// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package pretty_test import ( "fmt" "net" "reflect" "github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty" ) func ExampleConfig_Sprint() { type Pair [2]int type Map struct { Name string Players map[string]Pair Obstacles map[Pair]string } m := Map{ Name: "Rock Creek", Players: map[string]Pair{ "player1": {1, 3}, "player2": {0, -1}, }, Obstacles: map[Pair]string{ Pair{0, 0}: "rock", Pair{2, 1}: "pond", Pair{1, 1}: "stream", Pair{0, 1}: "stream", }, } // Specific output formats compact := &pretty.Config{ Compact: true, } diffable := &pretty.Config{ Diffable: true, } // Print out a summary fmt.Printf("Players: %s\n", compact.Sprint(m.Players)) // Print diffable output fmt.Printf("Map State:\n%s", diffable.Sprint(m)) // Output: // Players: {player1:[1,3],player2:[0,-1]} // Map State: // { // Name: "Rock Creek", // Players: { // player1: [ // 1, // 3, // ], // player2: [ // 0, // -1, // ], // }, // Obstacles: { // [0,0]: "rock", // [0,1]: "stream", // [1,1]: "stream", // [2,1]: "pond", // }, // } } func ExampleConfig_fmtFormatter() { pretty.DefaultFormatter[reflect.TypeOf(&net.IPNet{})] = fmt.Sprint pretty.DefaultFormatter[reflect.TypeOf(net.HardwareAddr{})] = fmt.Sprint pretty.Print(&net.IPNet{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 100), Mask: net.CIDRMask(24, 32), }) pretty.Print(net.HardwareAddr{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}) // Output: // // 01:02:03:04:05:06 } func ExampleConfig_customFormatter() { pretty.DefaultFormatter[reflect.TypeOf(&net.IPNet{})] = func(n *net.IPNet) string { return fmt.Sprintf("CIDR=%s", n) } pretty.Print(&net.IPNet{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 100), Mask: net.CIDRMask(24, 32), }) // Output: // CIDR= } func ExamplePrint() { type ShipManifest struct { Name string Crew map[string]string Androids int Stolen bool } manifest := &ShipManifest{ Name: "Spaceship Heart of Gold", Crew: map[string]string{ "Zaphod Beeblebrox": "Galactic President", "Trillian": "Human", "Ford Prefect": "A Hoopy Frood", "Arthur Dent": "Along for the Ride", }, Androids: 1, Stolen: true, } pretty.Print(manifest) // Output: // {Name: "Spaceship Heart of Gold", // Crew: {Arthur Dent: "Along for the Ride", // Ford Prefect: "A Hoopy Frood", // Trillian: "Human", // Zaphod Beeblebrox: "Galactic President"}, // Androids: 1, // Stolen: true} } var t = struct { Errorf func(string, ...interface{}) }{ Errorf: func(format string, args ...interface{}) { fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) + "\n") }, } func ExampleCompare_testing() { // Code under test: type ShipManifest struct { Name string Crew map[string]string Androids int Stolen bool } // AddCrew tries to add the given crewmember to the manifest. AddCrew := func(m *ShipManifest, name, title string) { if m.Crew == nil { m.Crew = make(map[string]string) } m.Crew[title] = name } // Test function: tests := []struct { desc string before *ShipManifest name, title string after *ShipManifest }{ { desc: "add first", before: &ShipManifest{}, name: "Zaphod Beeblebrox", title: "Galactic President", after: &ShipManifest{ Crew: map[string]string{ "Zaphod Beeblebrox": "Galactic President", }, }, }, { desc: "add another", before: &ShipManifest{ Crew: map[string]string{ "Zaphod Beeblebrox": "Galactic President", }, }, name: "Trillian", title: "Human", after: &ShipManifest{ Crew: map[string]string{ "Zaphod Beeblebrox": "Galactic President", "Trillian": "Human", }, }, }, { desc: "overwrite", before: &ShipManifest{ Crew: map[string]string{ "Zaphod Beeblebrox": "Galactic President", }, }, name: "Zaphod Beeblebrox", title: "Just this guy, you know?", after: &ShipManifest{ Crew: map[string]string{ "Zaphod Beeblebrox": "Just this guy, you know?", }, }, }, } for _, test := range tests { AddCrew(test.before, test.name, test.title) if diff := pretty.Compare(test.before, test.after); diff != "" { t.Errorf("%s: post-AddCrew diff: (-got +want)\n%s", test.desc, diff) } } // Output: // add first: post-AddCrew diff: (-got +want) // { // Name: "", // Crew: { // - Galactic President: "Zaphod Beeblebrox", // + Zaphod Beeblebrox: "Galactic President", // }, // Androids: 0, // Stolen: false, // } // // add another: post-AddCrew diff: (-got +want) // { // Name: "", // Crew: { // - Human: "Trillian", // + Trillian: "Human", // Zaphod Beeblebrox: "Galactic President", // }, // Androids: 0, // Stolen: false, // } // // overwrite: post-AddCrew diff: (-got +want) // { // Name: "", // Crew: { // - Just this guy, you know?: "Zaphod Beeblebrox", // - Zaphod Beeblebrox: "Galactic President", // + Zaphod Beeblebrox: "Just this guy, you know?", // }, // Androids: 0, // Stolen: false, // } } func ExampleCompare_debugging() { type ShipManifest struct { Name string Crew map[string]string Androids int Stolen bool } reported := &ShipManifest{ Name: "Spaceship Heart of Gold", Crew: map[string]string{ "Zaphod Beeblebrox": "Galactic President", "Trillian": "Human", "Ford Prefect": "A Hoopy Frood", "Arthur Dent": "Along for the Ride", }, Androids: 1, Stolen: true, } expected := &ShipManifest{ Name: "Spaceship Heart of Gold", Crew: map[string]string{ "Trillian": "Human", "Rowan Artosok": "Captain", }, Androids: 1, Stolen: false, } fmt.Println(pretty.Compare(reported, expected)) // Output: // { // Name: "Spaceship Heart of Gold", // Crew: { // - Arthur Dent: "Along for the Ride", // - Ford Prefect: "A Hoopy Frood", // + Rowan Artosok: "Captain", // Trillian: "Human", // - Zaphod Beeblebrox: "Galactic President", // }, // Androids: 1, // - Stolen: true, // + Stolen: false, // } } type ListNode struct { Value int Next *ListNode } func circular(nodes int) *ListNode { final := &ListNode{ Value: nodes, } final.Next = final recent := final for i := nodes - 1; i > 0; i-- { n := &ListNode{ Value: i, Next: recent, } final.Next = n recent = n } return recent } func ExamplePrint_withCycles() { pretty.CycleTracker.Print(circular(3)) // Output: // <#1> { // Value: 1, // Next: { // Value: 2, // Next: { // Value: 3, // Next: , // }, // }, // } } func ExampleCompare_withCycles() { got, want := circular(3), circular(3) // Make the got one broken got.Next.Next.Next = got.Next fmt.Printf("Diff: (-got +want)\n%s", pretty.CycleTracker.Compare(got, want)) // Output: // Diff: (-got +want) // -{ // +<#1> { // Value: 1, // - Next: <#1> { // + Next: { // Value: 2, // Next: { // Value: 3, // Next: , // }, // }, // } }