.Run("1↑", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 1})) }) b.Run("10↑", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 10})) }) b.Run("100↑", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 100})) }) b.Run("1000↑", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 1000})) }) b.Run("1↑1↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 1, Down: 1})) }) b.Run("1↑9↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 1, Down: 9})) }) b.Run("1↑99↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 1, Down: 99})) }) b.Run("1↑999↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 1, Down: 999})) }) b.Run("9↑1↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 9, Down: 1})) }) b.Run("99↑1↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 99, Down: 1})) }) b.Run("999↑1↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 999, Down: 1})) }) b.Run("3↓4↑3↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Down: 3}, runLengthByStatus{Up: 4, Down: 3})) }) b.Run("3↑4↓3↑", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 3, Down: 4}, runLengthByStatus{Up: 3})) }) b.Run("33↓34↑33↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Down: 33}, runLengthByStatus{Up: 34, Down: 33})) }) b.Run("33↑34↓33↑", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 33, Down: 34}, runLengthByStatus{Up: 33})) }) b.Run("333↓334↑333↓", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Down: 333}, runLengthByStatus{Up: 334, Down: 333})) }) b.Run("333↑334↓333↑", func(b *testing.B) { benchAllNoneAndUp(b, synthesizeInstances(runLengthByStatus{Up: 333, Down: 334}, runLengthByStatus{Up: 333})) }) } func BenchmarkFilterInstances(b *testing.B) { benchmarkFilterInstancesFunc(b, filterInstances) }