// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build ignore // +build ignore /* Input to cgo -godefs. See README.md */ // +godefs map struct_in_addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ // +godefs map struct_in6_addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ package unix /* #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*), }; union sockaddr_all { struct sockaddr s1; // this one gets used for fields struct sockaddr_in s2; // these pad it out struct sockaddr_in6 s3; struct sockaddr_un s4; struct sockaddr_dl s5; }; struct sockaddr_any { struct sockaddr addr; char pad[sizeof(union sockaddr_all) - sizeof(struct sockaddr)]; }; // This structure is a duplicate of if_data on FreeBSD 8-STABLE. // See /usr/include/net/if.h. struct if_data8 { u_char ifi_type; u_char ifi_physical; u_char ifi_addrlen; u_char ifi_hdrlen; u_char ifi_link_state; u_char ifi_spare_char1; u_char ifi_spare_char2; u_char ifi_datalen; u_long ifi_mtu; u_long ifi_metric; u_long ifi_baudrate; u_long ifi_ipackets; u_long ifi_ierrors; u_long ifi_opackets; u_long ifi_oerrors; u_long ifi_collisions; u_long ifi_ibytes; u_long ifi_obytes; u_long ifi_imcasts; u_long ifi_omcasts; u_long ifi_iqdrops; u_long ifi_noproto; u_long ifi_hwassist; // FIXME: these are now unions, so maybe need to change definitions? #undef ifi_epoch time_t ifi_epoch; #undef ifi_lastchange struct timeval ifi_lastchange; }; // This structure is a duplicate of if_msghdr on FreeBSD 8-STABLE. // See /usr/include/net/if.h. struct if_msghdr8 { u_short ifm_msglen; u_char ifm_version; u_char ifm_type; int ifm_addrs; int ifm_flags; u_short ifm_index; struct if_data8 ifm_data; }; */ import "C" // Machine characteristics const ( SizeofPtr = C.sizeofPtr SizeofShort = C.sizeof_short SizeofInt = C.sizeof_int SizeofLong = C.sizeof_long SizeofLongLong = C.sizeof_longlong ) // Basic types type ( _C_short C.short _C_int C.int _C_long C.long _C_long_long C.longlong ) // Time type Timespec C.struct_timespec type Timeval C.struct_timeval type Time_t C.time_t // Processes type Rusage C.struct_rusage type Rlimit C.struct_rlimit type _Gid_t C.gid_t // Files const ( _statfsVersion = C.STATFS_VERSION _dirblksiz = C.DIRBLKSIZ ) type Stat_t C.struct_stat type Statfs_t C.struct_statfs type Flock_t C.struct_flock type Dirent C.struct_dirent type Fsid C.struct_fsid // File system limits const ( PathMax = C.PATH_MAX ) // Advice to Fadvise const ( FADV_NORMAL = C.POSIX_FADV_NORMAL FADV_RANDOM = C.POSIX_FADV_RANDOM FADV_SEQUENTIAL = C.POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL FADV_WILLNEED = C.POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED FADV_DONTNEED = C.POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED FADV_NOREUSE = C.POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE ) // Sockets type RawSockaddrInet4 C.struct_sockaddr_in type RawSockaddrInet6 C.struct_sockaddr_in6 type RawSockaddrUnix C.struct_sockaddr_un type RawSockaddrDatalink C.struct_sockaddr_dl type RawSockaddr C.struct_sockaddr type RawSockaddrAny C.struct_sockaddr_any type _Socklen C.socklen_t type Xucred C.struct_xucred type Linger C.struct_linger type Iovec C.struct_iovec type IPMreq C.struct_ip_mreq type IPMreqn C.struct_ip_mreqn type IPv6Mreq C.struct_ipv6_mreq type Msghdr C.struct_msghdr type Cmsghdr C.struct_cmsghdr type Inet6Pktinfo C.struct_in6_pktinfo type IPv6MTUInfo C.struct_ip6_mtuinfo type ICMPv6Filter C.struct_icmp6_filter const ( SizeofSockaddrInet4 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in SizeofSockaddrInet6 = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_in6 SizeofSockaddrAny = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_any SizeofSockaddrUnix = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_un SizeofSockaddrDatalink = C.sizeof_struct_sockaddr_dl SizeofXucred = C.sizeof_struct_xucred SizeofLinger = C.sizeof_struct_linger SizeofIovec = C.sizeof_struct_iovec SizeofIPMreq = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreq SizeofIPMreqn = C.sizeof_struct_ip_mreqn SizeofIPv6Mreq = C.sizeof_struct_ipv6_mreq SizeofMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_msghdr SizeofCmsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_cmsghdr SizeofInet6Pktinfo = C.sizeof_struct_in6_pktinfo SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = C.sizeof_struct_ip6_mtuinfo SizeofICMPv6Filter = C.sizeof_struct_icmp6_filter ) // Ptrace requests const ( PTRACE_TRACEME = C.PT_TRACE_ME PTRACE_CONT = C.PT_CONTINUE PTRACE_KILL = C.PT_KILL ) type PtraceLwpInfoStruct C.struct_ptrace_lwpinfo type __Siginfo C.struct___siginfo type Sigset_t C.sigset_t type Reg C.struct_reg type FpReg C.struct_fpreg // FpExtendedPrecision is only defined for use in a member of FpReg on freebsd/arm. type FpExtendedPrecision C.struct_fp_extended_precision type PtraceIoDesc C.struct_ptrace_io_desc // Events (kqueue, kevent) type Kevent_t C.struct_kevent // Select type FdSet C.fd_set // Routing and interface messages const ( sizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr SizeofIfMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_msghdr8 sizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data SizeofIfData = C.sizeof_struct_if_data8 SizeofIfaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifa_msghdr SizeofIfmaMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_ifma_msghdr SizeofIfAnnounceMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_if_announcemsghdr SizeofRtMsghdr = C.sizeof_struct_rt_msghdr SizeofRtMetrics = C.sizeof_struct_rt_metrics ) type ifMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr type IfMsghdr C.struct_if_msghdr8 type ifData C.struct_if_data type IfData C.struct_if_data8 type IfaMsghdr C.struct_ifa_msghdr type IfmaMsghdr C.struct_ifma_msghdr type IfAnnounceMsghdr C.struct_if_announcemsghdr type RtMsghdr C.struct_rt_msghdr type RtMetrics C.struct_rt_metrics // Berkeley packet filter const ( SizeofBpfVersion = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_version SizeofBpfStat = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_stat SizeofBpfZbuf = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_zbuf SizeofBpfProgram = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_program SizeofBpfInsn = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_insn SizeofBpfHdr = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_hdr SizeofBpfZbufHeader = C.sizeof_struct_bpf_zbuf_header ) type BpfVersion C.struct_bpf_version type BpfStat C.struct_bpf_stat type BpfZbuf C.struct_bpf_zbuf type BpfProgram C.struct_bpf_program type BpfInsn C.struct_bpf_insn type BpfHdr C.struct_bpf_hdr type BpfZbufHeader C.struct_bpf_zbuf_header // Terminal handling type Termios C.struct_termios type Winsize C.struct_winsize // fchmodat-like syscalls. const ( AT_FDCWD = C.AT_FDCWD AT_EACCESS = C.AT_EACCESS AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = C.AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW AT_REMOVEDIR = C.AT_REMOVEDIR ) // poll type PollFd C.struct_pollfd const ( POLLERR = C.POLLERR POLLHUP = C.POLLHUP POLLIN = C.POLLIN POLLINIGNEOF = C.POLLINIGNEOF POLLNVAL = C.POLLNVAL POLLOUT = C.POLLOUT POLLPRI = C.POLLPRI POLLRDBAND = C.POLLRDBAND POLLRDNORM = C.POLLRDNORM POLLWRBAND = C.POLLWRBAND POLLWRNORM = C.POLLWRNORM ) // Capabilities type CapRights C.struct_cap_rights // Uname type Utsname C.struct_utsname // Clockinfo const SizeofClockinfo = C.sizeof_struct_clockinfo type Clockinfo C.struct_clockinfo