// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 package mongo import ( "context" "errors" "math" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "time" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/event" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/testutil" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/testutil/assert" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/readpref" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/writeconcern" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/description" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/topology" ) var ( connsCheckedOut int ) func TestConvenientTransactions(t *testing.T) { client := setupConvenientTransactions(t) db := client.Database("TestConvenientTransactions") dbAdmin := client.Database("admin") defer func() { sessions := client.NumberSessionsInProgress() conns := connsCheckedOut err := dbAdmin.RunCommand(bgCtx, bson.D{ {"killAllSessions", bson.A{}}, }).Err() if err != nil { if ce, ok := err.(CommandError); !ok || ce.Code != errorInterrupted { t.Fatalf("killAllSessions error: %v", err) } } _ = db.Drop(bgCtx) _ = client.Disconnect(bgCtx) assert.Equal(t, 0, sessions, "%v sessions checked out", sessions) assert.Equal(t, 0, conns, "%v connections checked out", conns) }() t.Run("callback raises custom error", func(t *testing.T) { coll := db.Collection(t.Name()) _, err := coll.InsertOne(bgCtx, bson.D{{"x", 1}}) assert.Nil(t, err, "InsertOne error: %v", err) sess, err := client.StartSession() assert.Nil(t, err, "StartSession error: %v", err) defer sess.EndSession(context.Background()) testErr := errors.New("test error") _, err = sess.WithTransaction(context.Background(), func(sessCtx SessionContext) (interface{}, error) { return nil, testErr }) assert.Equal(t, testErr, err, "expected error %v, got %v", testErr, err) }) t.Run("callback returns value", func(t *testing.T) { coll := db.Collection(t.Name()) _, err := coll.InsertOne(bgCtx, bson.D{{"x", 1}}) assert.Nil(t, err, "InsertOne error: %v", err) sess, err := client.StartSession() assert.Nil(t, err, "StartSession error: %v", err) defer sess.EndSession(context.Background()) res, err := sess.WithTransaction(context.Background(), func(sessCtx SessionContext) (interface{}, error) { return false, nil }) assert.Nil(t, err, "WithTransaction error: %v", err) resBool, ok := res.(bool) assert.True(t, ok, "expected result type %T, got %T", false, res) assert.False(t, resBool, "expected result false, got %v", resBool) }) t.Run("retry timeout enforced", func(t *testing.T) { withTransactionTimeout = time.Second coll := db.Collection(t.Name()) _, err := coll.InsertOne(bgCtx, bson.D{{"x", 1}}) assert.Nil(t, err, "InsertOne error: %v", err) t.Run("transient transaction error", func(t *testing.T) { sess, err := client.StartSession() assert.Nil(t, err, "StartSession error: %v", err) defer sess.EndSession(context.Background()) _, err = sess.WithTransaction(context.Background(), func(sessCtx SessionContext) (interface{}, error) { return nil, CommandError{Name: "test Error", Labels: []string{driver.TransientTransactionError}} }) assert.NotNil(t, err, "expected WithTransaction error, got nil") cmdErr, ok := err.(CommandError) assert.True(t, ok, "expected error type %T, got %T", CommandError{}, err) assert.True(t, cmdErr.HasErrorLabel(driver.TransientTransactionError), "expected error with label %v, got %v", driver.TransientTransactionError, cmdErr) }) t.Run("unknown transaction commit result", func(t *testing.T) { //set failpoint failpoint := bson.D{{"configureFailPoint", "failCommand"}, {"mode", "alwaysOn"}, {"data", bson.D{ {"failCommands", bson.A{"commitTransaction"}}, {"closeConnection", true}, }}, } err = dbAdmin.RunCommand(bgCtx, failpoint).Err() assert.Nil(t, err, "error setting failpoint: %v", err) defer func() { err = dbAdmin.RunCommand(bgCtx, bson.D{ {"configureFailPoint", "failCommand"}, {"mode", "off"}, }).Err() assert.Nil(t, err, "error turning off failpoint: %v", err) }() sess, err := client.StartSession() assert.Nil(t, err, "StartSession error: %v", err) defer sess.EndSession(context.Background()) _, err = sess.WithTransaction(context.Background(), func(sessCtx SessionContext) (interface{}, error) { _, err := coll.InsertOne(sessCtx, bson.D{{"x", 1}}) return nil, err }) assert.NotNil(t, err, "expected WithTransaction error, got nil") cmdErr, ok := err.(CommandError) assert.True(t, ok, "expected error type %T, got %T", CommandError{}, err) assert.True(t, cmdErr.HasErrorLabel(driver.UnknownTransactionCommitResult), "expected error with label %v, got %v", driver.UnknownTransactionCommitResult, cmdErr) }) t.Run("commit transient transaction error", func(t *testing.T) { //set failpoint failpoint := bson.D{{"configureFailPoint", "failCommand"}, {"mode", "alwaysOn"}, {"data", bson.D{ {"failCommands", bson.A{"commitTransaction"}}, {"errorCode", 251}, }}, } err = dbAdmin.RunCommand(bgCtx, failpoint).Err() assert.Nil(t, err, "error setting failpoint: %v", err) defer func() { err = dbAdmin.RunCommand(bgCtx, bson.D{ {"configureFailPoint", "failCommand"}, {"mode", "off"}, }).Err() assert.Nil(t, err, "error turning off failpoint: %v", err) }() sess, err := client.StartSession() assert.Nil(t, err, "StartSession error: %v", err) defer sess.EndSession(context.Background()) _, err = sess.WithTransaction(context.Background(), func(sessCtx SessionContext) (interface{}, error) { _, err := coll.InsertOne(sessCtx, bson.D{{"x", 1}}) return nil, err }) assert.NotNil(t, err, "expected WithTransaction error, got nil") cmdErr, ok := err.(CommandError) assert.True(t, ok, "expected error type %T, got %T", CommandError{}, err) assert.True(t, cmdErr.HasErrorLabel(driver.TransientTransactionError), "expected error with label %v, got %v", driver.TransientTransactionError, cmdErr) }) }) } func setupConvenientTransactions(t *testing.T) *Client { cs := testutil.ConnString(t) poolMonitor := &event.PoolMonitor{ Event: func(evt *event.PoolEvent) { switch evt.Type { case event.GetSucceeded: connsCheckedOut++ case event.ConnectionReturned: connsCheckedOut-- } }, } clientOpts := options.Client().ApplyURI(cs.Original).SetReadPreference(readpref.Primary()). SetWriteConcern(writeconcern.New(writeconcern.WMajority())).SetPoolMonitor(poolMonitor) client, err := Connect(bgCtx, clientOpts) assert.Nil(t, err, "Connect error: %v", err) version, err := getServerVersion(client.Database("admin")) assert.Nil(t, err, "getServerVersion error: %v", err) topoKind := client.deployment.(*topology.Topology).Kind() if compareVersions(t, version, "4.1") < 0 || topoKind == description.Single { t.Skip("skipping standalones and versions < 4.1") } // pin to a single mongos if necessary if topoKind != description.Sharded { return client } client, err = Connect(bgCtx, clientOpts.SetHosts([]string{cs.Hosts[0]})) assert.Nil(t, err, "Connect error: %v", err) return client } func getServerVersion(db *Database) (string, error) { serverStatus, err := db.RunCommand( context.Background(), bson.D{{"serverStatus", 1}}, ).DecodeBytes() if err != nil { return "", err } version, err := serverStatus.LookupErr("version") if err != nil { return "", err } return version.StringValue(), nil } // compareVersions compares two version number strings (i.e. positive integers separated by // periods). Comparisons are done to the lesser precision of the two versions. For example, 3.2 is // considered equal to 3.2.11, whereas 3.2.0 is considered less than 3.2.11. // // Returns a positive int if version1 is greater than version2, a negative int if version1 is less // than version2, and 0 if version1 is equal to version2. func compareVersions(t *testing.T, v1 string, v2 string) int { n1 := strings.Split(v1, ".") n2 := strings.Split(v2, ".") for i := 0; i < int(math.Min(float64(len(n1)), float64(len(n2)))); i++ { i1, err := strconv.Atoi(n1[i]) if err != nil { return 1 } i2, err := strconv.Atoi(n2[i]) if err != nil { return -1 } difference := i1 - i2 if difference != 0 { return difference } } return 0 }