package main import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "text/template" "go/build" "" ) func BuildBootstrapCommand() *Command { var ( agouti, noDot, internal bool customBootstrapFile string ) flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("bootstrap", flag.ExitOnError) flagSet.BoolVar(&agouti, "agouti", false, "If set, bootstrap will generate a bootstrap file for writing Agouti tests") flagSet.BoolVar(&noDot, "nodot", false, "If set, bootstrap will generate a bootstrap file that does not . import ginkgo and gomega") flagSet.BoolVar(&internal, "internal", false, "If set, generate will generate a test file that uses the regular package name") flagSet.StringVar(&customBootstrapFile, "template", "", "If specified, generate will use the contents of the file passed as the bootstrap template") return &Command{ Name: "bootstrap", FlagSet: flagSet, UsageCommand: "ginkgo bootstrap ", Usage: []string{ "Bootstrap a test suite for the current package", "Accepts the following flags:", }, Command: func(args []string, additionalArgs []string) { generateBootstrap(agouti, noDot, internal, customBootstrapFile) }, } } var bootstrapText = `package {{.Package}} import ( "testing" {{.GinkgoImport}} {{.GomegaImport}} ) func Test{{.FormattedName}}(t *testing.T) { RegisterFailHandler(Fail) RunSpecs(t, "{{.FormattedName}} Suite") } ` var agoutiBootstrapText = `package {{.Package}} import ( "testing" {{.GinkgoImport}} {{.GomegaImport}} "" ) func Test{{.FormattedName}}(t *testing.T) { RegisterFailHandler(Fail) RunSpecs(t, "{{.FormattedName}} Suite") } var agoutiDriver *agouti.WebDriver var _ = BeforeSuite(func() { // Choose a WebDriver: agoutiDriver = agouti.PhantomJS() // agoutiDriver = agouti.Selenium() // agoutiDriver = agouti.ChromeDriver() Expect(agoutiDriver.Start()).To(Succeed()) }) var _ = AfterSuite(func() { Expect(agoutiDriver.Stop()).To(Succeed()) }) ` type bootstrapData struct { Package string FormattedName string GinkgoImport string GomegaImport string } func getPackageAndFormattedName() (string, string, string) { path, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { complainAndQuit("Could not get current working directory: \n" + err.Error()) } dirName := strings.Replace(filepath.Base(path), "-", "_", -1) dirName = strings.Replace(dirName, " ", "_", -1) pkg, err := build.ImportDir(path, 0) packageName := pkg.Name if err != nil { packageName = dirName } formattedName := prettifyPackageName(filepath.Base(path)) return packageName, dirName, formattedName } func prettifyPackageName(name string) string { name = strings.Replace(name, "-", " ", -1) name = strings.Replace(name, "_", " ", -1) name = strings.Title(name) name = strings.Replace(name, " ", "", -1) return name } func determinePackageName(name string, internal bool) string { if internal { return name } return name + "_test" } func fileExists(path string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(path) return err == nil } func generateBootstrap(agouti, noDot, internal bool, customBootstrapFile string) { packageName, bootstrapFilePrefix, formattedName := getPackageAndFormattedName() data := bootstrapData{ Package: determinePackageName(packageName, internal), FormattedName: formattedName, GinkgoImport: `. ""`, GomegaImport: `. ""`, } if noDot { data.GinkgoImport = `""` data.GomegaImport = `""` } targetFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s_suite_test.go", bootstrapFilePrefix) if fileExists(targetFile) { fmt.Printf("%s already exists.\n\n", targetFile) os.Exit(1) } else { fmt.Printf("Generating ginkgo test suite bootstrap for %s in:\n\t%s\n", packageName, targetFile) } f, err := os.Create(targetFile) if err != nil { complainAndQuit("Could not create file: " + err.Error()) panic(err.Error()) } defer f.Close() var templateText string if customBootstrapFile != "" { tpl, err := ioutil.ReadFile(customBootstrapFile) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } templateText = string(tpl) } else if agouti { templateText = agoutiBootstrapText } else { templateText = bootstrapText } bootstrapTemplate, err := template.New("bootstrap").Parse(templateText) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } buf := &bytes.Buffer{} bootstrapTemplate.Execute(buf, data) if noDot { contents, err := nodot.ApplyNoDot(buf.Bytes()) if err != nil { complainAndQuit("Failed to import nodot declarations: " + err.Error()) } fmt.Println("To update the nodot declarations in the future, switch to this directory and run:\n\tginkgo nodot") buf = bytes.NewBuffer(contents) } buf.WriteTo(f) goFmt(targetFile) }