/* * Copyright 2018 The NATS Authors * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jwt import ( "fmt" "testing" "time" "github.com/nats-io/nkeys" ) func TestNewActivationClaims(t *testing.T) { okp := createOperatorNKey(t) akp := createAccountNKey(t) apk := publicKey(akp, t) activation := NewActivationClaims(apk) activation.Max = 1024 * 1024 activation.Expires = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(time.Hour)).Unix() activation.Limits.Max = 10 activation.Limits.Payload = 10 activation.Limits.Src = "" activation.ImportSubject = "foo" activation.Name = "Foo" activation.ImportType = Stream vr := CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if !vr.IsEmpty() || vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("valid activation should pass validation") } actJwt := encode(activation, okp, t) activation2, err := DecodeActivationClaims(actJwt) if err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to decode activation", err) } AssertEquals(activation.String(), activation2.String(), t) AssertEquals(activation.Claims() != nil, true, t) AssertEquals(activation.Payload() != nil, true, t) } func TestInvalidActivationTargets(t *testing.T) { type kpInputs struct { name string kp nkeys.KeyPair ok bool } inputs := []kpInputs{ {"account", createAccountNKey(t), true}, {"cluster", createClusterNKey(t), false}, {"operator", createOperatorNKey(t), false}, {"server", createServerNKey(t), false}, {"user", createUserNKey(t), false}, } for _, i := range inputs { c := NewActivationClaims(publicKey(i.kp, t)) _, err := c.Encode(createOperatorNKey(t)) if i.ok && err != nil { t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error for %q: %v", i.name, err)) } if !i.ok && err == nil { t.Logf("should have failed to encode user with with %q subject", i.name) t.Fail() } } } func TestInvalidActivationClaimIssuer(t *testing.T) { akp := createAccountNKey(t) ac := NewActivationClaims(publicKey(akp, t)) ac.Expires = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(time.Hour)).Unix() aJwt := encode(ac, akp, t) temp, err := DecodeGeneric(aJwt) if err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to decode", err) } type kpInputs struct { name string kp nkeys.KeyPair ok bool } inputs := []kpInputs{ {"account", createAccountNKey(t), true}, {"user", createUserNKey(t), false}, {"operator", createOperatorNKey(t), true}, {"server", createServerNKey(t), false}, {"cluster", createClusterNKey(t), false}, } for _, i := range inputs { bad := encode(temp, i.kp, t) _, err = DecodeAccountClaims(bad) if i.ok && err != nil { t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error for %q: %v", i.name, err)) } if !i.ok && err == nil { t.Logf("should have failed to decode account signed by %q", i.name) t.Fail() } } } func TestPublicIsNotValid(t *testing.T) { c := NewActivationClaims("public") _, err := c.Encode(createOperatorNKey(t)) if err == nil { t.Fatal("should not have encoded public activation anymore") } } func TestNilActivationClaim(t *testing.T) { v := NewActivationClaims("") if v != nil { t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("expected nil user claim")) } } func TestActivationImportSubjectValidation(t *testing.T) { akp := createAccountNKey(t) apk := publicKey(akp, t) akp2 := createAccountNKey(t) apk2 := publicKey(akp2, t) activation := NewActivationClaims(apk) activation.Issuer = apk activation.Subject = apk2 activation.ImportSubject = "foo" activation.Name = "Foo" activation.ImportType = Stream vr := CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if !vr.IsEmpty() || vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("valid activation should pass validation") } activation.ImportType = Service vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if !vr.IsEmpty() || vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("valid activation should pass validation") } activation.ImportSubject = "foo.*" // wildcards are bad vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if vr.IsEmpty() || !vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("wildcard service activation should not pass validation") } activation.ImportType = Stream // Stream is ok with wildcards vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if !vr.IsEmpty() || vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("valid activation should pass validation") } activation.ImportSubject = "" // empty strings are bad vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if vr.IsEmpty() || !vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("empty activation should not pass validation") } activation.ImportSubject = "foo bar" // spaces are bad vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if vr.IsEmpty() || !vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("spaces in activation should not pass validation") } } func TestActivationValidation(t *testing.T) { akp := createAccountNKey(t) apk := publicKey(akp, t) akp2 := createAccountNKey(t) apk2 := publicKey(akp2, t) activation := NewActivationClaims(apk) activation.Issuer = apk activation.Subject = apk2 activation.Expires = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(time.Hour)).Unix() activation.ImportSubject = "foo" activation.Name = "Foo" activation.ImportType = Stream activation.Limits.Max = 10 activation.Limits.Payload = 10 activation.Limits.Src = "" activation.Limits.Times = []TimeRange{ { Start: "01:15:00", End: "03:15:00", }, { Start: "06:15:00", End: "09:15:00", }, } vr := CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if !vr.IsEmpty() || vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("valid activation should pass validation") } activation.ImportSubject = "times.*" activation.ImportType = Stream activation.Name = "times" vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if !vr.IsEmpty() || vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("valid activation should pass validation") } activation.ImportSubject = "other.*" activation.ImportType = Stream activation.Name = "other" activation.Limits.Max = -1 vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if vr.IsEmpty() || len(vr.Issues) != 1 || !vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("bad limit should be invalid") } activation.Limits.Max = 10 activation.Limits.Payload = -1 vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if vr.IsEmpty() || len(vr.Issues) != 1 || !vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("bad limit should be invalid") } activation.Limits.Payload = 10 activation.Limits.Src = "hello world" vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if vr.IsEmpty() || len(vr.Issues) != 1 || !vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("bad limit should be invalid") } activation.Limits.Payload = 10 activation.Limits.Src = "hello world" vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if vr.IsEmpty() || len(vr.Issues) != 1 || !vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("bad limit should be invalid") } tr := TimeRange{ Start: "hello", End: "03:15:00", } activation.Limits.Src = "" activation.Limits.Times = append(activation.Limits.Times, tr) vr = CreateValidationResults() activation.Validate(vr) if vr.IsEmpty() || len(vr.Issues) != 1 || !vr.IsBlocking(true) { t.Error("bad limit should be invalid") } } func TestActivationHashIDLimits(t *testing.T) { akp := createAccountNKey(t) apk := publicKey(akp, t) akp2 := createAccountNKey(t) apk2 := publicKey(akp2, t) activation := NewActivationClaims(apk) activation.Issuer = apk activation.Subject = apk2 _, err := activation.HashID() if err == nil { t.Fatal("activation without subject should fail to hash") } activation.ImportSubject = "times.*" activation.ImportType = Stream activation.Name = "times" hash, err := activation.HashID() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("activation with subject should hash %v", err) } activation2 := NewActivationClaims(apk) activation2.Issuer = apk activation2.Subject = apk2 activation2.ImportSubject = "times.*.bar" activation2.ImportType = Stream activation2.Name = "times" hash2, err := activation2.HashID() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("activation with subject should hash %v", err) } if hash != hash2 { t.Fatal("subjects should be stripped to create hash") } } func TestActivationClaimAccountIDValidation(t *testing.T) { issuerAccountKP := createAccountNKey(t) issuerAccountPK := publicKey(issuerAccountKP, t) issuerKP := createAccountNKey(t) issuerPK := publicKey(issuerKP, t) account := NewAccountClaims(issuerAccountPK) account.SigningKeys.Add(issuerPK) token, err := account.Encode(issuerAccountKP) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } account, err = DecodeAccountClaims(token) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } importerKP := createAccountNKey(t) importerPK := publicKey(importerKP, t) ac := NewActivationClaims(importerPK) ac.IssuerAccount = issuerAccountPK ac.Name = "foo.bar" ac.Activation.ImportSubject = Subject("foo.bar") ac.Activation.ImportType = Stream var vr ValidationResults ac.Validate(&vr) if len(vr.Issues) != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected no validation errors: %v", vr.Issues[0].Error()) } token, err = ac.Encode(issuerKP) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ac, err = DecodeActivationClaims(token) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if ac.Issuer != issuerPK { t.Fatal("expected activation subject to be different") } if ac.IssuerAccount != issuerAccountPK { t.Fatal("expected activation account id to be different") } ac.IssuerAccount = publicKey(createUserNKey(t), t) ac.Validate(&vr) if len(vr.Issues) != 1 { t.Fatal("expected validation error") } if !account.DidSign(ac) { t.Fatal("expected account to have signed activation") } } func TestCleanSubject(t *testing.T) { input := [][]string{ {"foo", "foo"}, {"*", "_"}, {">", "_"}, {"foo.*", "foo"}, {"foo.bar.>", "foo.bar"}, {"foo.*.bar", "foo"}, {"bam.boom.blat.*", "bam.boom.blat"}, {"*.blam", "_"}, } for _, pair := range input { clean := cleanSubject(pair[0]) if pair[1] != clean { t.Errorf("Expected %s but got %s", pair[1], clean) } } }