/* Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package clock import ( "testing" "time" ) var ( _ = Clock(RealClock{}) _ = Clock(&FakeClock{}) _ = Clock(&IntervalClock{}) _ = Timer(&realTimer{}) _ = Timer(&fakeTimer{}) _ = Ticker(&realTicker{}) _ = Ticker(&fakeTicker{}) ) type SettablePassiveClock interface { PassiveClock SetTime(time.Time) } func exercisePassiveClock(t *testing.T, pc SettablePassiveClock) { t1 := time.Now() t2 := t1.Add(time.Hour) pc.SetTime(t1) tx := pc.Now() if tx != t1 { t.Errorf("SetTime(%#+v); Now() => %#+v", t1, tx) } dx := pc.Since(t1) if dx != 0 { t.Errorf("Since() => %v", dx) } pc.SetTime(t2) dx = pc.Since(t1) if dx != time.Hour { t.Errorf("Since() => %v", dx) } tx = pc.Now() if tx != t2 { t.Errorf("Now() => %#+v", tx) } } func TestFakePassiveClock(t *testing.T) { startTime := time.Now() tc := NewFakePassiveClock(startTime) exercisePassiveClock(t, tc) } func TestFakeClock(t *testing.T) { startTime := time.Now() tc := NewFakeClock(startTime) exercisePassiveClock(t, tc) tc.SetTime(startTime) tc.Step(time.Second) now := tc.Now() if now.Sub(startTime) != time.Second { t.Errorf("input: %s now=%s gap=%s expected=%s", startTime, now, now.Sub(startTime), time.Second) } } func TestFakeClockSleep(t *testing.T) { startTime := time.Now() tc := NewFakeClock(startTime) tc.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour) now := tc.Now() if now.Sub(startTime) != time.Hour { t.Errorf("Fake sleep failed, expected time to advance by one hour, instead, its %v", now.Sub(startTime)) } } func TestFakeAfter(t *testing.T) { tc := NewFakeClock(time.Now()) if tc.HasWaiters() { t.Errorf("unexpected waiter?") } oneSec := tc.After(time.Second) if !tc.HasWaiters() { t.Errorf("unexpected lack of waiter?") } oneOhOneSec := tc.After(time.Second + time.Millisecond) twoSec := tc.After(2 * time.Second) select { case <-oneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-oneOhOneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } tc.Step(999 * time.Millisecond) select { case <-oneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-oneOhOneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } tc.Step(time.Millisecond) select { case <-oneSec: // Expected! case <-oneOhOneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: t.Errorf("unexpected non-channel read") } tc.Step(time.Millisecond) select { case <-oneSec: // should not double-trigger! t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-oneOhOneSec: // Expected! case <-twoSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: t.Errorf("unexpected non-channel read") } } func TestFakeAfterFunc(t *testing.T) { tc := NewFakeClock(time.Now()) if tc.HasWaiters() { t.Errorf("unexpected waiter?") } expectOneSecTimerFire := false oneSecTimerFire := 0 tc.AfterFunc(time.Second, func() { if !expectOneSecTimerFire { t.Errorf("oneSecTimer func fired") } else { oneSecTimerFire++ } }) if !tc.HasWaiters() { t.Errorf("unexpected lack of waiter?") } expectOneOhOneSecTimerFire := false oneOhOneSecTimerFire := 0 tc.AfterFunc(time.Second+time.Millisecond, func() { if !expectOneOhOneSecTimerFire { t.Errorf("oneOhOneSecTimer func fired") } else { oneOhOneSecTimerFire++ } }) expectTwoSecTimerFire := false twoSecTimerFire := 0 twoSecTimer := tc.AfterFunc(2*time.Second, func() { if !expectTwoSecTimerFire { t.Errorf("twoSecTimer func fired") } else { twoSecTimerFire++ } }) tc.Step(999 * time.Millisecond) expectOneSecTimerFire = true tc.Step(time.Millisecond) if oneSecTimerFire != 1 { t.Errorf("expected oneSecTimerFire=1, got %d", oneSecTimerFire) } expectOneSecTimerFire = false expectOneOhOneSecTimerFire = true tc.Step(time.Millisecond) if oneOhOneSecTimerFire != 1 { // should not double-trigger! t.Errorf("expected oneOhOneSecTimerFire=1, got %d", oneOhOneSecTimerFire) } expectOneOhOneSecTimerFire = false // ensure a canceled timer doesn't fire twoSecTimer.Stop() tc.Step(time.Second) } func TestFakeTimer(t *testing.T) { tc := NewFakeClock(time.Now()) if tc.HasWaiters() { t.Errorf("unexpected waiter?") } oneSec := tc.NewTimer(time.Second) twoSec := tc.NewTimer(time.Second * 2) treSec := tc.NewTimer(time.Second * 3) if !tc.HasWaiters() { t.Errorf("unexpected lack of waiter?") } select { case <-oneSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-treSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } tc.Step(999999999 * time.Nanosecond) // t=.999,999,999 select { case <-oneSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-treSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } tc.Step(time.Nanosecond) // t=1 select { case <-twoSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-treSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } select { case <-oneSec.C(): // Expected! default: t.Errorf("unexpected channel non-read") } tc.Step(time.Nanosecond) // t=1.000,000,001 select { case <-oneSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-treSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } if oneSec.Stop() { t.Errorf("Expected oneSec.Stop() to return false") } if !twoSec.Stop() { t.Errorf("Expected twoSec.Stop() to return true") } tc.Step(time.Second) // t=2.000,000,001 select { case <-oneSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-treSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } if !twoSec.Reset(time.Second) { t.Errorf("Expected twoSec.Reset() to return true") } if !treSec.Reset(time.Second) { t.Errorf("Expected treSec.Reset() to return true") } tc.Step(time.Nanosecond * 999999999) // t=3.0 select { case <-oneSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-treSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } tc.Step(time.Nanosecond) // t=3.000,000,001 select { case <-oneSec.C(): t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec.C(): // Expected! default: t.Errorf("unexpected channel non-read") } select { case <-treSec.C(): // Expected! default: t.Errorf("unexpected channel non-read") } } func TestFakeTick(t *testing.T) { tc := NewFakeClock(time.Now()) if tc.HasWaiters() { t.Errorf("unexpected waiter?") } oneSec := tc.NewTicker(time.Second).C() if !tc.HasWaiters() { t.Errorf("unexpected lack of waiter?") } oneOhOneSec := tc.NewTicker(time.Second + time.Millisecond).C() twoSec := tc.NewTicker(2 * time.Second).C() select { case <-oneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-oneOhOneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } tc.Step(999 * time.Millisecond) // t=.999 select { case <-oneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-oneOhOneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: } tc.Step(time.Millisecond) // t=1.000 select { case <-oneSec: // Expected! case <-oneOhOneSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-twoSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: t.Errorf("unexpected non-channel read") } tc.Step(time.Millisecond) // t=1.001 select { case <-oneSec: // should not double-trigger! t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") case <-oneOhOneSec: // Expected! case <-twoSec: t.Errorf("unexpected channel read") default: t.Errorf("unexpected non-channel read") } tc.Step(time.Second) // t=2.001 tc.Step(time.Second) // t=3.001 tc.Step(time.Second) // t=4.001 tc.Step(time.Second) // t=5.001 // The one second ticker should not accumulate ticks accumulatedTicks := 0 drained := false for !drained { select { case <-oneSec: accumulatedTicks++ default: drained = true } } if accumulatedTicks != 1 { t.Errorf("unexpected number of accumulated ticks: %d", accumulatedTicks) } }