package main import ( "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "runtime" "strings" "" "" ) type Notifier struct { commandFlags *RunWatchAndBuildCommandFlags } func NewNotifier(commandFlags *RunWatchAndBuildCommandFlags) *Notifier { return &Notifier{ commandFlags: commandFlags, } } func (n *Notifier) VerifyNotificationsAreAvailable() { if n.commandFlags.Notify { onLinux := (runtime.GOOS == "linux") onOSX := (runtime.GOOS == "darwin") if onOSX { _, err := exec.LookPath("terminal-notifier") if err != nil { fmt.Printf(`--notify requires terminal-notifier, which you don't seem to have installed. OSX: To remedy this: brew install terminal-notifier To learn more about terminal-notifier: `) os.Exit(1) } } else if onLinux { _, err := exec.LookPath("notify-send") if err != nil { fmt.Printf(`--notify requires terminal-notifier or notify-send, which you don't seem to have installed. Linux: Download and install notify-send for your distribution `) os.Exit(1) } } } } func (n *Notifier) SendSuiteCompletionNotification(suite testsuite.TestSuite, suitePassed bool) { if suitePassed { n.SendNotification("Ginkgo [PASS]", fmt.Sprintf(`Test suite for "%s" passed.`, suite.PackageName)) } else { n.SendNotification("Ginkgo [FAIL]", fmt.Sprintf(`Test suite for "%s" failed.`, suite.PackageName)) } } func (n *Notifier) SendNotification(title string, subtitle string) { if n.commandFlags.Notify { onLinux := (runtime.GOOS == "linux") onOSX := (runtime.GOOS == "darwin") if onOSX { _, err := exec.LookPath("terminal-notifier") if err == nil { args := []string{"-title", title, "-subtitle", subtitle, "-group", "com.onsi.ginkgo"} terminal := os.Getenv("TERM_PROGRAM") if terminal == "" { args = append(args, "-activate", "com.googlecode.iterm2") } else if terminal == "Apple_Terminal" { args = append(args, "-activate", "") } exec.Command("terminal-notifier", args...).Run() } } else if onLinux { _, err := exec.LookPath("notify-send") if err == nil { args := []string{"-a", "ginkgo", title, subtitle} exec.Command("notify-send", args...).Run() } } } } func (n *Notifier) RunCommand(suite testsuite.TestSuite, suitePassed bool) { command := n.commandFlags.AfterSuiteHook if command != "" { // Allow for string replacement to pass input to the command passed := "[FAIL]" if suitePassed { passed = "[PASS]" } command = strings.Replace(command, "(ginkgo-suite-passed)", passed, -1) command = strings.Replace(command, "(ginkgo-suite-name)", suite.PackageName, -1) // Must break command into parts splitArgs := regexp.MustCompile(`'.+'|".+"|\S+`) parts := splitArgs.FindAllString(command, -1) output, err := exec.Command(parts[0], parts[1:]...).CombinedOutput() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Post-suite command failed:") if config.DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor { fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", output) } else { fmt.Printf("\t%s%s%s\n", redColor, string(output), defaultStyle) } n.SendNotification("Ginkgo [ERROR]", fmt.Sprintf(`After suite command "%s" failed`, n.commandFlags.AfterSuiteHook)) } else { fmt.Println("Post-suite command succeeded:") if config.DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor { fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", output) } else { fmt.Printf("\t%s%s%s\n", greenColor, string(output), defaultStyle) } } } }