import itertools import os import subprocess import sys # Require Python 3.7+ for ordered dictionaries so that the order of the # generated tests remain the same. if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 7): print('ERROR: This script requires Python >= 3.7, not:') print(sys.version) print('Usage: python3 %s' % (sys.argv[0])) exit(1) dirname = os.path.dirname DIR = dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) SOURCE = dirname(dirname(dirname(DIR))) def template(filename): fullpath = os.path.join(DIR, filename) with open(fullpath, 'r') as f: return def write_test(filename, data): fullpath = os.path.join(DIR, filename + '.yml') with open(fullpath, 'w') as f: f.write(data) print(f"Generated {fullpath}") # Maps from error_name to (error_code,) ERR_CODES = { 'InterruptedAtShutdown': (11600,), 'InterruptedDueToReplStateChange': (11602,), 'NotPrimaryOrSecondary': (13436,), 'PrimarySteppedDown': (189,), 'ShutdownInProgress': (91,), 'NotWritablePrimary': (10107,), 'NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk': (13435,), 'LegacyNotPrimary': (10058,), } def create_stale_tests(): tmp = template('stale-topologyVersion.yml.template') for error_name in ERR_CODES: test_name = f'stale-topologyVersion-{error_name}' error_code, = ERR_CODES[error_name] data = tmp.format(**locals()) write_test(test_name, data) TV_GREATER = ''' topologyVersion: processId: "$oid": '000000000000000000000001' counter: "$numberLong": "2"''' TV_GREATER_FINAL = ''' processId: "$oid": '000000000000000000000001' counter: "$numberLong": "2"''' TV_CHANGED = ''' topologyVersion: processId: "$oid": '000000000000000000000002' counter: "$numberLong": "1"''' TV_CHANGED_FINAL = ''' processId: "$oid": '000000000000000000000002' counter: "$numberLong": "1"''' # Maps non-stale error description to: # (error_topology_version, final_topology_version) NON_STALE_CASES = { 'topologyVersion missing': ('', ' null'), 'topologyVersion greater': (TV_GREATER, TV_GREATER_FINAL), 'topologyVersion proccessId changed': (TV_CHANGED, TV_CHANGED_FINAL), } def create_non_stale_tests(): tmp = template('non-stale-topologyVersion.yml.template') for error_name, description in itertools.product( ERR_CODES, NON_STALE_CASES): test_name = f'non-stale-{description.replace(" ", "-")}-{error_name}' error_code, = ERR_CODES[error_name] error_topology_version, final_topology_version = NON_STALE_CASES[description] # On 4.2+, only ShutdownInProgress and InterruptedAtShutdown will # clear the pool. if error_name in ("ShutdownInProgress", "InterruptedAtShutdown"): final_pool_generation = 1 else: final_pool_generation = 0 data = tmp.format(**locals()) write_test(test_name, data) WHEN = ['beforeHandshakeCompletes', 'afterHandshakeCompletes'] STALE_GENERATION_COMMAND_ERROR = ''' type: command response: ok: 0 errmsg: {error_name} code: {error_code} topologyVersion: processId: "$oid": '000000000000000000000001' counter: "$numberLong": "2"''' STALE_GENERATION_NETWORK_ERROR = ''' type: {network_error_type}''' def create_stale_generation_tests(): tmp = template('stale-generation.yml.template') # Stale command errors for error_name, when in itertools.product(ERR_CODES, WHEN): test_name = f'stale-generation-{when}-{error_name}' error_code, = ERR_CODES[error_name] stale_error = STALE_GENERATION_COMMAND_ERROR.format(**locals()) data = tmp.format(**locals()) write_test(test_name, data) # Stale network errors for network_error_type, when in itertools.product( ['network', 'timeout'], WHEN): error_name = network_error_type test_name = f'stale-generation-{when}-{network_error_type}' stale_error = STALE_GENERATION_NETWORK_ERROR.format(**locals()) data = tmp.format(**locals()) write_test(test_name, data) def create_pre_42_tests(): tmp = template('pre-42.yml.template') # All "not writable primary"/"node is recovering" clear the pool on <4.2 for error_name in ERR_CODES: test_name = f'pre-42-{error_name}' error_code, = ERR_CODES[error_name] data = tmp.format(**locals()) write_test(test_name, data) def create_post_42_tests(): tmp = template('post-42.yml.template') for error_name in ERR_CODES: test_name = f'post-42-{error_name}' error_code, = ERR_CODES[error_name] # On 4.2+, only ShutdownInProgress and InterruptedAtShutdown will # clear the pool. if error_name in ("ShutdownInProgress", "InterruptedAtShutdown"): final_pool_generation = 1 else: final_pool_generation = 0 data = tmp.format(**locals()) write_test(test_name, data) create_stale_tests() create_non_stale_tests() create_stale_generation_tests() create_pre_42_tests() create_post_42_tests() print('Running make')'cd {SOURCE} && make', shell=True, check=True)