// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT. package apigatewayv2 // The authorization type. For WebSocket APIs, valid values are NONE for open // access, AWS_IAM for using AWS IAM permissions, and CUSTOM for using a Lambda // authorizer. For HTTP APIs, valid values are NONE for open access, or JWT // for using JSON Web Tokens. type AuthorizationType string // Enum values for AuthorizationType const ( AuthorizationTypeNone AuthorizationType = "NONE" AuthorizationTypeAwsIam AuthorizationType = "AWS_IAM" AuthorizationTypeCustom AuthorizationType = "CUSTOM" AuthorizationTypeJwt AuthorizationType = "JWT" ) func (enum AuthorizationType) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum AuthorizationType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The authorizer type. For WebSocket APIs, specify REQUEST for a Lambda function // using incoming request parameters. For HTTP APIs, specify JWT to use JSON // Web Tokens. type AuthorizerType string // Enum values for AuthorizerType const ( AuthorizerTypeRequest AuthorizerType = "REQUEST" AuthorizerTypeJwt AuthorizerType = "JWT" ) func (enum AuthorizerType) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum AuthorizerType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Represents a connection type. type ConnectionType string // Enum values for ConnectionType const ( ConnectionTypeInternet ConnectionType = "INTERNET" ConnectionTypeVpcLink ConnectionType = "VPC_LINK" ) func (enum ConnectionType) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum ConnectionType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Specifies how to handle response payload content type conversions. Supported // only for WebSocket APIs. type ContentHandlingStrategy string // Enum values for ContentHandlingStrategy const ( ContentHandlingStrategyConvertToBinary ContentHandlingStrategy = "CONVERT_TO_BINARY" ContentHandlingStrategyConvertToText ContentHandlingStrategy = "CONVERT_TO_TEXT" ) func (enum ContentHandlingStrategy) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum ContentHandlingStrategy) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Represents a deployment status. type DeploymentStatus string // Enum values for DeploymentStatus const ( DeploymentStatusPending DeploymentStatus = "PENDING" DeploymentStatusFailed DeploymentStatus = "FAILED" DeploymentStatusDeployed DeploymentStatus = "DEPLOYED" ) func (enum DeploymentStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum DeploymentStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE and // UPDATING. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further // until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain // can be updated. type DomainNameStatus string // Enum values for DomainNameStatus const ( DomainNameStatusAvailable DomainNameStatus = "AVAILABLE" DomainNameStatusUpdating DomainNameStatus = "UPDATING" ) func (enum DomainNameStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum DomainNameStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Represents an endpoint type. type EndpointType string // Enum values for EndpointType const ( EndpointTypeRegional EndpointType = "REGIONAL" EndpointTypeEdge EndpointType = "EDGE" ) func (enum EndpointType) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum EndpointType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Represents an API method integration type. type IntegrationType string // Enum values for IntegrationType const ( IntegrationTypeAws IntegrationType = "AWS" IntegrationTypeHttp IntegrationType = "HTTP" IntegrationTypeMock IntegrationType = "MOCK" IntegrationTypeHttpProxy IntegrationType = "HTTP_PROXY" IntegrationTypeAwsProxy IntegrationType = "AWS_PROXY" ) func (enum IntegrationType) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum IntegrationType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The logging level. type LoggingLevel string // Enum values for LoggingLevel const ( LoggingLevelError LoggingLevel = "ERROR" LoggingLevelInfo LoggingLevel = "INFO" LoggingLevelOff LoggingLevel = "OFF" ) func (enum LoggingLevel) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum LoggingLevel) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Represents passthrough behavior for an integration response. Supported only // for WebSocket APIs. type PassthroughBehavior string // Enum values for PassthroughBehavior const ( PassthroughBehaviorWhenNoMatch PassthroughBehavior = "WHEN_NO_MATCH" PassthroughBehaviorNever PassthroughBehavior = "NEVER" PassthroughBehaviorWhenNoTemplates PassthroughBehavior = "WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES" ) func (enum PassthroughBehavior) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum PassthroughBehavior) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Represents a protocol type. type ProtocolType string // Enum values for ProtocolType const ( ProtocolTypeWebsocket ProtocolType = "WEBSOCKET" ProtocolTypeHttp ProtocolType = "HTTP" ) func (enum ProtocolType) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum ProtocolType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The Transport Layer Security (TLS) version of the security policy for this // domain name. The valid values are TLS_1_0 and TLS_1_2. type SecurityPolicy string // Enum values for SecurityPolicy const ( SecurityPolicyTls10 SecurityPolicy = "TLS_1_0" SecurityPolicyTls12 SecurityPolicy = "TLS_1_2" ) func (enum SecurityPolicy) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum SecurityPolicy) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The status of the VPC link. type VpcLinkStatus string // Enum values for VpcLinkStatus const ( VpcLinkStatusPending VpcLinkStatus = "PENDING" VpcLinkStatusAvailable VpcLinkStatus = "AVAILABLE" VpcLinkStatusDeleting VpcLinkStatus = "DELETING" VpcLinkStatusFailed VpcLinkStatus = "FAILED" VpcLinkStatusInactive VpcLinkStatus = "INACTIVE" ) func (enum VpcLinkStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum VpcLinkStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The version of the VPC link. type VpcLinkVersion string // Enum values for VpcLinkVersion const ( VpcLinkVersionV2 VpcLinkVersion = "V2" ) func (enum VpcLinkVersion) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum VpcLinkVersion) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil }