/* Copyright 2014 CoreOS, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package client import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "reflect" "testing" ) func TestV2KeysURLHelper(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { endpoint url.URL prefix string key string want url.URL }{ // key is empty, no problem { endpoint: url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys"}, prefix: "", key: "", want: url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys"}, }, // key is joined to path { endpoint: url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys"}, prefix: "", key: "/foo/bar", want: url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys/foo/bar"}, }, // key is joined to path when path is empty { endpoint: url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: ""}, prefix: "", key: "/foo/bar", want: url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: "/foo/bar"}, }, // Host field carries through with port { endpoint: url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com:8080", Path: "/v2/keys"}, prefix: "", key: "", want: url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com:8080", Path: "/v2/keys"}, }, // Scheme carries through { endpoint: url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys"}, prefix: "", key: "", want: url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys"}, }, // Prefix is applied { endpoint: url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: "example.com", Path: "/foo"}, prefix: "/bar", key: "/baz", want: url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: "example.com", Path: "/foo/bar/baz"}, }, } for i, tt := range tests { got := v2KeysURL(tt.endpoint, tt.prefix, tt.key) if tt.want != *got { t.Errorf("#%d: want=%#v, got=%#v", i, tt.want, *got) } } } func TestGetAction(t *testing.T) { ep := url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com/v2/keys"} wantURL := &url.URL{ Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys/foo/bar", } wantHeader := http.Header{} tests := []struct { recursive bool wantQuery string }{ { recursive: false, wantQuery: "recursive=false", }, { recursive: true, wantQuery: "recursive=true", }, } for i, tt := range tests { f := getAction{ Key: "/foo/bar", Recursive: tt.recursive, } got := *f.HTTPRequest(ep) wantURL := wantURL wantURL.RawQuery = tt.wantQuery err := assertResponse(got, wantURL, wantHeader, nil) if err != nil { t.Errorf("#%d: %v", i, err) } } } func TestWaitAction(t *testing.T) { ep := url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com/v2/keys"} wantURL := &url.URL{ Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys/foo/bar", } wantHeader := http.Header{} tests := []struct { waitIndex uint64 recursive bool wantQuery string }{ { recursive: false, waitIndex: uint64(0), wantQuery: "recursive=false&wait=true&waitIndex=0", }, { recursive: false, waitIndex: uint64(12), wantQuery: "recursive=false&wait=true&waitIndex=12", }, { recursive: true, waitIndex: uint64(12), wantQuery: "recursive=true&wait=true&waitIndex=12", }, } for i, tt := range tests { f := waitAction{ Key: "/foo/bar", WaitIndex: tt.waitIndex, Recursive: tt.recursive, } got := *f.HTTPRequest(ep) wantURL := wantURL wantURL.RawQuery = tt.wantQuery err := assertResponse(got, wantURL, wantHeader, nil) if err != nil { t.Errorf("#%d: %v", i, err) } } } func TestCreateAction(t *testing.T) { ep := url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com/v2/keys"} wantURL := &url.URL{ Scheme: "http", Host: "example.com", Path: "/v2/keys/foo/bar", RawQuery: "prevExist=false", } wantHeader := http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Type": []string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, }) ttl12 := uint64(12) tests := []struct { value string ttl *uint64 wantBody string }{ { value: "baz", wantBody: "value=baz", }, { value: "baz", ttl: &ttl12, wantBody: "ttl=12&value=baz", }, } for i, tt := range tests { f := createAction{ Key: "/foo/bar", Value: tt.value, TTL: tt.ttl, } got := *f.HTTPRequest(ep) err := assertResponse(got, wantURL, wantHeader, []byte(tt.wantBody)) if err != nil { t.Errorf("#%d: %v", i, err) } } } func assertResponse(got http.Request, wantURL *url.URL, wantHeader http.Header, wantBody []byte) error { if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantURL, got.URL) { return fmt.Errorf("want.URL=%#v got.URL=%#v", wantURL, got.URL) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantHeader, got.Header) { return fmt.Errorf("want.Header=%#v got.Header=%#v", wantHeader, got.Header) } if got.Body == nil { if wantBody != nil { return fmt.Errorf("want.Body=%v got.Body=%v", wantBody, got.Body) } } else { if wantBody == nil { return fmt.Errorf("want.Body=%v got.Body=%s", wantBody, got.Body) } else { gotBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(got.Body) if err != nil { return err } if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantBody, gotBytes) { return fmt.Errorf("want.Body=%s got.Body=%s", wantBody, gotBytes) } } } return nil } func TestUnmarshalSuccessfulResponse(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { indexHeader string body string res *Response expectError bool }{ // Neither PrevNode or Node { "1", `{"action":"delete"}`, &Response{Action: "delete", Index: 1}, false, }, // PrevNode { "15", `{"action":"delete", "prevNode": {"key": "/foo", "value": "bar", "modifiedIndex": 12, "createdIndex": 10}}`, &Response{Action: "delete", Index: 15, PrevNode: &Node{Key: "/foo", Value: "bar", ModifiedIndex: 12, CreatedIndex: 10}}, false, }, // Node { "15", `{"action":"get", "node": {"key": "/foo", "value": "bar", "modifiedIndex": 12, "createdIndex": 10}}`, &Response{Action: "get", Index: 15, Node: &Node{Key: "/foo", Value: "bar", ModifiedIndex: 12, CreatedIndex: 10}}, false, }, // PrevNode and Node { "15", `{"action":"update", "prevNode": {"key": "/foo", "value": "baz", "modifiedIndex": 10, "createdIndex": 10}, "node": {"key": "/foo", "value": "bar", "modifiedIndex": 12, "createdIndex": 10}}`, &Response{Action: "update", Index: 15, PrevNode: &Node{Key: "/foo", Value: "baz", ModifiedIndex: 10, CreatedIndex: 10}, Node: &Node{Key: "/foo", Value: "bar", ModifiedIndex: 12, CreatedIndex: 10}}, false, }, // Garbage in body { "", `garbage`, nil, true, }, } for i, tt := range tests { h := make(http.Header) h.Add("X-Etcd-Index", tt.indexHeader) res, err := unmarshalSuccessfulResponse(h, []byte(tt.body)) if tt.expectError != (err != nil) { t.Errorf("#%d: expectError=%t, err=%v", i, tt.expectError, err) } if (res == nil) != (tt.res == nil) { t.Errorf("#%d: received res==%v, but expected res==%v", i, res, tt.res) continue } else if tt.res == nil { // expected and successfully got nil response continue } if res.Action != tt.res.Action { t.Errorf("#%d: Action=%s, expected %s", i, res.Action, tt.res.Action) } if res.Index != tt.res.Index { t.Errorf("#%d: Index=%d, expected %d", i, res.Index, tt.res.Index) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(res.Node, tt.res.Node) { t.Errorf("#%d: Node=%v, expected %v", i, res.Node, tt.res.Node) } } } func TestUnmarshalErrorResponse(t *testing.T) { unrecognized := errors.New("test fixture") tests := []struct { code int want error }{ {http.StatusBadRequest, unrecognized}, {http.StatusUnauthorized, unrecognized}, {http.StatusPaymentRequired, unrecognized}, {http.StatusForbidden, unrecognized}, {http.StatusNotFound, ErrKeyNoExist}, {http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, unrecognized}, {http.StatusNotAcceptable, unrecognized}, {http.StatusProxyAuthRequired, unrecognized}, {http.StatusRequestTimeout, unrecognized}, {http.StatusConflict, unrecognized}, {http.StatusGone, unrecognized}, {http.StatusLengthRequired, unrecognized}, {http.StatusPreconditionFailed, ErrKeyExists}, {http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge, unrecognized}, {http.StatusRequestURITooLong, unrecognized}, {http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, unrecognized}, {http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, unrecognized}, {http.StatusExpectationFailed, unrecognized}, {http.StatusTeapot, unrecognized}, {http.StatusInternalServerError, ErrNoLeader}, {http.StatusNotImplemented, unrecognized}, {http.StatusBadGateway, unrecognized}, {http.StatusServiceUnavailable, unrecognized}, {http.StatusGatewayTimeout, ErrTimeout}, {http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported, unrecognized}, } for i, tt := range tests { want := tt.want if reflect.DeepEqual(unrecognized, want) { want = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized HTTP status code %d", tt.code) } got := unmarshalErrorResponse(tt.code) if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) { t.Errorf("#%d: want=%v, got=%v", i, want, got) } } }