package zk import ( "context" "fmt" "io" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "testing" ) type ErrMissingServerConfigField string func (e ErrMissingServerConfigField) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("zk: missing server config field '%s'", string(e)) } const ( DefaultServerTickTime = 500 DefaultServerInitLimit = 10 DefaultServerSyncLimit = 5 DefaultServerAutoPurgeSnapRetainCount = 3 DefaultPeerPort = 2888 DefaultLeaderElectionPort = 3888 ) type server struct { stdout, stderr io.Writer cmdString string cmdArgs []string cmdEnv []string cmd *exec.Cmd // this cancel will kill the command being run in this case the server itself. cancelFunc context.CancelFunc } func NewIntegrationTestServer(t *testing.T, configPath string, stdout, stderr io.Writer) (*server, error) { // allow external systems to configure this zk server bin path. zkPath := os.Getenv("ZOOKEEPER_BIN_PATH") if zkPath == "" { // default to a static reletive path that can be setup with a build system zkPath = "../zookeeper/bin" } if _, err := os.Stat(zkPath); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("zk: could not find testing zookeeper bin path at %q: %v ", zkPath, err) } } // password is 'test' superString := `SERVER_JVMFLAGS=-Dzookeeper.DigestAuthenticationProvider.superDigest=super:D/InIHSb7yEEbrWz8b9l71RjZJU=` return &server{ cmdString: filepath.Join(zkPath, ""), cmdArgs: []string{"start-foreground", configPath}, cmdEnv: []string{superString}, stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr, }, nil } func (srv *server) Start() error { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) srv.cancelFunc = cancel srv.cmd = exec.CommandContext(ctx, srv.cmdString, srv.cmdArgs...) srv.cmd.Stdout = srv.stdout srv.cmd.Stderr = srv.stderr srv.cmd.Env = srv.cmdEnv return srv.cmd.Start() } func (srv *server) Stop() error { srv.cancelFunc() return srv.cmd.Wait() } type ServerConfigServer struct { ID int Host string PeerPort int LeaderElectionPort int } type ServerConfig struct { TickTime int // Number of milliseconds of each tick InitLimit int // Number of ticks that the initial synchronization phase can take SyncLimit int // Number of ticks that can pass between sending a request and getting an acknowledgement DataDir string // Direcrory where the snapshot is stored ClientPort int // Port at which clients will connect AutoPurgeSnapRetainCount int // Number of snapshots to retain in dataDir AutoPurgePurgeInterval int // Purge task internal in hours (0 to disable auto purge) Servers []ServerConfigServer } func (sc ServerConfig) Marshall(w io.Writer) error { // the admin server is not wanted in test cases as it slows the startup process and is // of little unit test value. fmt.Fprintln(w, "admin.enableServer=false") if sc.DataDir == "" { return ErrMissingServerConfigField("dataDir") } fmt.Fprintf(w, "dataDir=%s\n", sc.DataDir) if sc.TickTime <= 0 { sc.TickTime = DefaultServerTickTime } fmt.Fprintf(w, "tickTime=%d\n", sc.TickTime) if sc.InitLimit <= 0 { sc.InitLimit = DefaultServerInitLimit } fmt.Fprintf(w, "initLimit=%d\n", sc.InitLimit) if sc.SyncLimit <= 0 { sc.SyncLimit = DefaultServerSyncLimit } fmt.Fprintf(w, "syncLimit=%d\n", sc.SyncLimit) if sc.ClientPort <= 0 { sc.ClientPort = DefaultPort } fmt.Fprintf(w, "clientPort=%d\n", sc.ClientPort) if sc.AutoPurgePurgeInterval > 0 { if sc.AutoPurgeSnapRetainCount <= 0 { sc.AutoPurgeSnapRetainCount = DefaultServerAutoPurgeSnapRetainCount } fmt.Fprintf(w, "autopurge.snapRetainCount=%d\n", sc.AutoPurgeSnapRetainCount) fmt.Fprintf(w, "autopurge.purgeInterval=%d\n", sc.AutoPurgePurgeInterval) } // enable reconfig. // TODO: allow setting this fmt.Fprintln(w, "reconfigEnabled=true") fmt.Fprintln(w, "4lw.commands.whitelist=*") if len(sc.Servers) < 2 { // if we dont have more than 2 servers we just dont specify server list to start in standalone mode // see for more details. return nil } // if we then have more than one server force it to be distributed fmt.Fprintln(w, "standaloneEnabled=false") for _, srv := range sc.Servers { if srv.PeerPort <= 0 { srv.PeerPort = DefaultPeerPort } if srv.LeaderElectionPort <= 0 { srv.LeaderElectionPort = DefaultLeaderElectionPort } fmt.Fprintf(w, "server.%d=%s:%d:%d\n", srv.ID, srv.Host, srv.PeerPort, srv.LeaderElectionPort) } return nil } // this is a helper to wait for the zk connection to at least get to the HasSession state func waitForSession(ctx context.Context, eventChan <-chan Event) error { select { case event, ok := <-eventChan: // The eventChan is used solely to determine when the ZK conn has // stopped. if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("connection closed before state reached") } if event.State == StateHasSession { return nil } case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() } return nil }