// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 package integration import ( "bytes" "errors" "testing" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsontype" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/testutil/assert" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/integration/mtest" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/readpref" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore" ) func TestWriteErrorsWithLabels(t *testing.T) { clientOpts := options.Client().SetRetryWrites(false).SetWriteConcern(mtest.MajorityWc). SetReadConcern(mtest.MajorityRc) mtOpts := mtest.NewOptions().ClientOptions(clientOpts).MinServerVersion("4.0").Topologies(mtest.ReplicaSet). CreateClient(false) mt := mtest.New(t, mtOpts) defer mt.Close() label := "ExampleError" mt.Run("InsertMany errors with label", func(mt *mtest.T) { mt.SetFailPoint(mtest.FailPoint{ ConfigureFailPoint: "failCommand", Mode: mtest.FailPointMode{ Times: 1, }, Data: mtest.FailPointData{ FailCommands: []string{"insert"}, WriteConcernError: &mtest.WriteConcernErrorData{ Code: 100, ErrorLabels: &[]string{label}, }, }, }) _, err := mt.Coll.InsertMany(mtest.Background, []interface{}{ bson.D{ {"a", 1}, }, bson.D{ {"a", 2}, }, }) assert.NotNil(mt, err, "expected non-nil error, got nil") we, ok := err.(mongo.BulkWriteException) assert.True(mt, ok, "expected mongo.BulkWriteException, got %T", err) assert.True(mt, we.HasErrorLabel(label), "expected error to have label: %v", label) }) mt.Run("WriteException with label", func(mt *mtest.T) { mt.SetFailPoint(mtest.FailPoint{ ConfigureFailPoint: "failCommand", Mode: mtest.FailPointMode{ Times: 1, }, Data: mtest.FailPointData{ FailCommands: []string{"delete"}, WriteConcernError: &mtest.WriteConcernErrorData{ Code: 100, ErrorLabels: &[]string{label}, }, }, }) _, err := mt.Coll.DeleteMany(mtest.Background, bson.D{{"a", 1}}) assert.NotNil(mt, err, "expected non-nil error, got nil") we, ok := err.(mongo.WriteException) assert.True(mt, ok, "expected mongo.WriteException, got %T", err) assert.True(mt, we.HasErrorLabel(label), "expected error to have label: %v", label) }) mt.Run("BulkWriteException with label", func(mt *mtest.T) { mt.SetFailPoint(mtest.FailPoint{ ConfigureFailPoint: "failCommand", Mode: mtest.FailPointMode{ Times: 1, }, Data: mtest.FailPointData{ FailCommands: []string{"delete"}, WriteConcernError: &mtest.WriteConcernErrorData{ Code: 100, ErrorLabels: &[]string{label}, }, }, }) models := []mongo.WriteModel{ &mongo.InsertOneModel{bson.D{{"a", 2}}}, &mongo.DeleteOneModel{bson.D{{"a", 2}}, nil, nil}, } _, err := mt.Coll.BulkWrite(mtest.Background, models) assert.NotNil(mt, err, "expected non-nil error, got nil") we, ok := err.(mongo.BulkWriteException) assert.True(mt, ok, "expected mongo.BulkWriteException, got %T", err) assert.True(mt, we.HasErrorLabel(label), "expected error to have label: %v", label) }) } func TestHintErrors(t *testing.T) { mtOpts := mtest.NewOptions().MaxServerVersion("3.2").CreateClient(false) mt := mtest.New(t, mtOpts) defer mt.Close() expected := errors.New("the 'hint' command parameter requires a minimum server wire version of 5") mt.Run("UpdateMany", func(mt *mtest.T) { _, got := mt.Coll.UpdateMany(mtest.Background, bson.D{{"a", 1}}, bson.D{{"$inc", bson.D{{"a", 1}}}}, options.Update().SetHint("_id_")) assert.NotNil(mt, got, "expected non-nil error, got nil") assert.Equal(mt, got, expected, "expected: %v got: %v", expected, got) }) mt.Run("ReplaceOne", func(mt *mtest.T) { _, got := mt.Coll.ReplaceOne(mtest.Background, bson.D{{"a", 1}}, bson.D{{"a", 2}}, options.Replace().SetHint("_id_")) assert.NotNil(mt, got, "expected non-nil error, got nil") assert.Equal(mt, got, expected, "expected: %v got: %v", expected, got) }) mt.Run("BulkWrite", func(mt *mtest.T) { models := []mongo.WriteModel{ &mongo.InsertOneModel{bson.D{{"_id", 2}}}, &mongo.ReplaceOneModel{Filter: bson.D{{"_id", 2}}, Replacement: bson.D{{"a", 2}}, Hint: "_id_"}, } _, got := mt.Coll.BulkWrite(mtest.Background, models) assert.NotNil(mt, got, "expected non-nil error, got nil") assert.Equal(mt, got, expected, "expected: %v got: %v", expected, got) }) } type testValueMarshaler struct { val []bson.D } func (tvm testValueMarshaler) MarshalBSONValue() (bsontype.Type, []byte, error) { return bson.MarshalValue(tvm.val) } func TestAggregatePrimaryPreferredReadPreference(t *testing.T) { primaryPrefClientOpts := options.Client(). SetWriteConcern(mtest.MajorityWc). SetReadPreference(readpref.PrimaryPreferred()). SetReadConcern(mtest.MajorityRc) mtOpts := mtest.NewOptions(). ClientOptions(primaryPrefClientOpts). MinServerVersion("4.1.0") // Consistent with tests in aggregate-out-readConcern.json mt := mtest.New(t, mtOpts) mt.Run("aggregate $out with non-primary read preference", func(mt *mtest.T) { doc, err := bson.Marshal(bson.D{ {"_id", 1}, {"x", 11}, }) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Marshal error: %v", err) outputCollName := "aggregate-read-pref-primary-preferred-output" testCases := []struct { name string pipeline interface{} }{ { "pipeline", mongo.Pipeline{bson.D{{"$out", outputCollName}}}, }, { "doc slice", []bson.D{{{"$out", outputCollName}}}, }, { "bson a", bson.A{bson.D{{"$out", outputCollName}}}, }, { "valueMarshaler", testValueMarshaler{[]bson.D{{{"$out", outputCollName}}}}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { mt.Run(tc.name, func(mt *mtest.T) { _, err = mt.Coll.InsertOne(mtest.Background, doc) assert.Nil(mt, err, "InsertOne error: %v", err) mt.ClearEvents() cursor, err := mt.Coll.Aggregate(mtest.Background, tc.pipeline) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Aggregate error: %v", err) _ = cursor.Close(mtest.Background) // Assert that the output collection contains the document we expect. outputColl := mt.CreateCollection(mtest.Collection{Name: outputCollName}, false) cursor, err = outputColl.Find(mtest.Background, bson.D{}) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Find error: %v", err) defer cursor.Close(mtest.Background) assert.True(mt, cursor.Next(mtest.Background), "expected Next to return true, got false") assert.True(mt, bytes.Equal(doc, cursor.Current), "expected document %s, got %s", bson.Raw(doc), cursor.Current) assert.False(mt, cursor.Next(mtest.Background), "unexpected document returned by Find: %s", cursor.Current) // Assert that no read preference was sent to the server. evt := mt.GetStartedEvent() assert.Equal(mt, "aggregate", evt.CommandName, "expected command 'aggregate', got '%s'", evt.CommandName) _, err = evt.Command.LookupErr("$readPreference") assert.NotNil(mt, err, "expected command %s to not contain $readPreference", evt.Command) }) } }) } func TestWriteConcernError(t *testing.T) { mt := mtest.New(t, noClientOpts) defer mt.Close() errInfoOpts := mtest.NewOptions().MinServerVersion("4.0").Topologies(mtest.ReplicaSet) mt.RunOpts("errInfo is propagated", errInfoOpts, func(mt *mtest.T) { wcDoc := bsoncore.BuildDocumentFromElements(nil, bsoncore.AppendInt32Element(nil, "w", 2), bsoncore.AppendInt32Element(nil, "wtimeout", 0), bsoncore.AppendStringElement(nil, "provenance", "clientSupplied"), ) errInfoDoc := bsoncore.BuildDocumentFromElements(nil, bsoncore.AppendDocumentElement(nil, "writeConcern", wcDoc), ) fp := mtest.FailPoint{ ConfigureFailPoint: "failCommand", Mode: mtest.FailPointMode{ Times: 1, }, Data: mtest.FailPointData{ FailCommands: []string{"insert"}, WriteConcernError: &mtest.WriteConcernErrorData{ Code: 100, Name: "UnsatisfiableWriteConcern", Errmsg: "Not enough data-bearing nodes", ErrInfo: errInfoDoc, }, }, } mt.SetFailPoint(fp) _, err := mt.Coll.InsertOne(mtest.Background, bson.D{{"x", 1}}) assert.NotNil(mt, err, "expected InsertOne error, got nil") writeException, ok := err.(mongo.WriteException) assert.True(mt, ok, "expected WriteException, got error %v of type %T", err, err) wcError := writeException.WriteConcernError assert.NotNil(mt, wcError, "expected write-concern error, got %v", err) assert.True(mt, bytes.Equal(wcError.Details, errInfoDoc), "expected errInfo document %v, got %v", bson.Raw(errInfoDoc), wcError.Details) }) } func TestErrorsCodeNamePropagated(t *testing.T) { // Ensure the codeName field is propagated for both command and write concern errors. mtOpts := mtest.NewOptions(). Topologies(mtest.ReplicaSet). CreateClient(false) mt := mtest.New(t, mtOpts) defer mt.Close() mt.RunOpts("command error", mtest.NewOptions().MinServerVersion("3.4"), func(mt *mtest.T) { // codeName is propagated in an ok:0 error. cmd := bson.D{ {"insert", mt.Coll.Name()}, {"documents", []bson.D{}}, } err := mt.DB.RunCommand(mtest.Background, cmd).Err() assert.NotNil(mt, err, "expected RunCommand error, got nil") ce, ok := err.(mongo.CommandError) assert.True(mt, ok, "expected error of type %T, got %v of type %T", mongo.CommandError{}, err, err) expectedCodeName := "InvalidLength" assert.Equal(mt, expectedCodeName, ce.Name, "expected error code name %q, got %q", expectedCodeName, ce.Name) }) wcCollOpts := options.Collection(). SetWriteConcern(impossibleWc) wcMtOpts := mtest.NewOptions(). CollectionOptions(wcCollOpts) mt.RunOpts("write concern error", wcMtOpts, func(mt *mtest.T) { // codeName is propagated for write concern errors. _, err := mt.Coll.InsertOne(mtest.Background, bson.D{}) assert.NotNil(mt, err, "expected InsertOne error, got nil") we, ok := err.(mongo.WriteException) assert.True(mt, ok, "expected error of type %T, got %v of type %T", mongo.WriteException{}, err, err) wce := we.WriteConcernError assert.NotNil(mt, wce, "expected write concern error, got %v", we) var expectedCodeName string if codeNameVal, err := mt.GetSucceededEvent().Reply.LookupErr("writeConcernError", "codeName"); err == nil { expectedCodeName = codeNameVal.StringValue() } assert.Equal(mt, expectedCodeName, wce.Name, "expected code name %q, got %q", expectedCodeName, wce.Name) }) }