package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" rfc2119 "" "" "" "" "" ) var bundleValidateFlags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "path", Value: ".", Usage: "path to a bundle"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "platform", Value: runtime.GOOS, Usage: "platform of the target bundle (linux, windows, solaris)"}, } var bundleValidateCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "validate", Usage: "validate an OCI bundle", Flags: bundleValidateFlags, Before: before, Action: func(context *cli.Context) error { hostSpecific := context.GlobalBool("host-specific") complianceLevelString := context.GlobalString("compliance-level") complianceLevel, err := rfc2119.ParseLevel(complianceLevelString) if err != nil { complianceLevel = rfc2119.Must logrus.Warningf("%s, using 'MUST' by default.", err.Error()) } inputPath := context.String("path") platform := context.String("platform") v, err := validate.NewValidatorFromPath(inputPath, hostSpecific, platform) if err != nil { return err } if err := v.CheckAll(); err != nil { levelErrors, err := specerror.SplitLevel(err, complianceLevel) if err != nil { return err } for _, e := range levelErrors.Warnings { logrus.Warn(e) } return levelErrors.Error.ErrorOrNil() } fmt.Println("Bundle validation succeeded.") return nil }, }