# Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 MYGOBIN := $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin export PATH := $(MYGOBIN):$(PATH) .PHONY: generate license fix vet fmt test lint tidy clean $(MYGOBIN)/addlicense: go get github.com/google/addlicense # TODO: Issue #3663 # Update this version of golangci-lint # Ideally use same version as in {REPO}/hack/go.mod $(MYGOBIN)/golangci-lint: go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.17.0 $(MYGOBIN)/k8scopy: ( cd ../cmd/k8scopy; go install . ) $(MYGOBIN)/stringer: go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer all: license fix vet fmt test tidy k8sGenDir := yaml/internal/k8sgen/pkg generate: $(MYGOBIN)/stringer $(MYGOBIN)/k8scopy go generate ./... clean: rm -rf $(k8sGenDir) lint: $(MYGOBIN)/golangci-lint $(MYGOBIN)/golangci-lint \ run ./... license: $(MYGOBIN)/addlicense $(MYGOBIN)/addlicense \ -y 2021 \ -c "The Kubernetes Authors." \ -f LICENSE_TEMPLATE . test: go test -cover ./... fix: go fix ./... fmt: go fmt ./... tidy: go mod tidy vet: go vet ./...