package gmeasure import ( "fmt" "math" "sort" "time" "" ) type MeasurementType uint const ( MeasurementTypeInvalid MeasurementType = iota MeasurementTypeNote MeasurementTypeDuration MeasurementTypeValue ) var letEnumSupport = newEnumSupport(map[uint]string{uint(MeasurementTypeInvalid): "INVALID LOG ENTRY TYPE", uint(MeasurementTypeNote): "Note", uint(MeasurementTypeDuration): "Duration", uint(MeasurementTypeValue): "Value"}) func (s MeasurementType) String() string { return letEnumSupport.String(uint(s)) } func (s *MeasurementType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { out, err := letEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b) *s = MeasurementType(out) return err } func (s MeasurementType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return letEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(s)) } /* Measurement records all captured data for a given measurement. You generally don't make Measurements directly - but you can fetch them from Experiments using Get(). When using Ginkgo, you can register Measurements as Report Entries via AddReportEntry. This will emit all the captured data points when Ginkgo generates the report. */ type Measurement struct { // Type is the MeasurementType - one of MeasurementTypeNote, MeasurementTypeDuration, or MeasurementTypeValue Type MeasurementType // ExperimentName is the name of the experiment that this Measurement is associated with ExperimentName string // If Type is MeasurementTypeNote, Note is populated with the note text. Note string // If Type is MeasurementTypeDuration or MeasurementTypeValue, Name is the name of the recorded measurement Name string // Style captures the styling information (if any) for this Measurement Style string // Units capture the units (if any) for this Measurement. Units is set to "duration" if the Type is MeasurementTypeDuration Units string // PrecisionBundle captures the precision to use when rendering data for this Measurement. // If Type is MeasurementTypeDuration then PrecisionBundle.Duration is used to round any durations before presentation. // If Type is MeasurementTypeValue then PrecisionBundle.ValueFormat is used to format any values before presentation PrecisionBundle PrecisionBundle // If Type is MeasurementTypeDuration, Durations will contain all durations recorded for this measurement Durations []time.Duration // If Type is MeasurementTypeValue, Values will contain all float64s recorded for this measurement Values []float64 // If Type is MeasurementTypeDuration or MeasurementTypeValue then Annotations will include string annotations for all recorded Durations or Values. // If the user does not pass-in an Annotation() decoration for a particular value or duration, the corresponding entry in the Annotations slice will be the empty string "" Annotations []string } type Measurements []Measurement func (m Measurements) IdxWithName(name string) int { for idx, measurement := range m { if measurement.Name == name { return idx } } return -1 } func (m Measurement) report(enableStyling bool) string { out := "" style := m.Style if !enableStyling { style = "" } switch m.Type { case MeasurementTypeNote: out += fmt.Sprintf("%s - Note\n%s\n", m.ExperimentName, m.Note) if style != "" { out = style + out + "{{/}}" } return out case MeasurementTypeValue, MeasurementTypeDuration: out += fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", m.ExperimentName, m.Name) if m.Units != "" { out += " [" + m.Units + "]" } if style != "" { out = style + out + "{{/}}" } out += "\n" out += m.Stats().String() + "\n" } t := table.NewTable() t.TableStyle.EnableTextStyling = enableStyling switch m.Type { case MeasurementTypeValue: t.AppendRow(table.R(table.C("Value", table.AlignTypeCenter), table.C("Annotation", table.AlignTypeCenter), table.Divider("="), style)) for idx := range m.Values { t.AppendRow(table.R( table.C(fmt.Sprintf(m.PrecisionBundle.ValueFormat, m.Values[idx]), table.AlignTypeRight), table.C(m.Annotations[idx], "{{gray}}", table.AlignTypeLeft), )) } case MeasurementTypeDuration: t.AppendRow(table.R(table.C("Duration", table.AlignTypeCenter), table.C("Annotation", table.AlignTypeCenter), table.Divider("="), style)) for idx := range m.Durations { t.AppendRow(table.R( table.C(m.Durations[idx].Round(m.PrecisionBundle.Duration).String(), style, table.AlignTypeRight), table.C(m.Annotations[idx], "{{gray}}", table.AlignTypeLeft), )) } } out += t.Render() return out } /* ColorableString generates a styled report that includes all the data points for this Measurement. It is called automatically by Ginkgo's reporting infrastructure when the Measurement is registered as a ReportEntry via AddReportEntry. */ func (m Measurement) ColorableString() string { return } /* String generates an unstyled report that includes all the data points for this Measurement. */ func (m Measurement) String() string { return } /* Stats returns a Stats struct summarizing the statistic of this measurement */ func (m Measurement) Stats() Stats { if m.Type == MeasurementTypeInvalid || m.Type == MeasurementTypeNote { return Stats{} } out := Stats{ ExperimentName: m.ExperimentName, MeasurementName: m.Name, Style: m.Style, Units: m.Units, PrecisionBundle: m.PrecisionBundle, } switch m.Type { case MeasurementTypeValue: out.Type = StatsTypeValue out.N = len(m.Values) if out.N == 0 { return out } indices, sum := make([]int, len(m.Values)), 0.0 for idx, v := range m.Values { indices[idx] = idx sum += v } sort.Slice(indices, func(i, j int) bool { return m.Values[indices[i]] < m.Values[indices[j]] }) out.ValueBundle = map[Stat]float64{ StatMin: m.Values[indices[0]], StatMax: m.Values[indices[out.N-1]], StatMean: sum / float64(out.N), StatStdDev: 0.0, } out.AnnotationBundle = map[Stat]string{ StatMin: m.Annotations[indices[0]], StatMax: m.Annotations[indices[out.N-1]], } if out.N%2 == 0 { out.ValueBundle[StatMedian] = (m.Values[indices[out.N/2]] + m.Values[indices[out.N/2-1]]) / 2.0 } else { out.ValueBundle[StatMedian] = m.Values[indices[(out.N-1)/2]] } for _, v := range m.Values { out.ValueBundle[StatStdDev] += (v - out.ValueBundle[StatMean]) * (v - out.ValueBundle[StatMean]) } out.ValueBundle[StatStdDev] = math.Sqrt(out.ValueBundle[StatStdDev] / float64(out.N)) case MeasurementTypeDuration: out.Type = StatsTypeDuration out.N = len(m.Durations) if out.N == 0 { return out } indices, sum := make([]int, len(m.Durations)), time.Duration(0) for idx, v := range m.Durations { indices[idx] = idx sum += v } sort.Slice(indices, func(i, j int) bool { return m.Durations[indices[i]] < m.Durations[indices[j]] }) out.DurationBundle = map[Stat]time.Duration{ StatMin: m.Durations[indices[0]], StatMax: m.Durations[indices[out.N-1]], StatMean: sum / time.Duration(out.N), } out.AnnotationBundle = map[Stat]string{ StatMin: m.Annotations[indices[0]], StatMax: m.Annotations[indices[out.N-1]], } if out.N%2 == 0 { out.DurationBundle[StatMedian] = (m.Durations[indices[out.N/2]] + m.Durations[indices[out.N/2-1]]) / 2 } else { out.DurationBundle[StatMedian] = m.Durations[indices[(out.N-1)/2]] } stdDev := 0.0 for _, v := range m.Durations { stdDev += float64(v-out.DurationBundle[StatMean]) * float64(v-out.DurationBundle[StatMean]) } out.DurationBundle[StatStdDev] = time.Duration(math.Sqrt(stdDev / float64(out.N))) } return out }