/* Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package typed_test import ( "fmt" "testing" "sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v3/fieldpath" "sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v3/typed" "sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v3/value" ) type objSetPair struct { object typed.YAMLObject set *fieldpath.Set } type fieldsetTestCase struct { name string rootTypeName string schema typed.YAMLObject pairs []objSetPair } var ( // Short names for readable test cases. _NS = fieldpath.NewSet _P = fieldpath.MakePathOrDie _KBF = fieldpath.KeyByFields _V = value.NewValueInterface ) var fieldsetCases = []fieldsetTestCase{{ name: "simple pair", rootTypeName: "stringPair", schema: `types: - name: stringPair map: fields: - name: key type: scalar: string - name: value type: namedType: __untyped_atomic_ - name: __untyped_atomic_ scalar: untyped list: elementType: namedType: __untyped_atomic_ elementRelationship: atomic map: elementType: namedType: __untyped_atomic_ elementRelationship: atomic `, pairs: []objSetPair{ {`{"key":"foo","value":1}`, _NS(_P("key"), _P("value"))}, {`{"key":"foo","value":{"a": "b"}}`, _NS(_P("key"), _P("value"))}, {`{"key":"foo","value":null}`, _NS(_P("key"), _P("value"))}, {`{"key":"foo"}`, _NS(_P("key"))}, {`{"key":"foo","value":true}`, _NS(_P("key"), _P("value"))}, }, }, { name: "struct grab bag", rootTypeName: "myStruct", schema: `types: - name: myStruct map: fields: - name: numeric type: scalar: numeric - name: string type: scalar: string - name: bool type: scalar: boolean - name: setStr type: list: elementType: scalar: string elementRelationship: associative - name: setBool type: list: elementType: scalar: boolean elementRelationship: associative - name: setNumeric type: list: elementType: scalar: numeric elementRelationship: associative - name: color type: map: fields: - name: R type: scalar: numeric - name: G type: scalar: numeric - name: B type: scalar: numeric elementRelationship: atomic - name: arbitraryWavelengthColor type: map: elementType: scalar: numeric elementRelationship: atomic - name: args type: list: elementType: map: fields: - name: key type: scalar: string - name: value type: scalar: string elementRelationship: atomic `, pairs: []objSetPair{ {`{"numeric":1}`, _NS(_P("numeric"))}, {`{"numeric":3.14159}`, _NS(_P("numeric"))}, {`{"string":"aoeu"}`, _NS(_P("string"))}, {`{"bool":true}`, _NS(_P("bool"))}, {`{"bool":false}`, _NS(_P("bool"))}, {`{"setStr":["a","b","c"]}`, _NS( _P("setStr", _V("a")), _P("setStr", _V("b")), _P("setStr", _V("c")), )}, {`{"setBool":[true,false]}`, _NS( _P("setBool", _V(true)), _P("setBool", _V(false)), )}, {`{"setNumeric":[1,2,3,3.14159]}`, _NS( _P("setNumeric", _V(1)), _P("setNumeric", _V(2)), _P("setNumeric", _V(3)), _P("setNumeric", _V(3.14159)), )}, {`{"color":{}}`, _NS(_P("color"))}, {`{"color":null}`, _NS(_P("color"))}, {`{"color":{"R":255,"G":0,"B":0}}`, _NS(_P("color"))}, {`{"arbitraryWavelengthColor":{}}`, _NS(_P("arbitraryWavelengthColor"))}, {`{"arbitraryWavelengthColor":null}`, _NS(_P("arbitraryWavelengthColor"))}, {`{"arbitraryWavelengthColor":{"IR":255}}`, _NS(_P("arbitraryWavelengthColor"))}, {`{"args":[]}`, _NS(_P("args"))}, {`{"args":null}`, _NS(_P("args"))}, {`{"args":[null]}`, _NS(_P("args"))}, {`{"args":[{"key":"a","value":"b"},{"key":"c","value":"d"}]}`, _NS(_P("args"))}, }, }, { name: "associative list", rootTypeName: "myRoot", schema: `types: - name: myRoot map: fields: - name: list type: namedType: myList - name: atomicList type: namedType: mySequence - name: myList list: elementType: namedType: myElement elementRelationship: associative keys: - key - id - name: mySequence list: elementType: scalar: string elementRelationship: atomic - name: myElement map: fields: - name: key type: scalar: string - name: id type: scalar: numeric - name: value type: namedType: myValue - name: bv type: scalar: boolean - name: nv type: scalar: numeric - name: myValue map: elementType: scalar: string `, pairs: []objSetPair{ {`{"list":[]}`, _NS()}, {`{"list":[{"key":"a","id":1,"value":{"a":"a"}}]}`, _NS( _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1)), _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "key"), _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "id"), _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "value", "a"), )}, {`{"list":[{"key":"a","id":1},{"key":"a","id":2},{"key":"b","id":1}]}`, _NS( _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1)), _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 2)), _P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1)), _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "key"), _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "id"), _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 2), "key"), _P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 2), "id"), _P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1), "key"), _P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1), "id"), )}, {`{"atomicList":["a","a","a"]}`, _NS(_P("atomicList"))}, }, }} func (tt fieldsetTestCase) test(t *testing.T) { parser, err := typed.NewParser(tt.schema) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create schema: %v", err) } for i, v := range tt.pairs { v := v t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", tt.name, i), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tv, err := parser.Type(tt.rootTypeName).FromYAML(v.object) if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to parse object: %v", err) } fs, err := tv.ToFieldSet() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("got validation errors: %v", err) } if !fs.Equals(v.set) { t.Errorf("wanted\n%s\ngot\n%s\n", v.set, fs) } }) } } func TestToFieldSet(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range fieldsetCases { tt := tt t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tt.test(t) }) } }