// Copyright 2019 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved. package fake import ( "bytes" "encoding/gob" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "math/rand" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/RoaringBitmap/roaring" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" tridentconfig "github.com/netapp/trident/config" "github.com/netapp/trident/storage" "github.com/netapp/trident/storage/fake" sa "github.com/netapp/trident/storage_attribute" sc "github.com/netapp/trident/storage_class" drivers "github.com/netapp/trident/storage_drivers" "github.com/netapp/trident/utils" ) const ( MinimumVolumeSizeBytes = 1048576 // 1 MiB defaultLimitVolumeSize = "" // Constants for internal pool attributes Size = "size" Region = "region" Zone = "zone" ) type StorageDriver struct { initialized bool Config drivers.FakeStorageDriverConfig // Volumes saves info about Volumes created on this driver Volumes map[string]fake.Volume // DestroyedVolumes is here so that tests can check whether destroy // has been called on a volume during or after bootstrapping, since // different driver instances with the same config won't actually share // state. DestroyedVolumes map[string]bool fakePools map[string]*fake.StoragePool physicalPools map[string]*storage.Pool virtualPools map[string]*storage.Pool // Snapshots saves info about Snapshots created on this driver Snapshots map[string]map[string]*storage.Snapshot // map[volumeName]map[snapshotName]snapshot // DestroyedSnapshots is here so that tests can check whether delete // has been called on a snapshot during or after bootstrapping, since // different driver instances with the same config won't actually share // state. DestroyedSnapshots map[string]bool } func NewFakeStorageBackend(configJSON string) (sb *storage.Backend, err error) { // Parse the common config struct from JSON commonConfig, err := drivers.ValidateCommonSettings(configJSON) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("input failed validation: %v", err) return nil, err } storageDriver := &StorageDriver{} if initializeErr := storageDriver.Initialize( tridentconfig.CurrentDriverContext, configJSON, commonConfig); initializeErr != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("problem initializing storage driver '%s': %v", commonConfig.StorageDriverName, initializeErr) return nil, err } return storage.NewStorageBackend(storageDriver) } func NewFakeStorageDriver(config drivers.FakeStorageDriverConfig) *StorageDriver { driver := &StorageDriver{ initialized: true, Config: config, Volumes: make(map[string]fake.Volume), DestroyedVolumes: make(map[string]bool), Snapshots: make(map[string]map[string]*storage.Snapshot), DestroyedSnapshots: make(map[string]bool), } _ = driver.populateConfigurationDefaults(&config) _ = driver.initializeStoragePools() return driver } func NewFakeStorageDriverConfigJSON( name string, protocol tridentconfig.Protocol, pools map[string]*fake.StoragePool, volumes []fake.Volume, ) (string, error) { prefix := "" jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal( &drivers.FakeStorageDriverConfig{ CommonStorageDriverConfig: &drivers.CommonStorageDriverConfig{ Version: 1, StorageDriverName: drivers.FakeStorageDriverName, StoragePrefixRaw: json.RawMessage("\"\""), StoragePrefix: &prefix, }, Protocol: protocol, Pools: pools, Volumes: volumes, InstanceName: name, }, ) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(jsonBytes), nil } func NewFakeStorageDriverConfigJSONWithVirtualPools( name string, protocol tridentconfig.Protocol, pools map[string]*fake.StoragePool, vpool drivers.FakeStorageDriverPool, vpools []drivers.FakeStorageDriverPool, ) (string, error) { prefix := "" jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal( &drivers.FakeStorageDriverConfig{ CommonStorageDriverConfig: &drivers.CommonStorageDriverConfig{ Version: 1, StorageDriverName: drivers.FakeStorageDriverName, StoragePrefixRaw: json.RawMessage("\"\""), StoragePrefix: &prefix, }, Protocol: protocol, Pools: pools, InstanceName: name, FakeStorageDriverPool: vpool, Storage: vpools, }, ) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(jsonBytes), nil } func (d *StorageDriver) Name() string { return drivers.FakeStorageDriverName } // poolName returns the name of the pool reported by this driver instance func (d *StorageDriver) poolName(region string) string { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", d.Name(), strings.Replace(region, "-", "", -1)) return strings.Replace(name, "__", "_", -1) } func (d *StorageDriver) Initialize( context tridentconfig.DriverContext, configJSON string, commonConfig *drivers.CommonStorageDriverConfig, ) error { d.Config.CommonStorageDriverConfig = commonConfig err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(configJSON), &d.Config) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize fake driver: %v", err) } err = d.populateConfigurationDefaults(&d.Config) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not populate configuration defaults: %v", err) } err = d.initializeStoragePools() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not configure storage pools: %v", err) } d.Volumes = make(map[string]fake.Volume) d.DestroyedVolumes = make(map[string]bool) d.Config.SerialNumbers = []string{d.Config.InstanceName + "_SN"} d.Snapshots = make(map[string]map[string]*storage.Snapshot) d.DestroyedSnapshots = make(map[string]bool) s, _ := json.Marshal(d.Config) log.Debugf("FakeStorageDriverConfig: %s", string(s)) err = d.validate() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error validating %s driver. %v", d.Name(), err) } for _, volume := range d.Config.Volumes { var requestedPool *storage.Pool if pool, ok := d.virtualPools[volume.RequestedPool]; ok { requestedPool = pool } else if pool, ok = d.physicalPools[volume.RequestedPool]; ok { requestedPool = pool } else { return fmt.Errorf("requested pool %s for volume %s does not exist", volume.RequestedPool, volume.Name) } volConfig := &storage.VolumeConfig{ Version: "1", InternalName: volume.Name, Size: strconv.FormatUint(volume.SizeBytes, 10), } if err = d.Create(volConfig, requestedPool, make(map[string]sa.Request)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error creating volume %s; %v", volume.Name, err) } newVolume := d.Volumes[volume.Name] log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Name": newVolume.Name, "Size": newVolume.SizeBytes, "RequestedPool": newVolume.RequestedPool, "PhysicalPool": newVolume.PhysicalPool, }).Debug("Added new volume.") } d.initialized = true return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) Initialized() bool { return d.initialized } func (d *StorageDriver) Terminate() { d.initialized = false } // PopulateConfigurationDefaults fills in default values for configuration settings if not supplied in the config file func (d *StorageDriver) populateConfigurationDefaults(config *drivers.FakeStorageDriverConfig) error { if config.DebugTraceFlags["method"] { fields := log.Fields{"Method": "populateConfigurationDefaults", "Type": "StorageDriver"} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> populateConfigurationDefaults") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< populateConfigurationDefaults") } if config.StoragePrefix == nil { prefix := drivers.GetDefaultStoragePrefix(config.DriverContext) config.StoragePrefix = &prefix config.StoragePrefixRaw = json.RawMessage("\"" + *config.StoragePrefix + "\"") } // Ensure the default volume size is valid, using a "default default" of 1G if not set if config.Size == "" { config.Size = drivers.DefaultVolumeSize } if config.LimitVolumeSize == "" { config.LimitVolumeSize = defaultLimitVolumeSize } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Size": config.Size, }).Debugf("Configuration defaults") return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) initializeStoragePools() error { d.fakePools = make(map[string]*fake.StoragePool) for fakePoolName, fakePool := range d.Config.Pools { d.fakePools[fakePoolName] = fakePool.ConstructClone() } d.physicalPools = make(map[string]*storage.Pool) d.virtualPools = make(map[string]*storage.Pool) snapshotOffers := make([]sa.Offer, 0) cloneOffers := make([]sa.Offer, 0) encryptionOffers := make([]sa.Offer, 0) provisioningTypeOffers := make([]sa.Offer, 0) mediaOffers := make([]sa.Offer, 0) // Define physical pools for name, fakeStoragePool := range d.fakePools { pool := storage.NewStoragePool(nil, name) pool.Attributes = fakeStoragePool.Attrs pool.Attributes[sa.BackendType] = sa.NewStringOffer(d.Name()) if d.Config.Region != "" { pool.Attributes[sa.Region] = sa.NewStringOffer(d.Config.Region) } if d.Config.Zone != "" { pool.Attributes[sa.Zone] = sa.NewStringOffer(d.Config.Zone) } if snapshotOffer, ok := pool.Attributes[sa.Snapshots]; ok { snapshotOffers = append(snapshotOffers, snapshotOffer) } if cloneOffer, ok := pool.Attributes[sa.Clones]; ok { cloneOffers = append(cloneOffers, cloneOffer) } if encryptionOffer, ok := pool.Attributes[sa.Encryption]; ok { encryptionOffers = append(encryptionOffers, encryptionOffer) } if provisioningTypeOffer, ok := pool.Attributes[sa.ProvisioningType]; ok { provisioningTypeOffers = append(provisioningTypeOffers, provisioningTypeOffer) } if mediaOffer, ok := pool.Attributes[sa.Media]; ok { mediaOffers = append(mediaOffers, mediaOffer) } pool.InternalAttributes[Size] = d.Config.Size pool.InternalAttributes[Region] = d.Config.Region pool.InternalAttributes[Zone] = d.Config.Zone d.physicalPools[pool.Name] = pool } // Define virtual pools for index, vpool := range d.Config.Storage { region := d.Config.Region if vpool.Region != "" { region = vpool.Region } zone := d.Config.Zone if vpool.Zone != "" { zone = vpool.Zone } size := d.Config.Size if vpool.Size != "" { size = vpool.Size } pool := storage.NewStoragePool(nil, d.poolName(fmt.Sprintf(region+"_pool_%d", index))) pool.Attributes[sa.BackendType] = sa.NewStringOffer(d.Name()) pool.Attributes[sa.Labels] = sa.NewLabelOffer(d.Config.Labels, vpool.Labels) pool.Attributes[sa.Region] = sa.NewStringOffer(region) if zone != "" { pool.Attributes[sa.Zone] = sa.NewStringOffer(zone) } if len(snapshotOffers) > 0 { pool.Attributes[sa.Snapshots] = sa.NewBoolOfferFromOffers(snapshotOffers...) } if len(cloneOffers) > 0 { pool.Attributes[sa.Clones] = sa.NewBoolOfferFromOffers(cloneOffers...) } if len(encryptionOffers) > 0 { pool.Attributes[sa.Encryption] = sa.NewBoolOfferFromOffers(encryptionOffers...) } if len(provisioningTypeOffers) > 0 { pool.Attributes[sa.ProvisioningType] = sa.NewStringOfferFromOffers(provisioningTypeOffers...) } if len(mediaOffers) > 0 { pool.Attributes[sa.Media] = sa.NewStringOfferFromOffers(mediaOffers...) } pool.InternalAttributes[Size] = size pool.InternalAttributes[Region] = region pool.InternalAttributes[Zone] = zone d.virtualPools[pool.Name] = pool } return nil } // validate ensures the driver configuration and execution environment are valid and working func (d *StorageDriver) validate() error { if d.Config.DebugTraceFlags["method"] { fields := log.Fields{"Method": "validate", "Type": "StorageDriver"} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> validate") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< validate") } // Validate driver-level attributes // Validate pool-level attributes allPools := make([]*storage.Pool, 0, len(d.physicalPools)+len(d.virtualPools)) for _, pool := range d.physicalPools { allPools = append(allPools, pool) } for _, pool := range d.virtualPools { allPools = append(allPools, pool) } for _, pool := range allPools { // Validate default size if _, err := utils.ConvertSizeToBytes(pool.InternalAttributes[Size]); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for default volume size in pool %s: %v", pool.Name, err) } } return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) Create( volConfig *storage.VolumeConfig, storagePool *storage.Pool, volAttributes map[string]sa.Request, ) error { name := volConfig.InternalName if _, ok := d.Volumes[name]; ok { return drivers.NewVolumeExistsError(name) } // Get candidate physical pools physicalPools, err := d.getPoolsForCreate(volConfig, storagePool, volAttributes) if err != nil { return err } // Determine volume size in bytes requestedSize, err := utils.ConvertSizeToBytes(volConfig.Size) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not convert volume size %s: %v", volConfig.Size, err) } sizeBytes, err := strconv.ParseUint(requestedSize, 10, 64) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%v is an invalid volume size: %v", volConfig.Size, err) } if sizeBytes == 0 { defaultSize, _ := utils.ConvertSizeToBytes(d.Config.Size) sizeBytes, _ = strconv.ParseUint(defaultSize, 10, 64) } if sizeBytes < MinimumVolumeSizeBytes { return fmt.Errorf("requested volume size (%d bytes) is too small; the minimum volume size is %d bytes", sizeBytes, MinimumVolumeSizeBytes) } if _, _, err = drivers.CheckVolumeSizeLimits(sizeBytes, d.Config.CommonStorageDriverConfig); err != nil { return err } createErrors := make([]error, 0) for _, physicalPool := range physicalPools { fakePoolName := physicalPool.Name fakePool, ok := d.fakePools[physicalPool.Name] if !ok { errMessage := fmt.Sprintf("fake pool %s not found.", fakePoolName) log.Error(errMessage) createErrors = append(createErrors, errors.New(errMessage)) continue } if sizeBytes > fakePool.Bytes { errMessage := fmt.Sprintf("requested volume is too large, requested %d bytes, "+ "have %d available in pool %s", sizeBytes, fakePool.Bytes, fakePoolName) log.Error(errMessage) createErrors = append(createErrors, errors.New(errMessage)) continue } d.Volumes[name] = fake.Volume{ Name: name, RequestedPool: storagePool.Name, PhysicalPool: fakePoolName, SizeBytes: sizeBytes, } d.Snapshots[name] = make(map[string]*storage.Snapshot) d.DestroyedVolumes[name] = false fakePool.Bytes -= sizeBytes log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "backend": d.Config.InstanceName, "name": name, "requestedPool": storagePool.Name, "physicalPool": fakePoolName, "sizeBytes": sizeBytes, }).Debug("Created fake volume.") return nil } // All physical pools that were eligible ultimately failed, so don't try this backend again return drivers.NewBackendIneligibleError(name, createErrors) } func (d *StorageDriver) getPoolsForCreate( volConfig *storage.VolumeConfig, storagePool *storage.Pool, volAttributes map[string]sa.Request, ) ([]*storage.Pool, error) { // If a physical pool was requested, just use it if _, ok := d.physicalPools[storagePool.Name]; ok { return []*storage.Pool{storagePool}, nil } // If a virtual pool was requested, find a physical pool to satisfy it if _, ok := d.virtualPools[storagePool.Name]; !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find pool %s", storagePool.Name) } // Make a storage class from the volume attributes to simplify pool matching attributesCopy := make(map[string]sa.Request) for k, v := range volAttributes { attributesCopy[k] = v } delete(attributesCopy, sa.Selector) storageClass := sc.NewFromAttributes(attributesCopy) // Find matching pools candidatePools := make([]*storage.Pool, 0) for _, pool := range d.physicalPools { if storageClass.Matches(pool) { candidatePools = append(candidatePools, pool) } } if len(candidatePools) == 0 { err := errors.New("backend has no physical pools that can satisfy request") return nil, drivers.NewBackendIneligibleError(volConfig.InternalName, []error{err}) } // Shuffle physical pools rand.Shuffle(len(candidatePools), func(i, j int) { candidatePools[i], candidatePools[j] = candidatePools[j], candidatePools[i] }) return candidatePools, nil } func (d *StorageDriver) BootstrapVolume(volume *storage.Volume) { var pool *storage.Pool // If a physical pool was requested, just use it if ppool, ok := d.physicalPools[volume.Pool]; ok { pool = ppool } else if vpool, ok := d.virtualPools[volume.Pool]; ok { pool = vpool } else { for poolName := range d.physicalPools { pool = d.physicalPools[poolName] break } } volAttrs := make(map[string]sa.Request) logFields := log.Fields{ "backend": d.Config.InstanceName, "name": volume.Config.Name, "requestedPool": volume.Pool, "sizeBytes": volume.Config.Size, } if err := d.Create(volume.Config, pool, volAttrs); err != nil { log.WithFields(logFields).Error("Failed to bootstrap fake volume.") } else { log.WithFields(logFields).Debug("Bootstrapped fake volume.") } } func (d *StorageDriver) CreateClone(volConfig *storage.VolumeConfig) error { name := volConfig.InternalName source := volConfig.CloneSourceVolumeInternal snapshot := volConfig.CloneSourceSnapshot // Ensure source volume exists sourceVolume, ok := d.Volumes[source] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("source volume %s not found", name) } // Ensure clone volume doesn't exist if _, ok := d.Volumes[name]; ok { return fmt.Errorf("volume %s already exists", name) } // Use the same pool as the source physicalPool := sourceVolume.PhysicalPool fakePool, ok := d.fakePools[physicalPool] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("could not find pool %s", physicalPool) } // Use the same size as the source sizeBytes := sourceVolume.SizeBytes if sizeBytes > fakePool.Bytes { return fmt.Errorf("requested clone is too large: requested %d bytes; have %d available in pool %s", sizeBytes, fakePool.Bytes, physicalPool) } d.Volumes[name] = fake.Volume{ Name: name, RequestedPool: sourceVolume.RequestedPool, PhysicalPool: physicalPool, SizeBytes: sizeBytes, } d.Snapshots[name] = make(map[string]*storage.Snapshot) d.DestroyedVolumes[name] = false fakePool.Bytes -= sizeBytes log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "backend": d.Config.InstanceName, "Name": name, "source": sourceVolume.Name, "snapshot": snapshot, "requestedPool": sourceVolume.RequestedPool, "physicalPool": physicalPool, "SizeBytes": sizeBytes, }).Debug("Cloned fake volume.") return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) Import(volConfig *storage.VolumeConfig, originalName string) error { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "volumeConfig": volConfig, "originalName": originalName, }).Debug("Import") importVolume, ok := d.Volumes[originalName] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("import volume %s not found", originalName) } volConfig.Size = strconv.FormatUint(importVolume.SizeBytes, 10) if !volConfig.ImportNotManaged { d.Volumes[volConfig.InternalName] = importVolume delete(d.Volumes, originalName) } return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) Rename(name string, newName string) error { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "name": name, "newName": newName, }).Debug("Rename") volume, ok := d.Volumes[name] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("volume to rename %s not found", name) } volume.Name = newName d.Volumes[newName] = volume delete(d.Volumes, name) return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) Destroy(name string) error { d.DestroyedVolumes[name] = true volume, ok := d.Volumes[name] if !ok { return nil } physicalPool := volume.PhysicalPool fakePool, ok := d.fakePools[physicalPool] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("could not find pool %s", physicalPool) } fakePool.Bytes += volume.SizeBytes delete(d.Volumes, name) delete(d.Snapshots, name) log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "backend": d.Config.InstanceName, "Name": name, "requestedPool": volume.RequestedPool, "physicalPool": physicalPool, "sizeBytes": volume.SizeBytes, }).Debug("Deleted fake volume.") return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) Publish(name string, publishInfo *utils.VolumePublishInfo) error { return errors.New("fake driver does not support Publish") } // GetSnapshot gets a snapshot. To distinguish between an API error reading the snapshot // and a non-existent snapshot, this method may return (nil, nil). func (d *StorageDriver) GetSnapshot(snapConfig *storage.SnapshotConfig) (*storage.Snapshot, error) { internalSnapName := snapConfig.InternalName internalVolName := snapConfig.VolumeInternalName // Ensure source volume exists if _, ok := d.Volumes[internalVolName]; !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("volume %s not found", internalVolName) } // Initialize the snapshot array if necessary if _, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName]; !ok { d.Snapshots[internalVolName] = make(map[string]*storage.Snapshot) } if snapshot, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName][internalSnapName]; ok { return snapshot, nil } return nil, nil } // GetSnapshots returns the list of snapshots associated with the specified volume func (d *StorageDriver) GetSnapshots(volConfig *storage.VolumeConfig) ([]*storage.Snapshot, error) { internalVolName := volConfig.InternalName snapshots := make([]*storage.Snapshot, 0) // Ensure source volume exists if _, ok := d.Volumes[internalVolName]; !ok { return snapshots, fmt.Errorf("volume %s not found", internalVolName) } if volSnapshots, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName]; ok { for _, snapshot := range volSnapshots { snapshots = append(snapshots, snapshot) } } return snapshots, nil } // CreateSnapshot creates a snapshot for the given volume func (d *StorageDriver) CreateSnapshot(snapConfig *storage.SnapshotConfig) (*storage.Snapshot, error) { internalSnapName := snapConfig.InternalName internalVolName := snapConfig.VolumeInternalName if d.Config.DebugTraceFlags["method"] { fields := log.Fields{ "Method": "CreateSnapshot", "Type": "StorageDriver", "snapshotName": internalSnapName, "volumeName": internalVolName, } log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> CreateSnapshot") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< CreateSnapshot") } // Ensure source volume exists volume, ok := d.Volumes[internalVolName] if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("source volume %s not found", internalVolName) } // Initialize the snapshot array if necessary if _, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName]; !ok { d.Snapshots[internalVolName] = make(map[string]*storage.Snapshot) } // Check if a snapshot with same name exists if _, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName][internalSnapName]; ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("snapshot %s already exists", internalSnapName) } snapshot := &storage.Snapshot{ Config: snapConfig, Created: time.Now().UTC().Format(storage.SnapshotTimestampFormat), SizeBytes: int64(volume.SizeBytes), } d.Snapshots[internalVolName][internalSnapName] = snapshot d.DestroyedSnapshots[snapConfig.ID()] = false log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "backend": d.Config.InstanceName, "snapshotName": internalSnapName, "sourceVolume": internalVolName, }).Info("Created fake snapshot.") return snapshot, nil } func (d *StorageDriver) BootstrapSnapshot(snapshot *storage.Snapshot) { logFields := log.Fields{ "backend": d.Config.InstanceName, "snapshotName": snapshot.Config.InternalName, "sourceVolume": snapshot.Config.VolumeInternalName, } if newSnapshot, err := d.CreateSnapshot(snapshot.Config); err != nil { log.WithFields(logFields).Error("Failed to bootstrap fake snapshot.") } else { newSnapshot.Created = snapshot.Created log.WithFields(logFields).Debug("Bootstrapped fake snapshot.") } } // RestoreSnapshot restores a volume (in place) from a snapshot. func (d *StorageDriver) RestoreSnapshot(snapConfig *storage.SnapshotConfig) error { internalSnapName := snapConfig.InternalName internalVolName := snapConfig.VolumeInternalName // Ensure source volume exists if _, ok := d.Volumes[internalVolName]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("volume %s not found", internalVolName) } // Initialize the snapshot array if necessary if _, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName]; !ok { d.Snapshots[internalVolName] = make(map[string]*storage.Snapshot) } if _, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName][internalSnapName]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("snapshot %s not found in volume %s", internalSnapName, internalVolName) } return nil } // DeleteSnapshot creates a snapshot of a volume. func (d *StorageDriver) DeleteSnapshot(snapConfig *storage.SnapshotConfig) error { internalSnapName := snapConfig.InternalName internalVolName := snapConfig.VolumeInternalName // Initialize the snapshot array if necessary if _, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName]; !ok { d.Snapshots[internalVolName] = make(map[string]*storage.Snapshot) } if _, ok := d.Snapshots[internalVolName][internalSnapName]; ok { delete(d.Snapshots[internalVolName], internalSnapName) } d.DestroyedSnapshots[snapConfig.ID()] = true return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) Get(name string) error { _, ok := d.Volumes[name] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("could not find volume %s", name) } return nil } // Resize expands the volume size. func (d *StorageDriver) Resize(volConfig *storage.VolumeConfig, sizeBytes uint64) error { name := volConfig.InternalName vol := d.Volumes[name] if vol.SizeBytes == sizeBytes { return nil } if sizeBytes < vol.SizeBytes { return fmt.Errorf("requested size %d is less than existing volume size %d", sizeBytes, vol.SizeBytes) } else { vol.SizeBytes = sizeBytes d.Volumes[name] = vol } volConfig.Size = strconv.FormatUint(sizeBytes, 10) return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) GetStorageBackendSpecs(backend *storage.Backend) error { if d.Config.BackendName == "" { // Use the old naming scheme if no backend is specified backend.Name = d.Config.InstanceName } else { backend.Name = d.Config.BackendName } virtual := len(d.virtualPools) > 0 for _, pool := range d.physicalPools { pool.Backend = backend if !virtual { backend.AddStoragePool(pool) } } for _, pool := range d.virtualPools { pool.Backend = backend if virtual { backend.AddStoragePool(pool) } } return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) GetInternalVolumeName(name string) string { if tridentconfig.UsingPassthroughStore { // With a passthrough store, the name mapping must remain reversible return *d.Config.StoragePrefix + name } else { // With an external store, any transformation of the name is fine internal := drivers.GetCommonInternalVolumeName(d.Config.CommonStorageDriverConfig, name) internal = strings.Replace(internal, "--", "-", -1) // Remove any double hyphens internal = strings.Replace(internal, "__", "_", -1) // Remove any double underscores internal = strings.Replace(internal, "_-", "-", -1) // Remove any strange delimiter return internal } } func (d *StorageDriver) CreatePrepare(volConfig *storage.VolumeConfig) error { volConfig.InternalName = d.GetInternalVolumeName(volConfig.Name) if volConfig.CloneSourceVolume != "" { volConfig.CloneSourceVolumeInternal = d.GetInternalVolumeName(volConfig.CloneSourceVolume) } return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) CreateFollowup(volConfig *storage.VolumeConfig) error { switch d.Config.Protocol { case tridentconfig.File: volConfig.AccessInfo.NfsServerIP = "" // unrouteable test address, see RFC 5737 volConfig.AccessInfo.NfsPath = "/" + volConfig.InternalName case tridentconfig.Block: volConfig.AccessInfo.IscsiTargetPortal = "" volConfig.AccessInfo.IscsiPortals = []string{""} volConfig.AccessInfo.IscsiTargetIQN = "iqn.2017-06.com.netapp:fake" volConfig.AccessInfo.IscsiLunNumber = 0 } return nil } func (d *StorageDriver) GetProtocol() tridentconfig.Protocol { return d.Config.Protocol } func (d *StorageDriver) StoreConfig(b *storage.PersistentStorageBackendConfig) { drivers.SanitizeCommonStorageDriverConfig(d.Config.CommonStorageDriverConfig) // Clone the config so we don't alter the original var cloneCommonConfig drivers.CommonStorageDriverConfig Clone(d.Config.CommonStorageDriverConfig, &cloneCommonConfig) cloneCommonConfig.SerialNumbers = nil if cloneCommonConfig.StoragePrefix == nil { cloneCommonConfig.StoragePrefixRaw = json.RawMessage("{}") } else { cloneCommonConfig.StoragePrefixRaw = json.RawMessage("\"" + *cloneCommonConfig.StoragePrefix + "\"") } cloneCommonConfig.StoragePrefix = nil var cloneFakePool drivers.FakeStorageDriverPool Clone(&d.Config.FakeStorageDriverPool, &cloneFakePool) var cloneFakePools []drivers.FakeStorageDriverPool Clone(&d.Config.Storage, &cloneFakePools) b.FakeStorageDriverConfig = &drivers.FakeStorageDriverConfig{ CommonStorageDriverConfig: &cloneCommonConfig, Protocol: d.Config.Protocol, Pools: d.Config.Pools, InstanceName: d.Config.InstanceName, Storage: cloneFakePools, FakeStorageDriverPool: cloneFakePool, } } func (d *StorageDriver) GetExternalConfig() interface{} { drivers.SanitizeCommonStorageDriverConfig(d.Config.CommonStorageDriverConfig) return d.Config } func (d *StorageDriver) GetVolumeExternal(name string) (*storage.VolumeExternal, error) { volume, ok := d.Volumes[name] if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("fake volume %s not found", name) } return d.getVolumeExternal(volume), nil } func (d *StorageDriver) GetVolumeExternalWrappers( channel chan *storage.VolumeExternalWrapper) { // Let the caller know we're done by closing the channel defer close(channel) // Convert all volumes to VolumeExternal and write them to the channel for _, volume := range d.Volumes { channel <- &storage.VolumeExternalWrapper{Volume: d.getVolumeExternal(volume), Error: nil} } } func (d *StorageDriver) getVolumeExternal(volume fake.Volume) *storage.VolumeExternal { internalName := volume.Name name := internalName if strings.HasPrefix(internalName, *d.Config.StoragePrefix) { name = internalName[len(*d.Config.StoragePrefix):] } volumeConfig := &storage.VolumeConfig{ Version: tridentconfig.OrchestratorAPIVersion, Name: name, InternalName: internalName, Size: strconv.FormatUint(volume.SizeBytes, 10), } volumeExternal := &storage.VolumeExternal{ Config: volumeConfig, Pool: drivers.UnsetPool, } return volumeExternal } // GetUpdateType returns a bitmap populated with updates to the driver func (d *StorageDriver) GetUpdateType(driverOrig storage.Driver) *roaring.Bitmap { bitmap := roaring.New() _, ok := driverOrig.(*StorageDriver) if !ok { bitmap.Add(storage.InvalidUpdate) return bitmap } return roaring.New() } // CopyVolumes copies Volumes into this instance; there is no "storage system of truth" to use func (d StorageDriver) CopyVolumes(volumes map[string]fake.Volume) { for name, vol := range volumes { d.Volumes[name] = vol } } func Clone(a, b interface{}) { buff := new(bytes.Buffer) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buff) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buff) _ = enc.Encode(a) _ = dec.Decode(b) }