package gbytes_test import ( "time" . "" . "" . "" ) type speaker struct { buffer *Buffer } func (s *speaker) Buffer() *Buffer { return s.buffer } var _ = Describe("SayMatcher", func() { var buffer *Buffer BeforeEach(func() { buffer = NewBuffer() buffer.Write([]byte("abc")) }) When("actual is not a gexec Buffer, or a BufferProvider", func() { It("should error", func() { failures := InterceptGomegaFailures(func() { Expect("foo").Should(Say("foo")) }) Expect(failures[0]).Should(ContainSubstring("*gbytes.Buffer")) }) }) When("a match is found", func() { It("should succeed", func() { Expect(buffer).Should(Say("abc")) }) It("should support printf-like formatting", func() { Expect(buffer).Should(Say("a%sc", "b")) }) It("should match literal %", func() { buffer.Write([]byte("%")) Expect(buffer).Should(Say("abc%")) }) It("should use a regular expression", func() { Expect(buffer).Should(Say("a.c")) }) It("should fastforward the buffer", func() { buffer.Write([]byte("def")) Expect(buffer).Should(Say("abcd")) Expect(buffer).Should(Say("ef")) Expect(buffer).ShouldNot(Say("[a-z]")) }) }) When("no match is found", func() { It("should not error", func() { Expect(buffer).ShouldNot(Say("def")) }) When("the buffer is closed", func() { BeforeEach(func() { buffer.Close() }) It("should abort an eventually", func() { t := time.Now() failures := InterceptGomegaFailures(func() { Eventually(buffer).Should(Say("def")) }) Eventually(buffer).ShouldNot(Say("def")) Expect(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically("<", 500*time.Millisecond)) Expect(failures).Should(HaveLen(1)) t = time.Now() Eventually(buffer).Should(Say("abc")) Expect(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically("<", 500*time.Millisecond)) }) It("should abort a consistently", func() { t := time.Now() Consistently(buffer, 2.0).ShouldNot(Say("def")) Expect(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically("<", 500*time.Millisecond)) }) It("should not error with a synchronous matcher", func() { Expect(buffer).ShouldNot(Say("def")) Expect(buffer).Should(Say("abc")) }) }) }) When("a positive match fails", func() { It("should report where it got stuck", func() { Expect(buffer).Should(Say("abc")) buffer.Write([]byte("def")) failures := InterceptGomegaFailures(func() { Expect(buffer).Should(Say("abc")) }) Expect(failures[0]).Should(ContainSubstring("Got stuck at:")) Expect(failures[0]).Should(ContainSubstring("def")) }) }) When("a negative match fails", func() { It("should report where it got stuck", func() { failures := InterceptGomegaFailures(func() { Expect(buffer).ShouldNot(Say("abc")) }) Expect(failures[0]).Should(ContainSubstring("Saw:")) Expect(failures[0]).Should(ContainSubstring("Which matches the unexpected:")) Expect(failures[0]).Should(ContainSubstring("abc")) }) }) When("a match is not found", func() { It("should not fastforward the buffer", func() { Expect(buffer).ShouldNot(Say("def")) Expect(buffer).Should(Say("abc")) }) }) Context("a nice real-life example", func() { It("should behave well", func() { Expect(buffer).Should(Say("abc")) go func() { time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) buffer.Write([]byte("def")) }() Expect(buffer).ShouldNot(Say("def")) Eventually(buffer).Should(Say("def")) }) }) When("actual is a BufferProvider", func() { It("should use actual's buffer", func() { s := &speaker{ buffer: NewBuffer(), } Expect(s).ShouldNot(Say("abc")) s.Buffer().Write([]byte("abc")) Expect(s).Should(Say("abc")) }) It("should abort an eventually", func() { s := &speaker{ buffer: NewBuffer(), } s.buffer.Close() t := time.Now() failures := InterceptGomegaFailures(func() { Eventually(s).Should(Say("def")) }) Expect(failures).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(time.Since(t)).Should(BeNumerically("<", 500*time.Millisecond)) }) }) })