# commit to be tagged for new release commit = "HEAD" project_name = "containerd" github_repo = "containerd/containerd" # previous release previous = "v1.0.0-rc.0" pre_release = false preface = """\ `containerd` provides a daemon for managing running containers. The new containerd is designed for use designed for use in container-based systems, like Docker and Kubernetes. It provides minimal abstractions over the operating system that gets out of the way. A short list of differences from the 0.2 version of containerd follow: - New runtime model based on tasks and containers - Client-defined image push/pull, allows fully replaceable image distribution - End-to-end event system - Snapshot-based container storage system - Content-addressed image storage system - Arbitrary metadata storage for association with containerd objects - Extensive, namespaced [GRPC API](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/tree/master/api/services) - Rich API Client ([getting started](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/master/docs/getting-started.md) and [godoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/containerd/containerd)). You can read about the full details of the project in the [README](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/v1.0.0/README.md). If you would like to try containerd, please download the binaries included on this release. If you are using Docker, you have already been using containerd since Docker 1.11. The next release of Docker, 17.12 CE Edge, will include this version of containerd. If you would like to use it with Kubernetes, a CRI implementation against containerd is available at [cri-containerd](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-containerd). The 1.0 release has been reached after 7 alphas, 4 betas, and 1 release candidate full of stability fixes, hardening, and API improvements. If you run into a new problems, please file an [issue](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/issues). The [_support horizon_](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/master/RELEASES.md#support-horizon) for containerd has been updated to include the 1.0 release. With this release, the 0.2 release line is now moved to the "End of Life" state. No new releases on that branch will be made. The 1.0 release train will be considered an active branch with new patches until December 5, 2018 or when 1.1 is released. As part the release of containerd 1.0, the governance model has been updated. The day to day management of the project is taken care of by the maintainers. The roles of chief maintainer and BDFL have been removed and a technical steering committee has been added as an escalation point when consensus cannot be reached among maintainers. See https://github.com/moby/tsc for details.""" # notable prs to include in the release notes, 1234 is the pr number [notes] [breaking]