// Copyright 2022 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Code generated by aliasgen. DO NOT EDIT. // Package executions aliases all exported identifiers in package // "cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb". // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb. // Please read https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/blob/main/migration.md // for more details. package executions import ( src "cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb" grpc "google.golang.org/grpc" ) // Deprecated: Please use consts in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb const ( ExecutionView_BASIC = src.ExecutionView_BASIC ExecutionView_EXECUTION_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED = src.ExecutionView_EXECUTION_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED ExecutionView_FULL = src.ExecutionView_FULL Execution_ACTIVE = src.Execution_ACTIVE Execution_CALL_LOG_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED = src.Execution_CALL_LOG_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED Execution_CANCELLED = src.Execution_CANCELLED Execution_FAILED = src.Execution_FAILED Execution_LOG_ALL_CALLS = src.Execution_LOG_ALL_CALLS Execution_LOG_ERRORS_ONLY = src.Execution_LOG_ERRORS_ONLY Execution_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Execution_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Execution_SUCCEEDED = src.Execution_SUCCEEDED ) // Deprecated: Please use vars in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb var ( ExecutionView_name = src.ExecutionView_name ExecutionView_value = src.ExecutionView_value Execution_CallLogLevel_name = src.Execution_CallLogLevel_name Execution_CallLogLevel_value = src.Execution_CallLogLevel_value Execution_State_name = src.Execution_State_name Execution_State_value = src.Execution_State_value File_google_cloud_workflows_executions_v1_executions_proto = src.File_google_cloud_workflows_executions_v1_executions_proto ) // Request for the // [CancelExecution][google.cloud.workflows.executions.v1.Executions.CancelExecution] // method. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type CancelExecutionRequest = src.CancelExecutionRequest // Request for the // [CreateExecution][google.cloud.workflows.executions.v1.Executions.CreateExecution] // method. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type CreateExecutionRequest = src.CreateExecutionRequest // A running instance of a // [Workflow](/workflows/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.locations.workflows). // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type Execution = src.Execution // Defines possible views for execution resource. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type ExecutionView = src.ExecutionView // Describes the level of platform logging to apply to calls and call // responses during workflow executions. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type Execution_CallLogLevel = src.Execution_CallLogLevel // Error describes why the execution was abnormally terminated. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type Execution_Error = src.Execution_Error // A collection of stack elements (frames) where an error occurred. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type Execution_StackTrace = src.Execution_StackTrace // A single stack element (frame) where an error occurred. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type Execution_StackTraceElement = src.Execution_StackTraceElement // Position contains source position information about the stack trace element // such as line number, column number and length of the code block in bytes. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type Execution_StackTraceElement_Position = src.Execution_StackTraceElement_Position // Describes the current state of the execution. More states might be added in // the future. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type Execution_State = src.Execution_State // ExecutionsClient is the client API for Executions service. For semantics // around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to // https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type ExecutionsClient = src.ExecutionsClient // ExecutionsServer is the server API for Executions service. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type ExecutionsServer = src.ExecutionsServer // Request for the // [GetExecution][google.cloud.workflows.executions.v1.Executions.GetExecution] // method. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type GetExecutionRequest = src.GetExecutionRequest // Request for the [ListExecutions][] method. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type ListExecutionsRequest = src.ListExecutionsRequest // Response for the // [ListExecutions][google.cloud.workflows.executions.v1.Executions.ListExecutions] // method. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type ListExecutionsResponse = src.ListExecutionsResponse // UnimplementedExecutionsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible // implementations. // // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb type UnimplementedExecutionsServer = src.UnimplementedExecutionsServer // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb func NewExecutionsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ExecutionsClient { return src.NewExecutionsClient(cc) } // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/workflows/executions/apiv1/executionspb func RegisterExecutionsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ExecutionsServer) { src.RegisterExecutionsServer(s, srv) }