package matchers_test import ( . "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("BeElementOf", func() { When("passed a supported type", func() { It("should do the right thing", func() { Expect(2).Should(BeElementOf([2]int{1, 2})) Expect(3).ShouldNot(BeElementOf([2]int{1, 2})) Expect(2).Should(BeElementOf([]int{1, 2})) Expect(3).ShouldNot(BeElementOf([]int{1, 2})) Expect(2).Should(BeElementOf(1, 2)) Expect(3).ShouldNot(BeElementOf(1, 2)) Expect("abc").Should(BeElementOf("abc")) Expect("abc").ShouldNot(BeElementOf("def")) Expect("abc").ShouldNot(BeElementOf()) Expect(7).ShouldNot(BeElementOf(nil)) arr := make([]myCustomType, 2) arr[0] = myCustomType{s: "foo", n: 3, f: 2.0, arr: []string{"a", "b"}} arr[1] = myCustomType{s: "foo", n: 3, f: 2.0, arr: []string{"a", "c"}} Expect(myCustomType{s: "foo", n: 3, f: 2.0, arr: []string{"a", "b"}}).Should(BeElementOf(arr)) Expect(myCustomType{s: "foo", n: 3, f: 2.0, arr: []string{"b", "c"}}).ShouldNot(BeElementOf(arr)) }) }) When("passed a correctly typed nil", func() { It("should operate successfully on the passed in value", func() { var nilSlice []int Expect(1).ShouldNot(BeElementOf(nilSlice)) var nilMap map[int]string Expect("foo").ShouldNot(BeElementOf(nilMap)) }) }) When("passed an unsupported type", func() { It("should error", func() { success, err := (&BeElementOfMatcher{Elements: []interface{}{0}}).Match(nil) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) success, err = (&BeElementOfMatcher{Elements: nil}).Match(nil) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) It("builds failure message", func() { actual := BeElementOf(1, 2).FailureMessage(123) Expect(actual).To(Equal("Expected\n : 123\nto be an element of\n <[]int | len:2, cap:2>: [1, 2]")) }) It("builds negated failure message", func() { actual := BeElementOf(1, 2).NegatedFailureMessage(123) Expect(actual).To(Equal("Expected\n : 123\nnot to be an element of\n <[]int | len:2, cap:2>: [1, 2]")) }) })