// Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE file for details. package quicktest import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts" "github.com/kr/pretty" ) // Checker is implemented by types used as part of Check/Assert invocations. type Checker interface { // Check checks that the obtained value (got) is correct with respect to // the checker's arguments (args). On failure, the returned error is // printed along with the checker arguments and any key-value pairs added // by calling the note function. Values are pretty-printed unless they are // of type Unquoted. // // When the check arguments are invalid, Check may return a BadCheck error, // which suppresses printing of the checker arguments. Values added with // note are still printed. // // If Check returns ErrSilent, neither the checker arguments nor the error // are printed. Again, values added with note are still printed. Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) error // ArgNames returns the names of all required arguments, including the // mandatory got argument and any additional args. ArgNames() []string } // Equals is a Checker checking equality of two comparable values. // // For instance: // // c.Assert(answer, qt.Equals, 42) // // Note that the following will fail: // // c.Assert((*sometype)(nil), qt.Equals, nil) // // Use the IsNil checker below for this kind of nil check. var Equals Checker = &equalsChecker{ argNames: []string{"got", "want"}, } type equalsChecker struct { argNames } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got == args[0]. func (c *equalsChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { defer func() { // A panic is raised when the provided values are not comparable. if r := recover(); r != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("%s", r) } }() want := args[0] if got == want { return nil } // Customize error message for non-nil errors. if _, ok := got.(error); ok && want == nil { return errors.New("got non-nil error") } // Show error types when comparing errors with different types. if got, ok := got.(error); ok { if want, ok := want.(error); ok { gotType := reflect.TypeOf(got) wantType := reflect.TypeOf(want) if gotType != wantType { note("got type", Unquoted(gotType.String())) note("want type", Unquoted(wantType.String())) } } return errors.New("values are not equal") } // Show line diff when comparing different multi-line strings. if got, ok := got.(string); ok { if want, ok := want.(string); ok { isMultiLine := func(s string) bool { i := strings.Index(s, "\n") return i != -1 && i < len(s)-1 } if isMultiLine(got) || isMultiLine(want) { diff := cmp.Diff(strings.SplitAfter(got, "\n"), strings.SplitAfter(want, "\n")) note("line diff (-got +want)", Unquoted(diff)) } } } return errors.New("values are not equal") } // CmpEquals returns a Checker checking equality of two arbitrary values // according to the provided compare options. See DeepEquals as an example of // such a checker, commonly used when no compare options are required. // // Example calls: // // c.Assert(list, qt.CmpEquals(cmpopts.SortSlices), []int{42, 47}) // c.Assert(got, qt.CmpEquals(), []int{42, 47}) // Same as qt.DeepEquals. // func CmpEquals(opts ...cmp.Option) Checker { return cmpEquals(testing.Verbose, opts...) } func cmpEquals(verbose func() bool, opts ...cmp.Option) Checker { return &cmpEqualsChecker{ argNames: []string{"got", "want"}, opts: opts, verbose: verbose, } } type cmpEqualsChecker struct { argNames opts cmp.Options verbose func() bool } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got == args[0] according to // the compare options stored in the checker. func (c *cmpEqualsChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { defer func() { // A panic is raised in some cases, for instance when trying to compare // structs with unexported fields and neither AllowUnexported nor // cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported are provided. if r := recover(); r != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("%s", r) } }() want := args[0] if diff := cmp.Diff(got, want, c.opts...); diff != "" { // Only output values when the verbose flag is set. if c.verbose() { note("diff (-got +want)", Unquoted(diff)) return errors.New("values are not deep equal") } note("error", Unquoted("values are not deep equal")) note("diff (-got +want)", Unquoted(diff)) return ErrSilent } return nil } // DeepEquals is a Checker deeply checking equality of two arbitrary values. // The comparison is done using the github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp package. // When comparing structs, by default no exported fields are allowed. CmpEquals // can be used when more customized compare options are required. // // Example call: // // c.Assert(got, qt.DeepEquals, []int{42, 47}) // var DeepEquals = CmpEquals() // ContentEquals is like DeepEquals but any slices in the compared values will // be sorted before being compared. var ContentEquals = CmpEquals(cmpopts.SortSlices(func(x, y interface{}) bool { // TODO frankban: implement a proper sort function. return pretty.Sprint(x) < pretty.Sprint(y) })) // Matches is a Checker checking that the provided string or fmt.Stringer // matches the provided regular expression pattern. // // For instance: // // c.Assert("these are the voyages", qt.Matches, "these are .*") // c.Assert(net.ParseIP(""), qt.Matches, "1.*") // var Matches Checker = &matchesChecker{ argNames: []string{"got value", "regexp"}, } type matchesChecker struct { argNames } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got is a string or a // fmt.Stringer and that it matches args[0]. func (c *matchesChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) error { pattern := args[0] switch v := got.(type) { case string: return match(v, pattern, "value does not match regexp", note) case fmt.Stringer: return match(v.String(), pattern, "value.String() does not match regexp", note) } note("value", got) return BadCheckf("value is not a string or a fmt.Stringer") } func checkFirstArgIsError(got interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) error { if got == nil { return errors.New("got nil error but want non-nil") } _, ok := got.(error) if !ok { note("got", got) return BadCheckf("first argument is not an error") } return nil } // ErrorMatches is a Checker checking that the provided value is an error whose // message matches the provided regular expression pattern. // // For instance: // // c.Assert(err, qt.ErrorMatches, "bad wolf .*") // var ErrorMatches Checker = &errorMatchesChecker{ argNames: []string{"got error", "regexp"}, } type errorMatchesChecker struct { argNames } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got is an error whose // Error() matches args[0]. func (c *errorMatchesChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) error { if err := checkFirstArgIsError(got, note); err != nil { return err } gotErr := got.(error) return match(gotErr.Error(), args[0], "error does not match regexp", note) } // PanicMatches is a Checker checking that the provided function panics with a // message matching the provided regular expression pattern. // // For instance: // // c.Assert(func() {panic("bad wolf ...")}, qt.PanicMatches, "bad wolf .*") // var PanicMatches Checker = &panicMatchesChecker{ argNames: []string{"function", "regexp"}, } type panicMatchesChecker struct { argNames } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got is a func() that panics // with a message matching args[0]. func (c *panicMatchesChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { f := reflect.ValueOf(got) if f.Kind() != reflect.Func { note("got", got) return BadCheckf("first argument is not a function") } ftype := f.Type() if ftype.NumIn() != 0 { note("function", got) return BadCheckf("cannot use a function receiving arguments") } defer func() { r := recover() if r == nil { err = errors.New("function did not panic") return } msg := fmt.Sprint(r) note("panic value", msg) err = match(msg, args[0], "panic value does not match regexp", note) }() f.Call(nil) return nil } // IsNil is a Checker checking that the provided value is nil. // // For instance: // // c.Assert(got, qt.IsNil) // // As a special case, if the value is nil but implements the // error interface, it is still considered to be non-nil. // This means that IsNil will fail on an error value that happens // to have an underlying nil value, because that's // invariably a mistake. // See https://golang.org/doc/faq#nil_error. var IsNil Checker = &isNilChecker{ argNames: []string{"got"}, } type isNilChecker struct { argNames } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got is nil. func (c *isNilChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { if got == nil { return nil } value := reflect.ValueOf(got) _, isError := got.(error) if canBeNil(value.Kind()) && value.IsNil() { if isError { // It's an error with an underlying nil value. return fmt.Errorf("error containing nil value of type %T. See https://golang.org/doc/faq#nil_error", got) } return nil } if isError { return errors.New("got non-nil error") } return errors.New("got non-nil value") } // IsNotNil is a Checker checking that the provided value is not nil. // IsNotNil is the equivalent of qt.Not(qt.IsNil) // // For instance: // // c.Assert(got, qt.IsNotNil) // var IsNotNil Checker = ¬Checker{ Checker: IsNil, } // HasLen is a Checker checking that the provided value has the given length. // // For instance: // // c.Assert([]int{42, 47}, qt.HasLen, 2) // c.Assert(myMap, qt.HasLen, 42) // var HasLen Checker = &hasLenChecker{ argNames: []string{"got", "want length"}, } type hasLenChecker struct { argNames } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that len(got) == args[0]. func (c *hasLenChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { v := reflect.ValueOf(got) switch v.Kind() { case reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String: default: note("got", got) return BadCheckf("first argument has no length") } want, ok := args[0].(int) if !ok { note("length", args[0]) return BadCheckf("length is not an int") } length := v.Len() note("len(got)", length) if length != want { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected length") } return nil } // Implements checks that the provided value implements an interface. The // interface is specified with a pointer to an interface variable. // // For instance: // // var rc io.ReadCloser // c.Assert(myReader, qt.Implements, &rc) // var Implements Checker = &implementsChecker{ argNames: []string{"got", "want interface pointer"}, } type implementsChecker struct { argNames } var emptyInterface = reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem() // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got implements the // interface pointed to by args[0]. func (c *implementsChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { if got == nil { note("error", Unquoted("got nil value but want non-nil")) note("got", got) return ErrSilent } if args[0] == nil { return BadCheckf("want a pointer to an interface variable but nil was provided") } wantType := reflect.TypeOf(args[0]) if wantType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { note("want", Unquoted(wantType.String())) return BadCheckf("want a pointer to an interface variable but a non-pointer value was provided") } else if wantType.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Interface { note("want pointer type", Unquoted(wantType.Elem().String())) return BadCheckf("want a pointer to an interface variable but a pointer to a concrete type was provided") } else if wantType.Elem() == emptyInterface { note("want pointer type", Unquoted(wantType.Elem().String())) return BadCheckf("all types implement the empty interface, want a pointer to a variable that isn't the empty interface") } gotType := reflect.TypeOf(got) if !gotType.Implements(wantType.Elem()) { note("error", Unquoted("got value does not implement wanted interface")) note("got", got) note("want interface", Unquoted(wantType.Elem().String())) return ErrSilent } return nil } // Satisfies is a Checker checking that the provided value, when used as // argument of the provided predicate function, causes the function to return // true. The function must be of type func(T) bool, having got assignable to T. // // For instance: // // // Check that an error from os.Open satisfies os.IsNotExist. // c.Assert(err, qt.Satisfies, os.IsNotExist) // // // Check that a floating point number is a not-a-number. // c.Assert(f, qt.Satisfies, math.IsNaN) // var Satisfies Checker = &satisfiesChecker{ argNames: []string{"arg", "predicate function"}, } type satisfiesChecker struct { argNames } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that args[0](got) == true. func (c *satisfiesChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { // Original code at // . // Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd. // Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENSE file for details. predicate := args[0] f := reflect.ValueOf(predicate) ftype := f.Type() if ftype.Kind() != reflect.Func || ftype.NumIn() != 1 || ftype.NumOut() != 1 || ftype.Out(0).Kind() != reflect.Bool { note("predicate function", predicate) return BadCheckf("predicate function is not a func(T) bool") } v, t := reflect.ValueOf(got), ftype.In(0) if !v.IsValid() { if !canBeNil(t.Kind()) { note("predicate function", predicate) return BadCheckf("cannot use nil as type %v in argument to predicate function", t) } v = reflect.Zero(t) } else if !v.Type().AssignableTo(t) { note("arg", got) note("predicate function", predicate) return BadCheckf("cannot use value of type %v as type %v in argument to predicate function", v.Type(), t) } if f.Call([]reflect.Value{v})[0].Interface().(bool) { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("value does not satisfy predicate function") } // IsTrue is a Checker checking that the provided value is true. // The value must have a boolean underlying type. // // For instance: // // c.Assert(true, qt.IsTrue) // c.Assert(myBoolean(false), qt.IsTrue) // var IsTrue Checker = &boolChecker{ want: true, } // IsFalse is a Checker checking that the provided value is false. // The value must have a boolean underlying type. // // For instance: // // c.Assert(false, qt.IsFalse) // c.Assert(IsValid(), qt.IsFalse) // var IsFalse Checker = &boolChecker{ want: false, } type boolChecker struct { want bool } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got == c.want. func (c *boolChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { v := reflect.ValueOf(got) if v.IsValid() && v.Kind() == reflect.Bool { if v.Bool() != c.want { return fmt.Errorf("value is not %v", c.want) } return nil } note("value", got) return BadCheckf("value does not have a bool underlying type") } // ArgNames implements Checker.ArgNames. func (c *boolChecker) ArgNames() []string { return []string{"got"} } // Not returns a Checker negating the given Checker. // // For instance: // // c.Assert(got, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) // c.Assert(answer, qt.Not(qt.Equals), 42) // func Not(checker Checker) Checker { return ¬Checker{ Checker: checker, } } type notChecker struct { Checker } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that the stored checker fails. func (c *notChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) (err error) { if nc, ok := c.Checker.(*notChecker); ok { return nc.Checker.Check(got, args, note) } err = c.Checker.Check(got, args, note) if IsBadCheck(err) { return err } if err != nil { return nil } if c.Checker == IsNil { return errors.New("got nil value but want non-nil") } return errors.New("unexpected success") } // Contains is a checker that checks that a map, slice, array // or string contains a value. It's the same as using // Any(Equals), except that it has a special case // for strings - if the first argument is a string, // the second argument must also be a string // and strings.Contains will be used. // // For example: // // c.Assert("hello world", qt.Contains, "world") // c.Assert([]int{3,5,7,99}, qt.Contains, 7) // var Contains Checker = &containsChecker{ argNames: []string{"container", "want"}, } type containsChecker struct { argNames } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that got contains args[0]. func (c *containsChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) error { if got, ok := got.(string); ok { want, ok := args[0].(string) if !ok { return BadCheckf("strings can only contain strings, not %T", args[0]) } if strings.Contains(got, want) { return nil } return errors.New("no substring match found") } return Any(Equals).Check(got, args, note) } // Any returns a Checker that uses the given checker to check elements // of a slice or array or the values from a map. It succeeds if any element // passes the check. // // For example: // // c.Assert([]int{3,5,7,99}, qt.Any(qt.Equals), 7) // c.Assert([][]string{{"a", "b"}, {"c", "d"}}, qt.Any(qt.DeepEquals), []string{"c", "d"}) // // See also All and Contains. func Any(c Checker) Checker { return &anyChecker{ argNames: append([]string{"container"}, c.ArgNames()[1:]...), elemChecker: c, } } type anyChecker struct { argNames elemChecker Checker } // Check implements Checker.Check by checking that one of the elements of // got passes the c.elemChecker check. func (c *anyChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) error { iter, err := newIter(got) if err != nil { return BadCheckf("%v", err) } for iter.next() { // For the time being, discard the notes added by the sub-checker, // because it's not clear what a good behaviour would be. // Should we print all the failed check for all elements? If there's only // one element in the container, the answer is probably yes, // but let's leave it for now. err := c.elemChecker.Check( iter.value().Interface(), args, func(key string, value interface{}) {}, ) if err == nil { return nil } if IsBadCheck(err) { return BadCheckf("at %s: %v", iter.key(), err) } } return errors.New("no matching element found") } // All returns a Checker that uses the given checker to check elements // of slice or array or the values of a map. It succeeds if all elements // pass the check. // On failure it prints the error from the first index that failed. // // For example: // // c.Assert([]int{3, 5, 8}, qt.All(qt.Not(qt.Equals)), 0) // c.Assert([][]string{{"a", "b"}, {"a", "b"}}, qt.All(qt.DeepEquals), []string{"c", "d"}) // // See also Any and Contains. func All(c Checker) Checker { return &allChecker{ argNames: append([]string{"container"}, c.ArgNames()[1:]...), elemChecker: c, } } type allChecker struct { argNames elemChecker Checker } // Check implement Checker.Check by checking that all the elements of got // pass the c.elemChecker check. func (c *allChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, notef func(key string, value interface{})) error { iter, err := newIter(got) if err != nil { return BadCheckf("%v", err) } for iter.next() { // Store any notes added by the checker so // we can add our own note at the start // to say which element failed. var notes []note err := c.elemChecker.Check( iter.value().Interface(), args, func(key string, val interface{}) { notes = append(notes, note{key, val}) }, ) if err == nil { continue } if IsBadCheck(err) { return BadCheckf("at %s: %v", iter.key(), err) } notef("error", Unquoted("mismatch at "+iter.key())) // TODO should we print the whole container value in // verbose mode? if err != ErrSilent { // If the error's not silent, the checker is expecting // the caller to print the error and the value that failed. notef("error", Unquoted(err.Error())) notef("first mismatched element", iter.value().Interface()) } for _, n := range notes { notef(n.key, n.value) } return ErrSilent } return nil } // JSONEquals is a checker that checks whether a byte slice // or string is JSON-equivalent to a Go value. See CodecEquals for // more information. // // It uses DeepEquals to do the comparison. If a more sophisticated // comparison is required, use CodecEquals directly. // // For instance: // // c.Assert(`{"First": 47.11}`, qt.JSONEquals, &MyStruct{First: 47.11}) // var JSONEquals = CodecEquals(json.Marshal, json.Unmarshal) type codecEqualChecker struct { argNames marshal func(interface{}) ([]byte, error) unmarshal func([]byte, interface{}) error deepEquals Checker } // CodecEquals returns a checker that checks for codec value equivalence. // // It expects two arguments: a byte slice or a string containing some // codec-marshaled data, and a Go value. // // It uses unmarshal to unmarshal the data into an interface{} value. // It marshals the Go value using marshal, then unmarshals the result into // an interface{} value. // // It then checks that the two interface{} values are deep-equal to one // another, using CmpEquals(opts) to perform the check. // // See JSONEquals for an example of this in use. func CodecEquals( marshal func(interface{}) ([]byte, error), unmarshal func([]byte, interface{}) error, opts ...cmp.Option, ) Checker { return &codecEqualChecker{ argNames: argNames{"got", "want"}, marshal: marshal, unmarshal: unmarshal, deepEquals: CmpEquals(opts...), } } func (c *codecEqualChecker) Check(got interface{}, args []interface{}, note func(key string, value interface{})) error { var gotContent []byte switch got := got.(type) { case string: gotContent = []byte(got) case []byte: gotContent = got default: return BadCheckf("expected string or byte, got %T", got) } wantContent := args[0] wantContentBytes, err := c.marshal(wantContent) if err != nil { return BadCheckf("cannot marshal expected contents: %v", err) } var wantContentVal interface{} if err := c.unmarshal(wantContentBytes, &wantContentVal); err != nil { return BadCheckf("cannot unmarshal expected contents: %v", err) } var gotContentVal interface{} if err := c.unmarshal([]byte(gotContent), &gotContentVal); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal obtained contents: %v; %q", err, gotContent) } return c.deepEquals.Check(gotContentVal, []interface{}{wantContentVal}, note) } // argNames helps implementing Checker.ArgNames. type argNames []string // ArgNames implements Checker.ArgNames by returning the argument names. func (a argNames) ArgNames() []string { return a } // match checks that the given error message matches the given pattern. func match(got string, pattern interface{}, msg string, note func(key string, value interface{})) error { regex, ok := pattern.(string) if !ok { note("regexp", pattern) return BadCheckf("regexp is not a string") } matches, err := regexp.MatchString("^("+regex+")$", got) if err != nil { note("regexp", regex) return BadCheckf("cannot compile regexp: %s", err) } if matches { return nil } return errors.New(msg) } // canBeNil reports whether a value or type of the given kind can be nil. func canBeNil(k reflect.Kind) bool { switch k { case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice: return true } return false }