definitions: # Generic response model V4GenericResponse: type: object properties: message: type: string description: A human readable message code: type: string description: | A machine readable [response code]( like e. g. `INVALID_CREDENTIALS` # Info resposne V4InfoResponse: type: object properties: general: description: General information type: object properties: installation_name: description: Unique name of the installation type: string provider: description: The technical provider used in this installation. Either "kvm", "aws", or "azure". type: string datacenter: description: Identifier of the datacenter or cloud provider region, e. g. "eu-west-1" type: string workers: description: Information related to worker nodes type: object properties: count_per_cluster: description: Number of workers per cluster type: object properties: max: description: Maximum number of worker a cluster can have type: number default: description: Default number of workers in a new cluster will have, if not specifiec otherwise type: number instance_type: description: Instance types to be used for worker nodes. Only available for AWS clusters. type: object properties: options: description: List of available instance types type: array items: type: string default: description: The instance type used in new cluster, if not specified type: string vm_size: description: Azure Virtual Machine size to be used for worker nodes. Only available for Azure clusters. type: object properties: options: description: List of available instance types type: array items: type: string default: description: The instance type used in new cluster, if not specified type: string # Request to create a new cluster V4AddClusterRequest: type: object required: - owner description: Request model for creating a new cluster properties: owner: type: string description: Name of the organization owning the cluster name: type: string description: Cluster name release_version: type: string description: | The [release]( version to use in the new cluster kubernetes_version: type: string description: | Kubernetes version number (deprecated). Doesn't have any effect. This attribute is going to be removed in future API versions. workers: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/V4NodeDefinition' V4ModifyClusterRequest: type: object required: [] description: Request body for cluster modification properties: name: type: string description: Name for the cluster owner: type: string description: Name of the organization owning the cluster release_version: type: string description: Release version to use after an upgrade workers: type: array description: Worker node array items: $ref: '#/definitions/V4NodeDefinition' # Details on existing cluster V4ClusterDetailsResponse: type: object description: Response model showing details of a cluster properties: id: type: string description: Unique cluster identifier api_endpoint: type: string description: URI of the Kubernetes API endpoint create_date: type: string description: Date/time of cluster creation owner: type: string description: Name of the organization owning the cluster name: type: string description: Cluster name release_version: type: string description: | The [release]( version currently running this cluster. kubernetes_version: type: string description: Deprecated. Will be removed in a future API version. workers: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/V4NodeDefinition' kvm: type: object description: Attributes specific to clusters running on KVM (on-prem) installations. properties: port_mappings: type: array description: | Reveals the ports on the host cluster that are mapped to this guest cluster's ingress and which protocol that port supports. Only shown and relevant on our on-prem KVM clusters. items: type: object properties: port: description: | The port on the host cluster that will forward traffic to the guest cluster type: integer protocol: description: | The protocol this port mapping is made for. type: string # Definition of a cluster node V4NodeDefinition: type: object properties: aws: type: object description: | Attributes specific to nodes running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) properties: instance_type: type: string description: | EC2 instance type name. Must be the same for all worker nodes of a cluster. azure: type: object description: | Attributes specific to nodes running on Microsoft Azure properties: vm_size: type: string description: | Azure Virtual Machine size. Must be the same for all worker nodes of a cluster. memory: type: object properties: size_gb: type: number description: RAM size in GB. Can be an integer or float. storage: type: object properties: size_gb: type: number description: Node storage size in GB. Can be an integer or float. cpu: type: object properties: cores: type: integer description: Number of CPU cores labels: type: object additionalProperties: true # List of key pairs V4GetKeyPairsResponse: type: array description: Array of sparse key pair objects items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the key pair description: type: string description: Free text information about the key pair ttl_hours: type: integer description: Expiration time (from creation) in hours create_date: type: string description: Date/time of creation common_name: type: string description: The common name of the certificate subject. certificate_organizations: type: string description: The certificate subject's `organization` fields. # Add key pair request V4AddKeyPairRequest: type: object required: - description properties: description: type: string description: Free text information about the key pair ttl_hours: type: integer format: int32 description: Expiration time (from creation) in hours cn_prefix: type: string description: The common name prefix of the certificate subject. This only allows characters that are usable in domain names (`a-z`, `0-9`, and `.-`, where `.-` must not occur at either the start or the end). certificate_organizations: type: string description: | This will set the certificate subject's `organization` fields. Use a comma seperated list of values. V4AddKeyPairResponse: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the key pair description: type: string description: Free text information about the key pair ttl_hours: type: integer description: Expiration time (from creation) in hours create_date: type: string description: Date/time of creation certificate_authority_data: type: string description: PEM-encoded CA certificate of the cluster client_key_data: type: string description: PEM-encoded RSA private key client_certificate_data: type: string description: PEM-encoded certificate # cluster metrics V4GetClusterMetricsResponse: description: Response for the getClusterMetrics operation type: object properties: workers: description: Group of metrics regarding workers type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/V4NodeMetrics' V4NodeMetrics: type: object properties: id: description: String identifying the node type: string metrics: description: Container object for all metrics available for the node type: object properties: container_count: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number pod_count: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number cpu_used: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number ram_free: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number ram_available: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number ram_cached: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number ram_buffers: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number ram_mapped: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number node_storage_used: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number network_rx: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number network_tx: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number resource_cpu_requests: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number resource_cpu_limits: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number resource_ram_requests: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number resource_ram_limits: type: object properties: timestamp: description: Time when the given value has been recorded type: string value: description: The value for the metric. Can be an integer or float. type: number # a complete organization object V4Organization: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Unique name/identifier of the organization members: type: array description: List of members that belong to this organization items: $ref: '#/definitions/V4OrganizationMember' # An organization as returned by getOrganizations as an array item V4OrganizationListItem: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Unique name/identifier of the organization # A user that belongs to an organization V4OrganizationMember: type: object properties: email: type: string description: Email address of the user # One of the users in the array as returned by getUsers V4UserListItem: type: object properties: email: type: string description: Email address of the user created: type: string description: The date and time that this account was created expiry: type: string description: The date and time when this account will expire # A cluster array item, as return by getClusters V4ClusterListItem: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Unique cluster identifier create_date: type: string description: Date/time of cluster creation name: type: string description: Cluster name owner: type: string description: Name of the organization owning the cluster release_version: type: string description: The semantic version number of this cluster # A cluster array item, as return by getClusters V4ReleaseListItem: type: object required: ["version", "timestamp", "changelog", "components"] properties: version: type: string description: The semantic version number timestamp: type: string description: Date and time of the release creation active: type: boolean description: | If true, the version is available for new clusters and cluster upgrades. Older versions become unavailable and thus have the value `false` here. changelog: description: | Structured list of changes in this release, in comparison to the previous version, with respect to the contained components. type: array items: type: object properties: component: type: string description: | If the changed item was a component, this attribute is the name of the component. description: type: string description: Human-friendly description of the change components: description: | List of components and their version contained in the release type: array items: type: object required: ["name", "version"] properties: name: type: string description: Name of the component version: type: string description: Version number of the component V4CreateUserRequest: type: object required: - password description: Request model for creating a new user properties: password: type: string description: A Base64 encoded password expiry: type: string description: The date and time when this account will expire V4AddCredentialsRequest: type: object required: - provider description: Request model for adding a set of credentials properties: provider: type: string aws: type: object description: Credentials specific to an AWS account required: - roles properties: roles: type: object description: IAM roles to assume by certain entities required: - awsoperator - admin properties: admin: type: string description: ARN of the IAM role to assume by Giant Swarm support staff awsoperator: type: string description: ARN of the IAM role to assume by the software operating clusters # A request for an auth token V4CreateAuthTokenRequest: type: object properties: email: type: string description: Your email address password_base64: type: string description: Your password as a base64 encoded string # A response to a successful auth token request V4CreateAuthTokenResponse: type: object properties: auth_token: type: string description: The newly created API token