package table // This is a temporary package - Table will move to once some more dust settles import ( "reflect" "strings" "unicode/utf8" ) type AlignType uint const ( AlignTypeLeft AlignType = iota AlignTypeCenter AlignTypeRight ) type Divider string type Row struct { Cells []Cell Divider string Style string } func R(args ...interface{}) *Row { r := &Row{ Divider: "-", } for _, arg := range args { switch reflect.TypeOf(arg) { case reflect.TypeOf(Divider("")): r.Divider = string(arg.(Divider)) case reflect.TypeOf(r.Style): r.Style = arg.(string) case reflect.TypeOf(Cell{}): r.Cells = append(r.Cells, arg.(Cell)) } } return r } func (r *Row) AppendCell(cells ...Cell) *Row { r.Cells = append(r.Cells, cells...) return r } func (r *Row) Render(widths []int, totalWidth int, tableStyle TableStyle, isLastRow bool) string { out := "" if len(r.Cells) == 1 { out += strings.Join(r.Cells[0].render(totalWidth, r.Style, tableStyle), "\n") + "\n" } else { if len(r.Cells) != len(widths) { panic("row vs width mismatch") } renderedCells := make([][]string, len(r.Cells)) maxHeight := 0 for colIdx, cell := range r.Cells { renderedCells[colIdx] = cell.render(widths[colIdx], r.Style, tableStyle) if len(renderedCells[colIdx]) > maxHeight { maxHeight = len(renderedCells[colIdx]) } } for colIdx := range r.Cells { for len(renderedCells[colIdx]) < maxHeight { renderedCells[colIdx] = append(renderedCells[colIdx], strings.Repeat(" ", widths[colIdx])) } } border := strings.Repeat(" ", tableStyle.Padding) if tableStyle.VerticalBorders { border += "|" + border } for lineIdx := 0; lineIdx < maxHeight; lineIdx++ { for colIdx := range r.Cells { out += renderedCells[colIdx][lineIdx] if colIdx < len(r.Cells)-1 { out += border } } out += "\n" } } if tableStyle.HorizontalBorders && !isLastRow && r.Divider != "" { out += strings.Repeat(string(r.Divider), totalWidth) + "\n" } return out } type Cell struct { Contents []string Style string Align AlignType } func C(contents string, args ...interface{}) Cell { c := Cell{ Contents: strings.Split(contents, "\n"), } for _, arg := range args { switch reflect.TypeOf(arg) { case reflect.TypeOf(c.Style): c.Style = arg.(string) case reflect.TypeOf(c.Align): c.Align = arg.(AlignType) } } return c } func (c Cell) Width() (int, int) { w, minW := 0, 0 for _, line := range c.Contents { lineWidth := utf8.RuneCountInString(line) if lineWidth > w { w = lineWidth } for _, word := range strings.Split(line, " ") { wordWidth := utf8.RuneCountInString(word) if wordWidth > minW { minW = wordWidth } } } return w, minW } func (c Cell) alignLine(line string, width int) string { lineWidth := utf8.RuneCountInString(line) if lineWidth == width { return line } if lineWidth < width { gap := width - lineWidth switch c.Align { case AlignTypeLeft: return line + strings.Repeat(" ", gap) case AlignTypeRight: return strings.Repeat(" ", gap) + line case AlignTypeCenter: leftGap := gap / 2 rightGap := gap - leftGap return strings.Repeat(" ", leftGap) + line + strings.Repeat(" ", rightGap) } } return line } func (c Cell) splitWordToWidth(word string, width int) []string { out := []string{} n, subWord := 0, "" for _, c := range word { subWord += string(c) n += 1 if n == width-1 { out = append(out, subWord+"-") n, subWord = 0, "" } } return out } func (c Cell) splitToWidth(line string, width int) []string { lineWidth := utf8.RuneCountInString(line) if lineWidth <= width { return []string{line} } outLines := []string{} words := strings.Split(line, " ") outWords := []string{words[0]} length := utf8.RuneCountInString(words[0]) if length > width { splitWord := c.splitWordToWidth(words[0], width) lastIdx := len(splitWord) - 1 outLines = append(outLines, splitWord[:lastIdx]...) outWords = []string{splitWord[lastIdx]} length = utf8.RuneCountInString(splitWord[lastIdx]) } for _, word := range words[1:] { wordLength := utf8.RuneCountInString(word) if length+wordLength+1 <= width { length += wordLength + 1 outWords = append(outWords, word) continue } outLines = append(outLines, strings.Join(outWords, " ")) outWords = []string{word} length = wordLength if length > width { splitWord := c.splitWordToWidth(word, width) lastIdx := len(splitWord) - 1 outLines = append(outLines, splitWord[:lastIdx]...) outWords = []string{splitWord[lastIdx]} length = utf8.RuneCountInString(splitWord[lastIdx]) } } if len(outWords) > 0 { outLines = append(outLines, strings.Join(outWords, " ")) } return outLines } func (c Cell) render(width int, style string, tableStyle TableStyle) []string { out := []string{} for _, line := range c.Contents { out = append(out, c.splitToWidth(line, width)...) } for idx := range out { out[idx] = c.alignLine(out[idx], width) } if tableStyle.EnableTextStyling { style = style + c.Style if style != "" { for idx := range out { out[idx] = style + out[idx] + "{{/}}" } } } return out } type TableStyle struct { Padding int VerticalBorders bool HorizontalBorders bool MaxTableWidth int MaxColWidth int EnableTextStyling bool } var DefaultTableStyle = TableStyle{ Padding: 1, VerticalBorders: true, HorizontalBorders: true, MaxTableWidth: 120, MaxColWidth: 40, EnableTextStyling: true, } type Table struct { Rows []*Row TableStyle TableStyle } func NewTable() *Table { return &Table{ TableStyle: DefaultTableStyle, } } func (t *Table) AppendRow(row *Row) *Table { t.Rows = append(t.Rows, row) return t } func (t *Table) Render() string { out := "" totalWidth, widths := t.computeWidths() for rowIdx, row := range t.Rows { out += row.Render(widths, totalWidth, t.TableStyle, rowIdx == len(t.Rows)-1) } return out } func (t *Table) computeWidths() (int, []int) { nCol := 0 for _, row := range t.Rows { if len(row.Cells) > nCol { nCol = len(row.Cells) } } // lets compute the contribution to width from the borders + padding borderWidth := t.TableStyle.Padding if t.TableStyle.VerticalBorders { borderWidth += 1 + t.TableStyle.Padding } totalBorderWidth := borderWidth * (nCol - 1) // lets compute the width of each column widths := make([]int, nCol) minWidths := make([]int, nCol) for colIdx := range widths { for _, row := range t.Rows { if colIdx >= len(row.Cells) { // ignore rows with fewer columns continue } w, minWid := row.Cells[colIdx].Width() if w > widths[colIdx] { widths[colIdx] = w } if minWid > minWidths[colIdx] { minWidths[colIdx] = minWid } } } // do we already fit? if sum(widths)+totalBorderWidth <= t.TableStyle.MaxTableWidth { // yes! we're done return sum(widths) + totalBorderWidth, widths } // clamp the widths and minWidths to MaxColWidth for colIdx := range widths { widths[colIdx] = min(widths[colIdx], t.TableStyle.MaxColWidth) minWidths[colIdx] = min(minWidths[colIdx], t.TableStyle.MaxColWidth) } // do we fit now? if sum(widths)+totalBorderWidth <= t.TableStyle.MaxTableWidth { // yes! we're done return sum(widths) + totalBorderWidth, widths } // hmm... still no... can we possibly squeeze the table in without violating minWidths? if sum(minWidths)+totalBorderWidth >= t.TableStyle.MaxTableWidth { // nope - we're just going to have to exceed MaxTableWidth return sum(minWidths) + totalBorderWidth, minWidths } // looks like we don't fit yet, but we should be able to fit without violating minWidths // lets start scaling down n := 0 for sum(widths)+totalBorderWidth > t.TableStyle.MaxTableWidth { budget := t.TableStyle.MaxTableWidth - totalBorderWidth baseline := sum(widths) for colIdx := range widths { widths[colIdx] = max((widths[colIdx]*budget)/baseline, minWidths[colIdx]) } n += 1 if n > 100 { break // in case we somehow fail to converge } } return sum(widths) + totalBorderWidth, widths } func sum(s []int) int { out := 0 for _, v := range s { out += v } return out } func min(a int, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b } func max(a int, b int) int { if a > b { return a } return b }