package azgo import ( "encoding/xml" "reflect" log "" ) // VolumeIdAttributesType is a structure to represent a volume-id-attributes ZAPI object type VolumeIdAttributesType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"volume-id-attributes"` AggrListPtr *VolumeIdAttributesTypeAggrList `xml:"aggr-list"` // work in progress ApplicationPtr *string `xml:"application"` ApplicationUuidPtr *UuidType `xml:"application-uuid"` CommentPtr *string `xml:"comment"` ContainingAggregateNamePtr *string `xml:"containing-aggregate-name"` ContainingAggregateUuidPtr *UuidType `xml:"containing-aggregate-uuid"` CreationTimePtr *int `xml:"creation-time"` DsidPtr *int `xml:"dsid"` ExtentSizePtr *string `xml:"extent-size"` FlexcacheEndpointTypePtr *string `xml:"flexcache-endpoint-type"` FlexgroupIndexPtr *int `xml:"flexgroup-index"` FlexgroupMsidPtr *int `xml:"flexgroup-msid"` FlexgroupUuidPtr *UuidType `xml:"flexgroup-uuid"` FsidPtr *string `xml:"fsid"` InstanceUuidPtr *UuidType `xml:"instance-uuid"` JunctionParentNamePtr *VolumeNameType `xml:"junction-parent-name"` JunctionPathPtr *JunctionPathType `xml:"junction-path"` MsidPtr *int `xml:"msid"` NamePtr *VolumeNameType `xml:"name"` NameOrdinalPtr *string `xml:"name-ordinal"` NodePtr *NodeNameType `xml:"node"` NodesPtr *VolumeIdAttributesTypeNodes `xml:"nodes"` // work in progress OwningVserverNamePtr *string `xml:"owning-vserver-name"` OwningVserverUuidPtr *UuidType `xml:"owning-vserver-uuid"` ProvenanceUuidPtr *UuidType `xml:"provenance-uuid"` StylePtr *VolstyleType `xml:"style"` StyleExtendedPtr *string `xml:"style-extended"` TypePtr *string `xml:"type"` UuidPtr *UuidType `xml:"uuid"` } // NewVolumeIdAttributesType is a factory method for creating new instances of VolumeIdAttributesType objects func NewVolumeIdAttributesType() *VolumeIdAttributesType { return &VolumeIdAttributesType{} } // ToXML converts this object into an xml string representation func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) ToXML() (string, error) { output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(o, " ", " ") if err != nil { log.Errorf("error: %v", err) } return string(output), err } // String returns a string representation of this object's fields and implements the Stringer interface func (o VolumeIdAttributesType) String() string { return ToString(reflect.ValueOf(o)) } // VolumeIdAttributesTypeAggrList is a wrapper type VolumeIdAttributesTypeAggrList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"aggr-list"` AggrNamePtr []AggrNameType `xml:"aggr-name"` } // AggrName is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesTypeAggrList) AggrName() []AggrNameType { r := o.AggrNamePtr return r } // SetAggrName is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesTypeAggrList) SetAggrName(newValue []AggrNameType) *VolumeIdAttributesTypeAggrList { newSlice := make([]AggrNameType, len(newValue)) copy(newSlice, newValue) o.AggrNamePtr = newSlice return o } // AggrList is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) AggrList() VolumeIdAttributesTypeAggrList { r := *o.AggrListPtr return r } // SetAggrList is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetAggrList(newValue VolumeIdAttributesTypeAggrList) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.AggrListPtr = &newValue return o } // Application is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Application() string { r := *o.ApplicationPtr return r } // SetApplication is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetApplication(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.ApplicationPtr = &newValue return o } // ApplicationUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) ApplicationUuid() UuidType { r := *o.ApplicationUuidPtr return r } // SetApplicationUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetApplicationUuid(newValue UuidType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.ApplicationUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // Comment is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Comment() string { r := *o.CommentPtr return r } // SetComment is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetComment(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.CommentPtr = &newValue return o } // ContainingAggregateName is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) ContainingAggregateName() string { r := *o.ContainingAggregateNamePtr return r } // SetContainingAggregateName is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetContainingAggregateName(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.ContainingAggregateNamePtr = &newValue return o } // ContainingAggregateUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) ContainingAggregateUuid() UuidType { r := *o.ContainingAggregateUuidPtr return r } // SetContainingAggregateUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetContainingAggregateUuid(newValue UuidType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.ContainingAggregateUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // CreationTime is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) CreationTime() int { r := *o.CreationTimePtr return r } // SetCreationTime is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetCreationTime(newValue int) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.CreationTimePtr = &newValue return o } // Dsid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Dsid() int { r := *o.DsidPtr return r } // SetDsid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetDsid(newValue int) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.DsidPtr = &newValue return o } // ExtentSize is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) ExtentSize() string { r := *o.ExtentSizePtr return r } // SetExtentSize is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetExtentSize(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.ExtentSizePtr = &newValue return o } // FlexcacheEndpointType is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) FlexcacheEndpointType() string { r := *o.FlexcacheEndpointTypePtr return r } // SetFlexcacheEndpointType is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetFlexcacheEndpointType(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.FlexcacheEndpointTypePtr = &newValue return o } // FlexgroupIndex is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) FlexgroupIndex() int { r := *o.FlexgroupIndexPtr return r } // SetFlexgroupIndex is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetFlexgroupIndex(newValue int) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.FlexgroupIndexPtr = &newValue return o } // FlexgroupMsid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) FlexgroupMsid() int { r := *o.FlexgroupMsidPtr return r } // SetFlexgroupMsid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetFlexgroupMsid(newValue int) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.FlexgroupMsidPtr = &newValue return o } // FlexgroupUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) FlexgroupUuid() UuidType { r := *o.FlexgroupUuidPtr return r } // SetFlexgroupUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetFlexgroupUuid(newValue UuidType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.FlexgroupUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // Fsid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Fsid() string { r := *o.FsidPtr return r } // SetFsid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetFsid(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.FsidPtr = &newValue return o } // InstanceUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) InstanceUuid() UuidType { r := *o.InstanceUuidPtr return r } // SetInstanceUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetInstanceUuid(newValue UuidType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.InstanceUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // JunctionParentName is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) JunctionParentName() VolumeNameType { r := *o.JunctionParentNamePtr return r } // SetJunctionParentName is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetJunctionParentName(newValue VolumeNameType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.JunctionParentNamePtr = &newValue return o } // JunctionPath is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) JunctionPath() JunctionPathType { r := *o.JunctionPathPtr return r } // SetJunctionPath is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetJunctionPath(newValue JunctionPathType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.JunctionPathPtr = &newValue return o } // Msid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Msid() int { r := *o.MsidPtr return r } // SetMsid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetMsid(newValue int) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.MsidPtr = &newValue return o } // Name is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Name() VolumeNameType { r := *o.NamePtr return r } // SetName is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetName(newValue VolumeNameType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.NamePtr = &newValue return o } // NameOrdinal is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) NameOrdinal() string { r := *o.NameOrdinalPtr return r } // SetNameOrdinal is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetNameOrdinal(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.NameOrdinalPtr = &newValue return o } // Node is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Node() NodeNameType { r := *o.NodePtr return r } // SetNode is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetNode(newValue NodeNameType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.NodePtr = &newValue return o } // VolumeIdAttributesTypeNodes is a wrapper type VolumeIdAttributesTypeNodes struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"nodes"` NodeNamePtr []NodeNameType `xml:"node-name"` } // NodeName is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesTypeNodes) NodeName() []NodeNameType { r := o.NodeNamePtr return r } // SetNodeName is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesTypeNodes) SetNodeName(newValue []NodeNameType) *VolumeIdAttributesTypeNodes { newSlice := make([]NodeNameType, len(newValue)) copy(newSlice, newValue) o.NodeNamePtr = newSlice return o } // Nodes is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Nodes() VolumeIdAttributesTypeNodes { r := *o.NodesPtr return r } // SetNodes is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetNodes(newValue VolumeIdAttributesTypeNodes) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.NodesPtr = &newValue return o } // OwningVserverName is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) OwningVserverName() string { r := *o.OwningVserverNamePtr return r } // SetOwningVserverName is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetOwningVserverName(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.OwningVserverNamePtr = &newValue return o } // OwningVserverUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) OwningVserverUuid() UuidType { r := *o.OwningVserverUuidPtr return r } // SetOwningVserverUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetOwningVserverUuid(newValue UuidType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.OwningVserverUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // ProvenanceUuid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) ProvenanceUuid() UuidType { r := *o.ProvenanceUuidPtr return r } // SetProvenanceUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetProvenanceUuid(newValue UuidType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.ProvenanceUuidPtr = &newValue return o } // Style is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Style() VolstyleType { r := *o.StylePtr return r } // SetStyle is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetStyle(newValue VolstyleType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.StylePtr = &newValue return o } // StyleExtended is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) StyleExtended() string { r := *o.StyleExtendedPtr return r } // SetStyleExtended is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetStyleExtended(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.StyleExtendedPtr = &newValue return o } // Type is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Type() string { r := *o.TypePtr return r } // SetType is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetType(newValue string) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.TypePtr = &newValue return o } // Uuid is a 'getter' method func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) Uuid() UuidType { r := *o.UuidPtr return r } // SetUuid is a fluent style 'setter' method that can be chained func (o *VolumeIdAttributesType) SetUuid(newValue UuidType) *VolumeIdAttributesType { o.UuidPtr = &newValue return o }