// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. syntax = "proto2"; // COMMENT: package goproto.protoc.comments; package goproto.protoc.comments; option go_package = "google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go/testdata/comments"; // COMMENT: Enum1.Leading enum Enum1 { // COMMENT: FOO.Leading FOO = 0; // COMMENT: FOO.InlineTrailing // COMMENT: BAR.Leading BAR = 1; // COMMENT: BAR.Trailing1 // COMMENT: BAR.Trailing2 // COMMENT: Enum1.EndBody } // COMMENT: Message1.Leading message Message1 { // COMMENT: Message1A.Leading message Message1A { } // COMMENT: Message1A.Trailing // COMMENT: Message1B message Message1B { } // COMMENT: Field1A.Leading optional string Field1A = 1; // COMMENT: Field1A.Trailing // COMMENT: Oneof1A.Leading oneof Oneof1a { // COMMENT: Oneof1AField1.Leading string Oneof1AField1 = 2; // COMMENT: Oneof1AField1.Trailing } // COMMENT: Oneof1A.Trailing extensions 100 to max; } // COMMENT: Message1.Trailing // COMMENT: Extend extend Message1 { // COMMENT: Extension.Leading optional Message1 extension = 100; // COMMENT: Extension.Trailing } // COMMENT: Message2 message Message2 { // COMMENT: Message2A message Message2A { } // COMMENT: Message2B message Message2B { } }