package goutils import ( "fmt" "testing" ) // ****************************** TESTS ******************************************** func TestWrapNormalWord(t *testing.T) { in := "Bob Manuel Bob Manuel" out := "Bob Manuel\nBob Manuel" wrapLength := 10 if x := Wrap(in, wrapLength); x != out { t.Errorf("Wrap(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestWrapNormalWord2(t *testing.T) { in := "Here is one line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns." out := "Here is one line of\ntext that is going\nto be wrapped after\n20 columns." wrapLength := 20 if x := Wrap(in, wrapLength); x != out { t.Errorf("Wrap(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestWrapNormalWord3(t *testing.T) { in := "Click here to jump to the commons website -" out := "Click here to jump\nto the commons\nwebsite -\n" wrapLength := 20 if x := Wrap(in, wrapLength); x != out { t.Errorf("Wrap(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestWrapNormalWord4(t *testing.T) { in := "Click here,, to jump to the commons website" out := "Click here,\n,\nto jump to the\ncommons website" wrapLength := 20 if x := Wrap(in, wrapLength); x != out { t.Errorf("Wrap(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestNonWrapLongWord(t *testing.T) { in := "123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_1234567890" out := "123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_1234567890" wrapLength := 11 newLineStr := "\n" wrapLongWords := false if x := WrapCustom(in, wrapLength, newLineStr, wrapLongWords); x != out { t.Errorf("Wrap(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestWrapLongWord(t *testing.T) { in := "123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_1234567890" out := "123456789_1\n23456789_12\n3456789_123\n456789_1234\n567890" wrapLength := 11 newLineStr := "\n" wrapLongWords := true if x := WrapCustom(in, wrapLength, newLineStr, wrapLongWords); x != out { t.Errorf("Wrap(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestWrapCustomLongWordFalse(t *testing.T) { in := "BobManuelBob Bob" out := "BobManuelBobBob" wrapLength := 10 newLineStr := "" wrapLongWords := false if x := WrapCustom(in, wrapLength, newLineStr, wrapLongWords); x != out { t.Errorf("Wrap(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestWrapCustomLongWordTrue(t *testing.T) { in := "BobManuelBob Bob" out := "BobManuelBob Bob" wrapLength := 10 newLineStr := "" wrapLongWords := true if x := WrapCustom(in, wrapLength, newLineStr, wrapLongWords); x != out { t.Errorf("WrapCustom(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestCapitalize(t *testing.T) { // Test 1: Checks if function works with 1 parameter, and default whitespace delimiter in := "test is inquiring" out := "Test Is Inquiring" if x := Capitalize(in); x != out { t.Errorf("Capitalize(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } // Test 2: Checks if function works with both parameters, with param 2 containing whitespace and '.' out = "Test Is Going.Well.Thank.You.For Inquiring" delimiters := []rune{' ', '.'} if x := Capitalize(in, delimiters...); x != out { t.Errorf("Capitalize(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestCapitalizeFully(t *testing.T) { // Test 1 in := "tEsT iS goiNG.wELL.tHaNk.yOU.for inqUIrING" out := "Test Is Inquiring" if x := CapitalizeFully(in); x != out { t.Errorf("CapitalizeFully(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } // Test 2 out = "Test Is Going.Well.Thank.You.For Inquiring" delimiters := []rune{' ', '.'} if x := CapitalizeFully(in, delimiters...); x != out { t.Errorf("CapitalizeFully(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestUncapitalize(t *testing.T) { // Test 1: Checks if function works with 1 parameter, and default whitespace delimiter in := "This Is A.Test" out := "this is a.Test" if x := Uncapitalize(in); x != out { t.Errorf("Uncapitalize(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } // Test 2: Checks if function works with both parameters, with param 2 containing whitespace and '.' out = "this is a.test" delimiters := []rune{' ', '.'} if x := Uncapitalize(in, delimiters...); x != out { t.Errorf("Uncapitalize(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestSwapCase(t *testing.T) { in := "This Is A.Test" out := "tHIS iS a.tEST" if x := SwapCase(in); x != out { t.Errorf("SwapCase(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } func TestInitials(t *testing.T) { // Test 1 in := "John Doe.Ray" out := "JD" if x := Initials(in); x != out { t.Errorf("Initials(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } // Test 2 out = "JDR" delimiters := []rune{' ', '.'} if x := Initials(in, delimiters...); x != out { t.Errorf("Initials(%v) = %v, want %v", in, x, out) } } // ****************************** EXAMPLES ******************************************** func ExampleWrap() { in := "Bob Manuel Bob Manuel" wrapLength := 10 fmt.Println(Wrap(in, wrapLength)) // Output: // Bob Manuel // Bob Manuel } func ExampleWrapCustom_1() { in := "BobManuelBob Bob" wrapLength := 10 newLineStr := "" wrapLongWords := false fmt.Println(WrapCustom(in, wrapLength, newLineStr, wrapLongWords)) // Output: // BobManuelBobBob } func ExampleWrapCustom_2() { in := "BobManuelBob Bob" wrapLength := 10 newLineStr := "" wrapLongWords := true fmt.Println(WrapCustom(in, wrapLength, newLineStr, wrapLongWords)) // Output: // BobManuelBob Bob } func ExampleCapitalize() { in := "test is inquiring" // Compare input to CapitalizeFully example delimiters := []rune{' ', '.'} fmt.Println(Capitalize(in)) fmt.Println(Capitalize(in, delimiters...)) // Output: // Test Is Inquiring // Test Is Going.Well.Thank.You.For Inquiring } func ExampleCapitalizeFully() { in := "tEsT iS goiNG.wELL.tHaNk.yOU.for inqUIrING" // Notice scattered capitalization delimiters := []rune{' ', '.'} fmt.Println(CapitalizeFully(in)) fmt.Println(CapitalizeFully(in, delimiters...)) // Output: // Test Is Inquiring // Test Is Going.Well.Thank.You.For Inquiring } func ExampleUncapitalize() { in := "This Is A.Test" delimiters := []rune{' ', '.'} fmt.Println(Uncapitalize(in)) fmt.Println(Uncapitalize(in, delimiters...)) // Output: // this is a.Test // this is a.test } func ExampleSwapCase() { in := "This Is A.Test" fmt.Println(SwapCase(in)) // Output: // tHIS iS a.tEST } func ExampleInitials() { in := "John Doe.Ray" delimiters := []rune{' ', '.'} fmt.Println(Initials(in)) fmt.Println(Initials(in, delimiters...)) // Output: // JD // JDR }