// This executable provides an HTTP server that watches for file system changes // to .go files within the working directory (and all nested go packages). // Navigating to the configured host and port in a web browser will display the // latest results of running `go test` in each go package. package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "net" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/web/server/api" "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/web/server/contract" "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/web/server/executor" "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/web/server/messaging" "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/web/server/parser" "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/web/server/system" "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/web/server/watch" ) func init() { flags() folders() } func flags() { flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 8080, "The port at which to serve http.") flag.StringVar(&host, "host", "", "The host at which to serve http.") flag.DurationVar(&nap, "poll", quarterSecond, "The interval to wait between polling the file system for changes.") flag.IntVar(¶llelPackages, "packages", 10, "The number of packages to test in parallel. Higher == faster but more costly in terms of computing.") flag.StringVar(&gobin, "gobin", "go", "The path to the 'go' binary (default: search on the PATH).") flag.BoolVar(&cover, "cover", true, "Enable package-level coverage statistics. Requires Go 1.2+ and the go cover tool.") flag.IntVar(&depth, "depth", -1, "The directory scanning depth. If -1, scan infinitely deep directory structures. 0: scan working directory. 1+: Scan into nested directories, limited to value.") flag.StringVar(&timeout, "timeout", "0", "The test execution timeout if none is specified in the *.goconvey file (default is '0', which is the same as not providing this option).") flag.StringVar(&watchedSuffixes, "watchedSuffixes", ".go", "A comma separated list of file suffixes to watch for modifications.") flag.StringVar(&excludedDirs, "excludedDirs", "vendor,node_modules", "A comma separated list of directories that will be excluded from being watched.") flag.StringVar(&workDir, "workDir", "", "set goconvey working directory (default current directory).") flag.BoolVar(&autoLaunchBrowser, "launchBrowser", true, "toggle auto launching of browser.") log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile) } func folders() { _, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0) here := filepath.Dir(file) static = filepath.Join(here, "/web/client") reports = filepath.Join(static, "reports") } func main() { flag.Parse() log.Printf(initialConfiguration, host, port, nap, cover) working := getWorkDir() cover = coverageEnabled(cover, reports) shell := system.NewShell(gobin, reports, cover, timeout) watcherInput := make(chan messaging.WatcherCommand) watcherOutput := make(chan messaging.Folders) excludedDirItems := strings.Split(excludedDirs, `,`) watcher := watch.NewWatcher(working, depth, nap, watcherInput, watcherOutput, watchedSuffixes, excludedDirItems) parser := parser.NewParser(parser.ParsePackageResults) tester := executor.NewConcurrentTester(shell) tester.SetBatchSize(parallelPackages) longpollChan := make(chan chan string) executor := executor.NewExecutor(tester, parser, longpollChan) server := api.NewHTTPServer(working, watcherInput, executor, longpollChan) listener := createListener() go runTestOnUpdates(watcherOutput, executor, server) go watcher.Listen() if autoLaunchBrowser { go launchBrowser(listener.Addr().String()) } serveHTTP(server, listener) } func browserCmd() (string, bool) { browser := map[string]string{ "darwin": "open", "linux": "xdg-open", "windows": "start", } cmd, ok := browser[runtime.GOOS] return cmd, ok } func launchBrowser(addr string) { browser, ok := browserCmd() if !ok { log.Printf("Skipped launching browser for this OS: %s", runtime.GOOS) return } log.Printf("Launching browser on %s", addr) url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", addr) cmd := exec.Command(browser, url) output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(string(output)) } func runTestOnUpdates(queue chan messaging.Folders, executor contract.Executor, server contract.Server) { for update := range queue { log.Println("Received request from watcher to execute tests...") packages := extractPackages(update) output := executor.ExecuteTests(packages) root := extractRoot(update, packages) server.ReceiveUpdate(root, output) } } func extractPackages(folderList messaging.Folders) []*contract.Package { packageList := []*contract.Package{} for _, folder := range folderList { hasImportCycle := testFilesImportTheirOwnPackage(folder.Path) packageName := resolvePackageName(folder.Path) packageList = append( packageList, contract.NewPackage(folder, packageName, hasImportCycle), ) } return packageList } func extractRoot(folderList messaging.Folders, packageList []*contract.Package) string { path := packageList[0].Path folder := folderList[path] return folder.Root } func createListener() net.Listener { l, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port)) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } if l == nil { os.Exit(1) } return l } func serveHTTP(server contract.Server, listener net.Listener) { serveStaticResources() serveAjaxMethods(server) activateServer(listener) } func serveStaticResources() { http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(static))) } func serveAjaxMethods(server contract.Server) { http.HandleFunc("/watch", server.Watch) http.HandleFunc("/ignore", server.Ignore) http.HandleFunc("/reinstate", server.Reinstate) http.HandleFunc("/latest", server.Results) http.HandleFunc("/execute", server.Execute) http.HandleFunc("/status", server.Status) http.HandleFunc("/status/poll", server.LongPollStatus) http.HandleFunc("/pause", server.TogglePause) } func activateServer(listener net.Listener) { log.Printf("Serving HTTP at: http://%s\n", listener.Addr()) err := http.Serve(listener, nil) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } } func coverageEnabled(cover bool, reports string) bool { return (cover && goMinVersion(1, 2) && coverToolInstalled() && ensureReportDirectoryExists(reports)) } func goMinVersion(wanted ...int) bool { version := runtime.Version() // 'go1.2....' s := regexp.MustCompile(`go([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.?([\d]+)?`).FindAllStringSubmatch(version, 1) if len(s) == 0 { log.Printf("Cannot determine if newer than go1.2, disabling coverage.") return false } for idx, str := range s[0][1:] { if len(wanted) == idx { break } if v, _ := strconv.Atoi(str); v < wanted[idx] { log.Printf(pleaseUpgradeGoVersion, version) return false } } return true } func coverToolInstalled() bool { working := getWorkDir() command := system.NewCommand(working, "go", "tool", "cover").Execute() installed := strings.Contains(command.Output, "Usage of 'go tool cover':") if !installed { log.Print(coverToolMissing) return false } return true } func ensureReportDirectoryExists(reports string) bool { result, err := exists(reports) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if result { return true } if err := os.Mkdir(reports, 0755); err == nil { return true } log.Printf(reportDirectoryUnavailable, reports) return false } func exists(path string) (bool, error) { _, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { return true, nil } if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false, nil } return false, err } func getWorkDir() string { working := "" var err error if workDir != "" { working = workDir } else { working, err = os.Getwd() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } result, err := exists(working) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if !result { log.Fatalf("Path:%s does not exists", working) } return working } var ( port int host string gobin string nap time.Duration parallelPackages int cover bool depth int timeout string watchedSuffixes string excludedDirs string autoLaunchBrowser bool static string reports string quarterSecond = time.Millisecond * 250 workDir string ) const ( initialConfiguration = "Initial configuration: [host: %s] [port: %d] [poll: %v] [cover: %v]\n" pleaseUpgradeGoVersion = "Go version is less that 1.2 (%s), please upgrade to the latest stable version to enable coverage reporting.\n" coverToolMissing = "Go cover tool is not installed or not accessible: for Go < 1.5 run`go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover`\n For >= Go 1.5 run `go install $GOROOT/src/cmd/cover`\n" reportDirectoryUnavailable = "Could not find or create the coverage report directory (at: '%s'). You probably won't see any coverage statistics...\n" separator = string(filepath.Separator) endGoPath = separator + "src" + separator )