// +build go1.8 package sqlmock import ( "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "reflect" "testing" "time" ) func TestQueryMultiRows(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() db, mock, err := New() if err != nil { t.Errorf("an error '%s' was not expected when opening a stub database connection", err) } defer db.Close() rs1 := NewRows([]string{"id", "title"}).AddRow(5, "hello world") rs2 := NewRows([]string{"name"}).AddRow("gopher").AddRow("john").AddRow("jane").RowError(2, fmt.Errorf("error")) mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT (.+) FROM articles WHERE id = \\?;SELECT name FROM users"). WithArgs(5). WillReturnRows(rs1, rs2) rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, title FROM articles WHERE id = ?;SELECT name FROM users", 5) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error was not expected, but got: %v", err) } defer rows.Close() if !rows.Next() { t.Error("expected a row to be available in first result set") } var id int var name string err = rows.Scan(&id, &name) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error was not expected, but got: %v", err) } if id != 5 || name != "hello world" { t.Errorf("unexpected row values id: %v name: %v", id, name) } if rows.Next() { t.Error("was not expecting next row in first result set") } if !rows.NextResultSet() { t.Error("had to have next result set") } if !rows.Next() { t.Error("expected a row to be available in second result set") } err = rows.Scan(&name) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error was not expected, but got: %v", err) } if name != "gopher" { t.Errorf("unexpected row name: %v", name) } if !rows.Next() { t.Error("expected a row to be available in second result set") } err = rows.Scan(&name) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error was not expected, but got: %v", err) } if name != "john" { t.Errorf("unexpected row name: %v", name) } if rows.Next() { t.Error("expected next row to produce error") } if rows.Err() == nil { t.Error("expected an error, but there was none") } if err := mock.ExpectationsWereMet(); err != nil { t.Errorf("there were unfulfilled expectations: %s", err) } } func TestQueryRowBytesInvalidatedByNext_jsonRawMessageIntoRawBytes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() replace := []byte(invalid) rows := NewRows([]string{"raw"}). AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`)). AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"that": "foo", "this": "bar"}`)) scan := func(rs *sql.Rows) ([]byte, error) { var raw sql.RawBytes return raw, rs.Scan(&raw) } want := []struct { Initial []byte Replaced []byte }{ {Initial: []byte(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`), Replaced: replace[:len(replace)-6]}, {Initial: []byte(`{"that": "foo", "this": "bar"}`), Replaced: replace[:len(replace)-9]}, } queryRowBytesInvalidatedByNext(t, rows, scan, want) } func TestQueryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByNext_jsonRawMessageIntoBytes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() rows := NewRows([]string{"raw"}). AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`)). AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"that": "foo", "this": "bar"}`)) scan := func(rs *sql.Rows) ([]byte, error) { var b []byte return b, rs.Scan(&b) } want := [][]byte{[]byte(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`), []byte(`{"that": "foo", "this": "bar"}`)} queryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByNext(t, rows, scan, want) } func TestQueryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByNext_bytesIntoCustomBytes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() rows := NewRows([]string{"raw"}). AddRow([]byte(`one binary value with some text!`)). AddRow([]byte(`two binary value with even more text than the first one`)) scan := func(rs *sql.Rows) ([]byte, error) { type customBytes []byte var b customBytes return b, rs.Scan(&b) } want := [][]byte{[]byte(`one binary value with some text!`), []byte(`two binary value with even more text than the first one`)} queryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByNext(t, rows, scan, want) } func TestQueryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByNext_jsonRawMessageIntoCustomBytes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() rows := NewRows([]string{"raw"}). AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`)). AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"that": "foo", "this": "bar"}`)) scan := func(rs *sql.Rows) ([]byte, error) { type customBytes []byte var b customBytes return b, rs.Scan(&b) } want := [][]byte{[]byte(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`), []byte(`{"that": "foo", "this": "bar"}`)} queryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByNext(t, rows, scan, want) } func TestQueryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByClose_bytesIntoCustomBytes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() rows := NewRows([]string{"raw"}).AddRow([]byte(`one binary value with some text!`)) scan := func(rs *sql.Rows) ([]byte, error) { type customBytes []byte var b customBytes return b, rs.Scan(&b) } queryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByClose(t, rows, scan, []byte(`one binary value with some text!`)) } func TestQueryRowBytesInvalidatedByClose_jsonRawMessageIntoRawBytes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() replace := []byte(invalid) rows := NewRows([]string{"raw"}).AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`)) scan := func(rs *sql.Rows) ([]byte, error) { var raw sql.RawBytes return raw, rs.Scan(&raw) } want := struct { Initial []byte Replaced []byte }{ Initial: []byte(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`), Replaced: replace[:len(replace)-6], } queryRowBytesInvalidatedByClose(t, rows, scan, want) } func TestQueryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByClose_jsonRawMessageIntoBytes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() rows := NewRows([]string{"raw"}).AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`)) scan := func(rs *sql.Rows) ([]byte, error) { var b []byte return b, rs.Scan(&b) } queryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByClose(t, rows, scan, []byte(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`)) } func TestQueryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByClose_jsonRawMessageIntoCustomBytes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() rows := NewRows([]string{"raw"}).AddRow(json.RawMessage(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`)) scan := func(rs *sql.Rows) ([]byte, error) { type customBytes []byte var b customBytes return b, rs.Scan(&b) } queryRowBytesNotInvalidatedByClose(t, rows, scan, []byte(`{"thing": "one", "thing2": "two"}`)) } func TestNewColumnWithDefinition(t *testing.T) { now, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2020-06-20T22:08:41Z") t.Run("with one ResultSet", func(t *testing.T) { db, mock, _ := New() column1 := mock.NewColumn("test").OfType("VARCHAR", "").Nullable(true).WithLength(100) column2 := mock.NewColumn("number").OfType("DECIMAL", float64(0.0)).Nullable(false).WithPrecisionAndScale(10, 4) column3 := mock.NewColumn("when").OfType("TIMESTAMP", now) rows := mock.NewRowsWithColumnDefinition(column1, column2, column3) rows.AddRow("foo.bar", float64(10.123), now) mQuery := mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT test, number, when from dummy") isQuery := mQuery.WillReturnRows(rows) isQueryClosed := mQuery.RowsWillBeClosed() isDbClosed := mock.ExpectClose() query, _ := db.Query("SELECT test, number, when from dummy") if false == isQuery.fulfilled() { t.Error("Query is not executed") } if query.Next() { var test string var number float64 var when time.Time if queryError := query.Scan(&test, &number, &when); queryError != nil { t.Error(queryError) } else if test != "foo.bar" { t.Error("field test is not 'foo.bar'") } else if number != float64(10.123) { t.Error("field number is not '10.123'") } else if when != now { t.Errorf("field when is not %v", now) } if columnTypes, colTypErr := query.ColumnTypes(); colTypErr != nil { t.Error(colTypErr) } else if len(columnTypes) != 3 { t.Error("number of columnTypes") } else if name := columnTypes[0].Name(); name != "test" { t.Errorf("field 'test' has a wrong name '%s'", name) } else if dbType := columnTypes[0].DatabaseTypeName(); dbType != "VARCHAR" { t.Errorf("field 'test' has a wrong db type '%s'", dbType) } else if columnTypes[0].ScanType().Kind() != reflect.String { t.Error("field 'test' has a wrong scanType") } else if _, _, ok := columnTypes[0].DecimalSize(); ok { t.Error("field 'test' should have not precision, scale") } else if length, ok := columnTypes[0].Length(); length != 100 || !ok { t.Errorf("field 'test' has a wrong length '%d'", length) } else if name := columnTypes[1].Name(); name != "number" { t.Errorf("field 'number' has a wrong name '%s'", name) } else if dbType := columnTypes[1].DatabaseTypeName(); dbType != "DECIMAL" { t.Errorf("field 'number' has a wrong db type '%s'", dbType) } else if columnTypes[1].ScanType().Kind() != reflect.Float64 { t.Error("field 'number' has a wrong scanType") } else if precision, scale, ok := columnTypes[1].DecimalSize(); precision != int64(10) || scale != int64(4) || !ok { t.Error("field 'number' has a wrong precision, scale") } else if _, ok := columnTypes[1].Length(); ok { t.Error("field 'number' is not variable length type") } else if _, ok := columnTypes[2].Nullable(); ok { t.Error("field 'when' should have nullability unknown") } } else { t.Error("no result set") } query.Close() if false == isQueryClosed.fulfilled() { t.Error("Query is not executed") } db.Close() if false == isDbClosed.fulfilled() { t.Error("Db is not closed") } }) t.Run("with more then one ResultSet", func(t *testing.T) { db, mock, _ := New() column1 := mock.NewColumn("test").OfType("VARCHAR", "").Nullable(true).WithLength(100) column2 := mock.NewColumn("number").OfType("DECIMAL", float64(0.0)).Nullable(false).WithPrecisionAndScale(10, 4) column3 := mock.NewColumn("when").OfType("TIMESTAMP", now) rows1 := mock.NewRowsWithColumnDefinition(column1, column2, column3) rows1.AddRow("foo.bar", float64(10.123), now) rows2 := mock.NewRowsWithColumnDefinition(column1, column2, column3) rows2.AddRow("bar.foo", float64(123.10), now.Add(time.Second*10)) rows3 := mock.NewRowsWithColumnDefinition(column1, column2, column3) rows3.AddRow("lollipop", float64(10.321), now.Add(time.Second*20)) mQuery := mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT test, number, when from dummy") isQuery := mQuery.WillReturnRows(rows1, rows2, rows3) isQueryClosed := mQuery.RowsWillBeClosed() isDbClosed := mock.ExpectClose() query, _ := db.Query("SELECT test, number, when from dummy") if false == isQuery.fulfilled() { t.Error("Query is not executed") } rowsSi := 0 for query.Next() { var test string var number float64 var when time.Time if queryError := query.Scan(&test, &number, &when); queryError != nil { t.Error(queryError) } else if rowsSi == 0 && test != "foo.bar" { t.Error("field test is not 'foo.bar'") } else if rowsSi == 0 && number != float64(10.123) { t.Error("field number is not '10.123'") } else if rowsSi == 0 && when != now { t.Errorf("field when is not %v", now) } else if rowsSi == 1 && test != "bar.foo" { t.Error("field test is not 'bar.bar'") } else if rowsSi == 1 && number != float64(123.10) { t.Error("field number is not '123.10'") } else if rowsSi == 1 && when != now.Add(time.Second*10) { t.Errorf("field when is not %v", now) } else if rowsSi == 2 && test != "lollipop" { t.Error("field test is not 'lollipop'") } else if rowsSi == 2 && number != float64(10.321) { t.Error("field number is not '10.321'") } else if rowsSi == 2 && when != now.Add(time.Second*20) { t.Errorf("field when is not %v", now) } rowsSi++ if columnTypes, colTypErr := query.ColumnTypes(); colTypErr != nil { t.Error(colTypErr) } else if len(columnTypes) != 3 { t.Error("number of columnTypes") } else if name := columnTypes[0].Name(); name != "test" { t.Errorf("field 'test' has a wrong name '%s'", name) } else if dbType := columnTypes[0].DatabaseTypeName(); dbType != "VARCHAR" { t.Errorf("field 'test' has a wrong db type '%s'", dbType) } else if columnTypes[0].ScanType().Kind() != reflect.String { t.Error("field 'test' has a wrong scanType") } else if _, _, ok := columnTypes[0].DecimalSize(); ok { t.Error("field 'test' should not have precision, scale") } else if length, ok := columnTypes[0].Length(); length != 100 || !ok { t.Errorf("field 'test' has a wrong length '%d'", length) } else if name := columnTypes[1].Name(); name != "number" { t.Errorf("field 'number' has a wrong name '%s'", name) } else if dbType := columnTypes[1].DatabaseTypeName(); dbType != "DECIMAL" { t.Errorf("field 'number' has a wrong db type '%s'", dbType) } else if columnTypes[1].ScanType().Kind() != reflect.Float64 { t.Error("field 'number' has a wrong scanType") } else if precision, scale, ok := columnTypes[1].DecimalSize(); precision != int64(10) || scale != int64(4) || !ok { t.Error("field 'number' has a wrong precision, scale") } else if _, ok := columnTypes[1].Length(); ok { t.Error("field 'number' is not variable length type") } else if _, ok := columnTypes[2].Nullable(); ok { t.Error("field 'when' should have nullability unknown") } } if rowsSi == 0 { t.Error("no result set") } query.Close() if false == isQueryClosed.fulfilled() { t.Error("Query is not executed") } db.Close() if false == isDbClosed.fulfilled() { t.Error("Db is not closed") } }) }