// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT. package costandusagereportservice // The region of the S3 bucket that AWS delivers the report into. type AWSRegion string // Enum values for AWSRegion const ( AWSRegionUsEast1 AWSRegion = "us-east-1" AWSRegionUsWest1 AWSRegion = "us-west-1" AWSRegionUsWest2 AWSRegion = "us-west-2" AWSRegionEuCentral1 AWSRegion = "eu-central-1" AWSRegionEuWest1 AWSRegion = "eu-west-1" AWSRegionApSoutheast1 AWSRegion = "ap-southeast-1" AWSRegionApSoutheast2 AWSRegion = "ap-southeast-2" AWSRegionApNortheast1 AWSRegion = "ap-northeast-1" AWSRegionEuNorth1 AWSRegion = "eu-north-1" AWSRegionApNortheast3 AWSRegion = "ap-northeast-3" AWSRegionApEast1 AWSRegion = "ap-east-1" ) func (enum AWSRegion) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum AWSRegion) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The types of manifest that you want AWS to create for this report. type AdditionalArtifact string // Enum values for AdditionalArtifact const ( AdditionalArtifactRedshift AdditionalArtifact = "REDSHIFT" AdditionalArtifactQuicksight AdditionalArtifact = "QUICKSIGHT" AdditionalArtifactAthena AdditionalArtifact = "ATHENA" ) func (enum AdditionalArtifact) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum AdditionalArtifact) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The compression format that AWS uses for the report. type CompressionFormat string // Enum values for CompressionFormat const ( CompressionFormatZip CompressionFormat = "ZIP" CompressionFormatGzip CompressionFormat = "GZIP" CompressionFormatParquet CompressionFormat = "Parquet" ) func (enum CompressionFormat) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum CompressionFormat) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The format that AWS saves the report in. type ReportFormat string // Enum values for ReportFormat const ( ReportFormatTextOrcsv ReportFormat = "textORcsv" ReportFormatParquet ReportFormat = "Parquet" ) func (enum ReportFormat) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum ReportFormat) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } type ReportVersioning string // Enum values for ReportVersioning const ( ReportVersioningCreateNewReport ReportVersioning = "CREATE_NEW_REPORT" ReportVersioningOverwriteReport ReportVersioning = "OVERWRITE_REPORT" ) func (enum ReportVersioning) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum ReportVersioning) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Whether or not AWS includes resource IDs in the report. type SchemaElement string // Enum values for SchemaElement const ( SchemaElementResources SchemaElement = "RESOURCES" ) func (enum SchemaElement) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum SchemaElement) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // The length of time covered by the report. type TimeUnit string // Enum values for TimeUnit const ( TimeUnitHourly TimeUnit = "HOURLY" TimeUnitDaily TimeUnit = "DAILY" ) func (enum TimeUnit) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum TimeUnit) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil }