// Copyright 2019 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved. package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "os/signal" "runtime" "strings" "syscall" "time" "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend/crd" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/netapp/trident/config" "github.com/netapp/trident/core" "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend" "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend/csi" "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend/csi/helpers" k8shelper "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend/csi/helpers/kubernetes" plainhelper "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend/csi/helpers/plain" "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend/docker" "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend/kubernetes" "github.com/netapp/trident/frontend/rest" "github.com/netapp/trident/logging" persistentstore "github.com/netapp/trident/persistent_store" ) var ( // Logging debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enable debugging output") logLevel = flag.String("log_level", "info", "Logging level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)") logFormat = flag.String("log_format", "text", "Logging format (text, json)") // Kubernetes k8sAPIServer = flag.String("k8s_api_server", "", "Kubernetes API server "+ "address to enable dynamic storage provisioning for Kubernetes.") k8sConfigPath = flag.String("k8s_config_path", "", "Path to KubeConfig file.") k8sPod = flag.Bool("k8s_pod", false, "Enables dynamic storage provisioning "+ "for Kubernetes if running in a pod.") // Docker driverName = flag.String("volume_driver", "netapp", "Register as a Docker "+ "volume plugin with this driver name") driverPort = flag.String("driver_port", "", "Listen on this port instead of using a "+ "Unix domain socket") configPath = flag.String("config", "", "Path to configuration file(s)") // CSI csiEndpoint = flag.String("csi_endpoint", "", "Register as a CSI storage "+ "provider with this endpoint") csiNodeName = flag.String("csi_node_name", "", "CSI node name") csiRole = flag.String("csi_role", "", fmt.Sprintf("CSI role to play: '%s' or '%s'", csi.CSIController, csi.CSINode)) // Persistence etcdV2 = flag.String("etcd_v2", "", "etcd server (v2 API) for "+ "persisting orchestrator state (e.g., -etcd_v2=") etcdV3 = flag.String("etcd_v3", "", "etcd server (v3 API) for "+ "persisting orchestrator state (e.g., -etcd_v3=") etcdV3Cert = flag.String("etcd_v3_cert", "/root/certs/etcd-client.crt", "etcdV3 client certificate") etcdV3CACert = flag.String("etcd_v3_cacert", "/root/certs/etcd-client-ca.crt", "etcdV3 client CA certificate") etcdV3Key = flag.String("etcd_v3_key", "/root/certs/etcd-client.key", "etcdV3 client private key") useInMemory = flag.Bool("no_persistence", false, "Does not persist "+ "any metadata. WILL LOSE TRACK OF VOLUMES ON REBOOT/CRASH.") usePassthrough = flag.Bool("passthrough", false, "Uses the storage backends "+ "as the source of truth. No data is stored anywhere else.") useCRD = flag.Bool("crd_persistence", false, "Uses CRDs for persisting orchestrator state.") // HTTP REST interface address = flag.String("address", "", "Storage orchestrator HTTP API address") port = flag.String("port", "8000", "Storage orchestrator HTTP API port") enableREST = flag.Bool("rest", true, "Enable HTTP REST interface") // HTTPS REST interface httpsAddress = flag.String("https_address", "", "Storage orchestrator HTTPS API address") httpsPort = flag.String("https_port", "8443", "Storage orchestrator HTTPS API port") enableHTTPSREST = flag.Bool("https_rest", false, "Enable HTTPS REST interface") httpsCACert = flag.String("https_ca_cert", config.CACertPath, "HTTPS CA certificate") httpsServerKey = flag.String("https_server_key", config.ServerKeyPath, "HTTPS server private key") httpsServerCert = flag.String("https_server_cert", config.ServerCertPath, "HTTPS server certificate") httpsClientKey = flag.String("https_client_key", config.ClientKeyPath, "HTTPS client private key") httpsClientCert = flag.String("https_client_cert", config.ClientCertPath, "HTTPS client certificate") storeClient persistentstore.Client enableKubernetes bool enableDocker bool enableCSI bool ) func shouldEnableTLS() bool { // Check for client certificate, client CA certificate, and client private key if _, err := os.Stat(*etcdV3Cert); err != nil { return false } if _, err := os.Stat(*etcdV3CACert); err != nil { return false } if _, err := os.Stat(*etcdV3Key); err != nil { return false } return true } func printFlag(f *flag.Flag) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "name": f.Name, "value": f.Value, }).Debug("Flag") } func processCmdLineArgs() { var err error flag.Visit(printFlag) // Infer frontend from arguments enableCSI = *csiEndpoint != "" enableKubernetes = (*k8sPod || *k8sAPIServer != "") && !enableCSI enableDocker = *configPath != "" && !enableCSI frontendCount := 0 if enableKubernetes { frontendCount++ } if enableDocker { frontendCount++ } if enableCSI { frontendCount++ } if frontendCount > 1 { log.Fatal("Trident can only run one frontend type (Kubernetes, Docker, CSI).") } else if !enableKubernetes && !enableDocker && !enableCSI && !*useInMemory { log.Fatal("Insufficient arguments provided for Trident to start. Specify " + "k8sAPIServer (for Kubernetes) or configPath (for Docker) or csiEndpoint (for CSI).") } // Determine persistent store type from arguments storeCount := 0 if *etcdV2 != "" { storeCount++ } if *etcdV3 != "" { storeCount++ } if *useInMemory { storeCount++ } if *usePassthrough { storeCount++ } if *useCRD { storeCount++ } // Infer persistent store type if not explicitly specified if storeCount == 0 && enableDocker { log.Debug("Inferred passthrough persistent store.") *usePassthrough = true storeCount++ } if storeCount != 1 { log.Fatal("Trident must be configured with exactly one persistence type.") } // Don't bother validating the Kubernetes API server address; we'll know if // it's invalid during start-up. Given that users can specify DNS names, // validation would be more trouble than it's worth. if *etcdV3 != "" { if shouldEnableTLS() { log.Debug("Trident is configured with an etcdv3 client with TLS.") storeClient, err = persistentstore.NewEtcdClientV3WithTLS(*etcdV3, *etcdV3Cert, *etcdV3CACert, *etcdV3Key) } else { log.Debug("Trident is configured with an etcdv3 client without TLS.") if !strings.Contains(*etcdV3, "") { log.Warn("Trident's etcdv3 client should be configured with TLS!") } storeClient, err = persistentstore.NewEtcdClientV3(*etcdV3) } if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to create the etcd V3 client. %v", err) } } else if *etcdV2 != "" { log.Debug("Trident is configured with an etcdv2 client.") storeClient, err = persistentstore.NewEtcdClientV2(*etcdV2) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to create the etcd V2 client. %v", err) } } else if *useInMemory { log.Debug("Trident is configured with an in-memory store client.") storeClient = persistentstore.NewInMemoryClient() } else if *useCRD { log.Debug("Trident is configured with a CRD client.") if *k8sAPIServer != "" || *k8sConfigPath != "" { storeClient, err = persistentstore.NewCRDClientV1(*k8sAPIServer, *k8sConfigPath) } else { storeClient, err = persistentstore.NewCRDClientV1InCluster() } if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to create the Kubernetes store client. %v", err) } } else if *usePassthrough { log.Debug("Trident is configured with passthrough store client.") storeClient, err = persistentstore.NewPassthroughClient(*configPath) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to create the passthrough store client. %v", err) } } config.UsingPassthroughStore = storeClient.GetType() == persistentstore.PassthroughStore } func main() { var err error runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) flag.Parse() preBootstrapFrontends := make([]frontend.Plugin, 0) postBootstrapFrontends := make([]frontend.Plugin, 0) // Seed RNG one time rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) // Set log level err = logging.InitLogLevel(*debug, *logLevel) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Set log format err = logging.InitLogFormat(*logFormat) if err != nil { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } // Print all env variables for _, element := range os.Environ() { v := strings.Split(element, "=") log.WithField(v[0], v[1]).Debug("Environment") } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "version": config.OrchestratorVersion.String(), "build_time": config.BuildTime, "binary": os.Args[0], }).Info("Running Trident storage orchestrator.") processCmdLineArgs() orchestrator := core.NewTridentOrchestrator(storeClient) // Create HTTP REST frontend if *enableREST { if *port == "" { log.Warning("HTTP REST interface will not be available (port not specified).") } else { httpServer := rest.NewHTTPServer(orchestrator, *address, *port) preBootstrapFrontends = append(preBootstrapFrontends, httpServer) log.WithFields(log.Fields{"name": httpServer.GetName()}).Info("Added frontend.") } } // Create HTTPS REST frontend if *enableHTTPSREST { if *httpsPort == "" { log.Warning("HTTPS REST interface will not be available (httpsPort not specified).") } else { httpsServer, err := rest.NewHTTPSServer( orchestrator, *httpsAddress, *httpsPort, *httpsCACert, *httpsServerCert, *httpsServerKey) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to start the HTTPS REST frontend. %v", err) } preBootstrapFrontends = append(preBootstrapFrontends, httpsServer) log.WithFields(log.Fields{"name": httpsServer.GetName()}).Info("Added frontend.") } } // Create Kubernetes *or* Docker *or* CSI/K8S frontend if enableKubernetes { var kubernetesFrontend frontend.Plugin config.CurrentDriverContext = config.ContextKubernetes if *k8sAPIServer != "" { kubernetesFrontend, err = kubernetes.NewPlugin(orchestrator, *k8sAPIServer, *k8sConfigPath) } else if *k8sPod { kubernetesFrontend, err = kubernetes.NewPluginInCluster(orchestrator) } if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to start the Kubernetes frontend. %v", err) } orchestrator.AddFrontend(kubernetesFrontend) postBootstrapFrontends = append(postBootstrapFrontends, kubernetesFrontend) if *useCRD { var crdController frontend.Plugin if *k8sAPIServer != "" { crdController, err = crd.NewTridentCrdController(orchestrator, *k8sAPIServer, *k8sConfigPath) } else { crdController, err = crd.NewTridentCrdControllerInCluster(orchestrator) } if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to start the Trident CRD controller frontend. %v", err) } orchestrator.AddFrontend(crdController) postBootstrapFrontends = append(postBootstrapFrontends, crdController) } } else if enableDocker { config.CurrentDriverContext = config.ContextDocker // Set up multi-output logging err = logging.InitLoggingForDocker(*driverName, *logFormat) if err != nil { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } dockerFrontend, err := docker.NewPlugin(*driverName, *driverPort, orchestrator) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to start the Docker frontend. %v", err) } orchestrator.AddFrontend(dockerFrontend) preBootstrapFrontends = append(preBootstrapFrontends, dockerFrontend) } else if enableCSI { config.CurrentDriverContext = config.ContextCSI if *csiRole != csi.CSIController && *csiRole != csi.CSINode && *csiRole != csi.CSIAllInOne { log.Fatalf("CSI is enabled but an unknown role has been assigned: '%s'", *csiRole) } if *csiEndpoint == "" { log.Fatal("CSI is enabled but csi_endpoint was not specified.") } if *csiNodeName == "" { log.Fatal("CSI is enabled but csi_node_name was not specified.") } var hybridFrontend frontend.Plugin if *k8sAPIServer != "" { hybridFrontend, err = k8shelper.NewPlugin(orchestrator, *k8sAPIServer, *k8sConfigPath) } else if *k8sPod { hybridFrontend, err = k8shelper.NewPluginInCluster(orchestrator) } else { hybridFrontend = plainhelper.NewPlugin(orchestrator) } if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to start the K8S hybrid frontend. %v", err) } orchestrator.AddFrontend(hybridFrontend) postBootstrapFrontends = append(postBootstrapFrontends, hybridFrontend) hybridPlugin := hybridFrontend.(helpers.HybridPlugin) log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "name": *csiNodeName, "version": config.OrchestratorVersion, }).Info("Initializing CSI frontend.") var csiFrontend *csi.Plugin switch *csiRole { case csi.CSIController: csiFrontend, err = csi.NewControllerPlugin(*csiNodeName, *csiEndpoint, orchestrator, &hybridPlugin) case csi.CSINode: csiFrontend, err = csi.NewNodePlugin(*csiNodeName, *csiEndpoint, *httpsCACert, *httpsClientCert, *httpsClientKey, orchestrator) case csi.CSIAllInOne: csiFrontend, err = csi.NewAllInOnePlugin(*csiNodeName, *csiEndpoint, *httpsCACert, *httpsClientCert, *httpsClientKey, orchestrator, &hybridPlugin) } if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to start the CSI frontend. %v", err) } orchestrator.AddFrontend(csiFrontend) postBootstrapFrontends = append(postBootstrapFrontends, csiFrontend) if *useCRD { var crdController frontend.Plugin if *k8sAPIServer != "" { crdController, err = crd.NewTridentCrdController(orchestrator, *k8sAPIServer, *k8sConfigPath) } else { crdController, err = crd.NewTridentCrdControllerInCluster(orchestrator) } if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to start the Trident CRD controller frontend. %v", err) } orchestrator.AddFrontend(crdController) postBootstrapFrontends = append(postBootstrapFrontends, crdController) } } // Bootstrap the orchestrator and start its frontends. Some frontends, notably REST and Docker, must // start before the core so that the external interfaces are minimally responding while the core is // still initializing. Other frontends such as legacy Kubernetes and CSI benefit from starting after // the core is ready. for _, f := range preBootstrapFrontends { f.Activate() } if err = orchestrator.Bootstrap(); err != nil { log.Error(err.Error()) } for _, f := range postBootstrapFrontends { f.Activate() } // Register and wait for a shutdown signal c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) <-c log.Info("Shutting down.") for _, f := range postBootstrapFrontends { f.Deactivate() } for _, f := range preBootstrapFrontends { f.Deactivate() } storeClient.Stop() }