// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package yaml import ( "bytes" "io" "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/internal/forked/github.com/go-yaml/yaml" ) const CompactSequenceStyle = "compact" const WideSequenceStyle = "wide" const DefaultIndent = 2 const DefaultSequenceStyle = CompactSequenceStyle var sequenceIndentationStyle = DefaultSequenceStyle var indent = DefaultIndent // Expose the yaml.v3 functions so this package can be used as a replacement type Decoder = yaml.Decoder type Encoder = yaml.Encoder type IsZeroer = yaml.IsZeroer type Kind = yaml.Kind type Marshaler = yaml.Marshaler type Node = yaml.Node type Style = yaml.Style type TypeError = yaml.TypeError type Unmarshaler = yaml.Unmarshaler var Marshal = func(in interface{}) ([]byte, error) { var buf bytes.Buffer err := NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(in) if err != nil { return nil, err } return buf.Bytes(), nil } var Unmarshal = yaml.Unmarshal var NewDecoder = yaml.NewDecoder var NewEncoder = func(w io.Writer) *yaml.Encoder { e := yaml.NewEncoder(w) e.SetIndent(indent) if sequenceIndentationStyle == CompactSequenceStyle { e.CompactSeqIndent() } return e } var AliasNode yaml.Kind = yaml.AliasNode var DocumentNode yaml.Kind = yaml.DocumentNode var MappingNode yaml.Kind = yaml.MappingNode var ScalarNode yaml.Kind = yaml.ScalarNode var SequenceNode yaml.Kind = yaml.SequenceNode var DoubleQuotedStyle yaml.Style = yaml.DoubleQuotedStyle var FlowStyle yaml.Style = yaml.FlowStyle var FoldedStyle yaml.Style = yaml.FoldedStyle var LiteralStyle yaml.Style = yaml.LiteralStyle var SingleQuotedStyle yaml.Style = yaml.SingleQuotedStyle var TaggedStyle yaml.Style = yaml.TaggedStyle