// Copyright 2019 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved. package utils import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "time" "github.com/cenkalti/backoff" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) const ( iSCSIErrNoObjsFound = 21 iSCSIDeviceDiscoveryTimeoutSecs = 90 multipathDeviceDiscoveryTimeoutSecs = 90 resourceDeletionTimeoutSecs = 40 fsRaw = "raw" temporaryMountDir = "/tmp_mnt" ) var xtermControlRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\x1B\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]`) var pidRunningRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`pid \d+ running`) var pidRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\d+$`) var chrootPathPrefix string func init() { if os.Getenv("DOCKER_PLUGIN_MODE") != "" { chrootPathPrefix = "/host" } else { chrootPathPrefix = "" } } // Attach the volume to the local host. This method must be able to accomplish its task using only the data passed in. // It may be assumed that this method always runs on the host to which the volume will be attached. func AttachNFSVolume(name, mountpoint string, publishInfo *VolumePublishInfo) error { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.AttachNFSVolume") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.AttachNFSVolume") var exportPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", publishInfo.NfsServerIP, publishInfo.NfsPath) var options = publishInfo.MountOptions log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "volume": name, "exportPath": exportPath, "mountpoint": mountpoint, "options": options, }).Debug("Publishing NFS volume.") return mountNFSPath(exportPath, mountpoint, options) } // Attach the volume to the local host. This method must be able to accomplish its task using only the data passed in. // It may be assumed that this method always runs on the host to which the volume will be attached. If the mountpoint // parameter is specified, the volume will be mounted. The device path is set on the in-out publishInfo parameter // so that it may be mounted later instead. func AttachISCSIVolume(name, mountpoint string, publishInfo *VolumePublishInfo) error { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.AttachISCSIVolume") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.AttachISCSIVolume") var err error var lunID = int(publishInfo.IscsiLunNumber) var bkportal []string var portalIps []string bkportal = append(bkportal, publishInfo.IscsiTargetPortal) portalIps = append(portalIps, strings.Split(publishInfo.IscsiTargetPortal, ":")[0]) for _, p := range publishInfo.IscsiPortals { bkportal = append(bkportal, p) portalIps = append(portalIps, strings.Split(p, ":")[0]) } var targetIQN = publishInfo.IscsiTargetIQN var username = publishInfo.IscsiUsername var initiatorSecret = publishInfo.IscsiInitiatorSecret var iscsiInterface = publishInfo.IscsiInterface var fstype = publishInfo.FilesystemType var options = publishInfo.MountOptions log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "volume": name, "mountpoint": mountpoint, "lunID": lunID, "targetPortals": bkportal, "targetIQN": targetIQN, "fstype": fstype, }).Debug("Attaching iSCSI volume.") if ISCSISupported() == false { err := errors.New("unable to attach: open-iscsi tools not found on host") log.Errorf("Unable to attach volume: open-iscsi utils not found") return err } // If not logged in, login first sessionExists, err := iSCSISessionExistsToTargetIQN(targetIQN) if err != nil { return err } if !sessionExists { if publishInfo.UseCHAP { for _, portal := range bkportal { err = loginWithChap(targetIQN, portal, username, initiatorSecret, iscsiInterface, false) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to login with CHAP credentials: %+v ", err) return fmt.Errorf("iSCSI login error: %v", err) } } } else { err = EnsureISCSISessions(portalIps) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("iSCSI session error: %v", err) } } } // If LUN isn't present, scan the target and wait for the device(s) to appear // if not attached need to scan shouldScan := !IsAlreadyAttached(lunID, targetIQN) err = waitForDeviceScanIfNeeded(lunID, targetIQN, shouldScan) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Could not find iSCSI device: %+v", err) return err } err = waitForMultipathDeviceForLUN(lunID, targetIQN) if err != nil { return err } // Lookup all the SCSI device information deviceInfo, err := getDeviceInfoForLUN(lunID, targetIQN) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting iSCSI device information: %v", err) } else if deviceInfo == nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not get iSCSI device information for LUN %d", lunID) } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "scsiLun": deviceInfo.LUN, "multipathDevice": deviceInfo.MultipathDevice, "devices": deviceInfo.Devices, "fsType": deviceInfo.Filesystem, "iqn": deviceInfo.IQN, }).Debug("Found device.") // Make sure we use the proper device (multipath if in use) deviceToUse := deviceInfo.Devices[0] if deviceInfo.MultipathDevice != "" { deviceToUse = deviceInfo.MultipathDevice } if deviceToUse == "" { return fmt.Errorf("could not determine device to use for %v", name) } devicePath := "/dev/" + deviceToUse if err := waitForDevice(devicePath); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not find device %v; %s", devicePath, err) } // Return the device in the publish info in case the mount will be done later publishInfo.DevicePath = devicePath if fstype == fsRaw { return nil } existingFstype := deviceInfo.Filesystem if existingFstype == "" { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"volume": name, "fstype": fstype}).Debug("Formatting LUN.") err := formatVolume(devicePath, fstype) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error formatting LUN %s, device %s: %v", name, deviceToUse, err) } } else if existingFstype != fstype { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "volume": name, "existingFstype": existingFstype, "requestedFstype": fstype, }).Error("LUN already formatted with a different file system type.") return fmt.Errorf("LUN %s, device %s already formatted with other filesystem: %s", name, deviceToUse, existingFstype) } else { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "volume": name, "fstype": deviceInfo.Filesystem, }).Debug("LUN already formatted.") } // Optionally mount the device if mountpoint != "" { if err := MountDevice(devicePath, mountpoint, options, false); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error mounting LUN %v, device %v, mountpoint %v; %s", name, deviceToUse, mountpoint, err) } } return nil } // DFInfo data structure for wrapping the parsed output from the 'df' command type DFInfo struct { Target string Source string } // GetDFOutput returns parsed DF output func GetDFOutput() ([]DFInfo, error) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.GetDFOutput") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.GetDFOutput") var result []DFInfo out, err := execCommand("df", "--output=target,source") if err != nil { // df returns an error if there's a stale file handle that we can // safely ignore. There may be other reasons. Consider it a warning if // it printed anything to stdout. if len(out) == 0 { log.Error("Error encountered gathering df output.") return nil, err } } lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "\n") for _, l := range lines { a := strings.Fields(l) if len(a) > 1 { result = append(result, DFInfo{ Target: a[0], Source: a[1], }) } } if len(result) > 1 { return result[1:], nil } return result, nil } // GetInitiatorIqns returns parsed contents of /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi func GetInitiatorIqns() ([]string, error) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.GetInitiatorIqns") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.GetInitiatorIqns") var iqns []string out, err := execCommand("cat", "/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi") if err != nil { log.Error("Error gathering initiator names.") return nil, err } lines := strings.Split(string(out), "\n") for _, l := range lines { if strings.Contains(l, "InitiatorName=") { iqns = append(iqns, strings.Split(l, "=")[1]) } } return iqns, nil } // PathExists returns true if the file/directory at the specified path exists, // false otherwise or if an error occurs. func PathExists(path string) bool { if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { return true } return false } // EnsureFileExists makes sure that file of given name exists func EnsureFileExists(path string) error { fields := log.Fields{"path": path} if info, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { if info.IsDir() { log.WithFields(fields).Error("Path exists but is a directory") return fmt.Errorf("path exists but is a directory: %s", path) } return nil } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) { log.WithFields(fields).Errorf("Can't determine if file exists; %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("can't determine if file %s exists; %s", path, err) } file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0600) if nil != err { log.WithFields(fields).Errorf("OpenFile failed; %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("failed to create file %s; %s", path, err) } file.Close() return nil } // DeleteResourceAtPath makes sure that given named file or (empty) directory is removed func DeleteResourceAtPath(resource string) error { return waitForResourceDeletionAtPath(resource) } // waitForResourceDeletionAtPath accepts a resource name and waits until it is deleted and returns error if it times out func waitForResourceDeletionAtPath(resource string) error { fields := log.Fields{"resource": resource} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.waitForResourceDeletionAtPath") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.waitForResourceDeletionAtPath") maxDuration := resourceDeletionTimeoutSecs * time.Second checkResourceDeletion := func() error { if _, err := os.Stat(resource); err == nil { if err = os.Remove(resource); err != nil { log.WithFields(fields).Debugf("Failed to remove resource, %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("Failed to remove resource %s; %s", resource, err) } return nil } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) { log.WithFields(fields).Debugf("Can't determine if resource exists; %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("can't determine if resource %s exists; %s", resource, err) } return nil } deleteNotify := func(err error, duration time.Duration) { log.WithField("increment", duration).Debug("Resource not deleted yet, waiting.") } deleteBackoff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff() deleteBackoff.InitialInterval = 1 * time.Second deleteBackoff.Multiplier = 1.414 // approx sqrt(2) deleteBackoff.RandomizationFactor = 0.1 deleteBackoff.MaxElapsedTime = maxDuration // Run the check using an exponential backoff if err := backoff.RetryNotify(checkResourceDeletion, deleteBackoff, deleteNotify); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not delete resource after %3.2f seconds", maxDuration.Seconds()) } else { log.WithField("resource", resource).Debug("Resource deleted.") return nil } } // EnsureDirExists makes sure that given directory structure exists func EnsureDirExists(path string) error { fields := log.Fields{ "path": path, } if info, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { if !info.IsDir() { log.WithFields(fields).Error("Path exists but is not a directory") return fmt.Errorf("path exists but is not a directory: %s", path) } return nil } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) { log.WithFields(fields).Errorf("Can't determine if directory exists; %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("can't determine if directory %s exists; %s", path, err) } err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0755) if err != nil { log.WithFields(fields).Errorf("Mkdir failed; %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("failed to mkdir %s; %s", path, err) } return nil } // getSysfsBlockDirsForLUN returns the list of directories in sysfs where the block devices should appear // after the scan is successful. One directory is returned for each path in the host session map. func getSysfsBlockDirsForLUN(lunID int, hostSessionMap map[int]int) []string { paths := make([]string, 0) for hostNumber, sessionNumber := range hostSessionMap { path := fmt.Sprintf(chrootPathPrefix+"/sys/class/scsi_host/host%d/device/session%d/iscsi_session/session%d/device/target%d:0:0/%d:0:0:%d", hostNumber, sessionNumber, sessionNumber, hostNumber, hostNumber, lunID) paths = append(paths, path) } return paths } // getDevicesForLUN find the /dev/sd* device names for an iSCSI LUN. func getDevicesForLUN(paths []string) ([]string, error) { devices := make([]string, 0) for _, path := range paths { dirname := path + "/block" if !PathExists(dirname) { continue } dirFd, err := os.Open(dirname) if err != nil { return nil, err } list, err := dirFd.Readdir(1) dirFd.Close() if err != nil { return nil, err } if 0 == len(list) { continue } devices = append(devices, list[0].Name()) } return devices, nil } // waitForDeviceScanIfNeeded scans all paths to a specific LUN and waits until all // SCSI disk-by-path devices for that LUN are present on the host. func waitForDeviceScanIfNeeded(lunID int, iSCSINodeName string, shouldScan bool) error { fields := log.Fields{ "lunID": lunID, "iSCSINodeName": iSCSINodeName, } log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.waitForDeviceScanIfNeeded") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.waitForDeviceScanIfNeeded") hostSessionMap := getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget(iSCSINodeName) if len(hostSessionMap) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("no iSCSI hosts found for target %s", iSCSINodeName) } log.WithField("hostSessionMap", hostSessionMap).Debug("Built iSCSI host/session map.") hosts := make([]int, 0) for hostNumber := range hostSessionMap { hosts = append(hosts, hostNumber) } if shouldScan { if err := iSCSIScanTargetLUN(lunID, hosts); err != nil { log.WithField("scanError", err).Error("Could not scan for new LUN.") } } paths := getSysfsBlockDirsForLUN(lunID, hostSessionMap) log.Debugf("Scanning paths: %v", paths) found := make([]string, 0) checkAllDevicesExist := func() error { found := make([]string, 0) // Check if any paths present, and return nil (success) if so for _, path := range paths { dirname := path + "/block" if !PathExists(dirname) { return errors.New("device not present yet") } found = append(found, dirname) } return nil } devicesNotify := func(err error, duration time.Duration) { log.WithField("increment", duration).Debug("All devices not yet present, waiting.") } deviceBackoff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff() deviceBackoff.InitialInterval = 1 * time.Second deviceBackoff.Multiplier = 1.414 // approx sqrt(2) deviceBackoff.RandomizationFactor = 0.1 deviceBackoff.MaxElapsedTime = 5 * time.Second if err := backoff.RetryNotify(checkAllDevicesExist, deviceBackoff, devicesNotify); err == nil { log.Debugf("Paths found: %v", found) return nil } log.Debugf("Paths found so far: %v", found) checkAnyDeviceExists := func() error { found := make([]string, 0) // Check if any paths present, and return nil (success) if so for _, path := range paths { dirname := path + "/block" if PathExists(dirname) { found = append(found, dirname) } } if 0 == len(found) { return errors.New("no devices present yet") } return nil } devicesNotify = func(err error, duration time.Duration) { log.WithField("increment", duration).Debug("No devices present yet, waiting.") } deviceBackoff = backoff.NewExponentialBackOff() deviceBackoff.InitialInterval = 1 * time.Second deviceBackoff.Multiplier = 1.414 // approx sqrt(2) deviceBackoff.RandomizationFactor = 0.1 deviceBackoff.MaxElapsedTime = (iSCSIDeviceDiscoveryTimeoutSecs - 5) * time.Second // Run the check/scan using an exponential backoff if err := backoff.RetryNotify(checkAnyDeviceExists, deviceBackoff, devicesNotify); err != nil { log.Warnf("Could not find all devices after %d seconds.", iSCSIDeviceDiscoveryTimeoutSecs) // In the case of a failure, log info about what devices are present execCommand("ls", "-al", "/dev") execCommand("ls", "-al", "/dev/mapper") execCommand("ls", "-al", "/dev/disk/by-path") execCommand("lsscsi") execCommand("lsscsi", "-t") execCommand("free") return err } log.Debugf("Paths found: %v", found) return nil } // ScsiDeviceInfo contains information about SCSI devices type ScsiDeviceInfo struct { Host string Channel string Target string LUN string Devices []string MultipathDevice string Filesystem string IQN string HostSessionMap map[int]int } // getDeviceInfoForLUN finds iSCSI devices using /dev/disk/by-path values. This method should be // called after calling waitForDeviceScanIfNeeded so that the device paths are known to exist. func getDeviceInfoForLUN(lunID int, iSCSINodeName string) (*ScsiDeviceInfo, error) { fields := log.Fields{ "lunID": lunID, "iSCSINodeName": iSCSINodeName, } log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.getDeviceInfoForLUN") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.getDeviceInfoForLUN") hostSessionMap := getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget(iSCSINodeName) if len(hostSessionMap) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no iSCSI hosts found for target %s", iSCSINodeName) } paths := getSysfsBlockDirsForLUN(lunID, hostSessionMap) devices, err := getDevicesForLUN(paths) if nil != err { return nil, err } else if 0 == len(devices) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("scan not completed for LUN %d on target %s", lunID, iSCSINodeName) } multipathDevice := "" for _, device := range devices { multipathDevice = findMultipathDeviceForDevice(device) if multipathDevice != "" { break } } fsType := "" if multipathDevice != "" { fsType = getFSType("/dev/" + multipathDevice) } else { fsType = getFSType("/dev/" + devices[0]) } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "LUN": strconv.Itoa(lunID), "multipathDevice": multipathDevice, "fsType": fsType, "deviceNames": devices, "hostSessionMap": hostSessionMap, }).Debug("Found SCSI device.") info := &ScsiDeviceInfo{ LUN: strconv.Itoa(lunID), MultipathDevice: multipathDevice, Devices: devices, Filesystem: fsType, IQN: iSCSINodeName, HostSessionMap: hostSessionMap, } return info, nil } // getDeviceInfoForMountPath discovers the device that is currently mounted at the specified mount path. It // uses the ScsiDeviceInfo struct so that it may return a multipath device (if any) plus one or more underlying // physical devices. func getDeviceInfoForMountPath(mountpath string) (*ScsiDeviceInfo, error) { fields := log.Fields{"mountpath": mountpath} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.getDeviceInfoForMountPath") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.getDeviceInfoForMountPath") device, _, err := GetDeviceNameFromMount(mountpath) if err != nil { return nil, err } device, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(device) if err != nil { return nil, err } device = strings.TrimPrefix(device, "/dev/") var deviceInfo *ScsiDeviceInfo if !strings.HasPrefix(device, "dm-") { deviceInfo = &ScsiDeviceInfo{ Devices: []string{device}, } } else { deviceInfo = &ScsiDeviceInfo{ Devices: findDevicesForMultipathDevice(device), MultipathDevice: device, } } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "multipathDevice": deviceInfo.MultipathDevice, "devices": deviceInfo.Devices, }).Debug("Found SCSI device.") return deviceInfo, nil } // waitForMultipathDeviceForLUN func waitForMultipathDeviceForLUN(lunID int, iSCSINodeName string) error { fields := log.Fields{ "lunID": lunID, "iSCSINodeName": iSCSINodeName, } log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.waitForMultipathDeviceForLUN") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.waitForMultipathDeviceForLUN") hostSessionMap := getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget(iSCSINodeName) if len(hostSessionMap) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("no iSCSI hosts found for target %s", iSCSINodeName) } paths := getSysfsBlockDirsForLUN(lunID, hostSessionMap) devices, err := getDevicesForLUN(paths) if nil != err { return err } waitForMultipathDeviceForDevices(devices) return nil } // waitForMultipathDeviceForDevices accepts a list of sd* device names and waits until // a multipath device is present for at least one of those. It returns the name of the // multipath device, or an empty string if multipathd isn't running or there is only one path. func waitForMultipathDeviceForDevices(devices []string) string { fields := log.Fields{"devices": devices} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.waitForMultipathDeviceForDevices") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.waitForMultipathDeviceForDevices") if len(devices) <= 1 { log.Debugf("Skipping multipath discovery, %d device(s) specified.", len(devices)) return "" } else if !multipathdIsRunning() { log.Debug("Skipping multipath discovery, multipathd isn't running.") return "" } maxDuration := multipathDeviceDiscoveryTimeoutSecs * time.Second multipathDevice := "" checkMultipathDeviceExists := func() error { for _, device := range devices { multipathDevice = findMultipathDeviceForDevice(device) if multipathDevice != "" { return nil } } if multipathDevice == "" { return errors.New("multipath device not yet present") } return nil } deviceNotify := func(err error, duration time.Duration) { log.WithField("increment", duration).Debug("Multipath device not yet present, waiting.") } multipathDeviceBackoff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff() multipathDeviceBackoff.InitialInterval = 1 * time.Second multipathDeviceBackoff.Multiplier = 1.414 // approx sqrt(2) multipathDeviceBackoff.RandomizationFactor = 0.1 multipathDeviceBackoff.MaxElapsedTime = maxDuration // Run the check/scan using an exponential backoff if err := backoff.RetryNotify(checkMultipathDeviceExists, multipathDeviceBackoff, deviceNotify); err != nil { log.Warnf("Could not find multipath device after %3.2f seconds.", maxDuration.Seconds()) } else { log.WithField("multipathDevice", multipathDevice).Debug("Multipath device found.") } return multipathDevice } // waitForDevice accepts a device name and waits until it is present and returns error if it times out func waitForDevice(device string) error { fields := log.Fields{"device": device} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.waitForDevice") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.waitForDevice") maxDuration := multipathDeviceDiscoveryTimeoutSecs * time.Second checkDeviceExists := func() error { if !PathExists(device) { return errors.New("device not yet present") } return nil } deviceNotify := func(err error, duration time.Duration) { log.WithField("increment", duration).Debug("Device not yet present, waiting.") } deviceBackoff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff() deviceBackoff.InitialInterval = 1 * time.Second deviceBackoff.Multiplier = 1.414 // approx sqrt(2) deviceBackoff.RandomizationFactor = 0.1 deviceBackoff.MaxElapsedTime = maxDuration // Run the check using an exponential backoff if err := backoff.RetryNotify(checkDeviceExists, deviceBackoff, deviceNotify); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not find device after %3.2f seconds", maxDuration.Seconds()) } else { log.WithField("device", device).Debug("Device found.") return nil } } // findMultipathDeviceForDevice finds the devicemapper parent of a device name like /dev/sdx. func findMultipathDeviceForDevice(device string) string { log.WithField("device", device).Debug(">>>> osutils.findMultipathDeviceForDevice") defer log.WithField("device", device).Debug("<<<< osutils.findMultipathDeviceForDevice") holdersDir := chrootPathPrefix + "/sys/block/" + device + "/holders" if dirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(holdersDir); err == nil { for _, f := range dirs { name := f.Name() if strings.HasPrefix(name, "dm-") { return name } } } log.WithField("device", device).Debug("Could not find multipath device for device.") return "" } // findDevicesForMultipathDevice finds the constituent devices for a devicemapper parent device like /dev/dm-0. func findDevicesForMultipathDevice(device string) []string { log.WithField("device", device).Debug(">>>> osutils.findDevicesForMultipathDevice") defer log.WithField("device", device).Debug("<<<< osutils.findDevicesForMultipathDevice") devices := make([]string, 0) slavesDir := chrootPathPrefix + "/sys/block/" + device + "/slaves" if dirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(slavesDir); err == nil { for _, f := range dirs { name := f.Name() if strings.HasPrefix(name, "sd") { devices = append(devices, name) } } } if len(devices) == 0 { log.WithField("device", device).Debug("Could not find devices for multipath device.") } else { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "device": device, "devices": devices, }).Debug("Found devices for multipath device.") } return devices } // PrepareDeviceForRemoval informs Linux that a device will be removed. func PrepareDeviceForRemoval(lunID int, iSCSINodeName string) { fields := log.Fields{ "lunID": lunID, "iSCSINodeName": iSCSINodeName, "chrootPathPrefix": chrootPathPrefix, } log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.PrepareDeviceForRemoval") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.PrepareDeviceForRemoval") deviceInfo, err := getDeviceInfoForLUN(lunID, iSCSINodeName) if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "error": err, "lunID": lunID, }).Info("Could not get device info for removal, skipping host removal steps.") return } removeSCSIDevice(deviceInfo) } // PrepareDeviceAtMountPathForRemoval informs Linux that a device will be removed. func PrepareDeviceAtMountPathForRemoval(mountpoint string, unmount bool) error { fields := log.Fields{"mountpoint": mountpoint} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.PrepareDeviceAtMountPathForRemoval") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.PrepareDeviceAtMountPathForRemoval") deviceInfo, err := getDeviceInfoForMountPath(mountpoint) if err != nil { return err } if unmount { if err := Umount(mountpoint); err != nil { return err } } removeSCSIDevice(deviceInfo) return nil } // removeSCSIDevice informs Linux that a device will be removed. The deviceInfo provided only needs // the devices and multipathDevice fields set. func removeSCSIDevice(deviceInfo *ScsiDeviceInfo) { // Flush multipath device multipathFlushDevice(deviceInfo) // Flush devices flushDevice(deviceInfo) // Remove device removeDevice(deviceInfo) // Give the host a chance to fully process the removal time.Sleep(time.Second) } // ISCSISupported returns true if iscsiadm is installed and in the PATH. func ISCSISupported() bool { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.ISCSISupported") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.ISCSISupported") _, err := execIscsiadmCommand("-V") if err != nil { log.Debug("iscsiadm tools not found on this host.") return false } return true } // ISCSIDiscoveryInfo contains information about discovered iSCSI targets. type ISCSIDiscoveryInfo struct { Portal string PortalIP string TargetName string } // iSCSIDiscovery uses the 'iscsiadm' command to perform discovery. func iSCSIDiscovery(portal string) ([]ISCSIDiscoveryInfo, error) { log.WithField("portal", portal).Debug(">>>> osutils.iSCSIDiscovery") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.iSCSIDiscovery") out, err := execIscsiadmCommand("-m", "discovery", "-t", "sendtargets", "-p", portal) if err != nil { return nil, err } /* iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p,1 iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:2752.600a0980006074c20000000056b32c4d,2 iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:2752.600a0980006074c20000000056b32c4d a[0]==,1 a[1]==iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:2752.600a0980006074c20000000056b32c4d */ var discoveryInfo []ISCSIDiscoveryInfo lines := strings.Split(string(out), "\n") for _, l := range lines { a := strings.Fields(l) if len(a) >= 2 { portalIP := strings.Split(a[0], ":")[0] discoveryInfo = append(discoveryInfo, ISCSIDiscoveryInfo{ Portal: a[0], PortalIP: portalIP, TargetName: a[1], }) log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Portal": a[0], "PortalIP": portalIP, "TargetName": a[1], }).Debug("Adding iSCSI discovery info.") } } return discoveryInfo, nil } // ISCSISessionInfo contains information about iSCSI sessions. type ISCSISessionInfo struct { SID string Portal string PortalIP string TargetName string } // getISCSISessionInfo parses output from 'iscsiadm -m session' and returns the parsed output. func getISCSISessionInfo() ([]ISCSISessionInfo, error) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.getISCSISessionInfo") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.getISCSISessionInfo") out, err := execIscsiadmCommand("-m", "session") if err != nil { exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError) if ok && exitErr.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus() == iSCSIErrNoObjsFound { log.Debug("No iSCSI session found.") return []ISCSISessionInfo{}, nil } else { log.WithField("error", err).Error("Problem checking iSCSI sessions.") return nil, err } } /* # iscsiadm -m session tcp: [3],1028 iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.afbb1784f77411e582f8080027e22798:vs.3 (non-flash) tcp: [4],1029 iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.afbb1784f77411e582f8080027e22798:vs.3 (non-flash) a[0]==tcp: a[1]==[4] a[2]==,1029 a[3]==iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.afbb1784f77411e582f8080027e22798:vs.3 a[4]==(non-flash) */ var sessionInfo []ISCSISessionInfo lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "\n") for _, l := range lines { a := strings.Fields(l) if len(a) > 3 { sid := a[1] sid = sid[1 : len(sid)-1] portalIP := strings.Split(a[2], ":")[0] sessionInfo = append(sessionInfo, ISCSISessionInfo{ SID: sid, Portal: a[2], PortalIP: portalIP, TargetName: a[3], }) log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "SID": sid, "Portal": a[2], "PortalIP": portalIP, "TargetName": a[3], }).Debug("Adding iSCSI session info.") } } return sessionInfo, nil } // ISCSIDisableDelete logs out from the supplied target and removes the iSCSI device. func ISCSIDisableDelete(targetIQN, targetPortal string) error { logFields := log.Fields{ "targetIQN": targetIQN, "targetPortal": targetPortal, } log.WithFields(logFields).Debug(">>>> osutils.ISCSIDisableDelete") defer log.WithFields(logFields).Debug("<<<< osutils.ISCSIDisableDelete") _, err := execIscsiadmCommand("-m", "node", "-T", targetIQN, "--portal", targetPortal, "-u") if err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Debug("Error during iSCSI logout.") } _, err = execIscsiadmCommand("-m", "node", "-o", "delete", "-T", targetIQN) return err } // UmountAndRemoveTemporaryMountPoint unmounts and removes the TemporaryMountDir func UmountAndRemoveTemporaryMountPoint(mountPath string) error { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.UmountAndRemoveTemporaryMountPoint") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.UmountAndRemoveTemporaryMountPoint") // Delete the temporary mount point if it exists. tmpDir := path.Join(mountPath, temporaryMountDir) if _, err := os.Stat(tmpDir); err == nil { if err = removeMountPoint(tmpDir); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove directory in staging target path %s; %s", tmpDir, err) } } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) { log.WithField("temporaryMountPoint", tmpDir).Errorf("Can't determine if temporary dir path exists; %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("can't determine if temporary dir path %s exists; %s", tmpDir, err) } return nil } // removeMountPoint attempts to unmount and remove the directory of the mountPointPath func removeMountPoint(mountPointPath string) error { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.removeMountPoint") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.removeMountPoint") err := Umount(mountPointPath) if err != nil { log.WithField("mountPointPath", mountPointPath).Errorf("Umount failed; %s", err) return err } err = os.Remove(mountPointPath) if err != nil { log.WithField("mountPointPath", mountPointPath).Errorf("Remove dir failed; %s", err) return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove dir %s; %s", mountPointPath, err) } return nil } // mountFilesystemForResize expands a filesystem. The xfs_growfs utility requires a mount point to expand the // filesystem. Determining the size of the filesystem requires that the filesystem be mounted. func mountFilesystemForResize(devicePath string, stagedTargetPath string, mountOptions string) (string, error) { logFields := log.Fields{ "devicePath": devicePath, "stagedTargetPath": stagedTargetPath, "mountOptions": mountOptions, } log.WithFields(logFields).Debug(">>>> osutils.mountAndExpandFilesystem") defer log.WithFields(logFields).Debug("<<<< osutils.mountAndExpandFilesystem") tmpMountPoint := path.Join(stagedTargetPath, temporaryMountDir) err := MountDevice(devicePath, tmpMountPoint, mountOptions, false) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to mount device; %s", err) } return tmpMountPoint, nil } // ExpandISCSIFilesystem will expand the filesystem of an already expanded volume. func ExpandISCSIFilesystem(publishInfo *VolumePublishInfo, stagedTargetPath string) (int64, error) { devicePath := publishInfo.DevicePath logFields := log.Fields{ "devicePath": devicePath, "stagedTargetPath": stagedTargetPath, "mountOptions": publishInfo.MountOptions, "filesystemType": publishInfo.FilesystemType, } log.WithFields(logFields).Debug(">>>> osutils.ExpandISCSIFilesystem") defer log.WithFields(logFields).Debug("<<<< osutils.ExpandISCSIFilesystem") tmpMountPoint, err := mountFilesystemForResize(publishInfo.DevicePath, stagedTargetPath, publishInfo.MountOptions) if err != nil { return 0, err } defer removeMountPoint(tmpMountPoint) // Don't need to verify the filesystem type as the resize utilities will throw an error if the filesystem // is not the correct type. var size int64 switch publishInfo.FilesystemType { case "xfs": size, err = expandFilesystem("xfs_growfs", tmpMountPoint, tmpMountPoint) if err != nil { return 0, err } case "ext3", "ext4": size, err = expandFilesystem("resize2fs", devicePath, tmpMountPoint) if err != nil { return 0, err } default: err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported file system type: %s", publishInfo.FilesystemType) } return size, err } func expandFilesystem(cmd string, cmdArguments string, tmpMountPoint string) (int64, error) { logFields := log.Fields{ "cmd": cmd, "cmdArguments": cmdArguments, "tmpMountPoint": tmpMountPoint, } log.WithFields(logFields).Debug(">>>> osutils.expandFilesystem") defer log.WithFields(logFields).Debug("<<<< osutils.expandFilesystem") preExpandSize, err := getFilesystemSize(tmpMountPoint) if err != nil { return 0, err } _, err = execCommand(cmd, cmdArguments) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Expanding filesystem failed; %s", err) return 0, err } postExpandSize, err := getFilesystemSize(tmpMountPoint) if err != nil { return 0, err } if postExpandSize == preExpandSize { log.Warnf("Failed to expand filesystem; size=%d", postExpandSize) } return postExpandSize, nil } // iSCSISessionExists checks to see if a session exists to the specified portal. func iSCSISessionExists(portal string) (bool, error) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.iSCSISessionExists") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.iSCSISessionExists") sessionInfo, err := getISCSISessionInfo() if err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Error("Problem checking iSCSI sessions.") return false, err } for _, e := range sessionInfo { if e.PortalIP == portal { return true, nil } } return false, nil } // iSCSISessionExistsToTargetIQN checks to see if a session exists to the specified target. func iSCSISessionExistsToTargetIQN(targetIQN string) (bool, error) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.iSCSISessionExistsToTargetIQN") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.iSCSISessionExistsToTargetIQN") sessionInfo, err := getISCSISessionInfo() if err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Error("Problem checking iSCSI sessions.") return false, err } for _, e := range sessionInfo { if e.TargetName == targetIQN { return true, nil } } return false, nil } func ISCSIRescanDevices(targetIQN string, lunID int32, minSize int64) error { fields := log.Fields{"targetIQN": targetIQN, "lunID": lunID} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.ISCSIRescanDevices") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.ISCSIRescanDevices") deviceInfo, err := getDeviceInfoForLUN(int(lunID), targetIQN) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting iSCSI device information: %s", err) } else if deviceInfo == nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not get iSCSI device information for LUN: %d", lunID) } allLargeEnough := true for _, diskDevice := range deviceInfo.Devices { size, err := getISCSIDiskSize("/dev/" + diskDevice) if err != nil { return err } if size < minSize { allLargeEnough = false } else { continue } err = iSCSIRescanDisk(diskDevice) if err != nil { log.WithField("diskDevice", diskDevice).Error("Failed to rescan disk.") return fmt.Errorf("failed to rescan disk %s: %s", diskDevice, err) } } if !allLargeEnough { time.Sleep(time.Second) for _, diskDevice := range deviceInfo.Devices { size, err := getISCSIDiskSize("/dev/" + diskDevice) if err != nil { return err } if size < minSize { log.Error("Disk size not large enough after resize.") return fmt.Errorf("disk size not large enough after resize: %d, %d", size, minSize) } } } if deviceInfo.MultipathDevice != "" { multipathDevice := deviceInfo.MultipathDevice size, err := getISCSIDiskSize("/dev/" + multipathDevice) if err != nil { return err } if size < minSize { err := reloadMultipathDevice(multipathDevice) if err != nil { return err } time.Sleep(time.Second) size, err = getISCSIDiskSize("/dev/" + multipathDevice) if err != nil { return err } if size < minSize { log.Error("Multipath device not large enough after resize.") return fmt.Errorf("multipath device not large enough after resize: %d < %d", size, minSize) } } } return nil } func reloadMultipathDevice(multipathDevice string) error { fields := log.Fields{"multipathDevice": multipathDevice} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.reloadMultipathDevice") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.reloadMultipathDevice") if multipathDevice == "" { return fmt.Errorf("cannot reload an empty multipathDevice") } _, err := execCommandWithTimeout("multipath", 30, "-r", "/dev/"+multipathDevice) if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "device": multipathDevice, "error": err, }).Error("Failed to reload multipathDevice.") return fmt.Errorf("failed to reload multipathDevice %s: %s", multipathDevice, err) } log.WithFields(fields).Debug("Multipath device reloaded.") return nil } // iSCSIRescanDisk causes the kernel to rescan a single iSCSI disk/block device. // This is how size changes are found when expanding a volume. func iSCSIRescanDisk(deviceName string) error { fields := log.Fields{"deviceName": deviceName} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.iSCSIRescanDisk") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.iSCSIRescanDisk") filename := fmt.Sprintf(chrootPathPrefix+"/sys/block/%s/device/rescan", deviceName) log.WithField("filename", filename).Debug("Opening file for writing.") f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY, 0) if err != nil { log.WithField("file", filename).Warning("Could not open file for writing.") return err } defer f.Close() written, err := f.WriteString("1") if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "file": filename, "error": err, }).Warning("Could not write to file.") return err } else if written == 0 { log.WithField("file", filename).Warning("Zero bytes written to file.") return fmt.Errorf("no data written to %s", filename) } return nil } // iSCSIScanTargetLUN scans a single LUN on an iSCSI target to discover it. func iSCSIScanTargetLUN(lunID int, hosts []int) error { fields := log.Fields{"hosts": hosts, "lunID": lunID} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.iSCSIScanTargetLUN") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.iSCSIScanTargetLUN") var ( f *os.File err error ) for _, hostNumber := range hosts { filename := fmt.Sprintf(chrootPathPrefix+"/sys/class/scsi_host/host%d/scan", hostNumber) if f, err = os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0200); err != nil { log.WithField("file", filename).Warning("Could not open file for writing.") return err } scanCmd := fmt.Sprintf("0 0 %d", lunID) if written, err := f.WriteString(scanCmd); err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"file": filename, "error": err}).Warning("Could not write to file.") f.Close() return err } else if written == 0 { log.WithField("file", filename).Warning("No data written to file.") f.Close() return fmt.Errorf("no data written to %s", filename) } f.Close() log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "scanCmd": scanCmd, "scanFile": filename, }).Debug("Invoked single-LUN scan.") } return nil } // IsAlreadyAttached checks if there is already an established iSCSI session to the specified LUN. func IsAlreadyAttached(lunID int, targetIqn string) bool { hostSessionMap := getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget(targetIqn) if len(hostSessionMap) == 0 { return false } paths := getSysfsBlockDirsForLUN(lunID, hostSessionMap) devices, err := getDevicesForLUN(paths) if nil != err { return false } return 0 < len(devices) } // getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget returns a map of iSCSI host numbers to iSCSI session numbers // for a given iSCSI target. func getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget(iSCSINodeName string) map[int]int { fields := log.Fields{"iSCSINodeName": iSCSINodeName} log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget") var ( hostNumber int sessionNumber int ) hostSessionMap := make(map[int]int) sysPath := chrootPathPrefix + "/sys/class/iscsi_host/" if hostDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(sysPath); err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Errorf("Could not read %s", sysPath) return hostSessionMap } else { for _, hostDir := range hostDirs { hostName := hostDir.Name() if !strings.HasPrefix(hostName, "host") { continue } else if hostNumber, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(hostName, "host")); err != nil { log.WithField("host", hostName).Error("Could not parse host number") continue } devicePath := sysPath + hostName + "/device/" if deviceDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(devicePath); err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "error": err, "devicePath": devicePath, }).Error("Could not read device path.") return hostSessionMap } else { for _, deviceDir := range deviceDirs { sessionName := deviceDir.Name() if !strings.HasPrefix(sessionName, "session") { continue } else if sessionNumber, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(sessionName, "session")); err != nil { log.WithField("session", sessionName).Error("Could not parse session number") continue } targetNamePath := devicePath + sessionName + "/iscsi_session/" + sessionName + "/targetname" if targetName, err := ioutil.ReadFile(targetNamePath); err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "path": targetNamePath, "error": err, }).Error("Could not read targetname file") } else if strings.TrimSpace(string(targetName)) == iSCSINodeName { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "hostNumber": hostNumber, "sessionNumber": sessionNumber, }).Debug("Found iSCSI host/session.") hostSessionMap[hostNumber] = sessionNumber } } } } } return hostSessionMap } // GetISCSIDevices returns a list of iSCSI devices that are attached to (but not necessarily mounted on) this host. func GetISCSIDevices() ([]*ScsiDeviceInfo, error) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.GetISCSIDevices") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.GetISCSIDevices") devices := make([]*ScsiDeviceInfo, 0) hostSessionMapCache := make(map[string]map[int]int) // Start by reading the sessions from /sys/class/iscsi_session sysPath := chrootPathPrefix + "/sys/class/iscsi_session/" sessionDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(sysPath) if err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Errorf("Could not read %s", sysPath) return nil, err } // Loop through each of the iSCSI sessions for _, sessionDir := range sessionDirs { sessionName := sessionDir.Name() if !strings.HasPrefix(sessionName, "session") { continue } else if _, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(sessionName, "session")); err != nil { log.WithField("session", sessionName).Error("Could not parse session number") return nil, err } // Find the target IQN from the session at /sys/class/iscsi_session/sessionXXX/targetname sessionPath := sysPath + sessionName targetNamePath := sessionPath + "/targetname" targetNameBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(targetNamePath) if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "path": targetNamePath, "error": err, }).Error("Could not read targetname file") return nil, err } targetIQN := strings.TrimSpace(string(targetNameBytes)) log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "targetIQN": targetIQN, "sessionName": sessionName, }).Debug("Found iSCSI session / target IQN.") // Find the one target at /sys/class/iscsi_session/sessionXXX/device/targetHH:BB:DD (host:bus:device) sessionDevicePath := sessionPath + "/device/" targetDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(sessionDevicePath) if err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Errorf("Could not read %s", sessionDevicePath) return nil, err } // Get the one target directory hostBusDeviceName := "" targetDirName := "" for _, targetDir := range targetDirs { targetDirName = targetDir.Name() if strings.HasPrefix(targetDirName, "target") { hostBusDeviceName = strings.TrimPrefix(targetDirName, "target") break } } if hostBusDeviceName == "" { log.Warningf("Could not find a host:bus:device directory at %s", sessionDevicePath) continue } sessionDeviceHBDPath := sessionDevicePath + targetDirName + "/" log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "hbdPath": sessionDeviceHBDPath, "hbdName": hostBusDeviceName, }).Debug("Found host/bus/device path.") // Find the devices at /sys/class/iscsi_session/sessionXXX/device/targetHH:BB:DD/HH:BB:DD:LL (host:bus:device:lun) hostBusDeviceLunDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(sessionDeviceHBDPath) if err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Errorf("Could not read %s", sessionDeviceHBDPath) return nil, err } for _, hostBusDeviceLunDir := range hostBusDeviceLunDirs { hostBusDeviceLunDirName := hostBusDeviceLunDir.Name() if !strings.HasPrefix(hostBusDeviceLunDirName, hostBusDeviceName) { continue } sessionDeviceHBDLPath := sessionDeviceHBDPath + hostBusDeviceLunDirName + "/" log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "hbdlPath": sessionDeviceHBDLPath, "hbdlName": hostBusDeviceLunDirName, }).Debug("Found host/bus/device/LUN path.") hbdlValues := strings.Split(hostBusDeviceLunDirName, ":") if len(hbdlValues) != 4 { log.Errorf("Could not parse values from %s", hostBusDeviceLunDirName) return nil, err } hostNum := hbdlValues[0] busNum := hbdlValues[1] deviceNum := hbdlValues[2] lunNum := hbdlValues[3] blockPath := sessionDeviceHBDLPath + "/block/" // Find the block device at /sys/class/iscsi_session/sessionXXX/device/targetHH:BB:DD/HH:BB:DD:LL/block blockDeviceDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(blockPath) if err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Errorf("Could not read %s", blockPath) return nil, err } for _, blockDeviceDir := range blockDeviceDirs { blockDeviceName := blockDeviceDir.Name() log.WithField("blockDeviceName", blockDeviceName).Debug("Found block device.") // Find multipath device, if any var slaveDevices []string multipathDevice := findMultipathDeviceForDevice(blockDeviceName) if multipathDevice != "" { slaveDevices = findDevicesForMultipathDevice(multipathDevice) } else { slaveDevices = []string{blockDeviceName} } // Get the host/session map, using a cached value if available hostSessionMap, ok := hostSessionMapCache[targetIQN] if !ok { hostSessionMap = getISCSIHostSessionMapForTarget(targetIQN) hostSessionMapCache[targetIQN] = hostSessionMap } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "host": hostNum, "lun": lunNum, "devices": slaveDevices, "multipathDevice": multipathDevice, "iqn": targetIQN, "hostSessionMap": hostSessionMap, }).Debug("Found iSCSI device.") device := &ScsiDeviceInfo{ Host: hostNum, Channel: busNum, Target: deviceNum, LUN: lunNum, Devices: slaveDevices, MultipathDevice: multipathDevice, IQN: targetIQN, HostSessionMap: hostSessionMap, } devices = append(devices, device) } } } return devices, nil } // IsMounted verifies if the supplied device is attached at the supplied location. func IsMounted(sourceDevice, mountpoint string) (bool, error) { fields := log.Fields{ "source": sourceDevice, "target": mountpoint, } log.WithFields(fields).Debug(">>>> osutils.IsMounted") defer log.WithFields(fields).Debug("<<<< osutils.IsMounted") procSelfMountinfo, err := listProcSelfMountinfo(procSelfMountinfoPath) if err != nil { log.WithFields(fields).Errorf("checking mounted failed; %s", err) return false, fmt.Errorf("checking mounted failed; %s", err) } var sourceDeviceName string if sourceDevice != "" && strings.HasPrefix(sourceDevice, "/dev/") { sourceDeviceName = strings.TrimPrefix(sourceDevice, "/dev/") } for _, procMount := range procSelfMountinfo { if !strings.Contains(procMount.MountPoint, mountpoint) { continue } log.Debugf("Mountpoint found: %v", procMount) if sourceDevice == "" { log.Debugf("Source device: none, Target: %s, is mounted: true", mountpoint) return true, nil } hasDevMountSourcePrefix := strings.HasPrefix(procMount.MountSource, "/dev/") var mountedDevice string // Resolve any symlinks to get the real device if hasDevMountSourcePrefix { device, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(procMount.MountSource) if err != nil { log.Error(err) continue } mountedDevice = strings.TrimPrefix(device, "/dev/") } else { mountedDevice = strings.TrimPrefix(procMount.Root, "/") } if sourceDeviceName == mountedDevice { log.Debugf("Source device: %s, Target: %s, is mounted: true", sourceDeviceName, mountpoint) return true, nil } } log.Debugf("Source device: %s, Target: %s, is mounted: false", sourceDevice, mountpoint) return false, nil } // GetMountedISCSIDevices returns a list of iSCSI devices that are *mounted* on this host. func GetMountedISCSIDevices() ([]*ScsiDeviceInfo, error) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.GetMountedISCSIDevices") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.GetMountedISCSIDevices") procSelfMountinfo, err := listProcSelfMountinfo(procSelfMountinfoPath) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Get a list of all mounted /dev devices mountedDevices := make([]string, 0) for _, procMount := range procSelfMountinfo { hasDevMountSourcePrefix := strings.HasPrefix(procMount.MountSource, "/dev/") hasPvcMountPoint := strings.Contains(procMount.MountPoint, "/pvc-") if !hasPvcMountPoint { continue } var mountedDevice string // Resolve any symlinks to get the real device if hasDevMountSourcePrefix { device, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(procMount.MountSource) if err != nil { log.Error(err) continue } mountedDevice = strings.TrimPrefix(device, "/dev/") } else { mountedDevice = strings.TrimPrefix(procMount.Root, "/") } mountedDevices = append(mountedDevices, mountedDevice) } // Get all known iSCSI devices iscsiDevices, err := GetISCSIDevices() if err != nil { return nil, err } mountedISCSIDevices := make([]*ScsiDeviceInfo, 0) // For each mounted device, look for a matching iSCSI device for _, mountedDevice := range mountedDevices { iSCSIDeviceLoop: for _, iscsiDevice := range iscsiDevices { // First look for a multipath device match if mountedDevice == iscsiDevice.MultipathDevice { mountedISCSIDevices = append(mountedISCSIDevices, iscsiDevice) break iSCSIDeviceLoop } else { // Then look for a slave device match for _, iscsiSlaveDevice := range iscsiDevice.Devices { if mountedDevice == iscsiSlaveDevice { mountedISCSIDevices = append(mountedISCSIDevices, iscsiDevice) break iSCSIDeviceLoop } } } } } for _, md := range mountedISCSIDevices { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "host": md.Host, "lun": md.LUN, "devices": md.Devices, "multipathDevice": md.MultipathDevice, "iqn": md.IQN, "hostSessionMap": md.HostSessionMap, }).Debug("Found mounted iSCSI device.") } return mountedISCSIDevices, nil } // ISCSITargetHasMountedDevice returns true if this host has any mounted devices on the specified target. func ISCSITargetHasMountedDevice(targetIQN string) (bool, error) { mountedISCSIDevices, err := GetMountedISCSIDevices() if err != nil { return false, err } for _, device := range mountedISCSIDevices { if device.IQN == targetIQN { return true, nil } } return false, nil } // multipathFlushDevice invokes the 'multipath' commands to flush paths for a single device. func multipathFlushDevice(deviceInfo *ScsiDeviceInfo) { log.WithField("device", deviceInfo.MultipathDevice).Debug(">>>> osutils.multipathFlushDevice") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.multipathFlushDevice") if deviceInfo.MultipathDevice == "" { return } _, err := execCommandWithTimeout("multipath", 30, "-f", "/dev/"+deviceInfo.MultipathDevice) if err != nil { // nothing to do if it generates an error but log it log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "device": deviceInfo.MultipathDevice, "error": err, }).Warning("Error encountered in multipath flush device command.") } } // flushDevice flushes any outstanding I/O to all paths to a device. func flushDevice(deviceInfo *ScsiDeviceInfo) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.flushDevice") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.flushDevice") for _, device := range deviceInfo.Devices { _, err := execCommandWithTimeout("blockdev", 5, "--flushbufs", "/dev/"+device) if err != nil { // nothing to do if it generates an error but log it log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "device": device, "error": err, }).Warning("Error encountered in blockdev --flushbufs command.") } } } // removeDevice tells Linux that a device will be removed. func removeDevice(deviceInfo *ScsiDeviceInfo) { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.removeDevice") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.removeDevice") var ( f *os.File err error ) for _, deviceName := range deviceInfo.Devices { filename := fmt.Sprintf(chrootPathPrefix+"/sys/block/%s/device/delete", deviceName) if f, err = os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0200); err != nil { log.WithField("file", filename).Warning("Could not open file for writing.") return } if written, err := f.WriteString("1"); err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"file": filename, "error": err}).Warning("Could not write to file.") f.Close() return } else if written == 0 { log.WithField("file", filename).Warning("No data written to file.") f.Close() return } f.Close() log.WithField("scanFile", filename).Debug("Invoked device delete.") } } // multipathdIsRunning returns true if the multipath daemon is running. func multipathdIsRunning() bool { log.Debug(">>>> osutils.multipathdIsRunning") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.multipathdIsRunning") out, err := execCommand("pgrep", "multipathd") if err == nil { pid := strings.TrimSpace(string(out)) if pidRegex.MatchString(pid) { log.WithField("pid", pid).Debug("multipathd is running") return true } } else { log.Error(err) } out, err = execCommand("multipathd", "show", "daemon") if err == nil { if pidRunningRegex.MatchString(string(out)) { log.Debug("multipathd is running") return true } } else { log.Error(err) } return false } // getFSType returns the filesystem for the supplied device. func getFSType(device string) string { log.WithField("device", device).Debug(">>>> osutils.getFSType") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.getFSType") fsType := "" out, err := execCommand("blkid", device) if err != nil { log.WithField("device", device).Debug("Could not get FSType for device.") return fsType } if strings.Contains(string(out), "TYPE=") { for _, v := range strings.Split(string(out), " ") { if strings.Contains(v, "TYPE=") { fsType = strings.Split(v, "=")[1] fsType = strings.Replace(fsType, "\"", "", -1) fsType = strings.TrimSpace(fsType) } } } return fsType } // formatVolume creates a filesystem for the supplied device of the supplied type. func formatVolume(device, fstype string) error { logFields := log.Fields{"device": device, "fsType": fstype} log.WithFields(logFields).Debug(">>>> osutils.formatVolume") defer log.WithFields(logFields).Debug("<<<< osutils.formatVolume") maxDuration := 30 * time.Second formatVolume := func() error { var err error switch fstype { case "xfs": _, err = execCommand("mkfs.xfs", "-f", device) case "ext3": _, err = execCommand("mkfs.ext3", "-F", device) case "ext4": _, err = execCommand("mkfs.ext4", "-F", device) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported file system type: %s", fstype) } return err } formatNotify := func(err error, duration time.Duration) { log.WithField("increment", duration).Debug("Format failed, retrying.") } formatBackoff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff() formatBackoff.InitialInterval = 2 * time.Second formatBackoff.Multiplier = 2 formatBackoff.RandomizationFactor = 0.1 formatBackoff.MaxElapsedTime = maxDuration // Run the check/scan using an exponential backoff if err := backoff.RetryNotify(formatVolume, formatBackoff, formatNotify); err != nil { log.Warnf("Could not format device after %3.2f seconds.", maxDuration.Seconds()) return err } log.WithFields(logFields).Info("Device formatted.") return nil } // MountDevice attaches the supplied device at the supplied location. Use this for iSCSI devices. func MountDevice(device, mountpoint, options string, isMountPointFile bool) (err error) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "device": device, "mountpoint": mountpoint, "options": options, }).Debug(">>>> osutils.MountDevice") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.MountDevice") // Build the command var args []string if len(options) > 0 { args = []string{"-o", strings.TrimPrefix(options, "-o "), device, mountpoint} } else { args = []string{device, mountpoint} } mounted, _ := IsMounted(device, mountpoint) exists := PathExists(mountpoint) log.Debugf("Already mounted: %v, mountpoint exists: %v", mounted, exists) if !exists { if isMountPointFile { if err = EnsureFileExists(mountpoint); err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Warning("File check failed.") } } else { if err = EnsureDirExists(mountpoint); err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Warning("Mkdir failed.") } } } if !mounted { if _, err = execCommand("mount", args...); err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Error("Mount failed.") } } return } // mountNFSPath attaches the supplied NFS share at the supplied location with options. func mountNFSPath(exportPath, mountpoint, options string) (err error) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "exportPath": exportPath, "mountpoint": mountpoint, "options": options, }).Debug(">>>> osutils.mountNFSPath") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.mountNFSPath") // Build the command var args []string if len(options) > 0 { args = []string{"-t", "nfs", "-o", strings.TrimPrefix(options, "-o "), exportPath, mountpoint} } else { args = []string{"-t", "nfs", exportPath, mountpoint} } // Create the mount point dir if necessary if _, err = execCommand("mkdir", "-p", mountpoint); err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Warning("Mkdir failed.") } if out, err := execCommand("mount", args...); err != nil { log.WithField("output", string(out)).Debug("Mount failed.") return fmt.Errorf("error mounting NFS volume %v on mountpoint %v: %v", exportPath, mountpoint, err) } return nil } // Umount detaches from the supplied location. func Umount(mountpoint string) (err error) { log.WithField("mountpoint", mountpoint).Debug(">>>> osutils.Umount") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.Umount") if _, err = execCommand("umount", mountpoint); err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Error("Umount failed.") } return } // loginISCSITarget logs in to an iSCSI target. func loginISCSITarget(iqn, portal string) error { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "IQN": iqn, "Portal": portal, }).Debug(">>>> osutils.loginISCSITarget") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.loginISCSITarget") args := []string{"-m", "node", "-T", iqn, "-l", "-p", portal + ":3260"} if _, err := execIscsiadmCommand(args...); err != nil { log.WithField("error", err).Error("Error logging in to iSCSI target.") return err } return nil } // loginWithChap will login to the iSCSI target with the supplied credentials. func loginWithChap(tiqn, portal, username, password, iface string, logSensitiveInfo bool) error { logFields := log.Fields{ "IQN": tiqn, "portal": portal, "username": username, "password": "****", "iface": iface, } if logSensitiveInfo { logFields["password"] = password } log.WithFields(logFields).Debug(">>>> osutils.loginWithChap") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.loginWithChap") args := []string{"-m", "node", "-T", tiqn, "-p", portal + ":3260"} createArgs := append(args, []string{"--interface", iface, "--op", "new"}...) if _, err := execIscsiadmCommand(createArgs...); err != nil { log.Error("Error running iscsiadm node create.") return err } authMethodArgs := append(args, []string{"--op=update", "--name", "node.session.auth.authmethod", "--value=CHAP"}...) if _, err := execIscsiadmCommand(authMethodArgs...); err != nil { log.Error("Error running iscsiadm set authmethod.") return err } authUserArgs := append(args, []string{"--op=update", "--name", "node.session.auth.username", "--value=" + username}...) if _, err := execIscsiadmCommand(authUserArgs...); err != nil { log.Error("Error running iscsiadm set authuser.") return err } authPasswordArgs := append(args, []string{"--op=update", "--name", "node.session.auth.password", "--value=" + password}...) if _, err := execIscsiadmCommand(authPasswordArgs...); err != nil { log.Error("Error running iscsiadm set authpassword.") return err } loginArgs := append(args, []string{"--login"}...) if _, err := execIscsiadmCommand(loginArgs...); err != nil { log.Error("Error running iscsiadm login.") return err } return nil } func EnsureISCSISessions(hostDataIPs []string) error { for _, ip := range hostDataIPs { if err := EnsureISCSISession(ip); nil != err { return err } } return nil } func EnsureISCSISession(hostDataIP string) error { log.WithField("hostDataIP", hostDataIP).Debug(">>>> osutils.EnsureISCSISession") defer log.Debug("<<<< osutils.EnsureISCSISession") // Ensure iSCSI is supported on system if !ISCSISupported() { return errors.New("iSCSI support not detected") } // Ensure iSCSI session exists for the specified iSCSI portal sessionExists, err := iSCSISessionExists(hostDataIP) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not check for iSCSI session: %v", err) } if !sessionExists { // Run discovery in case we haven't seen this target from this host targets, err := iSCSIDiscovery(hostDataIP) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not run iSCSI discovery: %v", err) } if len(targets) == 0 { return errors.New("iSCSI discovery found no targets") } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Targets": targets, }).Debug("Found matching iSCSI targets.") // Determine which target matches the portal we requested targetIndex := -1 for i, target := range targets { if target.PortalIP == hostDataIP { targetIndex = i break } } if targetIndex == -1 { return fmt.Errorf("iSCSI discovery found no targets with portal %s", hostDataIP) } // To enable multipath, log in to each discovered target with the same IQN (target name) targetName := targets[targetIndex].TargetName for _, target := range targets { if target.TargetName == targetName { // Log in to target err = loginISCSITarget(target.TargetName, target.PortalIP) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("login to iSCSI target failed: %v", err) } } } // Recheck to ensure a session is now open sessionExists, err = iSCSISessionExists(hostDataIP) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not recheck for iSCSI session: %v", err) } if !sessionExists { return fmt.Errorf("expected iSCSI session %v NOT found, please login to the iSCSI portal", hostDataIP) } } log.WithField("hostDataIP", hostDataIP).Debug("Found session to iSCSI portal.") return nil } // execIscsiadmCommand uses the 'iscsiadm' command to perform operations func execIscsiadmCommand(args ...string) ([]byte, error) { return execCommand("iscsiadm", args...) } // execCommand invokes an external process func execCommand(name string, args ...string) ([]byte, error) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "command": name, "args": args, }).Debug(">>>> osutils.execCommand.") out, err := exec.Command(name, args...).CombinedOutput() log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "command": name, "output": sanitizeString(string(out)), "error": err, }).Debug("<<<< osutils.execCommand.") return out, err } // execCommandResult is used to return shell command results via channels between goroutines type execCommandResult struct { Output []byte Error error } // execCommand invokes an external shell command func execCommandWithTimeout(name string, timeoutSeconds time.Duration, args ...string) ([]byte, error) { timeout := timeoutSeconds * time.Second log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "command": name, "timeoutSeconds": timeout, "args": args, }).Debug(">>>> osutils.execCommandWithTimeout.") cmd := exec.Command(name, args...) done := make(chan execCommandResult, 1) var result execCommandResult go func() { out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() done <- execCommandResult{Output: out, Error: err} }() select { case <-time.After(timeout): if err := cmd.Process.Kill(); err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "process": name, "error": err, }).Error("failed to kill process") result = execCommandResult{Output: nil, Error: err} } else { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "process": name, }).Error("process killed after timeout") result = execCommandResult{Output: nil, Error: errors.New("process killed after timeout")} } case result = <-done: break } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "command": name, "output": sanitizeString(string(result.Output)), "error": result.Error, }).Debug("<<<< osutils.execCommandWithTimeout.") return result.Output, result.Error } func sanitizeString(s string) string { // Strip xterm color & movement characters s = xtermControlRegex.ReplaceAllString(s, "") // Strip trailing newline s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, "\n") return s }