package matchers_test import ( . "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("HaveKeyWithValue", func() { var ( stringKeys map[string]int intKeys map[int]string objKeys map[*myCustomType]*myCustomType customA *myCustomType customB *myCustomType ) BeforeEach(func() { stringKeys = map[string]int{"foo": 2, "bar": 3} intKeys = map[int]string{2: "foo", 3: "bar"} customA = &myCustomType{s: "a", n: 2, f: 2.3, arr: []string{"ice", "cream"}} customB = &myCustomType{s: "b", n: 4, f: 3.1, arr: []string{"cake"}} objKeys = map[*myCustomType]*myCustomType{customA: customA, customB: customA} }) When("passed a map", func() { It("should do the right thing", func() { Expect(stringKeys).Should(HaveKeyWithValue("foo", 2)) Expect(stringKeys).ShouldNot(HaveKeyWithValue("foo", 1)) Expect(stringKeys).ShouldNot(HaveKeyWithValue("baz", 2)) Expect(stringKeys).ShouldNot(HaveKeyWithValue("baz", 1)) Expect(intKeys).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(2, "foo")) Expect(intKeys).ShouldNot(HaveKeyWithValue(4, "foo")) Expect(intKeys).ShouldNot(HaveKeyWithValue(2, "baz")) Expect(objKeys).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(customA, customA)) Expect(objKeys).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(&myCustomType{s: "b", n: 4, f: 3.1, arr: []string{"cake"}}, &myCustomType{s: "a", n: 2, f: 2.3, arr: []string{"ice", "cream"}})) Expect(objKeys).ShouldNot(HaveKeyWithValue(&myCustomType{s: "b", n: 4, f: 3.1, arr: []string{"apple", "pie"}}, customA)) }) }) When("passed a correctly typed nil", func() { It("should operate succesfully on the passed in value", func() { var nilMap map[int]string Expect(nilMap).ShouldNot(HaveKeyWithValue("foo", "bar")) }) }) When("the passed in key or value is actually a matcher", func() { It("should pass each element through the matcher", func() { Expect(stringKeys).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(ContainSubstring("oo"), 2)) Expect(intKeys).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(2, ContainSubstring("oo"))) Expect(stringKeys).ShouldNot(HaveKeyWithValue(ContainSubstring("foobar"), 2)) }) It("should fail if the matcher ever fails", func() { actual := map[int]string{1: "a", 3: "b", 2: "c"} success, err := (&HaveKeyWithValueMatcher{Key: ContainSubstring("ar"), Value: 2}).Match(actual) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) otherActual := map[string]int{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3} success, err = (&HaveKeyWithValueMatcher{Key: "a", Value: ContainSubstring("1")}).Match(otherActual) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) When("passed something that is not a map", func() { It("should error", func() { success, err := (&HaveKeyWithValueMatcher{Key: "foo", Value: "bar"}).Match([]string{"foo"}) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) success, err = (&HaveKeyWithValueMatcher{Key: "foo", Value: "bar"}).Match(nil) Expect(success).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) })