// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT. package codecommit const ( // ErrCodeActorDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "ActorDoesNotExistException". // // The specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist in the AWS account. ErrCodeActorDoesNotExistException = "ActorDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleContentRequiredException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException". // // The content for the approval rule is empty. You must provide some content // for an approval rule. The content cannot be null. ErrCodeApprovalRuleContentRequiredException = "ApprovalRuleContentRequiredException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException". // // The specified approval rule does not exist. ErrCodeApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException = "ApprovalRuleDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException". // // An approval rule with that name already exists. Approval rule names must // be unique within the scope of a pull request. ErrCodeApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException = "ApprovalRuleNameAlreadyExistsException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleNameRequiredException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException". // // An approval rule name is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeApprovalRuleNameRequiredException = "ApprovalRuleNameRequiredException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException". // // The content for the approval rule template is empty. You must provide some // content for an approval rule template. The content cannot be null. ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateContentRequiredException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException". // // The specified approval rule template does not exist. Verify that the name // is correct and that you are signed in to the AWS Region where the template // was created, and then try again. ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException". // // The approval rule template is associated with one or more repositories. You // cannot delete a template that is associated with a repository. Remove all // associations, and then try again. ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateInUseException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException". // // You cannot create an approval rule template with that name because a template // with that name already exists in this AWS Region for your AWS account. Approval // rule template names must be unique. ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateNameAlreadyExistsException" // ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException for service response error code // "ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException". // // An approval rule template name is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException = "ApprovalRuleTemplateNameRequiredException" // ErrCodeApprovalStateRequiredException for service response error code // "ApprovalStateRequiredException". // // An approval state is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeApprovalStateRequiredException = "ApprovalStateRequiredException" // ErrCodeAuthorDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "AuthorDoesNotExistException". // // The specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist in the AWS account. ErrCodeAuthorDoesNotExistException = "AuthorDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeBeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException for service response error code // "BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException". // // The before commit ID and the after commit ID are the same, which is not valid. // The before commit ID and the after commit ID must be different commit IDs. ErrCodeBeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException = "BeforeCommitIdAndAfterCommitIdAreSameException" // ErrCodeBlobIdDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "BlobIdDoesNotExistException". // // The specified blob does not exist. ErrCodeBlobIdDoesNotExistException = "BlobIdDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeBlobIdRequiredException for service response error code // "BlobIdRequiredException". // // A blob ID is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeBlobIdRequiredException = "BlobIdRequiredException" // ErrCodeBranchDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "BranchDoesNotExistException". // // The specified branch does not exist. ErrCodeBranchDoesNotExistException = "BranchDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeBranchNameExistsException for service response error code // "BranchNameExistsException". // // Cannot create the branch with the specified name because the commit conflicts // with an existing branch with the same name. Branch names must be unique. ErrCodeBranchNameExistsException = "BranchNameExistsException" // ErrCodeBranchNameIsTagNameException for service response error code // "BranchNameIsTagNameException". // // The specified branch name is not valid because it is a tag name. Enter the // name of a branch in the repository. For a list of valid branch names, use // ListBranches. ErrCodeBranchNameIsTagNameException = "BranchNameIsTagNameException" // ErrCodeBranchNameRequiredException for service response error code // "BranchNameRequiredException". // // A branch name is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeBranchNameRequiredException = "BranchNameRequiredException" // ErrCodeCannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException for service response error code // "CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException". // // The approval rule cannot be deleted from the pull request because it was // created by an approval rule template and applied to the pull request automatically. ErrCodeCannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException = "CannotDeleteApprovalRuleFromTemplateException" // ErrCodeCannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException for service response error code // "CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException". // // The approval rule cannot be modified for the pull request because it was // created by an approval rule template and applied to the pull request automatically. ErrCodeCannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException = "CannotModifyApprovalRuleFromTemplateException" // ErrCodeCommentContentRequiredException for service response error code // "CommentContentRequiredException". // // The comment is empty. You must provide some content for a comment. The content // cannot be null. ErrCodeCommentContentRequiredException = "CommentContentRequiredException" // ErrCodeCommentContentSizeLimitExceededException for service response error code // "CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException". // // The comment is too large. Comments are limited to 1,000 characters. ErrCodeCommentContentSizeLimitExceededException = "CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeCommentDeletedException for service response error code // "CommentDeletedException". // // This comment has already been deleted. You cannot edit or delete a deleted // comment. ErrCodeCommentDeletedException = "CommentDeletedException" // ErrCodeCommentDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "CommentDoesNotExistException". // // No comment exists with the provided ID. Verify that you have used the correct // ID, and then try again. ErrCodeCommentDoesNotExistException = "CommentDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeCommentIdRequiredException for service response error code // "CommentIdRequiredException". // // The comment ID is missing or null. A comment ID is required. ErrCodeCommentIdRequiredException = "CommentIdRequiredException" // ErrCodeCommentNotCreatedByCallerException for service response error code // "CommentNotCreatedByCallerException". // // You cannot modify or delete this comment. Only comment authors can modify // or delete their comments. ErrCodeCommentNotCreatedByCallerException = "CommentNotCreatedByCallerException" // ErrCodeCommitDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "CommitDoesNotExistException". // // The specified commit does not exist or no commit was specified, and the specified // repository has no default branch. ErrCodeCommitDoesNotExistException = "CommitDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeCommitIdDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "CommitIdDoesNotExistException". // // The specified commit ID does not exist. ErrCodeCommitIdDoesNotExistException = "CommitIdDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeCommitIdRequiredException for service response error code // "CommitIdRequiredException". // // A commit ID was not specified. ErrCodeCommitIdRequiredException = "CommitIdRequiredException" // ErrCodeCommitIdsLimitExceededException for service response error code // "CommitIdsLimitExceededException". // // The maximum number of allowed commit IDs in a batch request is 100. Verify // that your batch requests contains no more than 100 commit IDs, and then try // again. ErrCodeCommitIdsLimitExceededException = "CommitIdsLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeCommitIdsListRequiredException for service response error code // "CommitIdsListRequiredException". // // A list of commit IDs is required, but was either not specified or the list // was empty. ErrCodeCommitIdsListRequiredException = "CommitIdsListRequiredException" // ErrCodeCommitMessageLengthExceededException for service response error code // "CommitMessageLengthExceededException". // // The commit message is too long. Provide a shorter string. ErrCodeCommitMessageLengthExceededException = "CommitMessageLengthExceededException" // ErrCodeCommitRequiredException for service response error code // "CommitRequiredException". // // A commit was not specified. ErrCodeCommitRequiredException = "CommitRequiredException" // ErrCodeConcurrentReferenceUpdateException for service response error code // "ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException". // // The merge cannot be completed because the target branch has been modified. // Another user might have modified the target branch while the merge was in // progress. Wait a few minutes, and then try again. ErrCodeConcurrentReferenceUpdateException = "ConcurrentReferenceUpdateException" // ErrCodeDefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException for service response error code // "DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException". // // The specified branch is the default branch for the repository, and cannot // be deleted. To delete this branch, you must first set another branch as the // default branch. ErrCodeDefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException = "DefaultBranchCannotBeDeletedException" // ErrCodeDirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException for service response error code // "DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException". // // A file cannot be added to the repository because the specified path name // has the same name as a file that already exists in this repository. Either // provide a different name for the file, or specify a different path for the // file. ErrCodeDirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException = "DirectoryNameConflictsWithFileNameException" // ErrCodeEncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException for service response error code // "EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException". // // An encryption integrity check failed. ErrCodeEncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException = "EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException" // ErrCodeEncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException for service response error code // "EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException". // // An encryption key could not be accessed. ErrCodeEncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException = "EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException" // ErrCodeEncryptionKeyDisabledException for service response error code // "EncryptionKeyDisabledException". // // The encryption key is disabled. ErrCodeEncryptionKeyDisabledException = "EncryptionKeyDisabledException" // ErrCodeEncryptionKeyNotFoundException for service response error code // "EncryptionKeyNotFoundException". // // No encryption key was found. ErrCodeEncryptionKeyNotFoundException = "EncryptionKeyNotFoundException" // ErrCodeEncryptionKeyUnavailableException for service response error code // "EncryptionKeyUnavailableException". // // The encryption key is not available. ErrCodeEncryptionKeyUnavailableException = "EncryptionKeyUnavailableException" // ErrCodeFileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException for service response error code // "FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException". // // The commit cannot be created because both a source file and file content // have been specified for the same file. You cannot provide both. Either specify // a source file or provide the file content directly. ErrCodeFileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException = "FileContentAndSourceFileSpecifiedException" // ErrCodeFileContentRequiredException for service response error code // "FileContentRequiredException". // // The file cannot be added because it is empty. Empty files cannot be added // to the repository with this API. ErrCodeFileContentRequiredException = "FileContentRequiredException" // ErrCodeFileContentSizeLimitExceededException for service response error code // "FileContentSizeLimitExceededException". // // The file cannot be added because it is too large. The maximum file size is // 6 MB, and the combined file content change size is 7 MB. Consider making // these changes using a Git client. ErrCodeFileContentSizeLimitExceededException = "FileContentSizeLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeFileDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "FileDoesNotExistException". // // The specified file does not exist. Verify that you have used the correct // file name, full path, and extension. ErrCodeFileDoesNotExistException = "FileDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeFileEntryRequiredException for service response error code // "FileEntryRequiredException". // // The commit cannot be created because no files have been specified as added, // updated, or changed (PutFile or DeleteFile) for the commit. ErrCodeFileEntryRequiredException = "FileEntryRequiredException" // ErrCodeFileModeRequiredException for service response error code // "FileModeRequiredException". // // The commit cannot be created because no file mode has been specified. A file // mode is required to update mode permissions for a file. ErrCodeFileModeRequiredException = "FileModeRequiredException" // ErrCodeFileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException for service response error code // "FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException". // // A file cannot be added to the repository because the specified file name // has the same name as a directory in this repository. Either provide another // name for the file, or add the file in a directory that does not match the // file name. ErrCodeFileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException = "FileNameConflictsWithDirectoryNameException" // ErrCodeFilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException for service response error code // "FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException". // // The commit cannot be created because a specified file path points to a submodule. // Verify that the destination files have valid file paths that do not point // to a submodule. ErrCodeFilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException = "FilePathConflictsWithSubmodulePathException" // ErrCodeFileTooLargeException for service response error code // "FileTooLargeException". // // The specified file exceeds the file size limit for AWS CodeCommit. For more // information about limits in AWS CodeCommit, see AWS CodeCommit User Guide // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html). ErrCodeFileTooLargeException = "FileTooLargeException" // ErrCodeFolderContentSizeLimitExceededException for service response error code // "FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException". // // The commit cannot be created because at least one of the overall changes // in the commit results in a folder whose contents exceed the limit of 6 MB. // Either reduce the number and size of your changes, or split the changes across // multiple folders. ErrCodeFolderContentSizeLimitExceededException = "FolderContentSizeLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeFolderDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "FolderDoesNotExistException". // // The specified folder does not exist. Either the folder name is not correct, // or you did not enter the full path to the folder. ErrCodeFolderDoesNotExistException = "FolderDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeIdempotencyParameterMismatchException for service response error code // "IdempotencyParameterMismatchException". // // The client request token is not valid. Either the token is not in a valid // format, or the token has been used in a previous request and cannot be reused. ErrCodeIdempotencyParameterMismatchException = "IdempotencyParameterMismatchException" // ErrCodeInvalidActorArnException for service response error code // "InvalidActorArnException". // // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is not valid. Make sure that you have provided // the full ARN for the user who initiated the change for the pull request, // and then try again. ErrCodeInvalidActorArnException = "InvalidActorArnException" // ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleContentException for service response error code // "InvalidApprovalRuleContentException". // // The content for the approval rule is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleContentException = "InvalidApprovalRuleContentException" // ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleNameException for service response error code // "InvalidApprovalRuleNameException". // // The name for the approval rule is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleNameException = "InvalidApprovalRuleNameException" // ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException for service response error code // "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException". // // The content of the approval rule template is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException = "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateContentException" // ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException for service response error code // "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException". // // The description for the approval rule template is not valid because it exceeds // the maximum characters allowed for a description. For more information about // limits in AWS CodeCommit, see AWS CodeCommit User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html). ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException = "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionException" // ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException for service response error code // "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException". // // The name of the approval rule template is not valid. Template names must // be between 1 and 100 valid characters in length. For more information about // limits in AWS CodeCommit, see AWS CodeCommit User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/limits.html). ErrCodeInvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException = "InvalidApprovalRuleTemplateNameException" // ErrCodeInvalidApprovalStateException for service response error code // "InvalidApprovalStateException". // // The state for the approval is not valid. Valid values include APPROVE and // REVOKE. ErrCodeInvalidApprovalStateException = "InvalidApprovalStateException" // ErrCodeInvalidAuthorArnException for service response error code // "InvalidAuthorArnException". // // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is not valid. Make sure that you have provided // the full ARN for the author of the pull request, and then try again. ErrCodeInvalidAuthorArnException = "InvalidAuthorArnException" // ErrCodeInvalidBlobIdException for service response error code // "InvalidBlobIdException". // // The specified blob is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidBlobIdException = "InvalidBlobIdException" // ErrCodeInvalidBranchNameException for service response error code // "InvalidBranchNameException". // // The specified reference name is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidBranchNameException = "InvalidBranchNameException" // ErrCodeInvalidClientRequestTokenException for service response error code // "InvalidClientRequestTokenException". // // The client request token is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidClientRequestTokenException = "InvalidClientRequestTokenException" // ErrCodeInvalidCommentIdException for service response error code // "InvalidCommentIdException". // // The comment ID is not in a valid format. Make sure that you have provided // the full comment ID. ErrCodeInvalidCommentIdException = "InvalidCommentIdException" // ErrCodeInvalidCommitException for service response error code // "InvalidCommitException". // // The specified commit is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidCommitException = "InvalidCommitException" // ErrCodeInvalidCommitIdException for service response error code // "InvalidCommitIdException". // // The specified commit ID is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidCommitIdException = "InvalidCommitIdException" // ErrCodeInvalidConflictDetailLevelException for service response error code // "InvalidConflictDetailLevelException". // // The specified conflict detail level is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidConflictDetailLevelException = "InvalidConflictDetailLevelException" // ErrCodeInvalidConflictResolutionException for service response error code // "InvalidConflictResolutionException". // // The specified conflict resolution list is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidConflictResolutionException = "InvalidConflictResolutionException" // ErrCodeInvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException for service response error code // "InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException". // // The specified conflict resolution strategy is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException = "InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException" // ErrCodeInvalidContinuationTokenException for service response error code // "InvalidContinuationTokenException". // // The specified continuation token is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidContinuationTokenException = "InvalidContinuationTokenException" // ErrCodeInvalidDeletionParameterException for service response error code // "InvalidDeletionParameterException". // // The specified deletion parameter is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidDeletionParameterException = "InvalidDeletionParameterException" // ErrCodeInvalidDescriptionException for service response error code // "InvalidDescriptionException". // // The pull request description is not valid. Descriptions cannot be more than // 1,000 characters. ErrCodeInvalidDescriptionException = "InvalidDescriptionException" // ErrCodeInvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException for service response error code // "InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException". // // The destination commit specifier is not valid. You must provide a valid branch // name, tag, or full commit ID. ErrCodeInvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException = "InvalidDestinationCommitSpecifierException" // ErrCodeInvalidEmailException for service response error code // "InvalidEmailException". // // The specified email address either contains one or more characters that are // not allowed, or it exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed for an // email address. ErrCodeInvalidEmailException = "InvalidEmailException" // ErrCodeInvalidFileLocationException for service response error code // "InvalidFileLocationException". // // The location of the file is not valid. Make sure that you include the file // name and extension. ErrCodeInvalidFileLocationException = "InvalidFileLocationException" // ErrCodeInvalidFileModeException for service response error code // "InvalidFileModeException". // // The specified file mode permission is not valid. For a list of valid file // mode permissions, see PutFile. ErrCodeInvalidFileModeException = "InvalidFileModeException" // ErrCodeInvalidFilePositionException for service response error code // "InvalidFilePositionException". // // The position is not valid. Make sure that the line number exists in the version // of the file you want to comment on. ErrCodeInvalidFilePositionException = "InvalidFilePositionException" // ErrCodeInvalidMaxConflictFilesException for service response error code // "InvalidMaxConflictFilesException". // // The specified value for the number of conflict files to return is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidMaxConflictFilesException = "InvalidMaxConflictFilesException" // ErrCodeInvalidMaxMergeHunksException for service response error code // "InvalidMaxMergeHunksException". // // The specified value for the number of merge hunks to return is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidMaxMergeHunksException = "InvalidMaxMergeHunksException" // ErrCodeInvalidMaxResultsException for service response error code // "InvalidMaxResultsException". // // The specified number of maximum results is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidMaxResultsException = "InvalidMaxResultsException" // ErrCodeInvalidMergeOptionException for service response error code // "InvalidMergeOptionException". // // The specified merge option is not valid for this operation. Not all merge // strategies are supported for all operations. ErrCodeInvalidMergeOptionException = "InvalidMergeOptionException" // ErrCodeInvalidOrderException for service response error code // "InvalidOrderException". // // The specified sort order is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidOrderException = "InvalidOrderException" // ErrCodeInvalidOverrideStatusException for service response error code // "InvalidOverrideStatusException". // // The override status is not valid. Valid statuses are OVERRIDE and REVOKE. ErrCodeInvalidOverrideStatusException = "InvalidOverrideStatusException" // ErrCodeInvalidParentCommitIdException for service response error code // "InvalidParentCommitIdException". // // The parent commit ID is not valid. The commit ID cannot be empty, and must // match the head commit ID for the branch of the repository where you want // to add or update a file. ErrCodeInvalidParentCommitIdException = "InvalidParentCommitIdException" // ErrCodeInvalidPathException for service response error code // "InvalidPathException". // // The specified path is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidPathException = "InvalidPathException" // ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestEventTypeException for service response error code // "InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException". // // The pull request event type is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestEventTypeException = "InvalidPullRequestEventTypeException" // ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestIdException for service response error code // "InvalidPullRequestIdException". // // The pull request ID is not valid. Make sure that you have provided the full // ID and that the pull request is in the specified repository, and then try // again. ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestIdException = "InvalidPullRequestIdException" // ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestStatusException for service response error code // "InvalidPullRequestStatusException". // // The pull request status is not valid. The only valid values are OPEN and // CLOSED. ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestStatusException = "InvalidPullRequestStatusException" // ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException for service response error code // "InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException". // // The pull request status update is not valid. The only valid update is from // OPEN to CLOSED. ErrCodeInvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException = "InvalidPullRequestStatusUpdateException" // ErrCodeInvalidReactionUserArnException for service response error code // "InvalidReactionUserArnException". // // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user or identity is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidReactionUserArnException = "InvalidReactionUserArnException" // ErrCodeInvalidReactionValueException for service response error code // "InvalidReactionValueException". // // The value of the reaction is not valid. For more information, see the AWS // CodeCommit User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/welcome.html). ErrCodeInvalidReactionValueException = "InvalidReactionValueException" // ErrCodeInvalidReferenceNameException for service response error code // "InvalidReferenceNameException". // // The specified reference name format is not valid. Reference names must conform // to the Git references format (for example, refs/heads/master). For more information, // see Git Internals - Git References (https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Git-References) // or consult your Git documentation. ErrCodeInvalidReferenceNameException = "InvalidReferenceNameException" // ErrCodeInvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException for service response error code // "InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException". // // Either the enum is not in a valid format, or the specified file version enum // is not valid in respect to the current file version. ErrCodeInvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException = "InvalidRelativeFileVersionEnumException" // ErrCodeInvalidReplacementContentException for service response error code // "InvalidReplacementContentException". // // Automerge was specified for resolving the conflict, but the replacement type // is not valid or content is missing. ErrCodeInvalidReplacementContentException = "InvalidReplacementContentException" // ErrCodeInvalidReplacementTypeException for service response error code // "InvalidReplacementTypeException". // // Automerge was specified for resolving the conflict, but the specified replacement // type is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidReplacementTypeException = "InvalidReplacementTypeException" // ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryDescriptionException for service response error code // "InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException". // // The specified repository description is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryDescriptionException = "InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException" // ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryNameException for service response error code // "InvalidRepositoryNameException". // // A specified repository name is not valid. // // This exception occurs only when a specified repository name is not valid. // Other exceptions occur when a required repository parameter is missing, or // when a specified repository does not exist. ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryNameException = "InvalidRepositoryNameException" // ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException for service response error code // "InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException". // // One or more branch names specified for the trigger is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerBranchNameException" // ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException for service response error code // "InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException". // // The custom data provided for the trigger is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerCustomDataException" // ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException for service response error code // "InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException". // // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the trigger is not valid for the specified // destination. The most common reason for this error is that the ARN does not // meet the requirements for the service type. ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnException" // ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException for service response error code // "InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException". // // One or more events specified for the trigger is not valid. Check to make // sure that all events specified match the requirements for allowed events. ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerEventsException" // ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException for service response error code // "InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException". // // The name of the trigger is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerNameException" // ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException for service response error code // "InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException". // // The AWS Region for the trigger target does not match the AWS Region for the // repository. Triggers must be created in the same Region as the target for // the trigger. ErrCodeInvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException = "InvalidRepositoryTriggerRegionException" // ErrCodeInvalidResourceArnException for service response error code // "InvalidResourceArnException". // // The value for the resource ARN is not valid. For more information about resources // in AWS CodeCommit, see CodeCommit Resources and Operations (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats) // in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide. ErrCodeInvalidResourceArnException = "InvalidResourceArnException" // ErrCodeInvalidRevisionIdException for service response error code // "InvalidRevisionIdException". // // The revision ID is not valid. Use GetPullRequest to determine the value. ErrCodeInvalidRevisionIdException = "InvalidRevisionIdException" // ErrCodeInvalidRuleContentSha256Exception for service response error code // "InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception". // // The SHA-256 hash signature for the rule content is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidRuleContentSha256Exception = "InvalidRuleContentSha256Exception" // ErrCodeInvalidSortByException for service response error code // "InvalidSortByException". // // The specified sort by value is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidSortByException = "InvalidSortByException" // ErrCodeInvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException for service response error code // "InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException". // // The source commit specifier is not valid. You must provide a valid branch // name, tag, or full commit ID. ErrCodeInvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException = "InvalidSourceCommitSpecifierException" // ErrCodeInvalidSystemTagUsageException for service response error code // "InvalidSystemTagUsageException". // // The specified tag is not valid. Key names cannot be prefixed with aws:. ErrCodeInvalidSystemTagUsageException = "InvalidSystemTagUsageException" // ErrCodeInvalidTagKeysListException for service response error code // "InvalidTagKeysListException". // // The list of tags is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidTagKeysListException = "InvalidTagKeysListException" // ErrCodeInvalidTagsMapException for service response error code // "InvalidTagsMapException". // // The map of tags is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidTagsMapException = "InvalidTagsMapException" // ErrCodeInvalidTargetBranchException for service response error code // "InvalidTargetBranchException". // // The specified target branch is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidTargetBranchException = "InvalidTargetBranchException" // ErrCodeInvalidTargetException for service response error code // "InvalidTargetException". // // The target for the pull request is not valid. A target must contain the full // values for the repository name, source branch, and destination branch for // the pull request. ErrCodeInvalidTargetException = "InvalidTargetException" // ErrCodeInvalidTargetsException for service response error code // "InvalidTargetsException". // // The targets for the pull request is not valid or not in a valid format. Targets // are a list of target objects. Each target object must contain the full values // for the repository name, source branch, and destination branch for a pull // request. ErrCodeInvalidTargetsException = "InvalidTargetsException" // ErrCodeInvalidTitleException for service response error code // "InvalidTitleException". // // The title of the pull request is not valid. Pull request titles cannot exceed // 100 characters in length. ErrCodeInvalidTitleException = "InvalidTitleException" // ErrCodeManualMergeRequiredException for service response error code // "ManualMergeRequiredException". // // The pull request cannot be merged automatically into the destination branch. // You must manually merge the branches and resolve any conflicts. ErrCodeManualMergeRequiredException = "ManualMergeRequiredException" // ErrCodeMaximumBranchesExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumBranchesExceededException". // // The number of branches for the trigger was exceeded. ErrCodeMaximumBranchesExceededException = "MaximumBranchesExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException". // // The number of allowed conflict resolution entries was exceeded. ErrCodeMaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException = "MaximumConflictResolutionEntriesExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException". // // The number of files to load exceeds the allowed limit. ErrCodeMaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException = "MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumFileEntriesExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumFileEntriesExceededException". // // The number of specified files to change as part of this commit exceeds the // maximum number of files that can be changed in a single commit. Consider // using a Git client for these changes. ErrCodeMaximumFileEntriesExceededException = "MaximumFileEntriesExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumItemsToCompareExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException". // // The number of items to compare between the source or destination branches // and the merge base has exceeded the maximum allowed. ErrCodeMaximumItemsToCompareExceededException = "MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException". // // The number of approvals required for the approval rule exceeds the maximum // number allowed. ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException = "MaximumNumberOfApprovalsExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException". // // You cannot create the pull request because the repository has too many open // pull requests. The maximum number of open pull requests for a repository // is 1,000. Close one or more open pull requests, and then try again. ErrCodeMaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException = "MaximumOpenPullRequestsExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException". // // The maximum number of allowed repository names was exceeded. Currently, this // number is 100. ErrCodeMaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException = "MaximumRepositoryNamesExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException for service response error code // "MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException". // // The number of triggers allowed for the repository was exceeded. ErrCodeMaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException = "MaximumRepositoryTriggersExceededException" // ErrCodeMaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException for service response error code // "MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException". // // The maximum number of approval rule templates for a repository has been exceeded. // You cannot associate more than 25 approval rule templates with a repository. ErrCodeMaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException = "MaximumRuleTemplatesAssociatedWithRepositoryException" // ErrCodeMergeOptionRequiredException for service response error code // "MergeOptionRequiredException". // // A merge option or stategy is required, and none was provided. ErrCodeMergeOptionRequiredException = "MergeOptionRequiredException" // ErrCodeMultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException for service response error code // "MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException". // // More than one conflict resolution entries exists for the conflict. A conflict // can have only one conflict resolution entry. ErrCodeMultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException = "MultipleConflictResolutionEntriesException" // ErrCodeMultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException for service response error code // "MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException". // // You cannot include more than one repository in a pull request. Make sure // you have specified only one repository name in your request, and then try // again. ErrCodeMultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException = "MultipleRepositoriesInPullRequestException" // ErrCodeNameLengthExceededException for service response error code // "NameLengthExceededException". // // The user name is not valid because it has exceeded the character limit for // author names. ErrCodeNameLengthExceededException = "NameLengthExceededException" // ErrCodeNoChangeException for service response error code // "NoChangeException". // // The commit cannot be created because no changes will be made to the repository // as a result of this commit. A commit must contain at least one change. ErrCodeNoChangeException = "NoChangeException" // ErrCodeNumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException for service response error code // "NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException". // // The maximum number of approval rule templates has been exceeded for this // AWS Region. ErrCodeNumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException = "NumberOfRuleTemplatesExceededException" // ErrCodeNumberOfRulesExceededException for service response error code // "NumberOfRulesExceededException". // // The approval rule cannot be added. The pull request has the maximum number // of approval rules associated with it. ErrCodeNumberOfRulesExceededException = "NumberOfRulesExceededException" // ErrCodeOverrideAlreadySetException for service response error code // "OverrideAlreadySetException". // // The pull request has already had its approval rules set to override. ErrCodeOverrideAlreadySetException = "OverrideAlreadySetException" // ErrCodeOverrideStatusRequiredException for service response error code // "OverrideStatusRequiredException". // // An override status is required, but no value was provided. Valid values include // OVERRIDE and REVOKE. ErrCodeOverrideStatusRequiredException = "OverrideStatusRequiredException" // ErrCodeParentCommitDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "ParentCommitDoesNotExistException". // // The parent commit ID is not valid because it does not exist. The specified // parent commit ID does not exist in the specified branch of the repository. ErrCodeParentCommitDoesNotExistException = "ParentCommitDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeParentCommitIdOutdatedException for service response error code // "ParentCommitIdOutdatedException". // // The file could not be added because the provided parent commit ID is not // the current tip of the specified branch. To view the full commit ID of the // current head of the branch, use GetBranch. ErrCodeParentCommitIdOutdatedException = "ParentCommitIdOutdatedException" // ErrCodeParentCommitIdRequiredException for service response error code // "ParentCommitIdRequiredException". // // A parent commit ID is required. To view the full commit ID of a branch in // a repository, use GetBranch or a Git command (for example, git pull or git // log). ErrCodeParentCommitIdRequiredException = "ParentCommitIdRequiredException" // ErrCodePathDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "PathDoesNotExistException". // // The specified path does not exist. ErrCodePathDoesNotExistException = "PathDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodePathRequiredException for service response error code // "PathRequiredException". // // The folderPath for a location cannot be null. ErrCodePathRequiredException = "PathRequiredException" // ErrCodePullRequestAlreadyClosedException for service response error code // "PullRequestAlreadyClosedException". // // The pull request status cannot be updated because it is already closed. ErrCodePullRequestAlreadyClosedException = "PullRequestAlreadyClosedException" // ErrCodePullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException for service response error code // "PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException". // // The pull request cannot be merged because one or more approval rules applied // to the pull request have conditions that have not been met. ErrCodePullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException = "PullRequestApprovalRulesNotSatisfiedException" // ErrCodePullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException for service response error code // "PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException". // // The approval cannot be applied because the user approving the pull request // matches the user who created the pull request. You cannot approve a pull // request that you created. ErrCodePullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException = "PullRequestCannotBeApprovedByAuthorException" // ErrCodePullRequestDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "PullRequestDoesNotExistException". // // The pull request ID could not be found. Make sure that you have specified // the correct repository name and pull request ID, and then try again. ErrCodePullRequestDoesNotExistException = "PullRequestDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodePullRequestIdRequiredException for service response error code // "PullRequestIdRequiredException". // // A pull request ID is required, but none was provided. ErrCodePullRequestIdRequiredException = "PullRequestIdRequiredException" // ErrCodePullRequestStatusRequiredException for service response error code // "PullRequestStatusRequiredException". // // A pull request status is required, but none was provided. ErrCodePullRequestStatusRequiredException = "PullRequestStatusRequiredException" // ErrCodePutFileEntryConflictException for service response error code // "PutFileEntryConflictException". // // The commit cannot be created because one or more files specified in the commit // reference both a file and a folder. ErrCodePutFileEntryConflictException = "PutFileEntryConflictException" // ErrCodeReactionLimitExceededException for service response error code // "ReactionLimitExceededException". // // The number of reactions has been exceeded. Reactions are limited to one reaction // per user for each individual comment ID. ErrCodeReactionLimitExceededException = "ReactionLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeReactionValueRequiredException for service response error code // "ReactionValueRequiredException". // // A reaction value is required. ErrCodeReactionValueRequiredException = "ReactionValueRequiredException" // ErrCodeReferenceDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "ReferenceDoesNotExistException". // // The specified reference does not exist. You must provide a full commit ID. ErrCodeReferenceDoesNotExistException = "ReferenceDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeReferenceNameRequiredException for service response error code // "ReferenceNameRequiredException". // // A reference name is required, but none was provided. ErrCodeReferenceNameRequiredException = "ReferenceNameRequiredException" // ErrCodeReferenceTypeNotSupportedException for service response error code // "ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException". // // The specified reference is not a supported type. ErrCodeReferenceTypeNotSupportedException = "ReferenceTypeNotSupportedException" // ErrCodeReplacementContentRequiredException for service response error code // "ReplacementContentRequiredException". // // USE_NEW_CONTENT was specified, but no replacement content has been provided. ErrCodeReplacementContentRequiredException = "ReplacementContentRequiredException" // ErrCodeReplacementTypeRequiredException for service response error code // "ReplacementTypeRequiredException". // // A replacement type is required. ErrCodeReplacementTypeRequiredException = "ReplacementTypeRequiredException" // ErrCodeRepositoryDoesNotExistException for service response error code // "RepositoryDoesNotExistException". // // The specified repository does not exist. ErrCodeRepositoryDoesNotExistException = "RepositoryDoesNotExistException" // ErrCodeRepositoryLimitExceededException for service response error code // "RepositoryLimitExceededException". // // A repository resource limit was exceeded. ErrCodeRepositoryLimitExceededException = "RepositoryLimitExceededException" // ErrCodeRepositoryNameExistsException for service response error code // "RepositoryNameExistsException". // // The specified repository name already exists. ErrCodeRepositoryNameExistsException = "RepositoryNameExistsException" // ErrCodeRepositoryNameRequiredException for service response error code // "RepositoryNameRequiredException". // // A repository name is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeRepositoryNameRequiredException = "RepositoryNameRequiredException" // ErrCodeRepositoryNamesRequiredException for service response error code // "RepositoryNamesRequiredException". // // At least one repository name object is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeRepositoryNamesRequiredException = "RepositoryNamesRequiredException" // ErrCodeRepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException for service response error code // "RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException". // // The repository does not contain any pull requests with that pull request // ID. Use GetPullRequest to verify the correct repository name for the pull // request ID. ErrCodeRepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException = "RepositoryNotAssociatedWithPullRequestException" // ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException for service response error code // "RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException". // // At least one branch name is required, but was not specified in the trigger // configuration. ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggerBranchNameListRequiredException" // ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException for service response error code // "RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException". // // A destination ARN for the target service for the trigger is required, but // was not specified. ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggerDestinationArnRequiredException" // ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException for service response error code // "RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException". // // At least one event for the trigger is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggerEventsListRequiredException" // ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException for service response error code // "RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException". // // A name for the trigger is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeRepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggerNameRequiredException" // ErrCodeRepositoryTriggersListRequiredException for service response error code // "RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException". // // The list of triggers for the repository is required, but was not specified. ErrCodeRepositoryTriggersListRequiredException = "RepositoryTriggersListRequiredException" // ErrCodeRequestTokenRequiredException for service response error code // "RequestTokenRequiredException". // // A client request token is required. A client request token is an unique, // client-generated idempotency token that, when provided in a request, ensures // the request cannot be repeated with a changed parameter. If a request is // received with the same parameters and a token is included, the request returns // information about the initial request that used that token. ErrCodeRequestTokenRequiredException = "RequestTokenRequiredException" // ErrCodeResourceArnRequiredException for service response error code // "ResourceArnRequiredException". // // A valid Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an AWS CodeCommit resource is required. // For a list of valid resources in AWS CodeCommit, see CodeCommit Resources // and Operations (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-iam-access-control-identity-based.html#arn-formats) // in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide. ErrCodeResourceArnRequiredException = "ResourceArnRequiredException" // ErrCodeRestrictedSourceFileException for service response error code // "RestrictedSourceFileException". // // The commit cannot be created because one of the changes specifies copying // or moving a .gitkeep file. ErrCodeRestrictedSourceFileException = "RestrictedSourceFileException" // ErrCodeRevisionIdRequiredException for service response error code // "RevisionIdRequiredException". // // A revision ID is required, but was not provided. ErrCodeRevisionIdRequiredException = "RevisionIdRequiredException" // ErrCodeRevisionNotCurrentException for service response error code // "RevisionNotCurrentException". // // The revision ID provided in the request does not match the current revision // ID. Use GetPullRequest to retrieve the current revision ID. ErrCodeRevisionNotCurrentException = "RevisionNotCurrentException" // ErrCodeSameFileContentException for service response error code // "SameFileContentException". // // The file was not added or updated because the content of the file is exactly // the same as the content of that file in the repository and branch that you // specified. ErrCodeSameFileContentException = "SameFileContentException" // ErrCodeSamePathRequestException for service response error code // "SamePathRequestException". // // The commit cannot be created because one or more changes in this commit duplicate // actions in the same file path. For example, you cannot make the same delete // request to the same file in the same file path twice, or make a delete request // and a move request to the same file as part of the same commit. ErrCodeSamePathRequestException = "SamePathRequestException" // ErrCodeSourceAndDestinationAreSameException for service response error code // "SourceAndDestinationAreSameException". // // The source branch and destination branch for the pull request are the same. // You must specify different branches for the source and destination. ErrCodeSourceAndDestinationAreSameException = "SourceAndDestinationAreSameException" // ErrCodeSourceFileOrContentRequiredException for service response error code // "SourceFileOrContentRequiredException". // // The commit cannot be created because no source files or file content have // been specified for the commit. ErrCodeSourceFileOrContentRequiredException = "SourceFileOrContentRequiredException" // ErrCodeTagKeysListRequiredException for service response error code // "TagKeysListRequiredException". // // A list of tag keys is required. The list cannot be empty or null. ErrCodeTagKeysListRequiredException = "TagKeysListRequiredException" // ErrCodeTagPolicyException for service response error code // "TagPolicyException". // // The tag policy is not valid. ErrCodeTagPolicyException = "TagPolicyException" // ErrCodeTagsMapRequiredException for service response error code // "TagsMapRequiredException". // // A map of tags is required. ErrCodeTagsMapRequiredException = "TagsMapRequiredException" // ErrCodeTargetRequiredException for service response error code // "TargetRequiredException". // // A pull request target is required. It cannot be empty or null. A pull request // target must contain the full values for the repository name, source branch, // and destination branch for the pull request. ErrCodeTargetRequiredException = "TargetRequiredException" // ErrCodeTargetsRequiredException for service response error code // "TargetsRequiredException". // // An array of target objects is required. It cannot be empty or null. ErrCodeTargetsRequiredException = "TargetsRequiredException" // ErrCodeTipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException for service response error code // "TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException". // // The tip of the source branch in the destination repository does not match // the tip of the source branch specified in your request. The pull request // might have been updated. Make sure that you have the latest changes. ErrCodeTipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException = "TipOfSourceReferenceIsDifferentException" // ErrCodeTipsDivergenceExceededException for service response error code // "TipsDivergenceExceededException". // // The divergence between the tips of the provided commit specifiers is too // great to determine whether there might be any merge conflicts. Locally compare // the specifiers using git diff or a diff tool. ErrCodeTipsDivergenceExceededException = "TipsDivergenceExceededException" // ErrCodeTitleRequiredException for service response error code // "TitleRequiredException". // // A pull request title is required. It cannot be empty or null. ErrCodeTitleRequiredException = "TitleRequiredException" // ErrCodeTooManyTagsException for service response error code // "TooManyTagsException". // // The maximum number of tags for an AWS CodeCommit resource has been exceeded. ErrCodeTooManyTagsException = "TooManyTagsException" )