/* Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package webhook import ( "sync" "k8s.io/api/admissionregistration/v1" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" webhookutil "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/webhook" "k8s.io/client-go/rest" ) // WebhookAccessor provides a common interface to both mutating and validating webhook types. type WebhookAccessor interface { // GetUID gets a string that uniquely identifies the webhook. GetUID() string // GetConfigurationName gets the name of the webhook configuration that owns this webhook. GetConfigurationName() string // GetRESTClient gets the webhook client GetRESTClient(clientManager *webhookutil.ClientManager) (*rest.RESTClient, error) // GetParsedNamespaceSelector gets the webhook NamespaceSelector field. GetParsedNamespaceSelector() (labels.Selector, error) // GetParsedObjectSelector gets the webhook ObjectSelector field. GetParsedObjectSelector() (labels.Selector, error) // GetName gets the webhook Name field. Note that the name is scoped to the webhook // configuration and does not provide a globally unique identity, if a unique identity is // needed, use GetUID. GetName() string // GetClientConfig gets the webhook ClientConfig field. GetClientConfig() v1.WebhookClientConfig // GetRules gets the webhook Rules field. GetRules() []v1.RuleWithOperations // GetFailurePolicy gets the webhook FailurePolicy field. GetFailurePolicy() *v1.FailurePolicyType // GetMatchPolicy gets the webhook MatchPolicy field. GetMatchPolicy() *v1.MatchPolicyType // GetNamespaceSelector gets the webhook NamespaceSelector field. GetNamespaceSelector() *metav1.LabelSelector // GetObjectSelector gets the webhook ObjectSelector field. GetObjectSelector() *metav1.LabelSelector // GetSideEffects gets the webhook SideEffects field. GetSideEffects() *v1.SideEffectClass // GetTimeoutSeconds gets the webhook TimeoutSeconds field. GetTimeoutSeconds() *int32 // GetAdmissionReviewVersions gets the webhook AdmissionReviewVersions field. GetAdmissionReviewVersions() []string // GetMutatingWebhook if the accessor contains a MutatingWebhook, returns it and true, else returns false. GetMutatingWebhook() (*v1.MutatingWebhook, bool) // GetValidatingWebhook if the accessor contains a ValidatingWebhook, returns it and true, else returns false. GetValidatingWebhook() (*v1.ValidatingWebhook, bool) } // NewMutatingWebhookAccessor creates an accessor for a MutatingWebhook. func NewMutatingWebhookAccessor(uid, configurationName string, h *v1.MutatingWebhook) WebhookAccessor { return &mutatingWebhookAccessor{uid: uid, configurationName: configurationName, MutatingWebhook: h} } type mutatingWebhookAccessor struct { *v1.MutatingWebhook uid string configurationName string initObjectSelector sync.Once objectSelector labels.Selector objectSelectorErr error initNamespaceSelector sync.Once namespaceSelector labels.Selector namespaceSelectorErr error initClient sync.Once client *rest.RESTClient clientErr error } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetUID() string { return m.uid } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetConfigurationName() string { return m.configurationName } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetRESTClient(clientManager *webhookutil.ClientManager) (*rest.RESTClient, error) { m.initClient.Do(func() { m.client, m.clientErr = clientManager.HookClient(hookClientConfigForWebhook(m)) }) return m.client, m.clientErr } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetParsedNamespaceSelector() (labels.Selector, error) { m.initNamespaceSelector.Do(func() { m.namespaceSelector, m.namespaceSelectorErr = metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(m.NamespaceSelector) }) return m.namespaceSelector, m.namespaceSelectorErr } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetParsedObjectSelector() (labels.Selector, error) { m.initObjectSelector.Do(func() { m.objectSelector, m.objectSelectorErr = metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(m.ObjectSelector) }) return m.objectSelector, m.objectSelectorErr } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetName() string { return m.Name } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetClientConfig() v1.WebhookClientConfig { return m.ClientConfig } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetRules() []v1.RuleWithOperations { return m.Rules } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetFailurePolicy() *v1.FailurePolicyType { return m.FailurePolicy } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetMatchPolicy() *v1.MatchPolicyType { return m.MatchPolicy } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetNamespaceSelector() *metav1.LabelSelector { return m.NamespaceSelector } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetObjectSelector() *metav1.LabelSelector { return m.ObjectSelector } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetSideEffects() *v1.SideEffectClass { return m.SideEffects } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetTimeoutSeconds() *int32 { return m.TimeoutSeconds } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetAdmissionReviewVersions() []string { return m.AdmissionReviewVersions } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetMutatingWebhook() (*v1.MutatingWebhook, bool) { return m.MutatingWebhook, true } func (m *mutatingWebhookAccessor) GetValidatingWebhook() (*v1.ValidatingWebhook, bool) { return nil, false } // NewValidatingWebhookAccessor creates an accessor for a ValidatingWebhook. func NewValidatingWebhookAccessor(uid, configurationName string, h *v1.ValidatingWebhook) WebhookAccessor { return &validatingWebhookAccessor{uid: uid, configurationName: configurationName, ValidatingWebhook: h} } type validatingWebhookAccessor struct { *v1.ValidatingWebhook uid string configurationName string initObjectSelector sync.Once objectSelector labels.Selector objectSelectorErr error initNamespaceSelector sync.Once namespaceSelector labels.Selector namespaceSelectorErr error initClient sync.Once client *rest.RESTClient clientErr error } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetUID() string { return v.uid } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetConfigurationName() string { return v.configurationName } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetRESTClient(clientManager *webhookutil.ClientManager) (*rest.RESTClient, error) { v.initClient.Do(func() { v.client, v.clientErr = clientManager.HookClient(hookClientConfigForWebhook(v)) }) return v.client, v.clientErr } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetParsedNamespaceSelector() (labels.Selector, error) { v.initNamespaceSelector.Do(func() { v.namespaceSelector, v.namespaceSelectorErr = metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(v.NamespaceSelector) }) return v.namespaceSelector, v.namespaceSelectorErr } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetParsedObjectSelector() (labels.Selector, error) { v.initObjectSelector.Do(func() { v.objectSelector, v.objectSelectorErr = metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(v.ObjectSelector) }) return v.objectSelector, v.objectSelectorErr } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetName() string { return v.Name } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetClientConfig() v1.WebhookClientConfig { return v.ClientConfig } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetRules() []v1.RuleWithOperations { return v.Rules } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetFailurePolicy() *v1.FailurePolicyType { return v.FailurePolicy } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetMatchPolicy() *v1.MatchPolicyType { return v.MatchPolicy } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetNamespaceSelector() *metav1.LabelSelector { return v.NamespaceSelector } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetObjectSelector() *metav1.LabelSelector { return v.ObjectSelector } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetSideEffects() *v1.SideEffectClass { return v.SideEffects } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetTimeoutSeconds() *int32 { return v.TimeoutSeconds } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetAdmissionReviewVersions() []string { return v.AdmissionReviewVersions } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetMutatingWebhook() (*v1.MutatingWebhook, bool) { return nil, false } func (v *validatingWebhookAccessor) GetValidatingWebhook() (*v1.ValidatingWebhook, bool) { return v.ValidatingWebhook, true } // hookClientConfigForWebhook construct a webhookutil.ClientConfig using a WebhookAccessor to access // v1beta1.MutatingWebhook and v1beta1.ValidatingWebhook API objects. webhookutil.ClientConfig is used // to create a HookClient and the purpose of the config struct is to share that with other packages // that need to create a HookClient. func hookClientConfigForWebhook(w WebhookAccessor) webhookutil.ClientConfig { ret := webhookutil.ClientConfig{Name: w.GetName(), CABundle: w.GetClientConfig().CABundle} if w.GetClientConfig().URL != nil { ret.URL = *w.GetClientConfig().URL } if w.GetClientConfig().Service != nil { ret.Service = &webhookutil.ClientConfigService{ Name: w.GetClientConfig().Service.Name, Namespace: w.GetClientConfig().Service.Namespace, } if w.GetClientConfig().Service.Port != nil { ret.Service.Port = *w.GetClientConfig().Service.Port } else { ret.Service.Port = 443 } if w.GetClientConfig().Service.Path != nil { ret.Service.Path = *w.GetClientConfig().Service.Path } } return ret }