package cron import ( "bytes" "fmt" "log" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "testing" "time" ) // Many tests schedule a job for every second, and then wait at most a second // for it to run. This amount is just slightly larger than 1 second to // compensate for a few milliseconds of runtime. const OneSecond = 1*time.Second + 50*time.Millisecond type syncWriter struct { wr bytes.Buffer m sync.Mutex } func (sw *syncWriter) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) { sw.m.Lock() n, err = sw.wr.Write(data) sw.m.Unlock() return } func (sw *syncWriter) String() string { sw.m.Lock() defer sw.m.Unlock() return sw.wr.String() } func newBufLogger(sw *syncWriter) Logger { return PrintfLogger(log.New(sw, "", log.LstdFlags)) } func TestFuncPanicRecovery(t *testing.T) { var buf syncWriter cron := New(WithParser(secondParser), WithChain(Recover(newBufLogger(&buf)))) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { panic("YOLO") }) select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): if !strings.Contains(buf.String(), "YOLO") { t.Error("expected a panic to be logged, got none") } return } } type DummyJob struct{} func (d DummyJob) Run() { panic("YOLO") } func TestJobPanicRecovery(t *testing.T) { var job DummyJob var buf syncWriter cron := New(WithParser(secondParser), WithChain(Recover(newBufLogger(&buf)))) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() cron.AddJob("* * * * * ?", job) select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): if !strings.Contains(buf.String(), "YOLO") { t.Error("expected a panic to be logged, got none") } return } } // Start and stop cron with no entries. func TestNoEntries(t *testing.T) { cron := newWithSeconds() cron.Start() select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): t.Fatal("expected cron will be stopped immediately") case <-stop(cron): } } // Start, stop, then add an entry. Verify entry doesn't run. func TestStopCausesJobsToNotRun(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.Start() cron.Stop() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): // No job ran! case <-wait(wg): t.Fatal("expected stopped cron does not run any job") } } // Add a job, start cron, expect it runs. func TestAddBeforeRunning(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() // Give cron 2 seconds to run our job (which is always activated). select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): t.Fatal("expected job runs") case <-wait(wg): } } // Start cron, add a job, expect it runs. func TestAddWhileRunning(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): t.Fatal("expected job runs") case <-wait(wg): } } // Test for #34. Adding a job after calling start results in multiple job invocations func TestAddWhileRunningWithDelay(t *testing.T) { cron := newWithSeconds() cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) var calls int64 cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() { atomic.AddInt64(&calls, 1) }) <-time.After(OneSecond) if atomic.LoadInt64(&calls) != 1 { t.Errorf("called %d times, expected 1\n", calls) } } // Add a job, remove a job, start cron, expect nothing runs. func TestRemoveBeforeRunning(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) cron := newWithSeconds() id, _ := cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Remove(id) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): // Success, shouldn't run case <-wait(wg): t.FailNow() } } // Start cron, add a job, remove it, expect it doesn't run. func TestRemoveWhileRunning(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() id, _ := cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Remove(id) select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): case <-wait(wg): t.FailNow() } } // Test timing with Entries. func TestSnapshotEntries(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) cron := New() cron.AddFunc("@every 2s", func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() // Cron should fire in 2 seconds. After 1 second, call Entries. select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): cron.Entries() } // Even though Entries was called, the cron should fire at the 2 second mark. select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): t.Error("expected job runs at 2 second mark") case <-wait(wg): } } // Test that the entries are correctly sorted. // Add a bunch of long-in-the-future entries, and an immediate entry, and ensure // that the immediate entry runs immediately. // Also: Test that multiple jobs run in the same instant. func TestMultipleEntries(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(2) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("0 0 0 1 1 ?", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) id1, _ := cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { t.Fatal() }) id2, _ := cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { t.Fatal() }) cron.AddFunc("0 0 0 31 12 ?", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Remove(id1) cron.Start() cron.Remove(id2) defer cron.Stop() select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): t.Error("expected job run in proper order") case <-wait(wg): } } // Test running the same job twice. func TestRunningJobTwice(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(2) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("0 0 0 1 1 ?", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("0 0 0 31 12 ?", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() select { case <-time.After(2 * OneSecond): t.Error("expected job fires 2 times") case <-wait(wg): } } func TestRunningMultipleSchedules(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(2) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("0 0 0 1 1 ?", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("0 0 0 31 12 ?", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Schedule(Every(time.Minute), FuncJob(func() {})) cron.Schedule(Every(time.Second), FuncJob(func() { wg.Done() })) cron.Schedule(Every(time.Hour), FuncJob(func() {})) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() select { case <-time.After(2 * OneSecond): t.Error("expected job fires 2 times") case <-wait(wg): } } // Test that the cron is run in the local time zone (as opposed to UTC). func TestLocalTimezone(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(2) now := time.Now() // FIX: Issue #205 // This calculation doesn't work in seconds 58 or 59. // Take the easy way out and sleep. if now.Second() >= 58 { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) now = time.Now() } spec := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d %d %d %d %d ?", now.Second()+1, now.Second()+2, now.Minute(), now.Hour(), now.Day(), now.Month()) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc(spec, func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() select { case <-time.After(OneSecond * 2): t.Error("expected job fires 2 times") case <-wait(wg): } } // Test that the cron is run in the given time zone (as opposed to local). func TestNonLocalTimezone(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(2) loc, err := time.LoadLocation("Atlantic/Cape_Verde") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to load time zone Atlantic/Cape_Verde: %+v", err) t.Fail() } now := time.Now().In(loc) // FIX: Issue #205 // This calculation doesn't work in seconds 58 or 59. // Take the easy way out and sleep. if now.Second() >= 58 { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) now = time.Now().In(loc) } spec := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d %d %d %d %d ?", now.Second()+1, now.Second()+2, now.Minute(), now.Hour(), now.Day(), now.Month()) cron := New(WithLocation(loc), WithParser(secondParser)) cron.AddFunc(spec, func() { wg.Done() }) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() select { case <-time.After(OneSecond * 2): t.Error("expected job fires 2 times") case <-wait(wg): } } // Test that calling stop before start silently returns without // blocking the stop channel. func TestStopWithoutStart(t *testing.T) { cron := New() cron.Stop() } type testJob struct { wg *sync.WaitGroup name string } func (t testJob) Run() { t.wg.Done() } // Test that adding an invalid job spec returns an error func TestInvalidJobSpec(t *testing.T) { cron := New() _, err := cron.AddJob("this will not parse", nil) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected an error with invalid spec, got nil") } } // Test blocking run method behaves as Start() func TestBlockingRun(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { wg.Done() }) var unblockChan = make(chan struct{}) go func() { cron.Run() close(unblockChan) }() defer cron.Stop() select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): t.Error("expected job fires") case <-unblockChan: t.Error("expected that Run() blocks") case <-wait(wg): } } // Test that double-running is a no-op func TestStartNoop(t *testing.T) { var tickChan = make(chan struct{}, 2) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * ?", func() { tickChan <- struct{}{} }) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() // Wait for the first firing to ensure the runner is going <-tickChan cron.Start() <-tickChan // Fail if this job fires again in a short period, indicating a double-run select { case <-time.After(time.Millisecond): case <-tickChan: t.Error("expected job fires exactly twice") } } // Simple test using Runnables. func TestJob(t *testing.T) { wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddJob("0 0 0 30 Feb ?", testJob{wg, "job0"}) cron.AddJob("0 0 0 1 1 ?", testJob{wg, "job1"}) job2, _ := cron.AddJob("* * * * * ?", testJob{wg, "job2"}) cron.AddJob("1 0 0 1 1 ?", testJob{wg, "job3"}) cron.Schedule(Every(5*time.Second+5*time.Nanosecond), testJob{wg, "job4"}) job5 := cron.Schedule(Every(5*time.Minute), testJob{wg, "job5"}) // Test getting an Entry pre-Start. if actualName := cron.Entry(job2).Job.(testJob).name; actualName != "job2" { t.Error("wrong job retrieved:", actualName) } if actualName := cron.Entry(job5).Job.(testJob).name; actualName != "job5" { t.Error("wrong job retrieved:", actualName) } cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() select { case <-time.After(OneSecond): t.FailNow() case <-wait(wg): } // Ensure the entries are in the right order. expecteds := []string{"job2", "job4", "job5", "job1", "job3", "job0"} var actuals []string for _, entry := range cron.Entries() { actuals = append(actuals, entry.Job.(testJob).name) } for i, expected := range expecteds { if actuals[i] != expected { t.Fatalf("Jobs not in the right order. (expected) %s != %s (actual)", expecteds, actuals) } } // Test getting Entries. if actualName := cron.Entry(job2).Job.(testJob).name; actualName != "job2" { t.Error("wrong job retrieved:", actualName) } if actualName := cron.Entry(job5).Job.(testJob).name; actualName != "job5" { t.Error("wrong job retrieved:", actualName) } } // Issue #206 // Ensure that the next run of a job after removing an entry is accurate. func TestScheduleAfterRemoval(t *testing.T) { var wg1 sync.WaitGroup var wg2 sync.WaitGroup wg1.Add(1) wg2.Add(1) // The first time this job is run, set a timer and remove the other job // 750ms later. Correct behavior would be to still run the job again in // 250ms, but the bug would cause it to run instead 1s later. var calls int var mu sync.Mutex cron := newWithSeconds() hourJob := cron.Schedule(Every(time.Hour), FuncJob(func() {})) cron.Schedule(Every(time.Second), FuncJob(func() { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() switch calls { case 0: wg1.Done() calls++ case 1: time.Sleep(750 * time.Millisecond) cron.Remove(hourJob) calls++ case 2: calls++ wg2.Done() case 3: panic("unexpected 3rd call") } })) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() // the first run might be any length of time 0 - 1s, since the schedule // rounds to the second. wait for the first run to true up. wg1.Wait() select { case <-time.After(2 * OneSecond): t.Error("expected job fires 2 times") case <-wait(&wg2): } } type ZeroSchedule struct{} func (*ZeroSchedule) Next(time.Time) time.Time { return time.Time{} } // Tests that job without time does not run func TestJobWithZeroTimeDoesNotRun(t *testing.T) { cron := newWithSeconds() var calls int64 cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() { atomic.AddInt64(&calls, 1) }) cron.Schedule(new(ZeroSchedule), FuncJob(func() { t.Error("expected zero task will not run") })) cron.Start() defer cron.Stop() <-time.After(OneSecond) if atomic.LoadInt64(&calls) != 1 { t.Errorf("called %d times, expected 1\n", calls) } } func TestStopAndWait(t *testing.T) { t.Run("nothing running, returns immediately", func(t *testing.T) { cron := newWithSeconds() cron.Start() ctx := cron.Stop() select { case <-ctx.Done(): case <-time.After(time.Millisecond): t.Error("context was not done immediately") } }) t.Run("repeated calls to Stop", func(t *testing.T) { cron := newWithSeconds() cron.Start() _ = cron.Stop() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) ctx := cron.Stop() select { case <-ctx.Done(): case <-time.After(time.Millisecond): t.Error("context was not done immediately") } }) t.Run("a couple fast jobs added, still returns immediately", func(t *testing.T) { cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() {}) cron.Start() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() {}) time.Sleep(time.Second) ctx := cron.Stop() select { case <-ctx.Done(): case <-time.After(time.Millisecond): t.Error("context was not done immediately") } }) t.Run("a couple fast jobs and a slow job added, waits for slow job", func(t *testing.T) { cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() {}) cron.Start() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }) cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() {}) time.Sleep(time.Second) ctx := cron.Stop() // Verify that it is not done for at least 750ms select { case <-ctx.Done(): t.Error("context was done too quickly immediately") case <-time.After(750 * time.Millisecond): // expected, because the job sleeping for 1 second is still running } // Verify that it IS done in the next 500ms (giving 250ms buffer) select { case <-ctx.Done(): // expected case <-time.After(1500 * time.Millisecond): t.Error("context not done after job should have completed") } }) t.Run("repeated calls to stop, waiting for completion and after", func(t *testing.T) { cron := newWithSeconds() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() {}) cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }) cron.Start() cron.AddFunc("* * * * * *", func() {}) time.Sleep(time.Second) ctx := cron.Stop() ctx2 := cron.Stop() // Verify that it is not done for at least 1500ms select { case <-ctx.Done(): t.Error("context was done too quickly immediately") case <-ctx2.Done(): t.Error("context2 was done too quickly immediately") case <-time.After(1500 * time.Millisecond): // expected, because the job sleeping for 2 seconds is still running } // Verify that it IS done in the next 1s (giving 500ms buffer) select { case <-ctx.Done(): // expected case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("context not done after job should have completed") } // Verify that ctx2 is also done. select { case <-ctx2.Done(): // expected case <-time.After(time.Millisecond): t.Error("context2 not done even though context1 is") } // Verify that a new context retrieved from stop is immediately done. ctx3 := cron.Stop() select { case <-ctx3.Done(): // expected case <-time.After(time.Millisecond): t.Error("context not done even when cron Stop is completed") } }) } func TestMultiThreadedStartAndStop(t *testing.T) { cron := New() go cron.Run() time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond) cron.Stop() } func wait(wg *sync.WaitGroup) chan bool { ch := make(chan bool) go func() { wg.Wait() ch <- true }() return ch } func stop(cron *Cron) chan bool { ch := make(chan bool) go func() { cron.Stop() ch <- true }() return ch } // newWithSeconds returns a Cron with the seconds field enabled. func newWithSeconds() *Cron { return New(WithParser(secondParser), WithChain()) }