data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - { _id: 3, x: 33 } collection_name: &collection_name "test" database_name: &database_name "command-monitoring-tests" tests: - description: "A successful update one" operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: _id: { $gt: 1 } update: $inc: { x: 1 } expectations: - command_started_event: command: update: *collection_name ordered: true updates: - q: { _id: { $gt: 1 }} u: { $inc: { x: 1 }} command_name: "update" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: { ok: 1.0, n: 1 } command_name: "update" - description: "A successful update one with upsert when the upserted id is not an object id" operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: _id: 4 update: $inc: { x: 1 } upsert: true expectations: - command_started_event: command: update: *collection_name ordered: true updates: - q: { _id: 4 } u: { $inc: { x: 1 } } upsert: true command_name: "update" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: { ok: 1.0, n: 1, upserted: [{ index: 0, _id: 4 }] } command_name: "update" - description: "A successful update one command with write errors" operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: _id: { $gt: 1 } update: $nothing: { x: 1 } expectations: - command_started_event: command: update: *collection_name ordered: true updates: - q: { _id: { $gt: 1 }} u: { $nothing: { x: 1 }} command_name: "update" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 n: 0 writeErrors: - { index: 0, code: 42, errmsg: "" } command_name: "update"