# commit to be tagged for new release commit = "HEAD" project_name = "go-digest" github_repo = "opencontainers/go-digest" pre_release = false preface = """\ This is the first official release of the go-digest package. This package provides a simple toolkit for working with the digests used in the open containers ecosystem. This includes support for `sha256`, `sha384`, and `sha512` algorithms, with `sha256` being the most common and preferred for greatest compatibility across the ecosystem. Encoding ambiguity has been removed by only supporting lower case hex-encoded characters in the format for this release. The `digestset` package is provided to securely and unambiguously use shortened forms of the digest in environments where there is a full set of known digests.""" # notable prs to include in the release notes, 1234 is the pr number [notes] [breaking]