package hclog import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" ) type bufferingBuffer struct { held bytes.Buffer flushed bytes.Buffer } func (b *bufferingBuffer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return b.held.Write(p) } func (b *bufferingBuffer) String() string { return b.flushed.String() } func (b *bufferingBuffer) Flush() error { _, err := b.flushed.WriteString(b.held.String()) return err } func TestLogger(t *testing.T) { t.Run("uses default output if none is given", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer DefaultOutput = &buf logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing") str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why=testing\n", rest) }) t.Run("formats log entries", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing") str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why=testing\n", rest) }) t.Run("renders slice values specially", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", []interface{}{"testing", "dev", 1, uint64(5), []int{3, 4}}) str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why=[testing, dev, 1, 5, \"[3 4]\"]\n", rest) }) t.Run("renders values in slices with quotes", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", []string{"testing & qa", "dev"}) str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why=[\"testing & qa\", \"dev\"]\n", rest) }) t.Run("escapes quotes in values", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", `this is "quoted"`) str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, `[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why="this is \"quoted\""`+"\n", rest) }) t.Run("prints empty double quotes for empty strings", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", ``) str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, `[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why=""`+"\n", rest) }) t.Run("quotes when there are nonprintable sequences in a value", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "\U0001F603") str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why=\"\U0001F603\"\n", rest) }) t.Run("formats multiline values nicely", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing\nand other\npretty cool things") str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] expected := `[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why= | testing | and other | pretty cool things` + "\n \n" assert.Equal(t, expected, rest) }) t.Run("outputs stack traces", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("who", "programmer", "why", "testing", Stacktrace()) lines := strings.Split(buf.String(), "\n") require.True(t, len(lines) > 1) assert.Equal(t, "", lines[1]) }) t.Run("outputs stack traces with it's given a name", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("who", "programmer", "why", "testing", "foo", Stacktrace()) lines := strings.Split(buf.String(), "\n") require.True(t, len(lines) > 1) assert.Equal(t, "", lines[1]) }) t.Run("prefixes the name", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ // No name! Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test") str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] this is test\n", rest) buf.Reset() another := logger.Named("sublogger") another.Info("this is test") str = buf.String() dataIdx = strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest = str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] sublogger: this is test\n", rest) }) t.Run("use a different time format", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, TimeFormat: time.Kitchen, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing is fun") str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') assert.Equal(t, str[:dataIdx], time.Now().Format(time.Kitchen)) }) t.Run("use UTC time zone", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, TimeFormat: time.Kitchen, TimeFn: func() time.Time { return time.Now().UTC() }, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing is fun") str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') assert.Equal(t, str[:dataIdx], time.Now().UTC().Format(time.Kitchen)) }) t.Run("respects DisableTime", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, DisableTime: true, }) logger.Info("Señorita banana") str := buf.String() assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: Señorita banana\n", str) }) t.Run("use with", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer rootLogger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "with_test", Output: &buf, }) // Build the root logger in two steps, which triggers a slice capacity increase // and is part of the test for inadvertant slice aliasing. rootLogger = rootLogger.With("a", 1, "b", 2) rootLogger = rootLogger.With("c", 3) // Derive two new loggers which should be completely independent derived1 := rootLogger.With("cat", 30) derived2 := rootLogger.With("dog", 40) derived1.Info("test1") output := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(output, ' ') assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] with_test: test1: a=1 b=2 c=3 cat=30\n", output[dataIdx+1:]) buf.Reset() derived2.Info("test2") output = buf.String() dataIdx = strings.IndexByte(output, ' ') assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] with_test: test2: a=1 b=2 c=3 dog=40\n", output[dataIdx+1:]) }) t.Run("unpaired with", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer rootLogger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "with_test", Output: &buf, }) derived1 := rootLogger.With("a") derived1.Info("test1") output := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(output, ' ') assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] with_test: test1: EXTRA_VALUE_AT_END=a\n", output[dataIdx+1:]) }) t.Run("use with and log", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer rootLogger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "with_test", Output: &buf, }) // Build the root logger in two steps, which triggers a slice capacity increase // and is part of the test for inadvertant slice aliasing. rootLogger = rootLogger.With("a", 1, "b", 2) // This line is here to test that when calling With with the same key, // only the last value remains (see issue #21) rootLogger = rootLogger.With("c", 4) rootLogger = rootLogger.With("c", 3) // Derive another logger which should be completely independent of rootLogger derived := rootLogger.With("cat", 30) rootLogger.Info("root_test", "bird", 10) output := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(output, ' ') assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] with_test: root_test: a=1 b=2 c=3 bird=10\n", output[dataIdx+1:]) buf.Reset() derived.Info("derived_test") output = buf.String() dataIdx = strings.IndexByte(output, ' ') assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] with_test: derived_test: a=1 b=2 c=3 cat=30\n", output[dataIdx+1:]) }) t.Run("use with and log and change levels", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer rootLogger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "with_test", Output: &buf, Level: Warn, }) // Build the root logger in two steps, which triggers a slice capacity increase // and is part of the test for inadvertant slice aliasing. rootLogger = rootLogger.With("a", 1, "b", 2) rootLogger = rootLogger.With("c", 3) // Derive another logger which should be completely independent of rootLogger derived := rootLogger.With("cat", 30) rootLogger.Info("root_test", "bird", 10) output := buf.String() if output != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected output: %s", output) } buf.Reset() derived.Info("derived_test") output = buf.String() if output != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected output: %s", output) } derived.SetLevel(Info) rootLogger.Info("root_test", "bird", 10) output = buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(output, ' ') assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] with_test: root_test: a=1 b=2 c=3 bird=10\n", output[dataIdx+1:]) buf.Reset() derived.Info("derived_test") output = buf.String() dataIdx = strings.IndexByte(output, ' ') assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] with_test: derived_test: a=1 b=2 c=3 cat=30\n", output[dataIdx+1:]) }) t.Run("supports Printf style expansions when requested", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "production", Fmt("%d beans/day", 12)) str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: production=\"12 beans/day\"\n", rest) }) t.Run("supports number formating", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) logger.Info("this is test", "bytes", Hex(12), "perms", Octal(0755), "bits", Binary(5)) str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: bytes=0xc perms=0755 bits=0b101\n", rest) }) t.Run("supports quote formatting", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, }) // unsafe is a string containing control characters and a byte // sequence which is invalid utf8 ("\xFFa") to assert that all // characters are properly encoded and produce valid utf8 output unsafe := "foo\nbar\bbaz\xFFa" logger.Info("this is test", "unquoted", "unquoted", "quoted", Quote("quoted"), "unsafeq", Quote(unsafe)) str := buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: "+ "unquoted=unquoted quoted=\"quoted\" "+ "unsafeq=\"foo\\nbar\\bbaz\\xffa\"\n", rest) }) t.Run("supports resetting the output", func(t *testing.T) { var first, second bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Output: &first, }) logger.Info("this is test", "production", Fmt("%d beans/day", 12)) str := first.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] this is test: production=\"12 beans/day\"\n", rest) logger.(OutputResettable).ResetOutput(&LoggerOptions{ Output: &second, }) logger.Info("this is another test", "production", Fmt("%d beans/day", 13)) str = first.String() dataIdx = strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest = str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] this is test: production=\"12 beans/day\"\n", rest) str = second.String() dataIdx = strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest = str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] this is another test: production=\"13 beans/day\"\n", rest) }) t.Run("supports resetting the output with flushing", func(t *testing.T) { var first bufferingBuffer var second bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Output: &first, }) logger.Info("this is test", "production", Fmt("%d beans/day", 12)) str := first.String() assert.Empty(t, str) logger.(OutputResettable).ResetOutputWithFlush(&LoggerOptions{ Output: &second, }, &first) logger.Info("this is another test", "production", Fmt("%d beans/day", 13)) str = first.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] this is test: production=\"12 beans/day\"\n", rest) str = second.String() dataIdx = strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest = str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] this is another test: production=\"13 beans/day\"\n", rest) }) t.Run("named logger with disabled parent", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ // No name! Output: &buf, Level: Off, IndependentLevels: true, }) logger.Info("this is test") str := buf.String() if len(str) > 0 { t.Fatal("output from disabled logger:", str) } buf.Reset() another := logger.Named("sublogger") another.SetLevel(Info) another.Info("this is test") str = buf.String() dataIdx := strings.IndexByte(str, ' ') rest := str[dataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] sublogger: this is test\n", rest) buf.Reset() logger.Info("parent should still be quiet") str = buf.String() if len(str) > 0 { t.Fatal("output from disabled logger:", str) } }) } func TestLogger_leveledWriter(t *testing.T) { t.Run("writes errors to stderr", func(t *testing.T) { var stderr bytes.Buffer var stdout bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: NewLeveledWriter(&stdout, map[Level]io.Writer{Error: &stderr}), }) logger.Error("this is an error", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing") errStr := stderr.String() errDataIdx := strings.IndexByte(errStr, ' ') errRest := errStr[errDataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[ERROR] test: this is an error: who=programmer why=testing\n", errRest) }) t.Run("writes non-errors to stdout", func(t *testing.T) { var stderr bytes.Buffer var stdout bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: NewLeveledWriter(&stdout, map[Level]io.Writer{Error: &stderr}), }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing") outStr := stdout.String() outDataIdx := strings.IndexByte(outStr, ' ') outRest := outStr[outDataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why=testing\n", outRest) }) t.Run("writes errors and non-errors correctly", func(t *testing.T) { var stderr bytes.Buffer var stdout bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: NewLeveledWriter(&stdout, map[Level]io.Writer{Error: &stderr}), }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing") logger.Error("this is an error", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing") errStr := stderr.String() errDataIdx := strings.IndexByte(errStr, ' ') errRest := errStr[errDataIdx+1:] outStr := stdout.String() outDataIdx := strings.IndexByte(outStr, ' ') outRest := outStr[outDataIdx+1:] assert.Equal(t, "[ERROR] test: this is an error: who=programmer why=testing\n", errRest) assert.Equal(t, "[INFO] test: this is test: who=programmer why=testing\n", outRest) }) } func TestLogger_JSON(t *testing.T) { t.Run("json formatting", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing is fun") b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, "programmer", raw["who"]) assert.Equal(t, "testing is fun", raw["why"]) }) t.Run("use a different time format", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, TimeFormat: time.Kitchen, }) logger.Info("Lacatan banana") b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } val, ok := raw["@timestamp"] if !ok { t.Fatal("missing '@timestamp' key") } assert.Equal(t, val, time.Now().Format(time.Kitchen)) }) t.Run("use UTC time zone", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, TimeFormat: time.Kitchen, TimeFn: func() time.Time { return time.Now().UTC() }, }) logger.Info("Lacatan banana") b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } val, ok := raw["@timestamp"] if !ok { t.Fatal("missing '@timestamp' key") } assert.Equal(t, val, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.Kitchen)) }) t.Run("respects DisableTime", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, DisableTime: true, }) logger.Info("Señorita banana") b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if val, ok := raw["@timestamp"]; ok { t.Fatalf("got: '@timestamp' key (with value %v); want: no '@timestamp' key", val) } }) t.Run("json formatting with", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) logger = logger.With("cat", "in the hat", "dog", 42) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing is fun") b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, "programmer", raw["who"]) assert.Equal(t, "testing is fun", raw["why"]) assert.Equal(t, "in the hat", raw["cat"]) assert.Equal(t, float64(42), raw["dog"]) }) t.Run("json formatting error type", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) errMsg := errors.New("this is an error") logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "err", errMsg) b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, "programmer", raw["who"]) assert.Equal(t, errMsg.Error(), raw["err"]) }) t.Run("json formatting custom error type json marshaler", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) errMsg := &customErrJSON{"this is an error"} rawMsg, err := errMsg.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } expectedMsg, err := strconv.Unquote(string(rawMsg)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "err", errMsg) b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, "programmer", raw["who"]) assert.Equal(t, expectedMsg, raw["err"]) }) t.Run("json formatting custom error type text marshaler", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) errMsg := &customErrText{"this is an error"} rawMsg, err := errMsg.MarshalText() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } expectedMsg := string(rawMsg) logger.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "err", errMsg) b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, "programmer", raw["who"]) assert.Equal(t, expectedMsg, raw["err"]) }) t.Run("supports Printf style expansions when requested", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) logger.Info("this is test", "production", Fmt("%d beans/day", 12)) b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, "12 beans/day", raw["production"]) }) t.Run("ignores number formatting requests", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) logger.Info("this is test", "bytes", Hex(12), "perms", Octal(0755), "bits", Binary(5)) b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, float64(12), raw["bytes"]) assert.Equal(t, float64(0755), raw["perms"]) assert.Equal(t, float64(5), raw["bits"]) }) t.Run("ignores quote formatting requests", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) // unsafe is a string containing control characters and a byte // sequence which is invalid utf8 ("\xFFa") to assert that all // characters are properly encoded and produce valid json unsafe := "foo\nbar\bbaz\xFFa" logger.Info("this is test", "unquoted", "unquoted", "quoted", Quote("quoted"), "unsafeq", Quote(unsafe), "unsafe", unsafe) b := buf.Bytes() // Assert the JSON only contains valid utf8 strings with the // illegal byte replaced with the utf8 replacement character, // and not invalid json with byte(255) // Note: testify/assert.Contains did not work here if needle := []byte(`\ufffda`); !bytes.Contains(b, needle) { t.Fatalf("could not find %q (%v) in json bytes: %q", needle, needle, b) } if needle := []byte{255, 'a'}; bytes.Contains(b, needle) { t.Fatalf("found %q (%v) in json bytes: %q", needle, needle, b) } var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, "unquoted", raw["unquoted"]) assert.Equal(t, "quoted", raw["quoted"]) assert.Equal(t, "foo\nbar\bbaz\uFFFDa", raw["unsafe"]) assert.Equal(t, "foo\nbar\bbaz\uFFFDa", raw["unsafeq"]) }) t.Run("includes the caller location", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, IncludeLocation: true, }) logger.Info("this is test") _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(0) require.True(t, ok) b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("%v:%d", file, line-1), raw["@caller"]) }) t.Run("includes the caller location excluding helper functions", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logMe := func(l Logger) { l.Info("this is test", "who", "programmer", "why", "testing is fun") } logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, IncludeLocation: true, AdditionalLocationOffset: 1, }) logMe(logger) _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(0) require.True(t, ok) b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("%v:%d", file, line-1), raw["@caller"]) }) t.Run("handles non-serializable entries", func(t *testing.T) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, JSONFormat: true, }) myfunc := func() int { return 42 } logger.Info("this is test", "production", myfunc) b := buf.Bytes() var raw map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assert.Equal(t, "this is test", raw["@message"]) assert.Equal(t, errJsonUnsupportedTypeMsg, raw["@warn"]) }) } type customErrJSON struct { Message string } // error impl. func (c *customErrJSON) Error() string { return c.Message } // json.Marshaler impl. func (c customErrJSON) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(strconv.Quote(fmt.Sprintf("json-marshaler: %s", c.Message))), nil } type customErrText struct { Message string } // error impl. func (c *customErrText) Error() string { return c.Message } // text.Marshaler impl. func (c customErrText) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("text-marshaler: %s", c.Message)), nil } func BenchmarkLogger(b *testing.B) { b.Run("info with 10 pairs", func(b *testing.B) { var buf bytes.Buffer logger := New(&LoggerOptions{ Name: "test", Output: &buf, IncludeLocation: true, }) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { logger.Info("this is some message", "name", "foo", "what", "benchmarking yourself", "why", "to see what's slow", "k4", "value", "k5", "value", "k6", "value", "k7", "value", "k8", "value", "k9", "value", "k10", "value", ) } }) }