package azgo import ( "encoding/xml" "reflect" log "" ) // SnapshotInfoType is a structure to represent a snapshot-info ZAPI object type SnapshotInfoType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"snapshot-info"` AccessTimePtr *int `xml:"access-time"` AfsUsedPtr *int `xml:"afs-used"` BusyPtr *bool `xml:"busy"` CommentPtr *string `xml:"comment"` CompressSavingsPtr *int `xml:"compress-savings"` CompressionTypePtr *string `xml:"compression-type"` ContainsLunClonesPtr *bool `xml:"contains-lun-clones"` CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocksPtr *int `xml:"cumulative-percentage-of-total-blocks"` CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocksPtr *int `xml:"cumulative-percentage-of-used-blocks"` CumulativeTotalPtr *int `xml:"cumulative-total"` DedupSavingsPtr *int `xml:"dedup-savings"` DependencyPtr *string `xml:"dependency"` ExpiryTimePtr *int `xml:"expiry-time"` InfiniteSnaplockExpiryTimePtr *bool `xml:"infinite-snaplock-expiry-time"` InofileVersionPtr *int `xml:"inofile-version"` Is7ModeSnapshotPtr *bool `xml:"is-7-mode-snapshot"` IsConstituentSnapshotPtr *bool `xml:"is-constituent-snapshot"` NamePtr *string `xml:"name"` PercentageOfTotalBlocksPtr *int `xml:"percentage-of-total-blocks"` PercentageOfUsedBlocksPtr *int `xml:"percentage-of-used-blocks"` SnaplockExpiryTimePtr *int `xml:"snaplock-expiry-time"` SnapmirrorLabelPtr *string `xml:"snapmirror-label"` SnapshotInstanceUuidPtr *UUIDType `xml:"snapshot-instance-uuid"` SnapshotOwnersListPtr *SnapshotInfoTypeSnapshotOwnersList `xml:"snapshot-owners-list"` // work in progress SnapshotVersionUuidPtr *UUIDType `xml:"snapshot-version-uuid"` StatePtr *string `xml:"state"` TotalPtr *int `xml:"total"` Vbn0SavingsPtr *int `xml:"vbn0-savings"` VolumePtr *string `xml:"volume"` VolumeProvenanceUuidPtr *UUIDType `xml:"volume-provenance-uuid"` VserverPtr *string `xml:"vserver"` } // NewSnapshotInfoType is a factory method for creating new instances of SnapshotInfoType objects func NewSnapshotInfoType() *SnapshotInfoType { return &SnapshotInfoType{} } // ToXML converts this object into an xml string representation func (o *SnapshotInfoType) ToXML() (string, error) { output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(o, " ", " ") if err != nil { log.Errorf("error: %v", err) } return string(output), err } // String returns a string representation of this object's fields and implements the Stringer interface func (o SnapshotInfoType) String() string { return ToString(reflect.ValueOf(o)) } // AccessTime is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) AccessTime() int { r := *o.AccessTimePtr return r } // SetAccessTime is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetAccessTime(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.AccessTimePtr = &newValue return o } // AfsUsed is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) AfsUsed() int { r := *o.AfsUsedPtr return r } // SetAfsUsed is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetAfsUsed(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.AfsUsedPtr = &newValue return o } // Busy is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Busy() bool { r := *o.BusyPtr return r } // SetBusy is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetBusy(newValue bool) *SnapshotInfoType { o.BusyPtr = &newValue return o } // Comment is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Comment() string { r := *o.CommentPtr return r } // SetComment is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetComment(newValue string) *SnapshotInfoType { o.CommentPtr = &newValue return o } // CompressSavings is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) CompressSavings() int { r := *o.CompressSavingsPtr return r } // SetCompressSavings is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetCompressSavings(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.CompressSavingsPtr = &newValue return o } // CompressionType is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) CompressionType() string { r := *o.CompressionTypePtr return r } // SetCompressionType is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetCompressionType(newValue string) *SnapshotInfoType { o.CompressionTypePtr = &newValue return o } // ContainsLunClones is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) ContainsLunClones() bool { r := *o.ContainsLunClonesPtr return r } // SetContainsLunClones is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetContainsLunClones(newValue bool) *SnapshotInfoType { o.ContainsLunClonesPtr = &newValue return o } // CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks() int { r := *o.CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocksPtr return r } // SetCumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetCumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocksPtr = &newValue return o } // CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks() int { r := *o.CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocksPtr return r } // SetCumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetCumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocksPtr = &newValue return o } // CumulativeTotal is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) CumulativeTotal() int { r := *o.CumulativeTotalPtr return r } // SetCumulativeTotal is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetCumulativeTotal(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.CumulativeTotalPtr = &newValue return o } // DedupSavings is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) DedupSavings() int { r := *o.DedupSavingsPtr return r } // SetDedupSavings is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetDedupSavings(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.DedupSavingsPtr = &newValue return o } // Dependency is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Dependency() string { r := *o.DependencyPtr return r } // SetDependency is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetDependency(newValue string) *SnapshotInfoType { o.DependencyPtr = &newValue return o } // ExpiryTime is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) ExpiryTime() int { r := *o.ExpiryTimePtr return r } // SetExpiryTime is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetExpiryTime(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.ExpiryTimePtr = &newValue return o } // InfiniteSnaplockExpiryTime is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) InfiniteSnaplockExpiryTime() bool { r := *o.InfiniteSnaplockExpiryTimePtr return r } // SetInfiniteSnaplockExpiryTime is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetInfiniteSnaplockExpiryTime(newValue bool) *SnapshotInfoType { o.InfiniteSnaplockExpiryTimePtr = &newValue return o } // InofileVersion is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) InofileVersion() int { r := *o.InofileVersionPtr return r } // SetInofileVersion is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetInofileVersion(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.InofileVersionPtr = &newValue return o } // Is7ModeSnapshot is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Is7ModeSnapshot() bool { r := *o.Is7ModeSnapshotPtr return r } // SetIs7ModeSnapshot is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetIs7ModeSnapshot(newValue bool) *SnapshotInfoType { o.Is7ModeSnapshotPtr = &newValue return o } // IsConstituentSnapshot is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) IsConstituentSnapshot() bool { r := *o.IsConstituentSnapshotPtr return r } // SetIsConstituentSnapshot is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetIsConstituentSnapshot(newValue bool) *SnapshotInfoType { o.IsConstituentSnapshotPtr = &newValue return o } // Name is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Name() string { r := *o.NamePtr return r } // SetName is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetName(newValue string) *SnapshotInfoType { o.NamePtr = &newValue return o } // PercentageOfTotalBlocks is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) PercentageOfTotalBlocks() int { r := *o.PercentageOfTotalBlocksPtr return r } // SetPercentageOfTotalBlocks is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetPercentageOfTotalBlocks(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.PercentageOfTotalBlocksPtr = &newValue return o } // PercentageOfUsedBlocks is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) PercentageOfUsedBlocks() int { r := *o.PercentageOfUsedBlocksPtr return r } // SetPercentageOfUsedBlocks is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetPercentageOfUsedBlocks(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.PercentageOfUsedBlocksPtr = &newValue return o } // SnaplockExpiryTime is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SnaplockExpiryTime() int { r := *o.SnaplockExpiryTimePtr return r } // SetSnaplockExpiryTime is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetSnaplockExpiryTime(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.SnaplockExpiryTimePtr = &newValue return o } // SnapmirrorLabel is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SnapmirrorLabel() string { r := *o.SnapmirrorLabelPtr return r } // SetSnapmirrorLabel is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetSnapmirrorLabel(newValue string) *SnapshotInfoType { o.SnapmirrorLabelPtr = &newValue return o } // SnapshotInstanceUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SnapshotInstanceUuid() UUIDType { r := *o.SnapshotInstanceUuidPtr return r } // SetSnapshotInstanceUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetSnapshotInstanceUuid(newValue UUIDType) *SnapshotInfoType { o.SnapshotInstanceUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // SnapshotInfoTypeSnapshotOwnersList is a wrapper type SnapshotInfoTypeSnapshotOwnersList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"snapshot-owners-list"` SnapshotOwnerPtr []SnapshotOwnerType `xml:"snapshot-owner"` } // SnapshotOwner is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoTypeSnapshotOwnersList) SnapshotOwner() []SnapshotOwnerType { r := o.SnapshotOwnerPtr return r } // SetSnapshotOwner is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoTypeSnapshotOwnersList) SetSnapshotOwner(newValue []SnapshotOwnerType) *SnapshotInfoTypeSnapshotOwnersList { newSlice := make([]SnapshotOwnerType, len(newValue)) copy(newSlice, newValue) o.SnapshotOwnerPtr = newSlice return o } // SnapshotOwnersList is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SnapshotOwnersList() SnapshotInfoTypeSnapshotOwnersList { r := *o.SnapshotOwnersListPtr return r } // SetSnapshotOwnersList is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetSnapshotOwnersList(newValue SnapshotInfoTypeSnapshotOwnersList) *SnapshotInfoType { o.SnapshotOwnersListPtr = &newValue return o } // SnapshotVersionUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SnapshotVersionUuid() UUIDType { r := *o.SnapshotVersionUuidPtr return r } // SetSnapshotVersionUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetSnapshotVersionUuid(newValue UUIDType) *SnapshotInfoType { o.SnapshotVersionUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // State is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) State() string { r := *o.StatePtr return r } // SetState is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetState(newValue string) *SnapshotInfoType { o.StatePtr = &newValue return o } // Total is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Total() int { r := *o.TotalPtr return r } // SetTotal is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetTotal(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.TotalPtr = &newValue return o } // Vbn0Savings is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Vbn0Savings() int { r := *o.Vbn0SavingsPtr return r } // SetVbn0Savings is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetVbn0Savings(newValue int) *SnapshotInfoType { o.Vbn0SavingsPtr = &newValue return o } // Volume is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Volume() string { r := *o.VolumePtr return r } // SetVolume is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetVolume(newValue string) *SnapshotInfoType { o.VolumePtr = &newValue return o } // VolumeProvenanceUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) VolumeProvenanceUuid() UUIDType { r := *o.VolumeProvenanceUuidPtr return r } // SetVolumeProvenanceUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetVolumeProvenanceUuid(newValue UUIDType) *SnapshotInfoType { o.VolumeProvenanceUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // Vserver is a 'getter' method func (o *SnapshotInfoType) Vserver() string { r := *o.VserverPtr return r } // SetVserver is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *SnapshotInfoType) SetVserver(newValue string) *SnapshotInfoType { o.VserverPtr = &newValue return o }