// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 package topology import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "errors" "net" "sync" "sync/atomic" "testing" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/testutil/assert" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/address" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/description" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver" ) type testHandshaker struct { getHandshakeInformation func(context.Context, address.Address, driver.Connection) (driver.HandshakeInformation, error) finishHandshake func(context.Context, driver.Connection) error } // GetHandshakeInformation implements the Handshaker interface. func (th *testHandshaker) GetHandshakeInformation(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, conn driver.Connection) (driver.HandshakeInformation, error) { if th.getHandshakeInformation != nil { return th.getHandshakeInformation(ctx, addr, conn) } return driver.HandshakeInformation{}, nil } // FinishHandshake implements the Handshaker interface. func (th *testHandshaker) FinishHandshake(ctx context.Context, conn driver.Connection) error { if th.finishHandshake != nil { return th.finishHandshake(ctx, conn) } return nil } var _ driver.Handshaker = &testHandshaker{} func TestConnection(t *testing.T) { t.Run("connection", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("newConnection", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("config error", func(t *testing.T) { want := errors.New("config error") _, got := newConnection(address.Address(""), ConnectionOption(func(*connectionConfig) error { return want })) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) t.Run("no default idle timeout", func(t *testing.T) { conn, err := newConnection(address.Address("")) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) wantTimeout := time.Duration(0) assert.Equal(t, wantTimeout, conn.idleTimeout, "expected idle timeout %v, got %v", wantTimeout, conn.idleTimeout) }) }) t.Run("connect", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("dialer error", func(t *testing.T) { err := errors.New("dialer error") var want error = ConnectionError{Wrapped: err, init: true} conn, got := newConnection(address.Address(""), WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return nil, err }) })) if got != nil { t.Errorf("newConnection shouldn't error. got %v; want nil", got) } conn.connect(context.Background()) got = conn.wait() if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } connState := atomic.LoadInt64(&conn.connected) assert.Equal(t, disconnected, connState, "expected connection state %v, got %v", disconnected, connState) }) t.Run("handshaker error", func(t *testing.T) { err := errors.New("handshaker error") var want error = ConnectionError{Wrapped: err, init: true} conn, got := newConnection(address.Address(""), WithHandshaker(func(Handshaker) Handshaker { return &testHandshaker{ finishHandshake: func(context.Context, driver.Connection) error { return err }, } }), WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return &net.TCPConn{}, nil }) }), ) if got != nil { t.Errorf("newConnection shouldn't error. got %v; want nil", got) } conn.connect(context.Background()) got = conn.wait() if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } connState := atomic.LoadInt64(&conn.connected) assert.Equal(t, disconnected, connState, "expected connection state %v, got %v", disconnected, connState) }) t.Run("calls error callback", func(t *testing.T) { handshakerError := errors.New("handshaker error") var got error conn, err := newConnection(address.Address(""), WithHandshaker(func(Handshaker) Handshaker { return &testHandshaker{ getHandshakeInformation: func(context.Context, address.Address, driver.Connection) (driver.HandshakeInformation, error) { return driver.HandshakeInformation{}, handshakerError }, } }), WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return &net.TCPConn{}, nil }) }), withErrorHandlingCallback(func(err error, _ uint64, _ *primitive.ObjectID) { got = err }), ) noerr(t, err) conn.connect(context.Background()) var want error = ConnectionError{Wrapped: handshakerError, init: true} err = conn.wait() assert.NotNil(t, err, "expected connect error %v, got nil", want) assert.Equal(t, want, got, "expected error %v, got %v", want, got) }) t.Run("context is not pinned by connect", func(t *testing.T) { // connect creates a cancel-able version of the context passed to it and stores the CancelFunc on the // connection. The CancelFunc must be set to nil once the connection has been established so the driver // does not pin the memory associated with the context for the connection's lifetime. t.Run("connect succeeds", func(t *testing.T) { // In the case where connect finishes successfully, it unpins the CancelFunc. conn, err := newConnection(address.Address(""), WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return &net.TCPConn{}, nil }) }), WithHandshaker(func(Handshaker) Handshaker { return &testHandshaker{} }), ) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) conn.connect(context.Background()) err = conn.wait() assert.Nil(t, err, "error establishing connection: %v", err) assert.Nil(t, conn.cancelConnectContext, "cancellation function was not cleared") }) t.Run("connect cancelled", func(t *testing.T) { // In the case where connection establishment is cancelled, the closeConnectContext function // unpins the CancelFunc. // Create a connection that will block in connect until doneChan is closed. This prevents // connect from succeeding and unpinning the CancelFunc. doneChan := make(chan struct{}) conn, err := newConnection(address.Address(""), WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { <-doneChan return &net.TCPConn{}, nil }) }), WithHandshaker(func(Handshaker) Handshaker { return &testHandshaker{} }), ) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) // Call connect in a goroutine because it will block. var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() conn.connect(context.Background()) }() // Simulate cancelling connection establishment and assert that this cleares the CancelFunc. conn.closeConnectContext() assert.Nil(t, conn.cancelConnectContext, "cancellation function was not cleared") close(doneChan) wg.Wait() }) }) t.Run("tls", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("connection source is set to default if unspecified", func(t *testing.T) { conn, err := newConnection(address.Address("")) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) assert.NotNil(t, conn.config.tlsConnectionSource, "expected tlsConnectionSource to be set but was not") }) t.Run("server name", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string addr address.Address cfg *tls.Config expectedServerName string }{ {"set to connection address if empty", "localhost:27017", &tls.Config{}, "localhost"}, {"left alone if non-empty", "localhost:27017", &tls.Config{ServerName: "other"}, "other"}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { var sentCfg *tls.Config var testTLSConnectionSource tlsConnectionSourceFn = func(nc net.Conn, cfg *tls.Config) tlsConn { sentCfg = cfg return tls.Client(nc, cfg) } connOpts := []ConnectionOption{ WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return &net.TCPConn{}, nil }) }), WithHandshaker(func(Handshaker) Handshaker { return &testHandshaker{} }), WithTLSConfig(func(*tls.Config) *tls.Config { return tc.cfg }), withTLSConnectionSource(func(tlsConnectionSource) tlsConnectionSource { return testTLSConnectionSource }), } conn, err := newConnection(tc.addr, connOpts...) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) conn.connect(context.Background()) _ = conn.wait() assert.NotNil(t, sentCfg, "expected TLS config to be set, but was not") assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedServerName, sentCfg.ServerName, "expected ServerName %s, got %s", tc.expectedServerName, sentCfg.ServerName) }) } }) }) t.Run("connectTimeout is applied correctly", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string contextTimeout time.Duration connectTimeout time.Duration maxConnectTime time.Duration }{ // The timeout to dial a connection should be min(context timeout, connectTimeoutMS), so 1ms for // both of the tests declared below. Both tests also specify a 50ms max connect time to provide // a large buffer for lag and avoid test flakiness. {"context timeout is lower", 1 * time.Millisecond, 100 * time.Millisecond, 50 * time.Millisecond}, {"connect timeout is lower", 100 * time.Millisecond, 1 * time.Millisecond, 50 * time.Millisecond}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run("timeout applied to socket establishment: "+tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { // Ensure the initial connection dial can be timed out and the connection propagates the error // from the dialer in this case. connOpts := []ConnectionOption{ WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, _, _ string) (net.Conn, error) { <-ctx.Done() return nil, ctx.Err() }) }), WithConnectTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return tc.connectTimeout }), } conn, err := newConnection("", connOpts...) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), tc.contextTimeout) defer cancel() var connectErr error callback := func() { conn.connect(ctx) connectErr = conn.wait() } assert.Soon(t, callback, tc.maxConnectTime) ce, ok := connectErr.(ConnectionError) assert.True(t, ok, "expected error %v to be of type %T", connectErr, ConnectionError{}) assert.Equal(t, context.DeadlineExceeded, ce.Unwrap(), "expected wrapped error to be %v, got %v", context.DeadlineExceeded, ce.Unwrap()) }) t.Run("timeout applied to TLS handshake: "+tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { // Ensure the TLS handshake can be timed out and the connection propagates the error from the // tlsConn in this case. var hangingTLSConnectionSource tlsConnectionSourceFn = func(nc net.Conn, cfg *tls.Config) tlsConn { tlsConn := tls.Client(nc, cfg) return newHangingTLSConn(tlsConn, tc.maxConnectTime) } connOpts := []ConnectionOption{ WithConnectTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return tc.connectTimeout }), WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return &net.TCPConn{}, nil }) }), WithTLSConfig(func(*tls.Config) *tls.Config { return &tls.Config{} }), withTLSConnectionSource(func(tlsConnectionSource) tlsConnectionSource { return hangingTLSConnectionSource }), } conn, err := newConnection("", connOpts...) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), tc.contextTimeout) defer cancel() var connectErr error callback := func() { conn.connect(ctx) connectErr = conn.wait() } assert.Soon(t, callback, tc.maxConnectTime) ce, ok := connectErr.(ConnectionError) assert.True(t, ok, "expected error %v to be of type %T", connectErr, ConnectionError{}) assert.Equal(t, context.DeadlineExceeded, ce.Unwrap(), "expected wrapped error to be %v, got %v", context.DeadlineExceeded, ce.Unwrap()) }) t.Run("timeout is not applied to handshaker: "+tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { // Ensure that no additional timeout is applied to the handshake after the connection has been // established. var getInfoCtx, finishCtx context.Context handshaker := &testHandshaker{ getHandshakeInformation: func(ctx context.Context, _ address.Address, _ driver.Connection) (driver.HandshakeInformation, error) { getInfoCtx = ctx return driver.HandshakeInformation{}, nil }, finishHandshake: func(ctx context.Context, _ driver.Connection) error { finishCtx = ctx return nil }, } connOpts := []ConnectionOption{ WithConnectTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return tc.connectTimeout }), WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return &net.TCPConn{}, nil }) }), WithHandshaker(func(Handshaker) Handshaker { return handshaker }), } conn, err := newConnection("", connOpts...) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) bgCtx := context.Background() conn.connect(bgCtx) err = conn.wait() assert.Nil(t, err, "connect error: %v", err) assertNoContextTimeout := func(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) { t.Helper() dl, ok := ctx.Deadline() assert.False(t, ok, "expected context to have no deadline, but got deadline %v", dl) } assertNoContextTimeout(t, getInfoCtx) assertNoContextTimeout(t, finishCtx) }) } }) }) t.Run("writeWireMessage", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("closed connection", func(t *testing.T) { conn := &connection{id: "foobar"} want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: "foobar", message: "connection is closed"} got := conn.writeWireMessage(context.Background(), []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) t.Run("completed context", func(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) cancel() conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: &net.TCPConn{}, connected: connected} want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: "foobar", Wrapped: ctx.Err(), message: "failed to write"} got := conn.writeWireMessage(ctx, []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) t.Run("deadlines", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string ctxDeadline time.Duration timeout time.Duration deadline time.Time }{ {"no deadline", 0, 0, time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second)}, {"ctx deadline", 5 * time.Second, 0, time.Now().Add(6 * time.Second)}, {"timeout", 0, 10 * time.Second, time.Now().Add(11 * time.Second)}, {"both (ctx wins)", 15 * time.Second, 20 * time.Second, time.Now().Add(16 * time.Second)}, {"both (timeout wins)", 30 * time.Second, 25 * time.Second, time.Now().Add(26 * time.Second)}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() if tc.ctxDeadline > 0 { var cancel context.CancelFunc ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, tc.ctxDeadline) defer cancel() } want := ConnectionError{ ConnectionID: "foobar", Wrapped: errors.New("set writeDeadline error"), message: "failed to set write deadline", } tnc := &testNetConn{deadlineerr: errors.New("set writeDeadline error")} conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, writeTimeout: tc.timeout, connected: connected} got := conn.writeWireMessage(ctx, []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } if !tc.deadline.After(tnc.writeDeadline) { t.Errorf("write deadline not properly set. got %v; want %v", tnc.writeDeadline, tc.deadline) } }) } }) t.Run("Write", func(t *testing.T) { writeErrMsg := "unable to write wire message to network" t.Run("error", func(t *testing.T) { err := errors.New("Write error") tnc := &testNetConn{writeerr: err} conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(false) conn.cancellationListener = listener want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: "foobar", Wrapped: err, message: writeErrMsg} got := conn.writeWireMessage(context.Background(), []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } if !tnc.closed { t.Errorf("failed to closeConnection net.Conn after error writing bytes.") } listener.assertMethodsCalled(t, 1, 1) }) t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) { tnc := &testNetConn{} conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(false) conn.cancellationListener = listener want := []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A} err := conn.writeWireMessage(context.Background(), want) noerr(t, err) got := tnc.buf if !cmp.Equal(got, want) { t.Errorf("writeWireMessage did not write the proper bytes. got %v; want %v", got, want) } listener.assertMethodsCalled(t, 1, 1) }) t.Run("cancel in-progress write", func(t *testing.T) { // Simulate context cancellation during a network write. nc := newCancellationWriteConn(&testNetConn{}, 0) conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: nc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(false) conn.cancellationListener = listener ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) var err error var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() err = conn.writeWireMessage(ctx, []byte("foobar")) }() <-nc.operationStartedChan cancel() nc.continueChan <- struct{}{} wg.Wait() want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: conn.id, Wrapped: context.Canceled, message: writeErrMsg} assert.Equal(t, want, err, "expected error %v, got %v", want, err) assert.Equal(t, disconnected, conn.connected, "expected connection state %v, got %v", disconnected, conn.connected) }) t.Run("connection is closed if context is cancelled even if network write succeeds", func(t *testing.T) { // Test the race condition between Write and the cancellation listener. The socket write will // succeed, but we set the abortedForCancellation flag to true to simulate the context being // cancelled immediately after the Write finishes. tnc := &testNetConn{} conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(true) conn.cancellationListener = listener want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: conn.id, Wrapped: context.Canceled, message: writeErrMsg} err := conn.writeWireMessage(context.Background(), []byte("foobar")) assert.Equal(t, want, err, "expected error %v, got %v", want, err) assert.Equal(t, conn.connected, disconnected, "expected connection state %v, got %v", disconnected, conn.connected) }) }) }) t.Run("readWireMessage", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("closed connection", func(t *testing.T) { conn := &connection{id: "foobar"} want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: "foobar", message: "connection is closed"} _, got := conn.readWireMessage(context.Background(), []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) t.Run("completed context", func(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) cancel() conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: &net.TCPConn{}, connected: connected} want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: "foobar", Wrapped: ctx.Err(), message: "failed to read"} _, got := conn.readWireMessage(ctx, []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) t.Run("deadlines", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string ctxDeadline time.Duration timeout time.Duration deadline time.Time }{ {"no deadline", 0, 0, time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second)}, {"ctx deadline", 5 * time.Second, 0, time.Now().Add(6 * time.Second)}, {"timeout", 0, 10 * time.Second, time.Now().Add(11 * time.Second)}, {"both (ctx wins)", 15 * time.Second, 20 * time.Second, time.Now().Add(16 * time.Second)}, {"both (timeout wins)", 30 * time.Second, 25 * time.Second, time.Now().Add(26 * time.Second)}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() if tc.ctxDeadline > 0 { var cancel context.CancelFunc ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, tc.ctxDeadline) defer cancel() } want := ConnectionError{ ConnectionID: "foobar", Wrapped: errors.New("set readDeadline error"), message: "failed to set read deadline", } tnc := &testNetConn{deadlineerr: errors.New("set readDeadline error")} conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, readTimeout: tc.timeout, connected: connected} _, got := conn.readWireMessage(ctx, []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } if !tc.deadline.After(tnc.readDeadline) { t.Errorf("read deadline not properly set. got %v; want %v", tnc.readDeadline, tc.deadline) } }) } }) t.Run("Read", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("size read errors", func(t *testing.T) { err := errors.New("Read error") tnc := &testNetConn{readerr: err} conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(false) conn.cancellationListener = listener want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: "foobar", Wrapped: err, message: "incomplete read of message header"} _, got := conn.readWireMessage(context.Background(), []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } if !tnc.closed { t.Errorf("failed to closeConnection net.Conn after error writing bytes.") } listener.assertMethodsCalled(t, 1, 1) }) t.Run("full message read errors", func(t *testing.T) { err := errors.New("Read error") tnc := &testNetConn{readerr: err, buf: []byte{0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}} conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(false) conn.cancellationListener = listener want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: "foobar", Wrapped: err, message: "incomplete read of full message"} _, got := conn.readWireMessage(context.Background(), []byte{}) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } if !tnc.closed { t.Errorf("failed to closeConnection net.Conn after error writing bytes.") } listener.assertMethodsCalled(t, 1, 1) }) t.Run("message too large errors", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string buffer []byte desc description.Server }{ { "message too large errors with small max message size", []byte{0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // defines a message size of 10 in hex with the first four bytes. description.Server{MaxMessageSize: 9}, }, { "message too large errors with default max message size", []byte{0x01, 0x6C, 0xDC, 0x02}, // defines a message size of 48000001 in hex with the first four bytes. description.Server{}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { err := errors.New("length of read message too large") tnc := &testNetConn{buf: make([]byte, len(tc.buffer))} copy(tnc.buf, tc.buffer) conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, connected: connected, desc: tc.desc} listener := newTestCancellationListener(false) conn.cancellationListener = listener want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: "foobar", Wrapped: err, message: err.Error()} _, got := conn.readWireMessage(context.Background(), nil) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } listener.assertMethodsCalled(t, 1, 1) }) } }) t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) { want := []byte{0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A} tnc := &testNetConn{buf: make([]byte, len(want))} copy(tnc.buf, want) conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(false) conn.cancellationListener = listener got, err := conn.readWireMessage(context.Background(), nil) noerr(t, err) if !cmp.Equal(got, want) { t.Errorf("did not read full wire message. got %v; want %v", got, want) } listener.assertMethodsCalled(t, 1, 1) }) t.Run("cancel in-progress read", func(t *testing.T) { // Simulate context cancellation during a network read. This has two sub-tests to test cancellation // when reading the msg size and when reading the rest of the msg. testCases := []struct { name string skip int errmsg string }{ {"cancel size read", 0, "incomplete read of message header"}, {"cancel full message read", 1, "incomplete read of full message"}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { // In the full message case, the size read needs to succeed and return a non-zero size, so // we set readBuf to indicate that the full message will have 10 bytes. readBuf := []byte{10, 0, 0, 0} nc := newCancellationReadConn(&testNetConn{}, tc.skip, readBuf) conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: nc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(false) conn.cancellationListener = listener ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) var err error var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() _, err = conn.readWireMessage(ctx, nil) }() <-nc.operationStartedChan cancel() nc.continueChan <- struct{}{} wg.Wait() want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: conn.id, Wrapped: context.Canceled, message: tc.errmsg} assert.Equal(t, want, err, "expected error %v, got %v", want, err) assert.Equal(t, disconnected, conn.connected, "expected connection state %v, got %v", disconnected, conn.connected) }) } }) t.Run("closes connection if context is cancelled even if the socket read succeeds", func(t *testing.T) { tnc := &testNetConn{buf: []byte{0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A}} conn := &connection{id: "foobar", nc: tnc, connected: connected} listener := newTestCancellationListener(true) conn.cancellationListener = listener want := ConnectionError{ConnectionID: conn.id, Wrapped: context.Canceled, message: "unable to read server response"} _, err := conn.readWireMessage(context.Background(), nil) assert.Equal(t, want, err, "expected error %v, got %v", want, err) assert.Equal(t, disconnected, conn.connected, "expected connection state %v, got %v", disconnected, conn.connected) }) }) }) t.Run("close", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("can close a connection that failed handshaking", func(t *testing.T) { conn, err := newConnection(address.Address(""), WithHandshaker(func(Handshaker) Handshaker { return &testHandshaker{ finishHandshake: func(context.Context, driver.Connection) error { return errors.New("handshake err") }, } }), WithDialer(func(Dialer) Dialer { return DialerFunc(func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return &net.TCPConn{}, nil }) }), ) assert.Nil(t, err, "newConnection error: %v", err) conn.connect(context.Background()) err = conn.wait() assert.NotNil(t, err, "expected handshake error from wait, got nil") connState := atomic.LoadInt64(&conn.connected) assert.Equal(t, disconnected, connState, "expected connection state %v, got %v", disconnected, connState) err = conn.close() assert.Nil(t, err, "close error: %v", err) }) }) t.Run("cancellation listener callback", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("closes connection", func(t *testing.T) { tnc := &testNetConn{} conn := &connection{connected: connected, nc: tnc} conn.cancellationListenerCallback() assert.True(t, conn.connected == disconnected, "expected connection state %v, got %v", disconnected, conn.connected) assert.True(t, tnc.closed, "expected net.Conn to be closed but was not") }) }) }) t.Run("Connection", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("nil connection does not panic", func(t *testing.T) { conn := &Connection{} defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { t.Fatalf("Methods on a Connection with a nil *connection should not panic, but panicked with %v", r) } }() var want, got interface{} want = ErrConnectionClosed got = conn.WriteWireMessage(context.Background(), nil) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } _, got = conn.ReadWireMessage(context.Background(), nil) if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } want = description.Server{} got = conn.Description() if !cmp.Equal(got, want) { t.Errorf("descriptions do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } want = nil got = conn.Close() if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } got = conn.Expire() if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("errors do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } want = false got = conn.Alive() if !cmp.Equal(got, want) { t.Errorf("Alive does not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } want = "" got = conn.ID() if !cmp.Equal(got, want) { t.Errorf("IDs do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } want = address.Address("") got = conn.Address() if !cmp.Equal(got, want) { t.Errorf("Addresses do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } want = address.Address("") got = conn.LocalAddress() if !cmp.Equal(got, want) { t.Errorf("LocalAddresses do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) t.Run("pinning", func(t *testing.T) { makeMultipleConnections := func(t *testing.T, numConns int) (*pool, []*Connection, func()) { t.Helper() addr := bootstrapConnections(t, numConns, func(nc net.Conn) {}) pool := newPool(poolConfig{ Address: address.Address(addr.String()), }) err := pool.connect() assert.Nil(t, err, "pool.connect() error: %v", err) conns := make([]*Connection, 0, numConns) for i := 0; i < numConns; i++ { conn, err := pool.checkOut(context.Background()) assert.Nil(t, err, "checkOut error: %v", err) conns = append(conns, &Connection{connection: conn}) } disconnect := func() { err := pool.disconnect(context.Background()) assert.Nil(t, err, "unexpected pool.disconnect() error: %v", err) } return pool, conns, disconnect } makeOneConnection := func(t *testing.T) (*pool, *Connection, func()) { t.Helper() pool, conns, disconnect := makeMultipleConnections(t, 1) return pool, conns[0], disconnect } assertPoolPinnedStats := func(t *testing.T, p *pool, cursorConns, txnConns uint64) { t.Helper() assert.Equal(t, cursorConns, p.pinnedCursorConnections, "expected %d connections to be pinned to cursors, got %d", cursorConns, p.pinnedCursorConnections) assert.Equal(t, txnConns, p.pinnedTransactionConnections, "expected %d connections to be pinned to transactions, got %d", txnConns, p.pinnedTransactionConnections) } t.Run("cursors", func(t *testing.T) { pool, conn, disconnect := makeOneConnection(t) defer disconnect() err := conn.PinToCursor() assert.Nil(t, err, "PinToCursor error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 1, 0) err = conn.UnpinFromCursor() assert.Nil(t, err, "UnpinFromCursor error: %v", err) err = conn.Close() assert.Nil(t, err, "Close error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 0) }) t.Run("transactions", func(t *testing.T) { pool, conn, disconnect := makeOneConnection(t) defer disconnect() err := conn.PinToTransaction() assert.Nil(t, err, "PinToTransaction error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 1) err = conn.UnpinFromTransaction() assert.Nil(t, err, "UnpinFromTransaction error: %v", err) err = conn.Close() assert.Nil(t, err, "Close error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 0) }) t.Run("pool is only updated for first reference", func(t *testing.T) { pool, conn, disconnect := makeOneConnection(t) defer disconnect() err := conn.PinToTransaction() assert.Nil(t, err, "PinToTransaction error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 1) err = conn.PinToCursor() assert.Nil(t, err, "PinToCursor error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 1) err = conn.UnpinFromCursor() assert.Nil(t, err, "UnpinFromCursor error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 1) err = conn.UnpinFromTransaction() assert.Nil(t, err, "UnpinFromTransaction error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 1) err = conn.Close() assert.Nil(t, err, "Close error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 0) }) t.Run("multiple connections from a pool", func(t *testing.T) { pool, conns, disconnect := makeMultipleConnections(t, 2) defer disconnect() first, second := conns[0], conns[1] err := first.PinToTransaction() assert.Nil(t, err, "PinToTransaction error: %v", err) err = second.PinToCursor() assert.Nil(t, err, "PinToCursor error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 1, 1) err = first.UnpinFromTransaction() assert.Nil(t, err, "UnpinFromTransaction error: %v", err) err = first.Close() assert.Nil(t, err, "Close error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 1, 0) err = second.UnpinFromCursor() assert.Nil(t, err, "UnpinFromCursor error: %v", err) err = second.Close() assert.Nil(t, err, "Close error: %v", err) assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 0) }) t.Run("close is ignored if connection is pinned", func(t *testing.T) { pool, conn, disconnect := makeOneConnection(t) defer disconnect() err := conn.PinToCursor() assert.Nil(t, err, "PinToCursor error: %v", err) err = conn.Close() assert.Nil(t, err, "Close error") assert.NotNil(t, conn.connection, "expected connection to be pinned but it was released to the pool") assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 1, 0) }) t.Run("expire forcefully returns connection to pool", func(t *testing.T) { pool, conn, disconnect := makeOneConnection(t) defer disconnect() err := conn.PinToCursor() assert.Nil(t, err, "PinToCursor error: %v", err) err = conn.Expire() assert.Nil(t, err, "Expire error") assert.Nil(t, conn.connection, "expected connection to be released to the pool but was not") assertPoolPinnedStats(t, pool, 0, 0) }) }) }) } // cancellationTestNetConn is a net.Conn implementation that is used to test context.Cancellation during an in-progress // network read or write. This type has two unbuffered channels: operationStartedChan and continueChan. When Read/Write // starts, the type will write to operationStartedChan, which will block until the test reads from it. This signals to // the test that the connection has entered the net.Conn read/write. After that unblocks, the type will then read from // continueChan, which blocks until the test writes to it. This allows the test to perform operations with the guarantee // that they will complete before the read/write functions exit. Sample usage: // // nc := newCancellationWriteConn(&testNetConn{}, 0) // conn := &connection{nc} // go func() { _ = conn.writeWireMessage(ctx, []byte{"hello world"})}() // <-nc.operationStartedChan // log.Println("This print will happen inside net.Conn.Write") // nc.continueChan <- struct{}{} // // By default, the read/write methods will error after they can read from continueChan to simulate a connection being // closed after context cancellation. This type also supports skipping to allow a number of successfull read/write calls // before one fails. type cancellationTestNetConn struct { net.Conn shouldSkip int skipCount int readBuf []byte operationStartedChan chan struct{} continueChan chan struct{} } // create a cancellationTestNetConn to test cancelling net.Conn.Write(). // skip specifies the number of writes that should succeed. Successful writes will return len(writeBuffer), nil. func newCancellationWriteConn(nc net.Conn, skip int) *cancellationTestNetConn { return &cancellationTestNetConn{ Conn: nc, shouldSkip: skip, operationStartedChan: make(chan struct{}), continueChan: make(chan struct{}), } } // create a cancellationTestNetConn to test cancelling net.Conn.Read(). // skip specifies the number of reads that should succeed. Successful reads will copy the contents of readBuf into the // buffer provided to Read and will return len(readBuf), nil. func newCancellationReadConn(nc net.Conn, skip int, readBuf []byte) *cancellationTestNetConn { return &cancellationTestNetConn{ Conn: nc, shouldSkip: skip, readBuf: readBuf, operationStartedChan: make(chan struct{}), continueChan: make(chan struct{}), } } func (c *cancellationTestNetConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { if c.skipCount < c.shouldSkip { c.skipCount++ copy(b, c.readBuf) return len(c.readBuf), nil } c.operationStartedChan <- struct{}{} <-c.continueChan return 0, errors.New("cancelled read") } func (c *cancellationTestNetConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) { if c.skipCount < c.shouldSkip { c.skipCount++ return len(b), nil } c.operationStartedChan <- struct{}{} <-c.continueChan return 0, errors.New("cancelled write") } type testNetConn struct { nc net.Conn buf []byte deadlineerr error writeerr error readerr error closed bool deadline time.Time readDeadline time.Time writeDeadline time.Time } func (tnc *testNetConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { if len(tnc.buf) > 0 { n := copy(b, tnc.buf) tnc.buf = tnc.buf[n:] return n, nil } if tnc.readerr != nil { return 0, tnc.readerr } if tnc.nc == nil { return 0, nil } return tnc.nc.Read(b) } func (tnc *testNetConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) { if tnc.writeerr != nil { return 0, tnc.writeerr } if tnc.nc == nil { idx := len(tnc.buf) tnc.buf = append(tnc.buf, make([]byte, len(b))...) copy(tnc.buf[idx:], b) return len(b), nil } return tnc.nc.Write(b) } func (tnc *testNetConn) Close() error { tnc.closed = true if tnc.nc == nil { return nil } return tnc.nc.Close() } func (tnc *testNetConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { if tnc.nc == nil { return nil } return tnc.nc.LocalAddr() } func (tnc *testNetConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { if tnc.nc == nil { return nil } return tnc.nc.RemoteAddr() } func (tnc *testNetConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error { tnc.deadline = t if tnc.deadlineerr != nil { return tnc.deadlineerr } if tnc.nc == nil { return nil } return tnc.nc.SetDeadline(t) } func (tnc *testNetConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error { tnc.readDeadline = t if tnc.deadlineerr != nil { return tnc.deadlineerr } if tnc.nc == nil { return nil } return tnc.nc.SetReadDeadline(t) } func (tnc *testNetConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error { tnc.writeDeadline = t if tnc.deadlineerr != nil { return tnc.deadlineerr } if tnc.nc == nil { return nil } return tnc.nc.SetWriteDeadline(t) } // bootstrapConnection creates a listener that will listen for a single connection // on the return address. The user provided run function will be called with the accepted // connection. The user is responsible for closing the connection. func bootstrapConnections(t *testing.T, num int, run func(net.Conn)) net.Addr { l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Could not set up a listener: %v", err) t.FailNow() } go func() { for i := 0; i < num; i++ { c, err := l.Accept() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Could not accept a connection: %v", err) } go run(c) } _ = l.Close() }() return l.Addr() } type netconn struct { net.Conn closed chan struct{} d *dialer } func (nc *netconn) Close() error { nc.closed <- struct{}{} nc.d.connclosed(nc) return nc.Conn.Close() } type writeFailConn struct { net.Conn } func (wfc *writeFailConn) Write([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, errors.New("Write error") } func (wfc *writeFailConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil } type dialer struct { Dialer opened map[*netconn]struct{} closed map[*netconn]struct{} closeCallBack func() sync.Mutex } func newdialer(d Dialer) *dialer { return &dialer{Dialer: d, opened: make(map[*netconn]struct{}), closed: make(map[*netconn]struct{})} } func (d *dialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error) { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() c, err := d.Dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, address) if err != nil { return nil, err } nc := &netconn{Conn: c, closed: make(chan struct{}, 1), d: d} d.opened[nc] = struct{}{} return nc, nil } func (d *dialer) connclosed(nc *netconn) { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() d.closed[nc] = struct{}{} if d.closeCallBack != nil { d.closeCallBack() } } func (d *dialer) lenopened() int { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() return len(d.opened) } func (d *dialer) lenclosed() int { d.Lock() defer d.Unlock() return len(d.closed) } type testCancellationListener struct { listener *internal.CancellationListener numListen int numStopListening int aborted bool } // This function creates a new testCancellationListener. The aborted parameter specifies the value that should be // returned by the StopListening method. func newTestCancellationListener(aborted bool) *testCancellationListener { return &testCancellationListener{ listener: internal.NewCancellationListener(), aborted: aborted, } } func (t *testCancellationListener) Listen(ctx context.Context, abortFn func()) { t.numListen++ t.listener.Listen(ctx, abortFn) } func (t *testCancellationListener) StopListening() bool { t.numStopListening++ t.listener.StopListening() return t.aborted } func (t *testCancellationListener) assertMethodsCalled(testingT *testing.T, numListen int, numStopListening int) { assert.Equal(testingT, numListen, t.numListen, "expected Listen to be called %d times, got %d", numListen, t.numListen) assert.Equal(testingT, numStopListening, t.numStopListening, "expected StopListening to be called %d times, got %d", numListen, t.numListen) } // hangingTLSConn is an implementation of tlsConn that wraps the tls.Conn type and overrides the Handshake function to // sleep for a fixed amount of time. type hangingTLSConn struct { *tls.Conn sleepTime time.Duration } var _ tlsConn = (*hangingTLSConn)(nil) func newHangingTLSConn(conn *tls.Conn, sleepTime time.Duration) *hangingTLSConn { return &hangingTLSConn{ Conn: conn, sleepTime: sleepTime, } } func (h *hangingTLSConn) Handshake() error { time.Sleep(h.sleepTime) return h.Conn.Handshake() }