# This file was created automatically using mongodb-spec-converter. # Please review the generated file, then remove this notice. description: db-aggregate schemaVersion: '1.4' runOnRequirements: - minServerVersion: 3.6.0 # serverless does not support either of the current database-level aggregation stages ($listLocalSessions and # $currentOp) serverless: forbid createEntities: - client: id: &client0 client0 observeEvents: - commandStartedEvent - database: id: &database0 database0 client: client0 databaseName: &database_name admin - collection: id: &collection0 collection0 database: database0 collectionName: &collection_name crud-v2 tests: - description: 'Aggregate with $listLocalSessions' operations: - object: *database0 name: aggregate arguments: pipeline: - $listLocalSessions: { } - $limit: 1 - $addFields: dummy: 'dummy field' - $project: _id: 0 dummy: 1 expectResult: - dummy: 'dummy field' - description: 'Aggregate with $listLocalSessions and allowDiskUse' operations: - object: *database0 name: aggregate arguments: pipeline: - $listLocalSessions: { } - $limit: 1 - $addFields: dummy: 'dummy field' - $project: _id: 0 dummy: 1 allowDiskUse: true expectResult: - dummy: 'dummy field'