package main import ( "context" "errors" "io" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type rawConReader struct { f *os.File } func (r rawConReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { n, err := syscall.Read(syscall.Handle(r.f.Fd()), b) if n == 0 && len(b) != 0 && err == nil { // A zero-byte read on a console indicates that the user wrote Ctrl-Z. b[0] = 26 return 1, nil } return n, err } var execTty bool var execCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "exec", Usage: "Executes a command in a shim's hosting utility VM", ArgsUsage: " [args...]", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tty,t", Usage: "run with a terminal", Destination: &execTty}, }, SkipArgReorder: true, Before: appargs.Validate(appargs.String, appargs.String, appargs.Rest(appargs.String)), Action: func(clictx *cli.Context) error { args := clictx.Args() shim, err := getShim(args[0]) if err != nil { return err } var osStdin io.Reader = os.Stdin if execTty { // Enable raw mode on the client's console. con, err := console.ConsoleFromFile(os.Stdin) if err == nil { err = con.SetRaw() if err != nil { return err } defer con.Reset() // Console reads return EOF whenever the user presses Ctrl-Z. // Wrap the reads to translate these EOFs back. osStdin = rawConReader{os.Stdin} } } stdin, err := makePipe(osStdin, true) if err != nil { return err } stdout, err := makePipe(os.Stdout, false) if err != nil { return err } var stderr string if !execTty { stderr, err = makePipe(os.Stderr, false) if err != nil { return err } } ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) go func() { <-ch cancel() }() svc := shimdiag.NewShimDiagClient(shim) resp, err := svc.DiagExecInHost(ctx, &shimdiag.ExecProcessRequest{ Args: args[1:], Stdin: stdin, Stdout: stdout, Stderr: stderr, Terminal: execTty, }) if err != nil { return err } return cli.NewExitError(errors.New(""), int(resp.ExitCode)) }, } func makePipe(f interface{}, in bool) (string, error) { r, err := guid.NewV4() if err != nil { return "", err } p := `\\.\pipe\` + r.String() l, err := winio.ListenPipe(p, nil) if err != nil { return "", err } go func() { c, err := l.Accept() if err != nil { logrus.WithError(err).Error("failed to accept pipe") return } if in { io.Copy(c, f.(io.Reader)) c.Close() } else { io.Copy(f.(io.Writer), c) } }() return p, nil }