package speed import ( "fmt" "regexp" "sync" "" ) // Registry defines a valid set of instance domains and metrics type Registry interface { // checks if an instance domain of the passed name is already present or not HasInstanceDomain(name string) bool // checks if an metric of the passed name is already present or not HasMetric(name string) bool // returns the number of Metrics in the current registry MetricCount() int // returns the number of Values in the current registry ValuesCount() int // returns the number of Instance Domains in the current registry InstanceDomainCount() int // returns the number of instances across all instance domains in the current registry InstanceCount() int // returns the number of non null strings initialized in the current registry StringCount() int // adds a InstanceDomain object to the writer AddInstanceDomain(InstanceDomain) error // adds a InstanceDomain object after constructing it using passed name and instances AddInstanceDomainByName(name string, instances []string) (InstanceDomain, error) // adds a Metric object to the writer AddMetric(Metric) error // adds a Metric object after parsing the passed string for Instances and InstanceDomains AddMetricByString(name string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error) } // PCPRegistry implements a registry for PCP as the client type PCPRegistry struct { instanceDomains map[string]*PCPInstanceDomain // a cache for instanceDomains metrics map[string]PCPMetric // a cache for metrics // locks indomlock sync.RWMutex metricslock sync.RWMutex // offsets instanceoffset int indomoffset int metricsoffset int valuesoffset int stringsoffset int // counts instanceCount int valueCount int stringcount int mapped bool version2 bool // a flag that maintains whether we need to write mmv version 2 } // NewPCPRegistry creates a new PCPRegistry object func NewPCPRegistry() *PCPRegistry { return &PCPRegistry{ instanceDomains: make(map[string]*PCPInstanceDomain), metrics: make(map[string]PCPMetric), } } // InstanceCount returns the number of instances across all indoms in the registry func (r *PCPRegistry) InstanceCount() int { r.indomlock.RLock() defer r.indomlock.RUnlock() return r.instanceCount } // InstanceDomainCount returns the number of instance domains in the registry func (r *PCPRegistry) InstanceDomainCount() int { r.indomlock.RLock() defer r.indomlock.RUnlock() return len(r.instanceDomains) } // MetricCount returns the number of metrics in the registry func (r *PCPRegistry) MetricCount() int { r.metricslock.RLock() defer r.metricslock.RUnlock() return len(r.metrics) } // ValuesCount returns the number of values in the registry func (r *PCPRegistry) ValuesCount() int { return r.valueCount } // StringCount returns the number of strings in the registry func (r *PCPRegistry) StringCount() int { if r.version2 { return r.stringcount + r.MetricCount() + r.InstanceCount() } return r.stringcount } // HasInstanceDomain returns true if the registry already has an indom of the specified name func (r *PCPRegistry) HasInstanceDomain(name string) bool { r.indomlock.RLock() defer r.indomlock.RUnlock() _, present := r.instanceDomains[name] return present } // HasMetric returns true if the registry already has a metric of the specified name func (r *PCPRegistry) HasMetric(name string) bool { r.metricslock.RLock() defer r.metricslock.RUnlock() _, present := r.metrics[name] return present } // AddInstanceDomain will add a new instance domain to the current registry func (r *PCPRegistry) AddInstanceDomain(indom InstanceDomain) error { if r.HasInstanceDomain(indom.Name()) { return errors.New("InstanceDomain is already defined for the current registry") } r.indomlock.Lock() defer r.indomlock.Unlock() if r.mapped { return errors.New("Cannot add an indom when a mapping is active") } r.instanceDomains[indom.Name()] = indom.(*PCPInstanceDomain) r.instanceCount += indom.InstanceCount() if !r.version2 { for _, v := range indom.Instances() { if len(v) > MaxV1NameLength { r.version2 = true } } } if indom.(*PCPInstanceDomain).shortDescription != "" { r.stringcount++ } if indom.(*PCPInstanceDomain).longDescription != "" { r.stringcount++ } return nil } func (r *PCPRegistry) addMetric(m PCPMetric) { r.metrics[m.Name()] = m if len(m.Name()) > MaxV1NameLength && !r.version2 { r.version2 = true } currentValues := 1 if m.Indom() != nil { currentValues = m.Indom().InstanceCount() } r.valueCount += currentValues if m.Type() == StringType { r.stringcount += currentValues } if m.ShortDescription() != "" { r.stringcount++ } if m.LongDescription() != "" { r.stringcount++ } } // AddMetric will add a new metric to the current registry func (r *PCPRegistry) AddMetric(m Metric) error { if r.mapped { return errors.New("cannot add a metric when a mapping is active") } if r.HasMetric(m.Name()) { return errors.New("metric is already defined for the current registry") } pcpm := m.(PCPMetric) // if it is an indom metric if pcpm.Indom() != nil && !r.HasInstanceDomain(pcpm.Indom().Name()) { err := r.AddInstanceDomain(pcpm.Indom()) if err != nil { return err } } r.metricslock.Lock() defer r.metricslock.Unlock() r.addMetric(pcpm) return nil } // AddInstanceDomainByName adds an instance domain using passed parameters func (r *PCPRegistry) AddInstanceDomainByName(name string, instances []string) (InstanceDomain, error) { if r.HasInstanceDomain(name) { return nil, errors.New("The InstanceDomain already exists for this registry") } indom, err := NewPCPInstanceDomain(name, instances) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = r.AddInstanceDomain(indom) if err != nil { return nil, err } return indom, nil } const id = "[\\p{L}\\p{N}_]+" var instancesPattern = fmt.Sprintf("(%v)((,\\s?(%v))*)", id, id) var pattern = fmt.Sprintf("\\A((%v)(\\.%v)*?)(\\[(%v)\\])?((\\.%v)*)\\z", id, id, instancesPattern, id) var ireg, _ = regexp.Compile(id) var reg, _ = regexp.Compile(pattern) func parseString(s string) (metric string, indom string, instances []string, err error) { if !reg.MatchString(s) { return "", "", nil, errors.New("Invalid String") } matches := reg.FindStringSubmatch(s) n := len(matches) indom = matches[1] metric = indom + matches[n-2] iarr := matches[5] if iarr != "" { instances = ireg.FindAllString(iarr, -1) } else { instances = nil indom = "" } return } func (r *PCPRegistry) addSingletonMetricByString(name string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error) { m, err := NewPCPSingletonMetric(val, name, t, s, u) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = r.AddMetric(m) if err != nil { return nil, err } return m, nil } func (r *PCPRegistry) addInstanceMetricByString(name string, val interface{}, indom string, instances []string, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error) { // instance metric mp, ok := val.(Instances) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("to define an instance metric, a Instances type is required") } var ( id InstanceDomain err error ) if !r.HasInstanceDomain(indom) { id, err = r.AddInstanceDomainByName(indom, instances) if err != nil { return nil, err } } else if r.instanceDomains[indom].MatchInstances(instances) { id = r.instanceDomains[indom] } else { return nil, errors.Errorf("a different instance domain under the name %v already exists in the registry", indom) } m, err := NewPCPInstanceMetric(mp, name, id.(*PCPInstanceDomain), t, s, u) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = r.AddMetric(m) if err != nil { return nil, err } return m, nil } // AddMetricByString dynamically creates a PCPMetric func (r *PCPRegistry) AddMetricByString(str string, val interface{}, t MetricType, s MetricSemantics, u MetricUnit) (Metric, error) { metric, indom, instances, err := parseString(str) if err != nil { return nil, err } if instances == nil { return r.addSingletonMetricByString(metric, val, t, s, u) } return r.addInstanceMetricByString(metric, val, indom, instances, t, s, u) }