package util import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "time" "" "" rspec "" "" "" "" ) var ( // RuntimeCommand is the default runtime command. RuntimeCommand = "runc" ) // LifecycleAction defines the phases will be called. type LifecycleAction int const ( // LifecycleActionNone does nothing LifecycleActionNone = 0 // LifecycleActionCreate creates a container LifecycleActionCreate = 1 << iota // LifecycleActionStart starts a container LifecycleActionStart // LifecycleActionDelete deletes a container LifecycleActionDelete ) // LifecycleStatus follows type LifecycleStatus int const ( // LifecycleStatusCreating "creating" LifecycleStatusCreating = 1 << iota // LifecycleStatusCreated "created" LifecycleStatusCreated // LifecycleStatusRunning "running" LifecycleStatusRunning // LifecycleStatusStopped "stopped" LifecycleStatusStopped ) var lifecycleStatusMap = map[string]LifecycleStatus{ "creating": LifecycleStatusCreating, "created": LifecycleStatusCreated, "running": LifecycleStatusRunning, "stopped": LifecycleStatusStopped, } // LifecycleConfig includes // 1. Config to set the 'config.json' // 2. BundleDir to set the bundle directory // 3. Actions to define the default running lifecycles // 4. Four phases for user to add his/her own operations type LifecycleConfig struct { Config *generate.Generator BundleDir string Actions LifecycleAction PreCreate func(runtime *Runtime) error PostCreate func(runtime *Runtime) error PreDelete func(runtime *Runtime) error PostDelete func(runtime *Runtime) error } // PreFunc initializes the test environment after preparing the bundle // but before creating the container. type PreFunc func(string) error // AfterFunc validate container's outside environment after created type AfterFunc func(config *rspec.Spec, t *tap.T, state *rspec.State) error func init() { runtimeInEnv := os.Getenv("RUNTIME") if runtimeInEnv != "" { RuntimeCommand = runtimeInEnv } } // Fatal prints a warning to stderr and exits. func Fatal(err error) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%+v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } // Skip skips a full TAP suite. func Skip(message string, diagnostic interface{}) { t := tap.New() t.Header(1) t.Skip(1, message) if diagnostic != nil { t.YAML(diagnostic) } } // SpecErrorOK generates TAP output indicating whether a spec code test passed or failed. func SpecErrorOK(t *tap.T, expected bool, specErr error, detailedErr error) { t.Ok(expected, specErr.(*specerror.Error).Err.Err.Error()) diagnostic := map[string]string{ "reference": specErr.(*specerror.Error).Err.Reference, } if detailedErr != nil { diagnostic["error"] = detailedErr.Error() if e, ok := detailedErr.(*exec.ExitError); ok { if len(e.Stderr) > 0 { diagnostic["stderr"] = string(e.Stderr) } } } t.YAML(diagnostic) } // PrepareBundle creates a test bundle in a temporary directory. func PrepareBundle() (string, error) { bundleDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "ocitest") if err != nil { return "", err } // Untar the root fs untarCmd := exec.Command("tar", "-xf", fmt.Sprintf("rootfs-%s.tar.gz", runtime.GOARCH), "-C", bundleDir) output, err := untarCmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { os.Stderr.Write(output) os.RemoveAll(bundleDir) return "", err } return bundleDir, nil } // GetDefaultGenerator creates a default configuration generator. func GetDefaultGenerator() (*generate.Generator, error) { g, err := generate.New(runtime.GOOS) if err != nil { return nil, err } g.SetRootPath(".") g.SetProcessArgs([]string{"/runtimetest", "--path=/"}) return &g, err } // WaitingForStatus waits an expected runtime status, return error if // 1. fail to query the status // 2. timeout func WaitingForStatus(r Runtime, status LifecycleStatus, retryTimeout time.Duration, pollInterval time.Duration) error { for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < retryTimeout; time.Sleep(pollInterval) { state, err := r.State() if err != nil { return err } if v, ok := lifecycleStatusMap[state.Status]; ok { if status&v != 0 { return nil } } else { // In spec, it says 'Additional values MAY be defined by the runtime'. continue } } return errors.New("timeout in waiting for the container status") } var runtimeInsideValidateCalled bool // RuntimeInsideValidate runs runtimetest inside a container. func RuntimeInsideValidate(g *generate.Generator, t *tap.T, f PreFunc) (err error) { bundleDir, err := PrepareBundle() if err != nil { return err } if f != nil { if err := f(bundleDir); err != nil { return err } } r, err := NewRuntime(RuntimeCommand, bundleDir) if err != nil { os.RemoveAll(bundleDir) return err } defer r.Clean(true, true) err = r.SetConfig(g) if err != nil { return err } err = fileutils.CopyFile("runtimetest", filepath.Join(r.BundleDir, "runtimetest")) if err != nil { return err } r.SetID(uuid.NewV4().String()) err = r.Create() if err != nil { os.Stderr.WriteString("failed to create the container\n") if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && len(e.Stderr) > 0 { os.Stderr.Write(e.Stderr) } return err } err = r.Start() if err != nil { os.Stderr.WriteString("failed to start the container\n") if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && len(e.Stderr) > 0 { os.Stderr.Write(e.Stderr) } return err } err = WaitingForStatus(r, LifecycleStatusStopped, 10*time.Second, 1*time.Second) if err != nil { return err } stdout, stderr, err := r.ReadStandardStreams() if err != nil { if len(stderr) == 0 { stderr = stdout } os.Stderr.WriteString("failed to read standard streams\n") os.Stderr.Write(stderr) return err } // Write stdout in the outter TAP if t != nil { diagnostic := map[string]string{ "stdout": string(stdout), "stderr": string(stderr), } if err != nil { diagnostic["error"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", err) } t.YAML(diagnostic) t.Ok(err == nil && !strings.Contains(string(stdout), "not ok"), g.Config.Annotations["TestName"]) } else { if runtimeInsideValidateCalled { Fatal(errors.New("RuntimeInsideValidate called several times in the same test without passing TAP")) } runtimeInsideValidateCalled = true os.Stdout.Write(stdout) } return nil } // RuntimeOutsideValidate validate runtime outside a container. func RuntimeOutsideValidate(g *generate.Generator, t *tap.T, f AfterFunc) error { bundleDir, err := PrepareBundle() if err != nil { return err } r, err := NewRuntime(RuntimeCommand, bundleDir) if err != nil { os.RemoveAll(bundleDir) return err } defer r.Clean(true, true) err = r.SetConfig(g) if err != nil { return err } err = fileutils.CopyFile("runtimetest", filepath.Join(r.BundleDir, "runtimetest")) if err != nil { return err } r.SetID(uuid.NewV4().String()) err = r.Create() if err != nil { os.Stderr.WriteString("failed to create the container\n") if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && len(e.Stderr) > 0 { os.Stderr.Write(e.Stderr) } return err } if f != nil { state, err := r.State() if err != nil { return err } if err := f(g.Spec(), t, &state); err != nil { return err } } return nil } // RuntimeLifecycleValidate validates runtime lifecycle. func RuntimeLifecycleValidate(config LifecycleConfig) error { var bundleDir string var err error if config.BundleDir == "" { bundleDir, err = PrepareBundle() if err != nil { return err } defer os.RemoveAll(bundleDir) } else { bundleDir = config.BundleDir } r, err := NewRuntime(RuntimeCommand, bundleDir) if err != nil { return err } if config.Config != nil { if err := r.SetConfig(config.Config); err != nil { return err } } if config.PreCreate != nil { if err := config.PreCreate(&r); err != nil { return err } } if config.Actions&LifecycleActionCreate != 0 { err := r.Create() if err != nil { os.Stderr.WriteString("failed to create the container\n") if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && len(e.Stderr) > 0 { os.Stderr.Write(e.Stderr) } return err } if config.Actions&LifecycleActionDelete != 0 { defer func() { // runtime error or the container is already deleted if _, err := r.State(); err != nil { return } err := WaitingForStatus(r, LifecycleStatusCreated|LifecycleStatusStopped, time.Second*10, time.Second*1) if err == nil { r.Delete() } else { os.Stderr.WriteString("failed to delete the container\n") os.Stderr.WriteString(err.Error()) } }() } } if config.PostCreate != nil { if err := config.PostCreate(&r); err != nil { return err } } if config.Actions&LifecycleActionStart != 0 { err := r.Start() if err != nil { os.Stderr.WriteString("failed to start the container\n") if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && len(e.Stderr) > 0 { os.Stderr.Write(e.Stderr) } return err } } if config.PreDelete != nil { if err := config.PreDelete(&r); err != nil { return err } } if config.Actions&LifecycleActionDelete != 0 { err := r.Delete() if err != nil { os.Stderr.WriteString("failed to delete the container\n") if e, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && len(e.Stderr) > 0 { os.Stderr.Write(e.Stderr) } return err } } if config.PostDelete != nil { if err := config.PostDelete(&r); err != nil { return err } } return nil }